
New tattoo

I didn't think my feet were bad at all, actually. The skin under my arm ooooo that was an eyebrow raiser. Or the back of the neck. 'Course...ask me again when I get my feet redone and I may have a different answer for you! ;(

Thinking about my back..Script down the spine like I'd planned, and then the cherry blossoms on one side up and blending to the shoulder, and butterflies on the other side going up, around the frog and down. Will add some blossoms on the front of the shoulder so they can be seen more from the front, and do the same for the butterflies. The other two script ideas I have could go on my ribs, since they're more about me/JD anyway and it's no biggee if others can't see them.

I love to plan out tattoos..
bah! love this thread. love you ladies tattoos, misfits particularly! Im so jealous of your finished back piece
I have a few small ones, mostly nerd related (a Sims one and soem susuwatari)

But i had one large one started on my back, and i decided i HATEDDDDD it :angryfire:
So instead of completing it, i started over with a cover up..... it is in the stages of finishing the cover up, so i dont have very good photos, so bare with me (also i am prettier than these pictures lead you to believe :lol: i swear )
Im going to get another session done next month, hoping to get some of the color in to finish up what will be shown in my w dress
Im pretty excited about his cover up work, onces its done i really dont think youll be able to see it unless i point it out. He does fabulous work. His name is Garreth over a Wealthy Street Tattoos in GR

Pics to come in a second as soon as i can get them on a computer :roll:

ETA photos (again keep in mind these are TERRIBLE photos)


Gorgeous ink, ladies!!! I have a dragon on my upper back that I don't have a picture of right now, and this one on my inner wrist. It says "You Are My Sunshine" It was taken the day I got it, hence the red rashiness, lol! My Mom used to sing it to me and I sing it to my son every night so...full circle :)

nielseel|1363478165|3406705 said:
bah! love this thread. love you ladies tattoos, misfits particularly! Im so jealous of your finished back piece
I have a few small ones, mostly nerd related (a Sims one and soem susuwatari)

But i had one large one started on my back, and i decided i HATEDDDDD it :angryfire:
So instead of completing it, i started over with a cover up..... it is in the stages of finishing the cover up, so i dont have very good photos, so bare with me (also i am prettier than these pictures lead you to believe :lol: i swear )
Im going to get another session done next month, hoping to get some of the color in to finish up what will be shown in my w dress
Im pretty excited about his cover up work, onces its done i really dont think youll be able to see it unless i point it out. He does fabulous work. His name is Garreth over a Wealthy Street Tattoos in GR

Pics to come in a second as soon as i can get them on a computer :roll:

ETA photos (again keep in mind these are TERRIBLE photos)
Nieseel---if this is GR as in Grand Rapids, MI, we are in the same city!! :o
sarahb|1363533137|3407117 said:
nielseel|1363478165|3406705 said:
bah! love this thread. love you ladies tattoos, misfits particularly! Im so jealous of your finished back piece
I have a few small ones, mostly nerd related (a Sims one and soem susuwatari)

But i had one large one started on my back, and i decided i HATEDDDDD it :angryfire:
So instead of completing it, i started over with a cover up..... it is in the stages of finishing the cover up, so i dont have very good photos, so bare with me (also i am prettier than these pictures lead you to believe :lol: i swear )
Im going to get another session done next month, hoping to get some of the color in to finish up what will be shown in my w dress
Im pretty excited about his cover up work, onces its done i really dont think youll be able to see it unless i point it out. He does fabulous work. His name is Garreth over a Wealthy Street Tattoos in GR

Pics to come in a second as soon as i can get them on a computer :roll:

ETA photos (again keep in mind these are TERRIBLE photos)
Nieseel---if this is GR as in Grand Rapids, MI, we are in the same city!! :o

I do!!!!
Great tat Packrat! I love looking at tattoo's so keep the pictures coming. I have a couple of my own. One I got 16 years ago and I had DH take a pic this morning and realized how faded and ugly it looks now. It is on the small of my back. My other tattoo is a cover up from a bad spir of the the moment tattoo I got when I was 21. I think the cover up turned out pretty good. It was a 35th birthday present to myself. I still want more tattoos of course because they are addicting.



