
Neighbor Rant

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Jul 30, 2007
OK, so they aren''t MY neighbors, but my parent''s neighbors are just awful. My parents have lived in their house for over twenty years. Last summer, a young couple (mid-twenties) moved in next door (his parents bought him the million dollar house as a wedding present). At first, they were really nice and my parents (especially my mom) sort of took them under their wing and invited them to dinner parties, etc. The woman told my mom it was so great that they were living next door because "it''s like having my parents next door!" FF and I met them at a Christmas party my parents had in December and thought that they were kind of rude and condescending (they left halfway through the party after inviting several of the younger guests to come over to their place, as if the party they were at wasn''t "cool" enough for them), but my parents liked them so we kept our mouths shut.

In January, they began to show their true colors. They decided to do some work on their house and yard and came over to tell my parents that they checked and apparently 6" of my parents'' side yard was actually theirs and they were taking it over. My parents were very understanding of it, but expressed some worry that their landscaping would block some of their ocean view from the living room/backyard because of a new fence they were putting in. "Oh no, we''d never do anything like that!" the neighbors assured them.

Fast forward a couple of weeks to the fence being built and cutting out 75-80% of my parents view. When they mentioned it to the neighbors in a nonconfrontational way, the people were extraordinarily rude and said "We were always going to do it this way--we need our privacy." (Keep in mind that the part of the fence blocking my parents view is at the very far corner of their lot, not anywhere close to the hot tub they put in or the house.) They then proceeded to plant tall trees all along the fence to the very corner. It breaks my heart because my parents are really wonderful people and it hurts them so much that they were so nice to this couple and then they basically turned around and spat in their faces.

The latest debacle that got me upset enough to post is that my parents just got a legal notice in the mail from them saying that if they didn''t remove their windchimes, the neighbors were going to sue because they were disturbing his sleep. Keep in mind, said windchimes are right outside the window of the room I grew up in and I used to sleep with the windows open every night. They never bothered me. Now, because my parents don''t want to get involved in a petty lawsuit, they''re taking down something that brings them a lot of joy. I don''t know what is wrong with these people, but it''s really just sickening how much sadness they are causing my parents.

If you got through all that, thank you. I needed to get it off my chest how much this is bothering me.
We have some awful neighbors so I can relate to both issues, but from different sides...Firstly, we had to ask our neighbors across the alley from us if they could put their wind chimes on the other side of their home because they were so loud at night. I can totally understand that side of that issue. It''s really annoying to be kept awake all night from someone else''s wind chimes and now that I know this, I wouldn''t put up chimes in my yard unless I had a very large property and knew for certain that nobody else could hear them. My point is, they can be really disturbing if they''re not yours. Not that your neighbors handled it well at all! They were totally assy about it. We wrote a very nice letter to our neighbors and they moved them right away. But I dont think one can actually take legal action over wind chimes, at least not where we live.

As for the blocking of the view, our next door neighbors are building a McMansion on a tiny lot - totally gauche, ugly and ruining the entire vibe of the neighborhood. We can''t do anything about it. They have purposely blocked the ocean views of at least 5-6 other homes and those people are sick about it, deservedly so, as it probably reduces the value of their home. And the same god-awful monstrosity towers over my lovely backyard, looming down over us. It brings me to tears when I think about it, but the only thing we can do is either build up and block them (and my other neighbors would likely pay for part of it, that''s how much they hate these people), or put up some block so we dont have to see them when we''re in our own yard. Sadly, this is a huge problem in SoCal (is that where your parents live?) right now. Lot''s of tacky people with a "as long as I''m happy screw the rest of the neighborhood" mentality are moving in with their Hummers and their obnoxious "I want it BIGGER" mindsets. We have friends who live in a hood much more swank than us and it''s happening there as well. You cant get away from it, sadly, unless you move to an area where you have enough land to not be disturbed by your neighbors. But isn''t there a city code for how high fences can be in your parents area? If so, are they exceeding that limit? There might also be limits to how high trees can be. If so, your parents should call the city and ask them to come out and see if there''s anything to be done about it all. Hell, they should call the city anyway to see if they can do something - mediation or something like that. The other thing your parents can do is build a raised up deck out back so they can get their view back.

