
My boys


May 27, 2006
Here are a few pic of the boys. They are both mini-poodles. Great dogs, yet they are yin yang to each other. Just like me and hubby.

Wearing their shirts that they love.

They got a bath today. We're smelling fresh and clean.

they are cute!!! :love:
Aw, they are both soooo cute!!! They must be so much fun!
Thank you. They are fun. Just now my hubby said that we need another dog. I would love to, but can we handle 3 dogs? As it is there's a 9 year difference of ages between them. It took over 2.5 years before the older one warmed up. B the younger would get in the face of his older brother Q and just want to play while Q tries to get away. Even now, they still sometimes get into it, though not as bad. And B just loves to follow Q around. I call it stalking, because he gets in Q's way and cuts him off.

Anybody have 3 dogs or more? Any advice? I love all animals. Once I have a pet they're here to stay. Good or bad, I will take care of them.
They are adorable!! I have no advice about adding another dog, and I've only ever been graced with the company of one dog, so I'm no help. Good luck with your decision.
Wow. Decision made. No dog. One of the dogs threw up in seven places. I take that as a sign. LOL
:lol: :lol: Sorry to giggle, but that's why we've remained a one cat household. Every time we think about adding a little sibling for out kitty to play with, we end up with vomit in the most ridiculous places. In fact, one night the cat woke me out of a sound sleep with his pre-vomit noises, and I was fortunate enough to get him off of MY BED before the grand finale.
He or she obviously logged on to PS and read what you were thinking about...
How handsome your little boys are!! They are so so cute!! Sorry one of them isn't feeling well right now...I hate it when one of our kitties vomit though my dh and I are quite the expert cat vomit cleaners LOL. Hope your sweet doggy is feeling all better very soon!

He or she obviously logged on to PS and read what you were thinking about...
:bigsmile: LOL- those are 2 clever dogs!!
Thanks everybody. I think Q ate way too fast, so he got sick. I guess he takes after me with a nervous tummy. He's running around acting normal. As of now, they are our only pets.

Next year we'll get our 2 land tortoises. Our next door neighbor took them in when we moved. I can just imagine how much they have grown. They must weigh close to 100 pounds by now. My hubby misses them.
minousbijoux|1320621893|3055577 said:
He or she obviously logged on to PS and read what you were thinking about...

Haha. The thought of sharing the house with another pup made him feel ill...
Gothgrrl: What cuties! As a cat owner I have nothing to add to the "how many dogs" question, except to say that I've reached the point where less cats is more (with help from Maya, who insists on being an only cat).

manderz|1320621811|3055575 said:
:lol: :lol: Sorry to giggle, but that's why we've remained a one cat household. Every time we think about adding a little sibling for out kitty to play with, we end up with vomit in the most ridiculous places. In fact, one night the cat woke me out of a sound sleep with his pre-vomit noises, and I was fortunate enough to get him off of MY BED before the grand finale.

LOL! It's amazing how quickly we learn to respond to that sound!
by Amys Bling » 07 Nov 2011 01:34
Written by minousbijoux » 06 Nov 2011 23:24:
He or she obviously logged on to PS and read what you were thinking about...

Haha. The thought of sharing the house with another pup made him feel ill...

I guess they read my mind. They are so smart!
They are cutie-pies. :love:
Gothgrrl|1320627582|3055664 said:
Thanks everybody. I think Q ate way too fast, so he got sick. I guess he takes after me with a nervous tummy. He's running around acting normal. As of now, they are our only pets.

Next year we'll get our 2 land tortoises. Our next door neighbor took them in when we moved. I can just imagine how much they have grown. They must weigh close to 100 pounds by now. My hubby misses them.

:o I want to see some photos! Where do you keep these guys when they're living with you?!