
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Feb 27, 2006
Hi ladies. George is almost 11 months old and is beginning to assert his autonomy and do stuff that he knows he is not supposed to do (just after looking at me and giggling), and I''m starting to feel like the toddler stuff over here is increasingly relevant to us compared to the baby stuff in the newborn thread. So I''m probably going to be spending more and more time over here.

I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for a book on discipline? I think it''s about time to start reading up on it.

I like the plastic egg idea for Easter. I was just wondering the other day what you do for Easter for a one year old. He got a stuffed Easter bunny last year but the kid already has so many stuffed animals that I don''t want to add to his collection, so the plastic eggs sound fun.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/2/2010 12:21:09 PM
Author: Blenheim
Hi ladies. George is almost 11 months old and is beginning to assert his autonomy and do stuff that he knows he is not supposed to do (just after looking at me and giggling), and I''m starting to feel like the toddler stuff over here is increasingly relevant to us compared to the baby stuff in the newborn thread. So I''m probably going to be spending more and more time over here.

I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for a book on discipline? I think it''s about time to start reading up on it.

I like the plastic egg idea for Easter. I was just wondering the other day what you do for Easter for a one year old. He got a stuffed Easter bunny last year but the kid already has so many stuffed animals that I don''t want to add to his collection, so the plastic eggs sound fun.
I liked how to make your child mind before using yours. However it was written by a Christian author (ironically recommended to me by a totally non Christian friend). It''s reality based parenting and I know it''s not the only book of that type out there. I think it was Haven or Mia that had another one they said was great, but I don''t remember the title. If you don''t want the religious undertone (which my friend said she easily ignored), and are interested in this type of parenting, I can go search through the threads for you.

Welcome to the toddler thread. Wow...11 months already!!!


May 16, 2006
DD-- i don''t know a great deal about attachment parenting (beyond the co-sleeping, demand feeding, baby wearing, baby led parenting stuff that is associated with the newborn stage) but suspect that is more what i am looking for in terms of discipline. I''ll have to read up a bit on it. And for sure i can see the value of undivided attention. Yesterday after work i did nothing but spend quality time with him. Of course stuff needs to be done -like getting dinner made-but even then he was with me in his high chair playing play-doh and interacting with me. I do think he needs that attention as all these changes happen around him. I had zero discipline issues of course since he was occupied and secure. We always spend the afternoons together, but i think lately although i am ''around'' i am not ''present'' . My mind is always somewhere else. Today we are going swimming together so no home/work distractions, just quality time. I am curious to see how he behaves and sleeps tonight. Last night was better.

I think i sound like a terrible parent now
. Oy. Things are certainly not horrendous at our house. It''s really just a lot happening at once, and i feel guilty about everything i do as a parent so thanks for letting me vent/process stuff here...


Jan 3, 2005
jas12, you don''t sound like a terrible parent at all. it''s called life and it happens, even for those of us who are home full time distractions, family emergency''s etc. can get in the way. you can only do what you can do and give it your best which you are! Co is lucky to have you as his mommy! yay for swimming. Jake asked me to go to the pool every day. I feel bad b/c I do go to workout and he goes into nursery but then when I pick him up he starts heading for the pool. I really need to try and take him again soon. the heater wasn''t working the last time we went and it was sooooo cold. I like bath temp pool water! anyway, have fun!!

re: books on discipline. I only read a couple and they were by Christian authors as well. My degree is in education so I basically just use at home the same techniques I learned to use in the classroom.

lili-thinking of you!!

snlee//bobo-hope you ladies are both feeling better....regular coke I tell ya, it''s the m/s cure all!!


Aug 17, 2007
Tales from Toddler Land has me laughing over here!!! Easy to laugh at when it''s not your kid, I know. But they sound so cute.

Should I worry that O is already doing the "dreaded back arch" when we try to put him in his car seat and he''s only 6 months???

Blen- How in the world is George almost 1?????? Time FLIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

Carry on, brave mamas, carry on.


Sep 21, 2006
jas12: i concur, you are not a bad mommy at all, don''t be silly! You spend so much time with Co, and alot of it is interactive (we see it in your videos ;)). Maybe he is sensing pending changes and acting out, but it may just be a normal developmental phase. I don''t think it''s a coincidence that burk went through something at a similar stage. In any case hope you 2 had fun swimming!


