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Oct 22, 2009
Ok LIWs,

Is it just my precious darling, or are you too beginning to think he is enjoying holding the whiphand over the proposal just a little too much?

I wear the pants in our relationship 90% of the time and he is totally loving the fact that he knows everything about the proposal and i am completely clueless.

Methinks that he is loving it a tad too much frankly. All this smirking in corners and hushed conversations with his family...

Is your man milking this time for all it''s worth too?


Aaaaand breeeaaatthe.....

ps. i love him i do, but he is SOOOO gonna pay for this after the deed is done

*plots revenge*

I told my SO the other day that he''s getting some sort of sick, twisted pleasure from this! LOL!

He''s had the ring for 9 agonizing days. I *know* he''s talked to my parents. And yesterday, talked to my daughter & told her AND showed her the ring!!!!!!!

I have no clue what he''s waiting for and have been trying not to mention it at all, so he doesn''t think I''m pining for it (which I totally am! :-p )

Although I did see a beautiful, quaint B & B in NC that would be AMAZING for our tiny little ceremony!!
oh good, i'm not the only one.

i was starting to think i was with a diabolical insaniac!

i'm afraid i'm not as good as hiding my impatience as you futuremrs *cue crazy ranting at BF and thereby giving him more twisted pleasure*
Yup, count me in. Ring was picked up about 10 days ago, and when I asked him to see it, he said he will make me wait "for a week or two" with this smirk. Well, that time is nearing...BUT what he doesn''t know is that I came across the ring accidentally in the meantime. That sort of eased the pain and I now don''t mention it at all.

I think they want to make us burn a little to hype up the proposal when it eventually happens. Devious or what?

I completely understand that guys who do this are just being fun / playful with it and not mean-spirited, but I don’t think BF would ever intentionally want to make me anxious or stressed out, even if it was in a playful way. It''s just a style thing - I totally get that your BF is just having fun with it.

I actually told BF I wanted to wait a while for the proposal after we bought the ring so that it felt more of a surprise – also, the ring process was stressful because we got what I thought was my dream ring in October, and in December I finally came out and told him it wasn’t what I wanted anymore, and we had to go through the whole process & expense over again to get a new setting. I wouldn’t want any of that ring hassle to be associated with the proposal /engagement so I wanted to wait a bit. Now that it’s been a few months I’m ready any time, but if he thought I was getting impatient or stressed about it he would have done it sooner.
Date: 3/27/2010 1:07:59 PM

He''s had the ring for 9 agonizing days.

My bf has had the ring for 4 MONTHS!
I think guys like to do this in general. While I''m not there yet, my bf likes to milk surprises all the time. Drives me nuts - I can''t imagine what it feels like with the ring! At least you know it''s coming (hopefully soon)!
Oh Manderz!!! 4 months!? Agony! Sheesh! I agree that my SO isn''t being mean spirited...just the fact that we chose it together & picked it up together, I think he wants to make more of a surprise factor of it all. We do have an anniversary (we ''celebrate'' each month) coming up next Friday, maybe then?? Who knows?!!

We have to stick together ladies! :)
Future MrsMRS, we also chose the ring together (well, I did most of the choosing
), so I think my b/f is also holding on to it cos he wants it to be more of a surprise.

I was thinking to start a thread on this, but haven't checked if there is one already, as I can see some guys keep their ladies waiting for months and months once they have the ring, and some last only a few days (maybe hours). I wonder if there is an average, and what drives the guys to do what they did.

ETA: I just had to add that I think it's sooo cute that you celebrate every month! It sounds like you are really loved up
oh dinamit

what''s even worse is that, in true UK style, he will propose with a "dummy" ring and THEN we will go ring shopping together

so essentially i''m just waiting for him to bloody ask the fricking question
i dont need some big surprise for frick''s sake, but he wont listen


hand me my sedatives, thank you muchly
Hey luckynumber,

I had no idea that you are in the UK! Where about's are you? I'm in London.

Is that quite common here? When we were hanging out in Hatton Garden, we saw lots of couples shopping together. With us, the story is reversed. We ordered the ring and now I'm waiting...To be honest, I don't know what's worse...

