
Mom and Grandma are both okay-- PS dust does it again.

Wonderful news all around!! Thanks for the update Gypsy, and much love to you and your family!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Gypsy, glad to hear your family is in better health! :appl:
Glad to hear the good news about your Mom and Grandma, Gypsy. Hopefully your DH gets better soon also!
Ahhhh! This is awesome! I cherished every last moment with my Grandma (we lost her after a long battel with COPD on February 24th of this year), so I am so happy to hear that you get a little more time to express your love to her. Spend as much time as possible with her.

If you're like me, you'll miss the little things when she goes. I just want to talk to her about random articles I see, how our days were and about my up coming wedding. I know she'd be excited about the little details and those are the ones I miss the most not being able to share with her. She was a such crafty lady and while I try, I always required her help with things. We're going to do a craft night at her house so she can be there in spirit when we're making wedding things. I miss her being close to me. I am really glad that you get a little more time with your lady (I called my Grandma my lady), so do as much as you can with her!
I somehow missed your original post but I am glad that it looks like things have turned around and everyone is doing
good at the moment.
Just tuning in this week Gypsy, so hadn't heard about what is happening with your family. That's a lot to deal with all at once. Life is like that sometimes, just throws an enormous amount at us. Try to get extra rest and eat well, this will all take a lot of energy.

My Mum passed away with lymphoma a few years back. I'm so happy to hear that your Mum's is in remission. That is just the best news ever. More time with your Grandma - well, no words. I hope your DH is feeling better.

Good to hear that the hugs are flowing with your family. Each and every day is a gift now. Say everything, there is nothing worse than the regret of unsaid words. What I wouldn't give for one more day, even one more hour with my Mum...
Gypsy, I had missed your post about your family too, but I am so glad to hear your mom's tests came back negative and she is in remission, and you get a bit more time with your grandma. Great news. Hope you get enough time to add many more sweet memories with her.

Take care of yourself.
Thanks so much everyone for your posts and all the love. ((HUGS))

Grandma's still rocky so spending time with her is a couple seconds of recognition and followed by an hour of her going in and out of sleep and confusion. But significantly better. I just can't do much except sit next to her and keep her hands away from the cords and tubes she keeps trying to pull out. She's not able to swallow yet either so she's not given any food. Hopefully tomorrow her swallow test will be positive so we can start feeding her. She doesn't understand why we won't give her anything to eat or drink most of the time. So if we can get her swallowing that would be a big help.

Hopefully DH will be able to rest his foot this weekend and will be better after.
Gypsy glad dust worked, and hugs out going still for what your grandma is going through.
TravelingGal|1334983577|3176966 said:
Gypsy glad dust worked, and hugs out going still for what your grandma is going through.

Thank you very much T-gal.
I missed all of this..but I am sending you dust and ((hugs))!!! I am glad to hear everyone is doing well..and I hope Gma and DH continue to improve. Finally, are you doing okay? That's a lot of stress at one time!
SarahLovesJS|1335133800|3177992 said:
I missed all of this..but I am sending you dust and ((hugs))!!! I am glad to hear everyone is doing well..and I hope Gma and DH continue to improve. Finally, are you doing okay? That's a lot of stress at one time!

Thank you sweetie. I'm okay. I'm dealing with a lot of stress right now ( not just this stuff, other stuff I won't post about) and I'm not sure I'd win any good coping awards-- I'm mostly avoiding, then panicking, then avoiding, then panicking. Pretty sure I won't be able to avoid much longer though and that's pretty much when the sh*t is gonna hit the fan. I give it another week.

I am sorry you are going through so much. Just wanted to say you have a lot of people here that are sending you love and dust for all aspects of your life.

You must be feeling flattened by all thats going on. I know, when it goes wrong, it all seems to go off at once.

