
Proposing on vacation

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Apr 17, 2008
I am planning to propose to my best friend during a three week vacation trip overseas.
We will be hiking a 6300ft mountain on our anniversary and on top of the world I''d like to pop the question.

Now I just read the following and questioned my idea:
Ellen: [...] and then propose. Then she can bask in the glow, and immediately run off to show all her friends and family, which she will most assuredly want to do. [...]

How would you girls feel if you were proposed to overseas and there are still two weeks of your vacation left and you cannot run off and show all your friends and family...?
Make sure you have a digital camera with you, access to the internet, and the appropriate cables to download photos to the internet ;)

Seriously though - as long as she can somehow CONTACT her family to share the news, I would assume that will be plenty. Not many of my friends or family were that excited to see my ring (that might have been because I already knew what it was going to look like so everyone who would have cared had seen photos, oh well). But, they WERE excited to hear the news, and I couldn''t keep it in!

So really, I think as long as you''ve pre-planned some sort of time to commit to hanging out in a web cafe, writing postcards, or a few ideas for her (like getting her family together post-trip for a slideshow of photos ending with an announcement!), you''re golden. I love the proposal idea - it''s absolutely perfect and I don''t think you should change it! Just make sure you can modify some of your vacation time to dedicate to sharing the good news.

OH! If you''re going to be REALLY remote, you could confide in her family and close friends before you go and say something to the effect of "I know that you''ll be the first person she''d want to tell, but we''ll be in the middle of nowhere. Would you like to write a note or a card that I could give her from you after the proposal?"
My Fi proposed to me in Ireland (we and our families are in Colorado) in September. I was not seeing my family again until December. We called and emailed people, but I didn''t feel like anything was lost. My uncle was in town a week later and gave me a hug, but other than that, it was FAR longer than 2 weeks for me to show my family and that didn''t bother me at all.
Thanks Elmorton and brazen_irish_hussy,

we will only be doing day hikes in the mountains and should be back at the hotel in the evenings.
She will be able to call her parents from the room and I''ll try to find an Internet cafe in town. (Internet is not free in hotels over there... you have to pay by the minute)

But I love the idea to give her a personal card from her parents afterwards. Thanks for the great idea!
Ditto about the email contacts. It sounds like it''d be a super sweet proposal. :) Actually it''ll be kinda nice you''re overseas. Then you guys can enjoy your lovey-dovey moments together rather than having your phones ring off the hook. :)
DH proposed when we were in Scotland. We happened to have a cell phone, so I was able to call my best friend and my parents a few hours after it happened. However, I have to say I enjoyed being on vacation and far away when it happened - it made it very special between the two of us. I didn''t feel like I had to retell the story countless times so soon after it happened. The only person we told that day after my 2 phone calls was our hotel lady! I e-mailed a couple people a few days later, but the proposal and the days after were all about us. And it was nice.
This is funny, I so rarely come in here to read, but did just now and found myself quoted!

I understand your questioning this, but, that was in reference to being proposed to and the guy immediately taking the ring and sending it back because he knew the diamond wasn't of the quality it should be, and me suggesting he get it right first.

This is kind of different, and while she may very well want to show everyone, she WILL get that opportunity upon your return. But I don't think she'll mind the 2 weeks left with her brand new fiance!
Thanks everybody!
I have had this proposal idea for about a year. I knew the country and the mountain that I would pick and now recently I have booked the hotel. The last thread I read was "Show me the fire" and I am now thrilled that my proposal will be happening outside. I hope to see lots of fire.

And it all being just us for this wonderful time will be great. After everything has calmed down and we are back home, she will have enough time to tell everyone.

I know Ellen, I quoted you out of context, but your statement made me think and ask here. I really don''t want her to be disappointed after giving her the ring and she can''t show it around.
Date: 4/29/2008 9:09:52 PM
Author: Klunker
Thanks everybody!
I have had this proposal idea for about a year. I knew the country and the mountain that I would pick and now recently I have booked the hotel. The last thread I read was ''Show me the fire'' and I am now thrilled that my proposal will be happening outside. I hope to see lots of fire.

And it all being just us for this wonderful time will be great. After everything has calmed down and we are back home, she will have enough time to tell everyone.

I know Ellen, I quoted you out of context, but your statement made me think and ask here. I really don''t want her to be disappointed after giving her the ring and she can''t show it around.
I understand, and I think it''s great that you''re giving this so much thought, and that you asked!

But I really do think she''ll just be over the moon, and won''t think much about the wait.

p.s. Take some fire shots too!
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