Now to tie in both issues, perhaps your parents should see if chimes are an issue that someone can take legal action over. If not, then I would say your parents should have their lawyer write a nice note to the neighbors saying that they will only take down the wind chimes IF they get their ocean view back. It''s only fair since these neighbors are being obnoxious.
Wind chimes are a total PITA. They may be sweet sounding to the people who put them up, and they might not have bothered you outside your window, but I am darn sick and tired of hearing them. I'm sorry that the neighbors are jerks (and they clearly aren't very nice), but I get the chime aversion.

Regarding peek-a-boo views, it's unfortunate that the neighbors landscaping has revised the parents view, but views are not guaranteed. Unless the CC&R's limit fencing, there isn't much to be done.

The whole thing is a bummer for your parents

BTW, I had lovely views of the Pacific until another hirise was built across the way. Not only did I have to deal with 3 years of LOUD construction, dust, and street closing, but now I have a terrific view of million dollar condos
The first thing I would do is check the deed and see where the actual property lines are. Maybe there are physical markers there. Just because these neighbors are claiming where the lines are, that doesn''t mean they are correct.
I''m not even going to state my opinion of these neighbors because I could go off for an hour on that. I know this exact type of personality and it''s not fun to deal with. I understand the wind chime issue, too, but couldn''t they have just sent a letter explaining they were loud, or called them, without threatening a lawsuit over WINDCHIMES!! Where has common sense gone these days?
I didn''t realize these mega mansions were such an issue but it makes sense. If they don''t fit in with the surrounding area and other properties, they shouldn''t even be allowed to be built. If all the neighbors are annoyed, why would anyone want that in their neighborhood? Oh, wait, because the one with the most money wins, probably!

I remember a movie called Friends with Money with Jennifer Aniston. In that movie, the neighbors were renovating their house and ruining everyone''s views I think. Ends up it''s a fast way to make enemies in your new neighborhood.
So sorry to hear that Lady P.I would advise your parents to have a property survey done and find out exactly where the line is.At least it will put them at ease.After that they can decide what action to take.Its worth paying for the survey and have it done properly.
I hope it works out positively for them.
What a bummer, Lady P! It makes me so sad for your parents, and I can only imagine how sad they feel about losing their gorgeous view, nevermind the horribly, inconsiderate behavior of these neighbors toward your kind parents.

I second some of the suggestions here: confirm the property boundary as well as whether they can actually sue you for the windchimes. It sounds like some made-up thing, but I am not familiar with the laws where your parents live. Definitely call someone who can confirm whether their fence is the acceptable height or any other technicality that might have been missed. It is definitely worth a phonecall to check up!

I am not sure about your parents'' financial situation, but I love surfgirl''s suggestion about the deck. Is it possible to build a deck or some other place to relax above the obstruction of the fence?

I''m sorry your parents have to go through this.

Also... and I hope I don''t offend anyone here, but it seems to me like a young couple that has a million dollar house just handed to them by their parents might be terribly spoiled and inconsiderate. Obviously I don''t know them, but if they''ve never had to be responsible for themselves, it lends itself to that sort of behavior. I know a lot of people like this, and find them very unpleasant and self-entitled.
I also suggest you check the property boundries.

They could sue your parents for the windchime, but unless that thing goes at 80+ decibals, they couldn''t prove it or get anywhere. If they do take it down, there will just be something else because the couple knows they can.

Honestly, your parents may end up needing to threaten them. If the fence they built or the trees lower their property values or blocks out too much of your sun, it is illegal (in my state anyway) without a zoning hearing first. I know the sun law applies in CA as well.

If your parents can show any of this, they can go to the local planning commision and talk to them about it and possibly get it solved that way, especially if it is on their land. Lots of people who handle those things hate mcmansions in my experience and would be VERY sympathetic to your parents.

