
OH/MI GTG? Maybe? Possibly?

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Date: 11/7/2009 9:28:08 AM
Author: dani2142
Date: 11/6/2009 9:40:47 AM

Author: ecf8503

Date: 11/2/2009 10:39:11 AM

Author: geckodani

I''m up in Auburn Hills - Ann Arbor sounds like a fab idea! Any weekend works for me - except for the Sun after Thanksgiving.

I''m in Auburn Hills too! And I MIGHT be able to make it - are we still thinking in Ann Arbor?

Troy here... maybe we could do one another time, somewhere closer to us? I def can''t do the one in AA. Sorry girls! Have fun though :)

I''m in Troy too!
Any future Troy GTG MUST include a trip to Somerset to play in all of the sparkly candy stores. For anyone unfamiliar with this most ridiculous mall:

Well shucks, no more Cartier? When did that happen?
Date: 11/8/2009 1:38:15 AM
Author: ladyciel
Any future Troy GTG MUST include a trip to Somerset to play in all of the sparkly candy stores. For anyone unfamiliar with this most ridiculous mall:

Well shucks, no more Cartier? When did that happen?

I think it happened last year? Salvatore Ferragamo is in its place.
Crud. Not going to be able to make it. Logistics of church + baptism + lunch after + ..... meh. Sorry guys.
I can''t go to Somerset. The marble floors are too slick for old people.
Is everything still on for Sunday? Are we "checking in" under someone''s name? How do we know who is who? Do we say we are there for a Pricescope thing or what?
Date: 11/27/2009 10:21:54 AM
Author: Tuckins1
Is everything still on for Sunday? Are we ''checking in'' under someone''s name? How do we know who is who? Do we say we are there for a Pricescope thing or what?

I''m still in! Not sure how we''re checking in yet!
I will not be able to make it. I was really looking forward to it, but I broke the news to my mom over Thanksgiving that this time next year I will be living 2500 miles away, so I decided to stay at home longer than I had planned as a peace offering to her.

Have fun!
I may not be able to make it either.
My sister is in town and is leaving tomorrow so I may have to drive her to the airport.

Have fun!!
I will be going to a gem show earlier in the day, but I will try to get there... Ann Arbor isn''t that close to me, but I will do my best!
Hmm... ok. Since I am the only confirmed "yes" I''m going to say I will not be there unless I can confirm with a few others that they will be there!

So I''m a "maybe"
Elle, i''m sorry but I won''t know if I can make it out there for sure until later this afternoon... I am going to a gem show with a few friends and I somehow got stuck driving... Even if it were just you and I, it''s a long way for me to go. Perhaps we should try it again when more people are available?
Argh, so DH and I got stuck in traffic and didn''t make it back to MI in time. Looks like I didn''t miss anything, though. Time to reschedule?
Definitely time to reschedule!

No backing out last minute next time, group!!
Oh my goodness. I''m really sorry, guys, it was on my calendar, but since I was on vacation, I literally didn''t open my calendar until I got to work today

Sorry, guys.

Ok, rescheduling time! I would be open to a weeknight... I am traveling home every weekend between now and January for weddings stuff!
Date: 11/30/2009 8:20:16 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Definitely time to reschedule!

No backing out last minute next time, group!!
Blame the baby.
It''s my nephew''s fault.
Date: 11/30/2009 2:44:40 PM
Author: geckodani

Date: 11/30/2009 8:20:16 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Definitely time to reschedule!

No backing out last minute next time, group!!
Blame the baby.
It''s my nephew''s fault.
Hahaha... not even your kid, and you get to blame him. I love it!
I would be totally down for a reschedule. I would assume after the new year might be best since leeny and PilsnPinkysMom have weddings in the very near future. Unless of course, they want to make a PS table at their weddings and we could have the GTG there. (Of course, I am totally kidding, especially since you are both at the point where mentioning guest list fluctuation could be the final push towards a nearly-wed meltdown
Date: 11/30/2009 3:34:01 PM
Author: katamari
I would be totally down for a reschedule. I would assume after the new year might be best since leeny and PilsnPinkysMom have weddings in the very near future. Unless of course, they want to make a PS table at their weddings and we could have the GTG there. (Of course, I am totally kidding, especially since you are both at the point where mentioning guest list fluctuation could be the final push towards a nearly-wed meltdown
I fully support this idea. Very much not kidding.
So sorry it didn''t work out... I was at the gem show ALL DAY, but at least I got my new sparkly!!!
Hahah, love this!! Where is Pilnspinky's wedding? Isn't it in Ohio?

Mine is in Saginaw, MI. Holy crap, that would be so fun! A PS table!!

Guest list fluctuation is sooo not going to happen, however. Hoping several cousins do not bring dates - we are very close to our number!!

ETA: Sorry, meant to quote the suggestion that we have PS tables at our weddings!

Also, a reschedule in January would be excellent, things will slow waaay down then I am hoping!
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