May 9, 2006
I also am not sure if I welcomed all the mommies new to this thread! Hello!!! Hooray! Toddlers are fun!
Puffy: How is B? I think it''s great you are able to take both the kids out and about! Disney on Ice! Whee! I''m laughing about your the Wild West!
MrsS: Howdy! How are you?
SBDE: I am glad J is feeling better...and you''ve inspired me to try a museum trip with mine!
Lili -- glad your trip went well and I''m so sorry about your m/c.
QT -- I love the peace sign please you got. And hooray for potty training! I hope it continues down this path for you!
Bobo -- oh no on the morning sickness. Does anything help?
Jas12 -- How''s Co doing today?
DD -- I''m sorry about the weaning. It must feel like the end of a special era. I hope your LO feels better.
Burk -- Sorry about DH, but so glad the little one is precious!
SNlee -- LOL at the bib tricks. They do tend to do things in an interesting fashion, no? How are you feeling?
Mustang -- LOL at the tomato testing. You are all cracking me up with these eating stories!
Blen! Hi!
TGal -- Don''t worry, I laugh at them, too. And their mine.

Slack children -- we don''t call one of ours "Noodle" for nothing.
Don''t worry, J''s tantrum ended. Eventually. He came over crying and wanted a hug, which was a change from him originally wanting a cookie. I gave him a hug and he stopped.

It''s been a rough and tricky weekend, but I learned that if you''re gonna ask for dust, you can''t do it on Facebook because the one weird guy who you friended before he professed his love for you, despite knowing you are happily married chimes in and acts like he knows what dusting is and then it doesn''t work. I blame Ralph. I''m having a slight crisis over the direction I want my professional life to go, but I may have some ideas brewing...

Things are generally wacko here at Casa Jas. Jackson has taken to purposefully banging his head on cabinets, tables, etc, just for the reaction. That''s a tricky one, because he will do it pretty hard sometimes and make himself cry once in a while. It''s ALMOST funny, as he will run full blast, head down, like a battering ram. As I said, I just think he''s trying to get attention with it. That or his cheese has already slipped off his cracker.

Speaking of crackers, that''s the new baby word, but it comes out "crack wh0re" so I''m constantly laughing when they ask for a cracker. The funniest thing is when DH imitates their speech patterns. Jackson says a few jumbled things that sound like "Stinky Go Pits" which unfortunately may end up being his nickname if he keeps it up.

Logan isn''t feeling well, but today is amusing himself playing some weird version of London Bridge by running between my legs. Unfortunately, I have short legs, so more often than not he''s just ramming his hard noggin into my nether regions. I may now actually have an understanding of a v-birth, despite my c/s.

They turned 18 months the other day. The boys are figuring out all the electronics and how to turn them on, put CDs in, play them, etc. Hooray for hearing Itsy Bitsy Spider 18,000 times a day. They also love their little bathtime Munchkin Star fountain. If that isn''t in the toy thread (I''ll check) it definitely needs to be. We''re officially only using sippy cups and we''re figuring out forks. They also amuse themselves running around shirtless and patting their tummies. It''s a riot. Not a riot is the changing table squirmies, but I''m hoping that somehow they will magically potty train themselves at some point. That''s how it works, right?



Dec 16, 2007
Date: 3/2/2010 12:33:07 PM
Author: Jas12
DD-- i don't know a great deal about attachment parenting (beyond the co-sleeping, demand feeding, baby wearing, baby led parenting stuff that is associated with the newborn stage) but suspect that is more what i am looking for in terms of discipline. I'll have to read up a bit on it. And for sure i can see the value of undivided attention. Yesterday after work i did nothing but spend quality time with him. Of course stuff needs to be done -like getting dinner made-but even then he was with me in his high chair playing play-doh and interacting with me. I do think he needs that attention as all these changes happen around him. I had zero discipline issues of course since he was occupied and secure. We always spend the afternoons together, but i think lately although i am 'around' i am not 'present' . My mind is always somewhere else. Today we are going swimming together so no home/work distractions, just quality time. I am curious to see how he behaves and sleeps tonight. Last night was better.