Just a few thoughts.
A big fat ditto to everyone who said check on their property rights, and ordinances involving fences and landscaping. Rotten neighbors suck. I moved to a different town once to escape crappy neighbors; and I never take for granted the lovely, quiet, friendly ones I have now. Now if their barking d@*m dogs would just put a sock in it! You''d swear they''d never seen a deer before!
I am sorry about your parent''s situation. I know first hand what crappy neighbors can do to one''s attitude and willingness to compromise. My BF have lived in the same apartment complex for three years now (we''re moving out of the state next June, thank goodness), and have had some real winners when it comes to neighbors. We''ve had all the problems...barking dogs, loud music, people leaving trash on the porch, etc. Now, we live in a college town where all of this is expected to some degree, but we live in a quieter neighborhood at a nice apartment complex. The real trouble started when the new neighbors moved in in May. We were forced to deal with a state trooper abusing his rights as a police officer, and abusing his girlfriend that he would visit. After legal action was taken to have them removed, we get a new neighbor. I am a 25 year old young professional, but had nothing handed to me, ie: million dollar homes, etc. Our new neighbor, who is younger than myself and still in school, has brand new apartment furniture which includes a HUGE flat screen tv hanging from his wall. So, I understand the frustration about young people just getting handed nice materialist things, but just remember, not all young people get that privilege as my boyfriend and I work incredibly hard for what we have. Fortunetly, we get to move away from the situation in 10 months, but your parent''s have built years of memories in their home, and have to deal with petty arguments.
The best of luck to everyone with sub-par neighbors
Big fat ditto to everyone else. My parent''s live in a super strict area of town that is semi-tied into the government because their neighborhood backs up to a National Park. Because of that, they have a lot of restrictions on what they can do and not do to their houses. Their walls cannot be over 4 feet tall, they have specific colors that their houses can be painted, their neighbors can''t use the same color paint as the people next door...etc. They had to sign agreements when they bought the property that they would follow all of the rules. If anyone violates these rules, they will get pressured to remove the offense, and if not, they''ll get sued. But the thing is there, that they signed an agreement that they would follow the rules, and they don''t have to just deal with next door neighbors-they have to deal with the whole community.

I''m sorry to hear this LP. What jerks.
sorry to hear this-sounds like your loving parents opened their home and hearts as this couple acclimated themselves to their new home and neighborhood, and after using your parents, they turned on them. how sad.

i don''t know about wind chimes but our rear neighbors had TWO dogs which were placed and tied outside everyday at 6:30am till about 6:30pm. i am not a pet owner(just kids
) but felt this was extremely cruel. my younger children were afraid to play in the backyard as the dogs went ballistic when the kids went there. it is separated by about 20ft of brush/natural trees, but the kids didn''t realize the dogs were tied. i felt so sorry for the dogs. they moved two years ago about a mile away and all of the surrounding neighbors were happy. their two little daughters were she-devils, too!

hope you can support your parents in this and help them let it go. these two aren''t worth the energy or emotion-sound like overgrown brats to me. we are moving in two weeks to another state and our home has woods behind us, about 1 1/2-2 acres of woods to our one side and there is an empty lot, not built on yet, on the other side-frankly, i''m excited about having no neighbors for now!
Thanks so much for all the replies, everyone. I think at this point, it''s a matter of turning the other cheek. My parents have been saving up to get their backyard redone and are just starting that, so perhaps there is a silver lining to all of this, as I don''t know that they would have done it if it weren''t for the neighbors blocking their view.

Surfgirl, thanks for the thoughtful reply. I can understand that wind chimes may be annoying to some people--I think their method of going about it is the problem, rather than their annoyance at the wind chimes. I suggested your idea to my mom, but I think at this point they are trying to be conciliatory and not stoop to the neighbor''s level. They are redoing their backyard, though, including a raised deck that will give them most of the view back (at least from the backyard). And yes, they are in Southern California--I guess I shouldn''t be too surprised at this happening.

Purrfectpear, as above, I understand the wind chime aversion. I just think that sending them a legal document threatening litigation is a little over the top. He''s a lawyer, so perhaps that is the way he always goes about things? It''s just a bit ridiculous to me. Especially since the wind chimes are a good 20 feet from the neighbor''s property and there is the giant fence they just put there. Oh well. As far as views not being guaranteed, I understand that, as do my parents. Neighbors in the past have built second stories and whatnot that obstructed it somewhat and they didn''t have a problem. It''s more that there was no reason for the neighbors to block the view (they could have made the fence literally a foot shorter at the corner of their lot and it wouldn''t have blocked it). They said they were going to be respectful and weren''t.

diamondsrock, thanks for the sympathy. I think one reason it bothers me is that my parents worked hard their entire life to get a nice house and then these neighbors come along with everything handed to them on a silver platter and taint it. It''s sad to me that they have no concern for anyone but themselves. One thing my mom said is that it''s different if you''re living in a place where you have acres and acres of land, but in a neighborhood with 1/4-1/2 acre lots, you have to share things like views. The neighbors don''t seem to understand the concept of sharing.

scarleta, thanks for replying. I don''t think they''re going to bother with a property survey, as the 6 inches the neighbors took off their property was in the side yard and doesn''t affect them really. Thank you, though.

