
murdered by a drunk driver :{

What a tragedy. I am so sorry for their loss. Hopefully the family can heal and adjust. Sorry Karl.
I'm so sorry to read this, Karl. I know that this sort of thing happens daily, but when a member of your family is involved, it's a whole
different feeling.

Please extend my sympathy to her family and yours.
I am so sorry Karl. Why does this keep happening over and over again? Why cant we come up with a way to stop it?
Terrible tragedy. How extremely sad for the family involved.

i'm so sorry karl. there are no words... may you and those who knew and loved her somehow find strength as you grieve.
What a tragedy. So sorry to hear about this, you are all in my thoughts.
thanks everyone.

Thursday is the funeral and the kids need all the thoughts and prayers they can get.

The custody situation is totally messed up.
While the mom said who she wanted the kids to live with there was nothing in writing.
In IL the state automatically has custody when there is not a parent in the picture(even if it was in writing, but if there is a will specifying who gets them then it shortens the process) and relatives have to apply for custody.
The case worker is having a fit because their current house is considered too small for 7 people and they may only have 30 days to get something larger or the kids go to foster care.
KARL, I am so, SO sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you, your niece, her family, her boyfriend and his family, and everyone involved. Drunk driving is no joke.

SO and I NEVER, ever drive drunk. We live in a town where there is cab and bus service, and if we go out, SO has 1 drink and that's it, and he doesn't drive until it's been 2 or 3 hours, at least. If we have friends over, we make sure no one leaves with keys unless they haven't had anything to drink. Most of our friends are in their 40's and up who come over, anyway. The rest have small children and aren't into coming out after 5 anyway--too much $ for babysitters!

My dad always told me never to drink and get behind the wheel, and that was the ONE thing I listened to as far as what my parents told me growing up. Too much to lose, too many unknowns, too many lives at stake. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.
Karl, i'm sorry to hear about such a tragedy affecting such young children. T&P to the your family and his family.

Just awful, my thoughts and prayers are going out to the family and friends ;(
what a horrible accident :nono: . My heart goes out to your family and the children left behind. Your niece has such a loving big heart to help raise these kids.
I'm so sorry for this Karl.

This is one reason I support those new black boxes in new cars.
It can provide hard data for evidence to nail bad drivers in court.

Pilots of commercial jets do not have a right to privacy and neither do people who drive 2-tons of metal on public streets.
Knowing the black box is there and big brother is watching you drive will save some innocent lives.
Karl, I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you all.
I'm so sorry to read this. All those children losing their mom, parents losing their daughter, brother losing his sister. Just 1 death affects so many people.

when I was younger one of my best friend's older brother was killed by a hit and run driver. The driver ran, well because she was drunk driving. I still remember how angry and helpless and devastated we all felt.
I am sorry things are so complicated. Last thing anyone needs after such a huge loss.

Any way you and Wifey could take one of the kids so they don't have to go to foster care?? I know you have a lot on your plate.. But just wondering...I know kids that went to foster care... I would avoid that at all if I were you...

Just saying..

Kaleigh|1306982647|2935926 said:
I am sorry things are so complicated. Last thing anyone needs after such a huge loss.

Any way you and Wifey could take one of the kids so they don't have to go to foster care?? I know you have a lot on your plate.. But just wondering...I know kids that went to foster care... I would avoid that at all if I were you...

Just saying..

We can't but my sister might be able to for a short time until the housing situation gets fixed.
The moms mom is another possibility but her husband is disabled and it is not an option long term.
Sorry I just read this post... I feel very, very sorry for this woman, her family and kids. I hope they will not go to foster homes and the situation will be resolved somehow.

Horrible pictures. Poor woman!
So terribly sorry to hear of this tragedy. . . thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
The funeral was yesterday... how awful! :{
My heart broke for those poor kids.
My niece and her boyfriend have temporary custody and are working on getting a bigger house.
Just saw this. I'm lost for words.

Prayers and hugs to all.
I am so sorry to learn of this terrible loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.