I think i sound like a terrible parent now
. Oy. Things are certainly not horrendous at our house. It's really just a lot happening at once, and i feel guilty about everything i do as a parent so thanks for letting me vent/process stuff here...
Sorry! My post did not come accross right at all!! I was not referring to attachment parenting (whatever the heck that is
). Darn those self-help people stealing ideas from social psychology
I was referring to something very different. Basically, attachment theory is a developmental theory that simply describes childrens' behaviour. Kids and other baby animals are hard wired to try to mantain a certain level of proximity to their caregivers and they use all kinds of methods to do that. The need for greater proximity -- both emotionally and physcially -- can be activated in stressful times. All I was saying is that I think his behaviur sounds totally *normal* and healthy, and not at all something to worry about or to think about disciplining or using time outs! He is probbaly just responding to your totally understandable distraction or the changes going on in your family, in a normal and healthy way. It doesn't make you a bad parent because you are busy and things are going on in your life! I was just trying to brain storm and think of simple ways that maybe you can satisfy his need for more closeness to you without having to add more stress to your life. Something as simple as 10 minutes of undivided attention might be all it takes to help "turn off" his proximity seeking behaviours, since he sounds like he is already a pretty secure little guy. And maybe it will help decrease your stress if he feels more secure too.

I hope that is clearer
Goodness I am the last one to want to make anyone feel guilty about their parenting.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 3/2/2010 2:36:34 PM
Author: jas

Speaking of crackers, that''s the new baby word, but it comes out ''crack wh0re'' so I''m constantly laughing when they ask for a cracker. The funniest thing is when DH imitates their speech patterns. Jackson says a few jumbled things that sound like ''Stinky Go Pits'' which unfortunately may end up being his nickname if he keeps it up.
Too funny! Reminds me of our friend''s very precocious 2.5 year old who decided a fun game would be making up words for everyday items. So she would hold up a cup and say "This is a booblah!" etc. Knowing full well the real names of course. Well one day she decided that a knife was in fact a "C***" (very rude word for a female body part)
It took all our power not to crack up. She used the word for a little while and then let it drop thank goodness.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Is it bad that I am already letting her play with them? Haha. She loves opening and closing them and announcing what colors they are. She insisted on sleeping with them one night which I guess is not that odd considering some of the things she wants in her crib.

Time outs started really working once she turned two. She does something naughty. I warn her and say if she continues doing X, Y or Z then she will get a time out. Sometimes (usually) the threat is enough but sometimes she pushes it. She has a little red chair she sits in. Hitting or throwing something at me (on purpose) gets automatic timeout. Afterwards I sit on the floor (to get on her level) and ask her if she understands why I put her in timeout and then I make her apologize (well ask her to) and then I tell her I love her and we hug. She is smart. She knows certain actions will get her a timeout. She also knows when I warn her I mean it.

Jas12, my laptop screen is SO gross! She does not sit quietly with her hands to herself. She loves watching all of the FB videos and sticks her face right up to the screen. I agree distractions happen. It's tough when we learn the world doesn't revolve around us. Co will get there and adjust with all of the changes.

Jas, did you not get the job? Oh no. I guess there are many benefits of having a PS account. When I ask for dust no one thinks it is odd. Haha. You have NO idea the fun a VB is
Logan can not help you out there. Haha. Speaking of tummies T now likes to stick things under her shirt, a balloon, doll, odd since I am not preggo or anything.

Hi everyone else! I got sucked into this new TV show so I am watching them online in my spare time putting off preparing for my interview.


May 9, 2006
DD -- Oh boy...I think we should just stick with "knife" but you have a lot more self-control than I do. Yikes. J. also calls his grandpa "Doo Doo" for some reason. That I openly laugh at. (It''s my dad...he thinks it''s a riot).