WishfulThinking, it is really frustrating--thank you for replying. I don''t think that the neighbors could actually bring suit for the windchimes. I think it''s more that he''s a lawyer and wants to intimidate my parents into taking them down because he''s a jerk.
As I mentioned, my parents are going to redo their backyard, so that''s good at least.

Thanks brazen. I actually wonder if one of the reason the neighbors cozied up to my parents at first is because they didn''t want them to contest the work they were doing. Once they got their plans approved without being contested, they felt free to screw them over. It''s just too bad.

Holly, thank you. LOL about the barking dogs.

BeachRunner, thank you for sharing your experience. Sharing walls with bad neighbors is awful!

Freke, yikes on the housing requirements for your parents! Those sound really strict. On the plus side, I guess it prevents people from building McMansion Monstrosities. Thanks for the sympathy.

snowflakeluvr, thank you for your reply. Dogs can be really scary, even when they are tied up. Lucky you to have such privacy in your new home! Good luck with the move.
What a bunch of rude, selfish people. Sending a letter to tell them to take it down?? Your parents sound like the kind of ppl where they could have just asked politely and they would have said no problem. But dang, a letter? Give me a break.

My petty side says that if I were your parents, I would sue them for obstructing the view. But that's my petty side and I know nothing of the law.

Hopefully they won't have to deal with any more of their drama in the future.
We've never dealt with anything to that extreme. My mom lives next to two wonderful, older people. The one on the right picks flowers from her Gardenia bush and always gave it to me in a bowl for my room
and the other used to bake cookies for me. Spoiled much? LOL

But my FI's parent's neighbors are a different story. They started fixing up their house with the neighbors across the street. So my FFIL, started doing the same. The neighbors got mad...felt that they were "stealing thunder." Whatever
Anyway, they have this huge tree and 60% of it is right on top of FFIL's house. During hurrican season, this tree is a huge risk (a branch fell off right on top of my car which cost about $400 to repair
) His dad has offered to pay to take it down, they know they have to take it down, but they refuse out of anger. As SDL said, "A-Holes"
I''m sorry, but in MY world, when I OWN a piece of property, you cannot tell me what I can and cannot put on it. If I want windchimes on MY porch or in MY tree, then I''ll have them. That being said, I can understand the sleep thing and if someone MENTIONED IT in a neighborly fashion, I"d be HAPPY to move them, but if you send me a legal notice.... well... have at buddy.

I Agree they need to check the property boundaries. 6" doesn''t seem like enough to cut off 80% of their view, sounds to me like they''re over stepping their boundaries.
They sound like asses.

That said, even if they are legally right, they are not behaving neighborly. SUING over windchimes without having even discussed it with your parents is beyond ridiculous. The problem is no matter what the outcome of any of this, your poor folks have to live next to a couple of spoiled and entitled people who threw your parents kindness in their face.

I would NOT have taken their word about the property line. I would have told them to hire a surveryor if they questioned their lot line, and I would ask to see the report if they have one stating it. When you buy a home and you have title insurance, a survey is typically done to establish boundary lines.

Also, I like windchimes during the day, I have awful sleep issues BUT I do not believe windchimes count as disturbing the peace like loud parties would. I would tell your folks, again, to check into their rights on this. Anyone can sue anyone for anything unfortunately, but if your folks are not breaking any noise laws, SCREW the neighbors. I agree I might say, as long as your folks have a legal leg to stand on, that they will remove the windchimes when their view is restored. Again, too, there are laws about how high fences can be etc, so really, I would possibly ask the city to be sure that your neighbors are not in violation of code...they do not sound especially concerned with rules.

I am building a home near my current home. I live in the Main Line and our township is very strict about things. I happen to be on almost 6 acres, and nothing I am doing is going to be negative to the neighborhood, it will only increase values. And the home currently on the property is old and overgrown and has been neglected, which makes it an eyesore. I recently bumped into a friend of mine who knows someone who lives on the adjoining street, way at the back of our land, and knew that this person knows us. She was pumping my friend for all sorts of info about our project. She told me, oh, my friend wants to know what you are planning because she is worried about it! I nicely told my friend, it is not your friend's concern. My property is large enough that any work is not in her direct way, and that I am under no obligation to disclose to her anything other than what our township requires...such as sending a notice of impending demolition, which we did. We are doing everything by the book, and if someone is not happy, so be it, there is always someone who is a pot stirrer in the neighborhood.

