
Random question

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Nov 2, 2006
How long were you and your H together before getting engaged? Just curious here. DH and I are both in our late 20s early 30s. We were together for 10 months before getting engaged, but had been talking marriage from 6 weeks into the relationship. We were engaged for 2 years prior to getting married and have been married for 6 months. I feel like we did a HUGE amount of growing as a couple while engaged and wouldn''t trade my engagement time for anything. I''m now at the point where I don''t even really think in terms of how long we''ve been together and anniversaries. I realized the other night that I don''t even know when we officially started dating. I just know it was in September of 2006.
We were together almost exactly 15 months before getting engaged but we bought a house together after 6 months (or got it under contract after 6 months). A serious commitment, just a different kind. We got married after 1 year and 10 months.
We were together for 5 months before we got engaged :) Were engaged a little over a year and we were friends for about 10 years before we ever started dating.
We were acquaintances and friends first, but I guess we were together as a couple about 15 months before we got engaged, and then engaged for 5 months. Now married for 2 months.
Date: 12/22/2009 3:09:30 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
We were together for 5 months before we got engaged :) Were engaged a little over a year and we were friends for about 10 years before we ever started dating.
You beat me Smurfy! We were together just over 7 months, and although we aren''t married yet, we''ll have been engaged just over 13 months when we get married.

Do people ever tell you that you got engaged too quickly? Just curious about the experience of someone else with a short engagement timeline.
We moved in together 6 years after dating, got engaged a little after 8 years, will be engaged 6 months and are getting married in 4 days. (we started dating in our teens)
Met: August 23/24 of 2002
Started Dating: October 15, 2006
Engaged: August 4, 2008
Married: July 25, 2009

Dated for 1 year and 10 months before getting engaged.
Engaged for 12 months before getting married.
Married for 5 months...
Stephbolt-No they don't but I was at the point where people were asking me when I was going to settle down and DH had been married previously. People were just happy to see us so happy together. He's 35 and I'm 29 and we're both well established in our careers/adult lives. I don't think there was ever an issue in their eyes of us not being ready or mature enough to get married. Even now, while we're questioning if we're ready to start a family (we are, but we waver sometimes with the "what if" scenarios) everyone we know is begging us to get KU. I think it differs for everyone. I know some 25 year old couples who've been married for 2 years who are more mature than we are in some areas. And I know some people who are 40 and behave like they're 21.
Oh, and DH and I moved in together about 8 weeks after we started dating.
I like how mere put it:

Met: Feb. 10th, 2007; and pretty much started dating then.
Engaged: June 28, 2008; so 15.5 months of dating.
Married: Oct. 3, 2009; together 2 years, 8 months before getting married.

I''m aware of the dates, but don''t really pay too much attention as they happen.
Date: 12/22/2009 3:15:34 PM
Author: stephbolt
Date: 12/22/2009 3:09:30 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

We were together for 5 months before we got engaged :) Were engaged a little over a year and we were friends for about 10 years before we ever started dating.

You beat me Smurfy! We were together just over 7 months, and although we aren''t married yet, we''ll have been engaged just over 13 months when we get married.

Do people ever tell you that you got engaged too quickly? Just curious about the experience of someone else with a short engagement timeline.

Hey stephbolt
When it first happened a few people (mainly good friends) kept saying "are you sure" "is this really what you want" and i ended up taking them aside and firmly but nicely saying yes this IS what I want and it really hurts me when you keep questioning me about it. I know they just cared but for awhile there I was about to have a meltdown. After a month or so it pretty much just went away and now they can plainly see we are as happy as we''ve ever been :)
Met: I believe it was Jan/Feb of ''03
Dating: April 16 ''04 (I thin that was our 1st official date)
Engaged: June 28, ''08
Married: July 11, ''09
Date: 12/22/2009 3:26:48 PM
Author: charbie
I like how mere put it:

Met: Feb. 10th, 2007; and pretty much started dating then.

Engaged: June 28, 2008; so 15.5 months of dating.

Married: Oct. 3, 2009; together 2 years, 8 months before getting married.

I''m aware of the dates, but don''t really pay too much attention as they happen.

oh hey engagement day twin! That time of year was very popular, I had just started my Master''s degree and 4 of us out of the 24 in the cohort were engaged that weekend!
We knew of each other in HS, worked together at two jobs, but didn't start dating until 2/14/2007. We moved in together 3/07, started talking marriage 6/07, started seriously talking marriage 11/07 (my join date to PS!), engaged 12/08 and married 11/09.

So 2 years, 9 months from dating to marriage, 1 year, 10 months from dating to engagement.
I stopped counting at one point but if I had to try and recollect I would say we were probably dating exclusively for 5 years, living together for about 4 and had a healthy history as friends for 3 years prior to beginning to date. We had roles in each others lives for about 8 years in total.

We were engaged for a little over a year. The only reason why we had a "long" engagement was because we wanted to be married specifically on a Saturday and on Halloween so we had to wait an extra year for it to roll aroud
Date: 12/22/2009 3:09:30 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
We were together for 5 months before we got engaged :) Were engaged a little over a year and we were friends for about 10 years before we ever started dating.

