
New Burberry Bag!

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Aug 12, 2005
I made the mistake of meandering through the handbag department today...

I really needed a new bag for job interviews since I''m on the hunt. I just got a new all black suit, and I was looking for a bag that was structured and professional looking with some OOMPH! as far as styling. This seemed to fit the bill, I really like it, and yes it is made in China and the checks don''t meet up on the seams but honestly, I''m not stressing out over those details. I love the way it looks, and it will hold all my necessities. It just so happens to go with my favorite coat ever, so I''ll be able to make great use of it for fall/winter.



Aug 12, 2005
I think it''s called Nova Check Tote, and the straps are not black, they''re called "nickel," so they are metallic and really pretty, different from typical black which I like.



Aug 12, 2005
It''s definitely totable, the drop length of the straps is perfect.



Aug 12, 2005
close up



Aug 12, 2005
And oh, just so happens to coordinate well with the red shoes I was wearing today! LOL!



Mar 26, 2006
I LOVE Burberry and this is the exact bag I was coveting last time I was on Michigan Avenue! Unfortunately I already have a bucket bag in the nova plaid (which I got over 5 years ago but it looks brand new because I baby it so obsessively!) so I didn't get this one, which seems like the perfect size for everything. With a bag like that on your interviews, showing your superior style and panache, you will get job offers for sure!


Aug 12, 2005
Thanks DeeJay! I thought I remembered you posting before that you had a nova check bag, I was right! Yep, this bag is a great size, there was one larger which was just too big for my needs, and one smaller but taller than this one, but it was too small. This one is JUST right for monarch-locks, LOL!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Looks great monnie! Good luck on the job hunt!


Aug 12, 2005
Thanks Tacori! I have to swing by the pregnancy thread here shortly and check out what I''ve missed the past few weeks!

As some of you know, I was in the market for a Louis Vuitton (desperately wanted the mono canvas Lockit), but alas, I lost my job last month and I just can''t justify that purchase right now. Luckily LV will always be around, so mayyybe I''ll get to play Santa to myself this year and wait until Christmas!


Jun 11, 2007
Cute bag, Monarch! Good luck with the job hunting!


Aug 12, 2005
Thanks, Sugarplum, it really is a great looking bag!

Ah he**. I just did all this research online about products made in China. Now I''m feeling all remorseful about my purchase. I think I might end up returning this bag...I took off all the outer tissue wrappings around the straps and such but left the tag on and all the stuffing is intact inside the bag. Dammit. I don''t feel quite right about this bag since it was made in China and I''ve read all these articles on the net from reputable sources. I don''t want to be a part of a global problem, and I certainly didn''t realize while I was shopping that the bag was made in China. I got home and was perusing TPF and realized I''d better go check the made in label in my new bag and sure enough it''s made in China. Argh. GD designer bags--can''t one have any confidence in paying over $500 after taxes that I''m not screwing over some other poor soul on the other side of this world?

I''m super p''d off right now, sorry. I thought the deal with made in China was mainly quality, I didn''t realize that there was such a humanitary concern. I feel like I should be slapped on my wrists for my ignorance. Here I was thinking I was doing well for never buying a fake and having educated myself on that whole issue...when does it end and when is there just freedom to choose what you like and buy it without having this burden of being socially conscious? I guess never, that is really a selfish question to ask if I''m to complete another 60 or so years on this earth. Blast.

Any advice would be helpful, thanks.


Mar 26, 2006
Woah woah woah! Monnie, you''re being WAY too hard on yourself! First of all, how could you know until you looked into it? And now you did look into it and you can make an informed decision, but don''t beat yourself up over buying the bag without knowing then what you know now. And if you do decide to take it back I''m sure they will honor that request, especially since the tag is still on it. As for what you *should* do though, only you can decide what''s best and I can''t really give you advice on that front. Too bad you don''t want a five year old mint condition Made in Italy bucket bag or I''d just give you mine at the next gem show and solve your problem!


Nov 24, 2006
I love your bag; I love burberry!!! Super duper cute!
Plus, you are so skinny; I am jealous.


Mar 19, 2007
Hey Monarch, those shoes are fantastic! Mind telling me what they are?


Jun 17, 2005
How adorable! It looks cute on you too! Enjoy it, it is nice to have a little pick me up.