-- Nope...I had two auditions this weekend that SHOULD have been my "wheelhouse" and I tanked both auditions. Nerves? Exhaustion? The Universe telling me to do something else? I''m just more worried that for the first time in 15-16 months, I have no classes, auditions, shows, or rehearsals. It doesn''t sit well with me. But the dust, oddly enough, may have worked because I came up with a fairly good idea for a sketch show that I want to write. Hopefully I''ll do it. I also want to audition more -- I''ve been very spoiled in the last year since I started doing this that I''ve gotten into all but 2 things I auditioned for, and have had something lined up for after a current project was done. I know, poor me. Wah. Anyway, if Logan tried to climb back in my uterus, I wouldn''t be surprised. What is it with kids and tummies? I swear, their stomachs must have some sort of automatic self-amuse button (i.e. the belly button). What''s the new tv show? I''m looking for something to distract me from my own narcissism.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Jas, sorry about the auditions. For what it is worth I think you are one talented lady! I know there something big out there for you. The show is called "Being Erica." I have been watching it on Both my mom and sister have been raving about it (it is on its second season) and I finally gave in when I read a good review in "People" b/c that magazine obviously ONLY writes the truth. Haha. Anyway, it is really cute but it is keeping me from getting ANYTHING done.


Feb 27, 2006
TGal - thanks for the recommendation! I''m fine with religious undertones, as long as there''s no preaching - so this sounds fine.

Jas - You have me cracking up!


Jan 3, 2005
Hey Blen! Welcome to the toddler thread...

Jas12: Tell me about it! I soooo want to ignore certain things that he does sometimes, but know that he is WAY to smart and will notice that I let it go and will do it over and over...I am happy to hear though that you have been able to spend some quality time with Co! After reading your thread, I decided I need to spend some time with K as well so I did a mini outing the other day and also set up a play date for him today. hope it works!

Jas: I always admire how you handle everything with the twins and your auditions and the house and the recent move!! You are one super mama!! sorry about the auditions
I agree with Tacori, you are one talented lady!


May 16, 2006
jas--i agree, i think you are a super mama too--and have no doubt that you will find or create something great for yourself.

DD--ohh, gotcha. ya, i was totally thinking attachment parenting. Probably b/c when i was googling some alternatives to time outs, i came across a whole lotta attachment parenting blogs etc. but didn''t read much of it. I should recall attacment theory, took enough psych and social psych classes in my day & yes, i can easily see the need for physical and emotional proximity. And don''t worry, i didn''t think you were being judgy or anything--I was looking for advice! So thanks for offering your insight

Msb--oh totally, if we ignore it now, think of how bad it''ll be when the new kid comes along?
. A stich in time saves nine right? That''s what i remind myself, however exhausting it may be. Let me know how the one-on-one time works for you.

Co and I have a great time swimming yesterday (i was not happy to be out in public in a bathing suit, with belly and pasty white cellulite legs on display
, but hey, it wasnt about me right). He was so excited he was skipping. I think i''ll make a point of bringing him once a week and hopefully keep that up once the new baby arrives.


Nov 14, 2004
Sorry my posts had been self-centered, but I just don''t have the time to respond.

We are nowhere near potty training. It was just something I tried to see if she would go in the toilet. M had not gone pee on the toilet since that day, and pooped only once yesterday on the toilet b/c DH said her poopy face and asked her to go to the bathroom.

I think someone asked this before, but what are some brands you like for boys'' clothes (besides the usual ON, Gap, Carters, etc)? I want to see what else is out there.


May 9, 2006
You are all very sweet. Trust me, I am NOT that talened, and that''s ok. I know what my strengths are and try to stick with that. My gut tells me to write...I just keep waiting for a topic (for a book? a show?)...I just need that small glitter of inspiration. I am itching to write, and have the discipline to do it, I have characters, smaller storylines, just not the overall big ol'' picture...I know the inspiration will come. I just wish it were faster. I like the performing, but don''t have the stomach for the culture sometimes.
But thank you all for being such awesome cheerleaders.

Anyway it''s been a whiny day here (not me. ok me a little) I think we''re all fighting a low-grade flu. Logan refuses to eat anything but strawberries. Jackson threw most of his lunch to the dog. It''s like their someone else''s kids today. Needless to say, I will give them a giant hug and kiss when it''s bedtime, then give myself a giant glass of wine.

Tacori -- Thanks woman...I know it''ll work out. I just want it to happen on my timeline. I''ve heard of that show! I will be checking it out!

Blen -- yea! Glad to know I make someone laugh!