It does and will get better. Just do it one day at a time and know we will be here for you.
Thinking of you Gypsy!
Thank you both very much. ((HUGS))

Grandma's not improving and is starting to decline again. Her swallowing reflex isn't working so she can't eat and her organs are starting to fail. And putting the food tube in her may not even be an option (my mom was too upset to explain it well) My mom and her siblings are trying to decide what to do-- but in all likelihood it sounds like they will have to send her to a rehab hospital with a ton of morphine to keep her unconscious until she passes. I don't really know what to think about that. I know her fondest hope for her passing was that it be quick and in her sleep and I think I'm just at the point where I'm hoping she gets that wish and that she doesn't have to suffer more.
oh dear. I agree, painful to have a slow decline but thankfully, with medication available, she should be pain free. So sorry you and your mom/aunt are going thru this. It is a natural passage but ever so painful.... I hope for the best possible outcome for all. {{{HUGS}}}

And how is DH doing with his foot?

Such a rough time for you Gypsy, yet you carry on here and still share your knowledge with us - thank you
Gypsy so sorry to hear you're going through all this. Lots of dust and hugs your way, glad your mom is in remission. I had to post because I've had cellulitus twice and both times the treatment was with intravinous antibiotics first and then orally. Did they do this with your DH if not it's worth a try woked wonders for me.Saying prayers for your granma. Please stay strong, get as much rest as possible and try to take care of yourself xo
Enerchi|1335233621|3179021 said:
oh dear. I agree, painful to have a slow decline but thankfully, with medication available, she should be pain free. So sorry you and your mom/aunt are going thru this. It is a natural passage but ever so painful.... I hope for the best possible outcome for all. {{{HUGS}}}

And how is DH doing with his foot?

Such a rough time for you Gypsy, yet you carry on here and still share your knowledge with us - thank you

Thank you sweetie I appreciate the concern. DH's foot is a question mark. The progress is so slow as to be unnoticeable. If it continues till Friday, I'll make him go to the doctor.

I enjoy helping on RT. It's one of the few forms of pure stress relief I have.

Clueless, thank you for helping me with your experience. I will tell DH about the IV antibiotics. Thanks so much for the prayers for my grandma as well.

((HUGS)) to you both.

I am so sorry to hear the news about your dear grandma. It is so hard when we want to keep them here with us but it seems that they are ready to go to their next place.

I am sending you love and dust. I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and whatever happens I hope the next few days and weeks are peaceful.
susimoo|1335251816|3179227 said:

I am so sorry to hear the news about your dear grandma. It is so hard when we want to keep them here with us but it seems that they are ready to go to their next place.

I am sending you love and dust. I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and whatever happens I hope the next few days and weeks are peaceful.

Thank you so much for your beautiful post sweetie. ((HUGS))
It sounds like they're thinking about hospice (the care facility you mentioned) in regards to putting her on morphine. This is exactly what happened with my Grandma, expect we decided to keep her at home and gave her round the clock care for the last 8 days of her life. After the issue with no swallowing and not being able to drink anything, the process went quickly for my Grandma. After they started her morphine, it was a total of 9 days until she passed. I'm sorry. It's painful to watch and be a part of. I'm sending you lots of positivity and strength to get through all this!
Gypsy, please in no way is this a thread jack or take it as one. I just feel that I need to let you know ( I wish somehow I could have contacted you privately) that even in this very difficult time in your life, YOU, my dear are my ANGEL.............. you see my dad passed only last week on April 18, it'll be a week tomorrow and the process wasn't explained to me............. so I was left with what happened and desperatly needed answers, you my friend answered by posting this:
they will have to send her to a rehab hospital with a ton of morphine to keep her unconscious until she passes.

Now I know, I somehow found the way to start accepting, Thank You just seems so little for what I'm feeling right now, but yes my Thank You is a whole hearted one and I will be grateful to you forever.xo

As for your hubby if they rule out cellulitis please I urge you have them check out his thyroid (TSH Test) I have Grave's Disease and yes One of my symptoms I had was my left foot swelled the top was very itchy and red with swollen ankel. Hope it all gets figured out and life starts being less stressful for you.