I am just sorry your parents were kind and got shafted. Frankly they sound like spoiled brats to me. While I would not encourage your parents to sink to their level, as they do have to live next to them and it might makes things miserable, I do think your parents should check into their legal rights and also not bend over backwards to accomodate them...

The evil neighbors struck again. This time they called the police because my mother trimmed some of their bamboo branches that were hanging over into their yard. The police came to the door last night and couldn''t believe that these people would do something so petty.

It wasn''t like she trimmed them way back, either! She cut two branches to about 15 feet (instead of 20) so they wouldn''t be coming over the fence. Instead of even saying anything, they called the police. What is wrong with these people!?!?!?!
If I were your parents, I''d write a letter, making it apparent to the neighbors that they haven''t lived there very long and are not making a very good reputation for themselves, and making a point that your parents have been there longer and have tried to be good neighbors.
Date: 8/22/2008 3:19:03 PM
Author: dragonfly411
If I were your parents, I''d write a letter, making it apparent to the neighbors that they haven''t lived there very long and are not making a very good reputation for themselves, and making a point that your parents have been there longer and have tried to be good neighbors.
Forget the letter, I''d go right to their door and confront them. I''d tell them in a polite manner that if they have any future issues with anything they do, they would appreciate having them come over rather than the police. Seriously, what are they thinking wasting police officer time to dispute branches???
How frustrating! I get being upset if someone totally hacks away at one of my plants or cuts one of my shrubs down all-together... but calling the police for someone trimming my overgrown bamboo (which grows quickly anyway)? No way!
I guess now your mom knows to absolutely check with these people before even touching any of their overgrown plants that are encroaching on your parents' property.
Date: 8/22/2008 3:23:44 PM
Author: aprilcait
How frustrating! I get being upset if someone totally hacks away at one of my plants or cuts one of my shrubs down all-together... but calling the police for someone trimming my overgrown bamboo (which grows quickly anyway)? No way!

I guess now your mom knows to absolutely check with these people before even touching any of their overgrown plants that are encroaching on your parents'' property.

or just send them a letter saying that the plants are going onto their property and that if they don''t trim it down themselves, your parent''s will get someone to cut them and send them the bill. They sound like they''re awful neighbours-I''m so sorry for your parents.
Where we live, if the plant is in your yard, it''s your plant.

I remember a wind storm we had several years ago. One of my parents'' trees fell into the neighbor''s yard. We made sure to discuss it with them before we sawed up the tree, because any part of it in their yard now belonged to them.

This only makes sense when you think about it. Every fall tree leaves blow all over the place. If they are in your yard, you are responsible for cleaning them up, even if they obviously came from your neighbor''s tree.

Sorry to hear about all of the problems. Your parents should have every right to trim back a branch that is in their yard.
I am so furious right now I can hardly even speak. I just got off the phone with my mother and the neighbors are, escalating their campaign of terror on my parents. The latest is that since my parents have begun redoing their backyard (to hopefully regain some of their view), they raised their fence all along the property line so that they''d lose even more of it. They also sent my parents another letter from an attorney saying that the woman is now pregnant and that my parents are causing them so much stress by A. having windchimes (that they removed when they got the first letter), B. trimming their bamboo (at 14 feet above ground because it was coming over the fence into my parent''s yard) and C. restricting their access to the alley behind the house so they couldn''t get their boat out because my parents had debris there (that they told them would be there ahead of time while they were redoing their backyard) that they will sue them if she miscarries because it will be their fault.

This is just sick. My dad is now having insomnia problems and his blood pressure has skyrocketed to the point where he had to be put on medication for it. I don''t know what is wrong with these people. My mom called the Bar association today to see if she could do anything about it (i.e. accuse him of misusing his bar certification to terrorize them) and they said there was nothing they could do. She called an attorney and found out that it would be prohibitively expensive (upwards of $350 an hour) for them to fight any of this. She has an appointment with a city councilperson to speak with them, but doesn''t know if they''ll be able to help either.