Just got done w/this about 30 minutes ago. We had to go out and get a large moolatte after this holy shit. Four hours. Sucked.

He's leaving the first of July so if we want anything more by him we either need to get in fast, or wait for him to make guest appearances around the holidays, or make the 4.5 hour trek to Kansas City for him...which we're not opposed to doing. We really like him. Actually, all the guys here are great, so we're not opposed to seeing them either.

Husband is in right now getting his back finished. He had it started 15 years ago. A big celtic cross.

husbands. sideways, don't know how to fix it, sorry!

Was sooo not fun cleaning them off tonight now that we're home.

packrat|1368922224|3449749 said:
Just got done w/this about 30 minutes ago. We had to go out and get a large moolatte after this holy shit. Four hours. Sucked.

He's leaving the first of July so if we want anything more by him we either need to get in fast, or wait for him to make guest appearances around the holidays, or make the 4.5 hour trek to Kansas City for him...which we're not opposed to doing. We really like him. Actually, all the guys here are great, so we're not opposed to seeing them either.

Husband is in right now getting his back finished. He had it started 15 years ago. A big celtic cross.

Very nice, are you all swollen up today? When I got mine on my leg it swelled up really bad for a few days, hard to stay off your feet.
Yeah, super swollen. Makes it hard to walk for sure. Work will be interesting tomorrow.
I thought the frog was in the centre of your back packrat, now I know it's on your shoulder blade, which is a nice place for a frog to be.
Yep, he's in a good spot, just hanging out back there!
loving your feet, pack!
thanks MZ! I'm working on some ideas for a big piece next.
Got this right before Christmas. Fingers crossed to get back in over spring break and get the arm band covered and more work done on that side.

looking good, pack!
actually, this new one would have also looked good "split" across both me ideas!
Yeah, if I could've had something like that on my feet I'd've liked that better..cover ups are hard. Planning to add some more peonies around the arm up the shoulder to behind the frog, with water. Then more cherry blossoms on the other arm and wind, and they'll meet in the middle of my back. Text saying I'd hoped to put on my back in the middle if it will work...two lady heads for above my knees...figure something out for my ankles-redoing what I have or adding/covering up. Lots more pain to be had.

Yay for ideas!!
I only have one - it's very small and stays hidden (most of the time) from the rest of the world. I remember thinking the it was very cool when I got it and now I sort of regret it. It's not that I'm embarrassed by it, but I guess that I'm just not so crazy about tattoos (in general) any more.
Can always look at having it removed!
Tattoo removal is a worthy thing to look into if you're not happy with what you have. I am a tattoo person, but I did actually have an arm band removed. I got it when I was much younger, and it wasn't "me" anymore and I just didn't want a tattoo in that space. It was a full, black, tribal band, and while it took over 6 months for all of the treatments and holy hell I won't lie - PAINFUL!!!, there is not one spec of a shadow left. You can not see a damn thing anymore. It's quite amazing. And this was 6 years ago, I'm sure the technology is even better now. If you're truly not happy - look into it! No sense in living with regret :)
Spring flowers! Very nice.
Great new additions, Packrat! I especially LOVE your feet! The colors are so vibrant!!!!!

Anybody else want to add any? I think I posted my EQ memorial tattoo somewhere last year, but here it is again in case you missed it.


It's been 9 months since I've had any work done and seeing all these pics makes me want to start planning something...
I don't remember seeing your EQ tattoo-such a lovely way to remember!

I went several years w/out getting anything...then I got the cherry blossoms and it was like panic mode to get more. Then my feet last May, and I felt like I was doing the antsy finger drumming on the table, waiting for more. The peony was a bit of a last second thing-the guy who did my blossoms and feet moved, so I FB'd him on the Saturday before Christmas and asked if he was planning on coming back this way for the holidays, and he's like actually, I'm here, come in Monday. HA! Just feel frantic to get more in March.




Lookin' good!!!
I love these!
I don't have many, but I used to work in a tattoo shop & I do miss tattooing people
Keep the pics coming... <3
My favorite Johnny Cash song!!
Great memorial tat for EQ, misfit. Just seeing it now for the first time.
Got some more work done last night.



Those are so colorful and richly detailed, both of you. I've never seen tats that beautifully done. Impressive!