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 7/27/2007 3:15:12 AM
Author: monarch64
Ah he**. I just did all this research online about products made in China. Now I''m feeling all remorseful about my purchase. I think I might end up returning this bag...I took off all the outer tissue wrappings around the straps and such but left the tag on and all the stuffing is intact inside the bag. Dammit. I don''t feel quite right about this bag since it was made in China and I''ve read all these articles on the net from reputable sources. I don''t want to be a part of a global problem, and I certainly didn''t realize while I was shopping that the bag was made in China. I got home and was perusing TPF and realized I''d better go check the made in label in my new bag and sure enough it''s made in China. Argh. GD designer bags--can''t one have any confidence in paying over $500 after taxes that I''m not screwing over some other poor soul on the other side of this world?

I''m super p''d off right now, sorry. I thought the deal with made in China was mainly quality, I didn''t realize that there was such a humanitary concern. I feel like I should be slapped on my wrists for my ignorance. Here I was thinking I was doing well for never buying a fake and having educated myself on that whole issue...when does it end and when is there just freedom to choose what you like and buy it without having this burden of being socially conscious? I guess never, that is really a selfish question to ask if I''m to complete another 60 or so years on this earth. Blast.

Any advice would be helpful, thanks.


You know, I''ve thought about boycotting items from China, but it would be impossible to do so as nearly EVERYTHING seems to be made there these days. With a designer handbag, you do have choices and there are A LOT of other bags out there, so that would be one product that could be thought more carefully about. The bag you purchased is ADORABLE, but you can find another one that is just as cute that is made elsewhere. You''ve got me thinking too. I have to admit, generally I still buy an item I like even if it''s made in a third-world country and I think the majority of clothes I wear probably are made in sweat shops. I have a few pair of jeans (lucky brand and AG) that are made in the US, but my husband says the probably are still made in sweatshops. What can we do? Make our own clothes? That''s not going to happen. I wish things would turn around!


Feb 10, 2006
That is a cute bag! Sorry to hear you learned that it''s made in China. I boycott a few things but I haven''t looked into where purses are made. I''ll have to do a little research. Do you have any sites that you can pass along?

What have you decided re the purse? I think you have to do what feels right to you. If you''re not feeling good about the bag, I''d probably return it but it''s definitely your call!


Apr 25, 2007
Date: 7/27/2007 3:15:12 AM
Author: monarch64

Ah he**. I just did all this research online about products made in China. Now I''m feeling all remorseful about my purchase. I think I might end up returning this bag...I took off all the outer tissue wrappings around the straps and such but left the tag on and all the stuffing is intact inside the bag. Dammit. I don''t feel quite right about this bag since it was made in China and I''ve read all these articles on the net from reputable sources. I don''t want to be a part of a global problem, and I certainly didn''t realize while I was shopping that the bag was made in China. I got home and was perusing TPF and realized I''d better go check the made in label in my new bag and sure enough it''s made in China. Argh. GD designer bags--can''t one have any confidence in paying over $500 after taxes that I''m not screwing over some other poor soul on the other side of this world?

I''m super p''d off right now, sorry. I thought the deal with made in China was mainly quality, I didn''t realize that there was such a humanitary concern. I feel like I should be slapped on my wrists for my ignorance. Here I was thinking I was doing well for never buying a fake and having educated myself on that whole issue...when does it end and when is there just freedom to choose what you like and buy it without having this burden of being socially conscious? I guess never, that is really a selfish question to ask if I''m to complete another 60 or so years on this earth. Blast.

Any advice would be helpful, thanks.
Hi Monarch,

It''s funny that you posted this, because I just read the following last night in a magazine:

"Q: When I buy clothing made in Third World Countries, am I exploiting the poor? Or in poverty-stricken areas, is any kind of economy good?