Msb -- oh thank you. You are so sweet.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 3/3/2010 6:00:50 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Sorry my posts had been self-centered, but I just don''t have the time to respond.

We are nowhere near potty training. It was just something I tried to see if she would go in the toilet. M had not gone pee on the toilet since that day, and pooped only once yesterday on the toilet b/c DH said her poopy face and asked her to go to the bathroom.

I think someone asked this before, but what are some brands you like for boys'' clothes (besides the usual ON, Gap, Carters, etc)? I want to see what else is out there.
Do you guys have "Joe" in the US?


May 9, 2008
snlee: d sounds adorable eating cheerios off his bib haha - i love watching toddlers eat, every bite enters their mouth in a different trajectory
omg baby kisses are the BEST eh

bobo: i hope you''re feeling better! do look into meds if the nausea becomes any more debilitating

tacori: very cool that you have such a great resourse (your dad!) to give kiddie advice whenever you need it. both my siblings are also dr''s and so they got plenty of late night calls from me freaking out about what to do next haha. btw i saw your thread in the hangout and wanted to send you OODLES of good luck for the interview.

mustanggal: i''m sure kyle would have such a blast at the museum - i was surprised that there was so much for that age group to do at the one i went to! yay for getting kyle''s sleeping schedule straightened out

lili: you probably don''t remember me because i haven''t ever really posted any pics of J on PS. i hope you''re feeling ok this week - you are in my thoughts!

jas12: i think you''re handling co''s situation in a really amazing way - glad you guys had fun at the pool!

jas: hang in there - you are honestly so hilarious in your posts i would buy any book you wrote :)

qtiekiki: i agree w/ you re: boys clothes. there is such little selection, but i must admit now that J is walking around i''m loving the outfits much more. when he was tiny he lived in footed sleepers but most of his clothes since then have come from Gap or Gymboree with a few from Janie & Jack because they are just too darn cute.

re: tantrums: oh we''re starting to see them too. J has a side to side shake where he holds his arms against his chest and shakes from side to side to EMPHATICALLY say no haha. it''s hilarious but of course i need to figure out a way to deal with it asap.

i also had a question on play dates. i have NEVER taken J on one and have no clue what happens. god i sound so antisocial haha but we tend to meet all the kids and moms at library or outdoor programs and so i''ve never been to one.
i may try to have a small one at my house, but what does it entail - snacks for the kids & mamas? how long do they usually last?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
sbde, it is nice having a dad with peds experience. My FIL was an ER doc so I guess we are covered. Thanks for the luck. I''ll need it tomorrow. As for play dates we started very young. They used to be more about the moms than the babies but gradually she started interacting more with the kids and even started asking to see certain kids. We usually do pot luck style. If 4 moms (and kiddos) are getting together each will bring something. In the summer we have met at community pools. In the winter McD''s is a great place to meet (but they have to be walking to really be able to play there). Or we will rotate houses. They usually last a few hours. I think social interaction is important for T am ME! Being a SAHM can be boring so I try not to isolate...too much.

Jas, waiting is difficult. Don''t I know it
You are talented and very funny. I hope good things happen soon. I caught up on both seasons of "Being Erica." Yes, I am a sick woman. It is a cute show though.

Tessa''s new thing is asking me to close my eyes. So random. She doesn''t DO anything when I do. She just stares at me until I start laughing which causes her to laugh. A few times I have snuck a peak and she wasn''t even looking at me. I must have looked like a moron just sitting there with my eyes closed as she was playing by herself. If there was a hidden camera in my house there would be enough material for Jas to write her book. I am getting nervous about tomorrow. Just hope I am not too uncomfortable in my pre-baby suit. *squeeze* Is it normal to still be carrying baby weight?