ETA: Do you think that maybe he is actually getting a ring done as surprise, hence the wait? Or was it firmly decided that you will be involved in the process?
I know my BF just wired the money yesterday for the ring, so I suspect it to be coming at the end of the week. I have no idea if he''ll propose right away or not. He said April.. so we shall see! I''m hoping for early April!
hi dinamit, i''m in london too (east)

yes, its very common to shop for the ring together after, that''s what all my friends did. as you noted, there''s LOADS of couples all over hatton gardens doing exactly that.

i hope he hasn''t got a ring yet, he knows i''m very picky! i want full input

im driving to wales in 3 hours, better go and pack
Hey luckynumber,

Whereabouts in E London are you? I used to work in E1 until I had my son.

Yeah, I wanted to be involved fully too, as I am particular - in fact bf did get a ring previously that is exactly the opposite of what I like; I like contemporary and sleek, and this was a blingy halo. I felt really bad for him
, but he accepted that ultimately I need to be really happy wearing my ring and not be disappointed every time I glance at my hand.

None of my friends did things the way you suggest, though many of them went the unconventional route and either decided against a ring, or had custom made rings that don''t look like typical engagement rings, but have special meaning to them.

Do you know where you''d like to get your ring from? Will you import or plan on buying in the UK? Hope he asks you really soon.

Have a safe trip (are you going for the jump?)

The bf isn''t waiting to be mean spirited at all, he just wants to plan something special and just right, and I think he has no idea what to do. He doesn''t realize that I really could care less, I just want to be his wife. I would be happy to skip the whole engagement, and go straight to married. We''ve already been together for so long, it seems like we''ve already been married anyway.
LOL LuckyNumber, he's definitely waiting for the PERFECT time. And I'm sure it will be perfect and all those revenge plans will go right out the window when you see your amazing ring!

I personally would prefer if the boyfriend can wait, I'm sure in the inside he is DYING to put it on your finger. Rather wait a couple more days and make it a story you can tell the kids... because what's a few more days compared to a lifetime right?

As for me, we're getting it sent straight to our appraiser (if the dates align like it's supposed to) and we'll open it together. He's asking me if he can just propose right then and there in the appraisal office... and when I gave him the look of death, he said a great idea would be... "well then how about you just wear it and I'll just propose later sometime?" I'll be telling the kids: How did your father propose? Well I opened the bos the ring was in, put the ring on... and then he forgot to propose later on. So romantic right?!

See, it could always be worse!
I can totally sympathize.

My bf and I have sort of picked out the ring together... We''ve gone to jewelry stores and looked at online vendors. He knows what I like, and I am 90% sure about the basics of the stone and setting. I have a suspicion he has ordered (or at least reserved) something and it is driving me nuts! I feel like this half-knowing is terrible!

I feel bad b/c I keep bringing it up, but "surprises" give me serious anxiety. I know the "surprise" aspect is important to him so I''m trying to be good... but I hope it doesn''t take too long.
Date: 3/27/2010 1:07:59 PM
Author: FutureMrsMRS

I told my SO the other day that he''s getting some sort of sick, twisted pleasure from this! LOL!

He''s had the ring for 9 agonizing days. I *know* he''s talked to my parents. And yesterday, talked to my daughter & told her AND showed her the ring!!!!!!!

I have no clue what he''s waiting for and have been trying not to mention it at all, so he doesn''t think I''m pining for it (which I totally am! :-p )

Although I did see a beautiful, quaint B & B in NC that would be AMAZING for our tiny little ceremony!!
Oooh, where??? (Says the girl in NC...)
Date: 3/29/2010 4:58:31 PM
Author: princesss
Date: 3/27/2010 1:07:59 PM

Author: FutureMrsMRS


I told my SO the other day that he''s getting some sort of sick, twisted pleasure from this! LOL!

He''s had the ring for 9 agonizing days. I *know* he''s talked to my parents. And yesterday, talked to my daughter & told her AND showed her the ring!!!!!!!

I have no clue what he''s waiting for and have been trying not to mention it at all, so he doesn''t think I''m pining for it (which I totally am! :-p )

Although I did see a beautiful, quaint B & B in NC that would be AMAZING for our tiny little ceremony!!

Oooh, where??? (Says the girl in NC...)
AND the girl who lived in NC for 4 years (and the memory of it tortures me all through the brutal Chicago winters!)
My heart belongs to the Tar Heel state!
Yeah I have no clue why though. Sometimes I wonder if hes actually doing it to torture me. He knows how badly I want to get engaged, I''ve given up two lifes for him and hes dragging his feets. The annoying thing he has no excuse we have plenty of money in the bank, we''ve been together 2 years, he constantly talks about getting married he even wanted to go to a wedding fair this past weekend! I give up! xxx
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