"A (Nicholas D. Kristof, op-ed columnist for The New York Times): It''ll surprise a lot of Americans to hear this, but in general buying cheap clothes from foreign factories actually helps the workers. True, there are problems with terrible factories that use unsafe chemicals or lock the fire doors, but people in poor countries generally see factory jobs as better than many of the alternatices, such as peddling, farmwork, or day labor. East Asia has lifted millions out of poverty by developing a model of export factories.
"Americans generally focus on the low wages and bad conditions -- workers earning 15 cents for making a shirt that will sell for $15. But for the person who makes that shirt, the alternative is usually a job that is more dangerous and pays less. I interviewed workers scavenging in a dump in Indonesia, and I''ll never forget the mother who told me that she dreamed that her children would someday work in what we''d call a sweatshop.
"Of course, if you want to pay more for a shirt that''s produced by workers who get better treatment, terrific. But it''s the poorest countries, where wages and working conditions are the worst, that most desperately need the jobs. And the most effective foreign aid is often to start a manufacturing industry in those countries."

Monarch, it safe to say the message only makes sense if there''s some acceptance about the differences between the relative wealth of different countries. Of course, if the US Dollar gets much weaker, we''re going to start hearing our European brethren asking similar questions about products made in the US.

P.S. I think it''s a great lookin'' bag you have there!


Feb 28, 2007
Hey there Monnie! Cute bag, but sorry about the China situation. Like someone said, do not beat yourself up over this, as you are well aware that you are not the cause of the situation. Take a few days to think it over and if on Monday your feelings have not changed, return the bag and research an alternate designer.

A bit off topic, I could not help but to see that you are looking for a job? Would you mind telling me what in, maybe I can help?!?


Oct 6, 2004
I love your new bag! It''s very cute.

Good luck with the job hunting!


Aug 12, 2005
Thanks DeeJay, I''m going to think it over this weekend and decide Monday whether to return it or not. And I would relieve you of the made in Italy bucket bag in a heartbeat, hee hee!

Skippy, you are too kind--I can''t remember the last time someone called me "skinny" but I''ll take it!

Julianna, the shoes I just picked up from Nordstrom online last week, I believe the brand name is Bronx, and I think they must be from the Jr''s dept. because they weren''t very expensive. Maybe they were part of the anniversary sale or just marked down, but they were only ~$42. Thanks for the compliment, I really like them, too!

MC, thanks so much for your insight. You''re right, we can''t exactly make our own clothes and bags and grow the cotton to make them from organically, lol. Next time I will just research more before I make this type of purchase, it was a total impulse buy.

Dixie, I checked first, those gals are a wealth of knowledge. Then I just did a google search for made in China and found lots of CNN articles relating to the topic, etc. I''m going to keep looking into it and see how I feel about it after the weekend, I''ll let you know what I decide.

Fleur-de-lis, what an interesting article, thanks for posting that. Good points all around. Maybe I''m overthinking this whole thing, I dunno. Thanks for your compliment, though!

Omieluv, thanks for your comments! Yes, I am looking for a job. I have a BS in fashion merchandising/marketing, and I have a ton of retail experience but would like to branch out from the world of retail into more PR/marketing either for a retailer or other type company. I''m good at organizing events and getting out in the community, so ideally I would like to find something along those lines. And of course my dream job would be to work for an independent B&M jeweler, hee hee, but those positions are few and far between and they usually like to hire GIA cert. candidates which I''m not. Yet. LOL! I appreciate your willingness to help, if you hear of anything I''d love to know.

Snlee: thanks!


Jul 14, 2006
It does look cute on you, but then again most things would as I can see!

Sorry you are conflicted about the China thing. Right now, if I can avoid a China made thing I will avoid it. I am very unhappy with how much pollution and disrepect the Chinese government has shown for the environment and people. I have purchased a number of Burberry things lately and have double checked the country of manufacture. It is such a pain that one has to be so careful.

But I have a suggestion for you. You were craving LV, right? Well how about a Petite Neverfull? It's new. I adore this bag and I think it should hold similar to your Novo check. The PM Neverfull is $575, similar to what you paid. You can check it on eluxury. I really, really love this bag and am definitely going to buy one!


Jun 15, 2006
Monnie, I absolutely admire your desire to make purchases that suit your moral fiber; but if you truly managed to do so you''d likely never shop again. Please don''t beat yourself up over a bag. You look amazing (and ditto Skippy''s think remark!) and if you love it you should keep it.