Sep 21, 2006
tacori: good luck tomorrow!! I don''t remember if you shared what kind of program it is? I think you''ll rock the group interview. Those who are sociable and personable usually do! I think it is completely normal to be carrying a bit of the baby weight, that''s what I tell myself
. I need to do something to lose 5-10lbs by beach time though, but that''s a whole other story.
Oh and T''s "close your eyes" request is hilarious. I love random toddler stuff! (although now I keep hearing Penelope Cruz''s voice saying it from that movie!). Right now C just loves saying no after I do something she asked for. I think she likes that that is one word she can communicate very effectively and get what she wants! Like she''ll say ''ELMO ELMO", so I show her an elmo clip and she says "no, no". Or she''ll start singing baaa baaa black sheep, and I join along and she says "no, no". These kiddos are funny.

sbde: I''m a working mom so my playdates are few and far between and also are informal. I did a lot for my first one (big layout of food) and no one ate. So I learned that people are pretty casual about it around here. Just bringing along some cookies or brownies seems to always work and cover any expectations. Playdates have run from 1hr - 3hrs depending on the kids'' temperment. I look forward to the more interactive ones soon!


Nov 18, 2004
thanks, i''m doing ok.
i see. i do remember your screenname.....but was just trying to put a face on J

sorry can''t help you w/ the playdate since my little one is in daycare.


Nov 18, 2004
i think you should definitely write! You are talented, especially in that arena.
i love how you put a spin on your stories.
Logan and Jackson sound like 2 monkeys in a barrel.
I bet there is never a slow time in your house.

good luck w/ the interview


Jan 3, 2005
good luck tacori, thinking of you...

i have no time to catch up, i'm supposed to be doing an online training right now but needed a break so you all are my water cooler. we've been so busy with kid school stuff and me getting ready for my new job (trainings, re-certs etc. ) that I don't have much time to do anything it seems. I've got all and I mean all of my in-laws coming this weekend. hubby's parents, sister, sisters hubby, kids, brother, brother's wife, son flying home from college etc. and still am not ready. i love his family and it will be fun but I still go a little nuts just trying to meal plan etc. anyway, will try come back later and respond.


Jan 3, 2005
oh and tacori and diver-i went to another zumba class. it was taught by the gal who heads up the group fitness program and it was MUCH better. she did do different routine''s for each song but there was hardly a break and she kept you moving even when the music was changing. It was so much more fun and I actually worked up a good sweat which I like
she teaches again tonight and although I so do not feel like going to work out, I''m making myself b/c I won''t get a chance this weekend and I know once I''m there and in her class it will be fun. anyway, had to report back!


Testing... I am "anonymous" right now apparently.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 3/4/2010 9:11:41 PM
Anonymous Wrote:
Testing... I am ''anonymous'' right now apparently.
OK, that was me
My computer went cukoo last night but ideleted all my cookies or some such thing and it all worked out. I couldn''t log into PS! How odd.

Good luck today Tacori! You will do great.


May 16, 2006
Best of luck today Tacori
. We know you will be terrific!

QT--most of Co''s wardrobe comes from Mexx kids, H & M, Zara and Joe Fresh (i love Joe fresh b/c it''s cheap and fashionable, but i think it may just be a canadian brand??). My taste is men''s fashion in kid size . I don''t really like kiddie looking clothing, but he *always* gets comments on his wardrobe when we go out.

MrsS--whoa, busy house! Just hearing of all those visitors gives me hostess anxiety. At least it''s family and should be fun! Enjoy.

Oh so happy it is friday!!!--have a mountain of stuff to do over the weekend but the weather is forecast to be above zero and sunny all weekened so that alone is worth getting excited over!!!

I had a good midwife appnt yesterday and she says we can still plan the homebirth (just need the ''home'' part to be ready
Co has been pretty mellow most of this week. His sleeping is almost normal again too, so i think he was just going thru something in his little head. I feel like i am living with an adult sometimes, last night he said to me "really good dinner mommy"
totally out of the blue. He''s huge into manners right now and says "thanks hon" for everything (ha, mimicking me!). I am running with it while it''s novel, in the hopes it''ll stick. He''s using pleezz after asking for things and usually remembers the thank you. Lets see how long it lasts....
On a bad note he''s decided he hates his potty


Jun 18, 2004
It''s been busy at work, so no time to catch up, sorry mommies!

We''re headed to Palm Springs for the weekend, I get to hang out with my mom all day tomorrow while DH goes and plays in the dirt with his dad and brothers.

Have a good weekend ladies!


Nov 20, 2006
real quick...super busy both boys are sick!!

tacori good luck!! you''re going to be great!!
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