Wait, I''m confused. I thought you had been with him for a long time. Am I confusing things? Were you engaged before DH? Sorry, it''s hard to keep people straight when you''ve been on PS for a long time.
Date: 12/22/2009 3:38:48 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 12/22/2009 3:09:30 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
We were together for 5 months before we got engaged :) Were engaged a little over a year and we were friends for about 10 years before we ever started dating.

Wait, I'm confused. I thought you had been with him for a long time. Am I confusing things? Were you engaged before DH? Sorry, it's hard to keep people straight when you've been on PS for a long time.
She first joined when she was dating another guy, long term... who left her high and dry one day, out of the blue.

Smurfy- hope you don't mind that I answered her question...
Date: 12/22/2009 3:38:48 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Date: 12/22/2009 3:09:30 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

We were together for 5 months before we got engaged :) Were engaged a little over a year and we were friends for about 10 years before we ever started dating.

Wait, I''m confused. I thought you had been with him for a long time. Am I confusing things? Were you engaged before DH? Sorry, it''s hard to keep people straight when you''ve been on PS for a long time.

When I first starting posting on PS, I was dating a guy who was a real d-bag for about 3 years. The spring after I joined we broke up (or rather he told me he didn''t love me anymore and I left him and got my own life back). I had kind of known things weren''t going well for awhile so it really didn''t take me as long to bounce back. A couple of months later I ran into DH one night while I was out with the girls and we started hanging out more than usual. Eventually started dating, moved in together, got engaged. He ended up proposing on my 1 year anniversary on PS.
oooh gotcha! Thanks for bringing me up to speed, I''ve got it straight now.
3 1/2 years
we were together a little less than 3 years before getting engaged. we were only 19 and 20 when we met and started dating, and had to get through undergrad and grad school first. we were married 12 months after getting engaged, and we just celebrated our one year anniversary on sunday
Date: 12/22/2009 4:03:03 PM
Author: mimzy
we were together a little less than 3 years before getting engaged. we were only 19 and 20 when we met and started dating, and had to get through undergrad and grad school first. we were married 12 months after getting engaged, and we just celebrated our one year anniversary on sunday
Awww.. Congratulations mimzy!
Congrats Mimzy!
thanks elle and HH!!!
Gosh, Mimzy, I can''t believe it has been a year already! Congrats.

As for us:

Met: June of 03
Bought house together and moved in: June of 07
Bought stone for ering: June of 08
Engaged: August of 08
Married: September of 09

So...we had been dating for six and a half years. We are respectivley 30 and 31. DH will be 32 in two weeks.

I think I should have done this timeline earlier. Had I done that maybe I should have planned our wedding for June. Oh well.
Date: 12/22/2009 4:34:23 PM
Author: emeraldlover1
Gosh, Mimzy, I can''t believe it has been a year already! Congrats.

As for us:

Met: June of 03

Bought house together and moved in: June of 07

Bought stone for ering: June of 08

Engaged: August of 08

Married: September of 09

So...we had been dating for six and a half years. We are respectivley 30 and 31. DH will be 32 in two weeks.

I think I should have done this timeline earlier. Had I done that maybe I should have planned our wedding for June. Oh well.

You weren''t born in june by any chance were you? lol

congrats mimzy!!
Met: July 19, 2004
First Date: August 1, 2004
Engaged: April 6, 2008
Married: February 8, 2009

We met as counselors in camp when I had just turned 16 and he was 17 in the summer of 2004. We started dating almost immediately and within a week we were telling each other how much we were falling in love and talking about marriage. We were pretty mature teenagers - we liked having fun but we were more the type to stay home and have fun spending time with each other rather than going to parties or bars. Various things in our lives caused us to grow up and become responsible quickly so even though we were young, we truly did know we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We had to wait a while to get married because we wanted to be able to financially support ourselves before taking the step of marriage.

We dated for 3 years 8 months and 6 days (yes, I counted every day during that time
) before getting engaged and then we were engaged for 10 months before we got married. So in all we were together for 4 and a half years (and 1 week!) before our wedding. And it''s been 10 and a half months since the wedding.

We didn''t live together before we got married, but we lived in the same neighborhood, saw each other every day, went to college together, and spent countless nights on the phone just talking to each other all night. We have both grown a LOT individually since we met, but we have grown together and grown closer over that time. Even though we were young (and still are) we continue to change and to grow closer each and every day.

As much as I had wanted to and felt completely ready to make the commitment of marriage to him from the weeks after we started dating, I''m glad we had all that time to *really* look forward to living together and being married to each other. Wanting that for *so* long truly makes me appreciate it even more now that we''re able to wake up together each day and be married to each other.
We were together almost 12 years before getting engaged. But we started dating, and stayed exclusive since I was 15 and him 16. It just took him FOREVER!! Then we were engaged a year and a half before marrying.
Dated for: 15 months
Engaged for: 5 months
Total time together from first date to wedding day: 20 months

Now happily married for just over 1 year!
Congrats, Mimzy! Ditto EM1's comments, it's hard to believe a year has gone by already!

As for us:
Met and began dating: July 1999
Engaged: April 2008
Bought house: March 2009
Married: April 2009

So, we had been dating a few months short of our 9 year anniversay when we got engaged and got married a few months before our 10 year anniversary. The long dating period had less to do with our ages, how I shall I put this? Issues related to DH being the only child of a very traditional Latina mom who never remarried after her husband passed away when DH was a toddler. Can we say enmeshment problems - lol!
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