Aug 12, 2005
Beacon, I think the Neverfull is a great looking bag, but I fear the PM is too small for me. I looked at it on eluxury about a month ago, and the measurements on the PM are something like 10x8, I think, it just seemed really small for my frame. (I''m 5''10") The MM would probably be the perfect size, it''s like 12x10-11, but it''s just out of my price range at this time. Heck, even the PM is out of my price range right now. I actually was looking for a bag right around $350 for work/interviews, so even this one was more than I should have spent, being that I''m jobless and all, LOL! Sigh, I love LV but I think I''ll have to wait til Christmas/next year to indulge myself. I already have a wish list of about 6 pieces I don''t think I can live without...

Kimberly, thanks for your comments. You and Skippy completely made my day, I''ll never be a teeny little thing and I am fine with that, but I''d love to say goodbye to my extra 10 lbs. of padding for once and for all. TG for the WWT! On the handbag, I know I can''t expect to only find things I love that work for my lifestyle that fit into my definition of ethical, and you''re right that I shouldn''t beat myself up about this. I guess I just feel like I made an impulse purchase and that doesn''t fit my usual mold of researching every big ticket item I''m interested in, and I am disappointed that I got something I''m not totally in love with because of the issues involved with where it was made. I woke up this morning and instead of being all excited about it, I felt kind of blue, much different than the "high" I felt leaving the mall last night! So...I don''t know, I''ll think on it for another day or two and decide whether I really love it all issues aside.


Oct 30, 2002
Monnie love the new bag and I agree woman, you look nice and trim!!!!


Feb 17, 2007

Something to remember about "exploiting" workers in third world countries is without the business of these international companies, those people would most likely be much worse off than they are. Yes, we don't pay them what we consider "fair" in the US (but do we really pay OUR min. wage workers a fair wage anyway?), but these companies DO pay these workers hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars more per year than other jobs in their countries even if they are only earning $3 day. So what is fair to workers HERE isn't necessarily what is fair there. Walmart is actually considered by many economists one of the biggest anti poverty measures in the world believe it or not because they employ so many people who theoretically otherwise wouldn't be employed, wouldn't have insurance, or would be paid less by other "local" places in their own countries. Just another way to look at things...

Now if you want to get into the effect on those country's economies when our $ comes pouring in...that's a whole other story!

Ok, sorry, I'm done with my rant. Too many economics classes I guess.

And unless you are planning on boycotting everything that is made in a third world country, I would just enjoy your bag and give a little sumpin to a charity who does work on exploited women. Just a thought!


Jun 15, 2006
Monnie/slim, I totally understand what you mean. I am birthday shopping for a new watch and DH has given me a $500 budget; it''s a bit too generous and leaves me confused as I don''t feel comfortable spending that much $$ and now I have to find something I love, love, love. Obviously I don''t have to spend that much but I''d like to find a nice watch that I can wear for a long time. Sorry for the hijack, just sharing that I can relate. I''m scared to make a purchase get it home and then feel deflated! Let us know what you decide.


Aug 12, 2005
Thanks for your response, Neatfreak. Don't worry, I didn't think you were ranting, just sharing knowledge with a little emotion, lol! Your post was very informative, definitely telling of the other side of the story.

Kim/Slim...hee hee...I saw you were in the market for a watch on the WWT, how fun! Dh has given me "budgets" before and I always end up supplementing with my own money. Not saying that's what you should do, but it seems really tough to find something you love that is the exact amount you've agreed to spend. And yes, that feeling of not wanting to suffer from buyers' remorse is something I'm very familiar with. Make sure when you're looking at Movados you talk the jeweler/seller down at least 25-30% off retail, typically that's the discount given. So when you're researching online and looking at actual retail prices take that into account as well, if that makes sense.

Mara, thanks for the compliments on the bag and body, ha ha! You may notice I'm doing my one leg in front of the other pose so as to make my hips appear a little slimmer, I think I do that every time a photo of me is taken and I didn't even realize until after I posted these that I was doing it while taking photos of myself!


May 5, 2005
I love the bag and it looks perfect on you! I think it''s a keeper. If your conscience is bothering you, I agree maybe giving some money to a charity for this cause would ease your mind?


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/28/2007 2:01:29 AM
Author: Mara
Monnie love the new bag and I agree woman, you look nice and trim!!!!

haha, Kimberly, Mara and me agree you are Miss skinny. hehehe
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