I am so upset I am literally in tears right now. Why would anyone want to do this? My parents have lived there for over 20 years and have NEVER had a problem with a neighbor until now. I''m just really worried that my dad''s going to end up in the hospital with a heart attack or stroke and it will be all these people''s fault.
Good lord. These people sound ... crazy. I am so very, very sorry for the stress your parents are experiencing, and the contact stress you''re carrying ....

Now, question: is there anything they can do along the lines of citing the neighbors for harassment? Most judges *are* pretty anti-nuisance lawsuits, and that''s an extremely kind description of what these people are doing.

Alternately, given that everything that they''ve cited is shite ... can your parents just shrug it off? Write them ONE letter (notarized) setting out their position (i.e., if they''d received ANY NOTICE of these things they would have been happy to accommodate them, that they''re well within their rights with the chimes and bamboo, with the witnessing of the cops)and after that, just ignore all communications, secure in the knowledge that the BATTY neighbors don''t have a leg to stand on?
Oh goodness... this just gets worse and worse.
I am in disbelief.

Now, I am no lawyer, but are those even real things they could legitimately sue your parents for? I mean, the burden of proof in a civil suit isn''t too extreme, but I have my doubts that a jury would actually decide your parents could be sued for their miscarriage over WINDCHIMES or a BOAT.
Is this totally bogus? Have they talked to the cops about what the actual rules are regarding the freakin'' bamboo, or any regulations on how high fences can be? Aren''t they in violation of SOMETHING.

Like Circe said, I think judges aren''t that into lawsuits like the ones these crazies are proposing, especially if I''m understanding from your post that one of the parties is a lawyer and using his bar certification to write up all of these essentially threatening letters [is that right?].

Your parents should sue THEM, for goodness sakes, over their detrimental effect on their own physical and mental health. I am so sorry they have to deal with these horrid people.
Something seriously needs to be done, LP.
I would definitely see about filing some sort of harassment suit. Your parents are being harassed, and I think it is well worth the $350 an hour. Do they have a HOA or anyone else in the neighborhood looking out or their best interest?

In any case, I definitely think that your parents need to stick up for themselves. They can''t let their neighbors rule their life.
Date: 9/5/2008 12:45:10 AM
Author: luckystar112
Something seriously needs to be done, LP.
I would definitely see about filing some sort of harassment suit. Your parents are being harassed, and I think it is well worth the $350 an hour. Do they have a HOA or anyone else in the neighborhood looking out or their best interest?

In any case, I definitely think that your parents need to stick up for themselves. They can''t let their neighbors rule their life.
I AGREE!~GET A LAWYER...This behavior has to stop and these people are control freaks...they will get worse unless there is some type of legal action...start keeping records...dates,times,video taping ect...looks like this is war...
Read thru every post, and this is infuriating... Your parents need to get the lawyer. They only charge by the hour that you are actually interacting with them. Usually you start with a retainer and it is just deducted from that. These people are control freaks and it will only get WORSE once they have a child.

I wonder if maybe they have friends that want your parents house, and they are just trying to bully them out of the neighborhood.

This is absolutely ridiculous. In a million dollar neighborhood, isn''t there a neighborhood association that all of this construction has to be approved by (fences only a certain height, property lines for EVERY structure, etc)??? And the plant thing, should be in neighborhood regulations???
I agree with the suggestions that they should call the city and be sure that the new fences are within property boundaries and conforming to city code. I''ll bet they broke them!

I''m sorry your parents are going through this, it is infuriating!
How is the situation with the other neighbors?

Seriously, I would do a sit down because it needs to be done. They''re being a bunch of spoiled brats and someone needs to put them in their place.

By any chance, do they have a homeowners association?
Date: 9/5/2008 11:10:22 AM
Author: meresal

I wonder if maybe they have friends that want your parents house, and they are just trying to bully them out of the neighborhood.
That thought entered my mind too! They want to move someone in so they are trying to aggrivate your parents to the point that they will move. Well, I say F them!
Make sure your parents have all things regaring their house following all legal terms. Permits, noise violations, whatever- no matter how silly. Don''t give them any ammo, b/c it sounds like they will use any!
Wow, this gets me heated/frustrated just commenting on it, I can''t imagine how you and your parents feel. I wish you the best of luck in deasling with all this.
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