Here is a link to a quick read on thyroid. Google for more and you may find the answers your looking for. If there is anything I can do or help you with please just ask.xo
I'm glad to hear about your mom and grandma...that is such great news! I hope your DH has a speedy recovery. More dust your way!!!
StacylikesSparkles|1335269722|3179283 said:
It sounds like they're thinking about hospice (the care facility you mentioned) in regards to putting her on morphine. This is exactly what happened with my Grandma, expect we decided to keep her at home and gave her round the clock care for the last 8 days of her life. After the issue with no swallowing and not being able to drink anything, the process went quickly for my Grandma. After they started her morphine, it was a total of 9 days until she passed. I'm sorry. It's painful to watch and be a part of. I'm sending you lots of positivity and strength to get through all this!

I'm sorry for your loss sweetie. Grandma did pass the swallow test yesterday. But her mind seems to be worse. They are adding more alzhiemers medications right now. Hope is a weird thing. ((HUGS)) and thank you so much for your post.
Cluless|1335278692|3179368 said:
Gypsy, please in no way is this a thread jack or take it as one. I just feel that I need to let you know ( I wish somehow I could have contacted you privately) that even in this very difficult time in your life, YOU, my dear are my ANGEL.............. you see my dad passed only last week on April 18, it'll be a week tomorrow and the process wasn't explained to me............. so I was left with what happened and desperatly needed answers, you my friend answered by posting this:
they will have to send her to a rehab hospital with a ton of morphine to keep her unconscious until she passes.

Now I know, I somehow found the way to start accepting, Thank You just seems so little for what I'm feeling right now, but yes my Thank You is a whole hearted one and I will be grateful to you forever.xo

Honey, I'm so deeply sorry for your loss. I imagine that must have been so difficult to watch and I know the wound is still fresh. I just want you to know that we're here for you. And to give you a ((HUG)) and let you know that you are very brave. I lost my grandfather three years ago, and he was a father to me. He went kind of similarly and it was such dark confusing time. I'm so sorry you are going through this and can't believe how wonderful you are to be concerned about anyone else, let alone me, at such a time. But thank you so much. I will pass the post about Grave's Disease (and DH might actually fit that when I looked at it) to him.

My very warmest thoughts and prayers to you.
pandabee|1335387217|3180703 said:
I'm glad to hear about your mom and grandma...that is such great news! I hope your DH has a speedy recovery. More dust your way!!!

Thank you Panda sweetie.
Hi Gypsy I am so glad that your mom is in remission. My mother's breast cancer has been in remission for 5 years but its always a bit scary going with her for her yearly checkup.Its wonderful news that your grandmother is doing a bit better. Grandmothers are really special, arent they? Sending you positive energy , good thoughts, and a bit of ps dust for their continued good health and for your DH who I hope will be better soon.
Hospatogi|1335412928|3181167 said:
Hi Gypsy I am so glad that your mom is in remission. My mother's breast cancer has been in remission for 5 years but its always a bit scary going with her for her yearly checkup.Its wonderful news that your grandmother is doing a bit better. Grandmothers are really special, arent they? Sending you positive energy , good thoughts, and a bit of ps dust for their continued good health and for your DH who I hope will be better soon.
Thank you so much Hospatogi. My Mom's been cancer free for 26 years so it oddly unexpected when they saw the shadow in her x-ray or whatever it was originally. Best wishes for your mom's continued remission!
Sending positive thoughts that everything resolves in the best way possible.

My grandma doesn't have long, and it brings tears to my eyes every time I read about yours.
Lotus99|1335413352|3181173 said:
Sending positive thoughts that everything resolves in the best way possible.

My grandma doesn't have long, and it brings tears to my eyes every time I read about yours.

I'm sorry to make you sad sweetie. It's a hard thing when people in our life are in crisis and when you know they are probably not going to be long for this world. I'll share the dust in this thread with you, and ((HUGS)) and lots of good thoughts for you.