
Might be doing Restylane Friday...


Dec 31, 2006
Any advice?

The primary area is the nasolabial's time...sometimes when I catch a glimpse of myself it's what I notice first.

But the dermatologist also mentioned making the lip line more pronounced, and I loved the idea when she first said it (I've never had a very defined lip line, and now even less)...but when I went back a few days later (I had been seeing her for something else) she made it sound as if she would also be injecting the actual lips, and I'm not sure I want that.

Don't get me wrong, fuller lips would be good, and I know she's conservative and they'd look natural, but for some reason I'm hesitating...I feel like the more I do the less I'll like myself when it all wears off, you know?

Anyway I am not sure if the only way to define the lip line better is indeed by injecting the lips themselves - anybody know?

Also - what was the pain level? Did you numb yourself beforehand?
Yes, numb!!!!! My best friend's boyfriend is a facial plastic surgeon and my friend obviously gets lots of free work (although, her boyfriend is very conservative, so my friend looks lovely, not overly injected - at least for now ;) ). I have sat in on many of her procedures (various laser treatments, botox, & restylane). He does exactly what you describe where he fills in the outline of her lips and it looks amazing. It's not an inflated lip, but it really contours it in a more natural-looking way. She says it hurts like h*ll and I believe it because the tiny needle has to tunnel it's way from the outer edges of the lips to the inner edges (sorry if that's graphic, but there's no other way to describe it). She numbs up first, but it's still painful, so be prepared for that. I started getting botox injections in between my brows and even that hurts and can bruise afterwards. You will likely experience some bruising, so make sure that you're okay with that for about a week afterwards. Taking arnica prior to your procedure and then again a couple of days after seems to be helpful in reducing bruising. There's a new product that she's been using called "Silk" and she likes the way it feels a little more than traditional Restylane. Having your lips injected in another thing entirely and you really need to decide if you want bigger lips or just more contoured lips. It's up to you to decide, not your PS, so make sure that you speak up. Maybe you want to start our more conservatively and try the contours of your lips as opposed to jumping right in and having full lip injections? I hope that helps =)
That is very helpful, momhappy, thank you.

I'll pick up some arnica today, and I'll call the derm's office to see if I can use the cream DH used one time for numbing for something else.

I get Botox too. But yes I can imagine this hurts more...the lips, that whole area is sensitive to begin with.

You're so right re: the lips - I need to make sure I tell her I don't want my lips injected. Not yet. For now I would just love for the line to look more defined.

As far as a week's recovery...damn, no I was not ready to stay in for a week. Next Wed/Thur I have something I need to attend. It's just a workshop/group class, not an event where I have to look nice...I hope I'm able to get away with that without drawing too much attention to myself. :sick:
The bruising can depend on any number of factors, so you might do okayl, but just be prepared for it. Avoid taking any aspirin-related products for at least a week before your procedure because they can increase the chances of bruising. My friend usually ends up bruising around the corners of her lips (where the needle is injected) and it lasts for several days. It's not terribly noticeable though and she manages to cover most of it with makeup. Make sure that you continually ice after your injections as that seems to help minimize the bruising too. I've seen this process so many times, Im thinking of having it done myself. I've never had "full" lips (although they are not thin either), but I think that filling in the contours would be nice. Make sure that you use someone who is VERY experienced with your procedure. My MIL has the same procedure and her lips look terrible. It's clear to me that her PS is not very good and she's going in far too often. The end result is inflated-looking lips with no contour at all (I'm guessing because the edges are over-filled).
Good luck!
Hi CJ2008, As Momhappy stated going to someone who is extremely experienced in using injectables is key. In my opinion a very conservative doctor is also key. My doctor is extremely conservative and we add more if needed. I have had what your doctor suggested for your lips done twice before and I was kind of on the fence about it. It made my top look much more defined. It lasted quite a while. I have also been sitting on the fence trying to decide if I want to do it again. I have never had any bruising from the lip procedure but have had bruising in the Nasolabial fold area. I used MAC's heavier concealer and that worked wonderful at hiding any bruising. I am in complete agreement that the more you have done the more you dislike your face as it wears off. Please report back how you like the results. You will love the results of having the Nasolabial folds done. It freshens up your whole face. Good luck CJ. I can't wait to hear about your results!

I have also had these procedure with and without the numbing cream. Have the numbing cream.
Calliecake|1435158402|3893509 said:
Hi CJ2008, As Momhappy stated going to someone who is extremely experienced in using injectables is key. In my opinion a very conservative doctor is also key. My doctor is extremely conservative and we add more if needed. I have had what your doctor suggested for your lips done twice before and I was kind of on the fence about it. It made my top look much more defined. It lasted quite a while. I have also been sitting on the fence trying to decide if I want to do it again. I have never had any bruising from the lip procedure but have had bruising in the Nasolabial fold area. I used MAC's heavier concealer and that worked wonderful at hiding any bruising. I am in complete agreement that the more you have done the more you dislike your face as it wears off. Please report back how you like the results. You will love the results of having the Nasolabial folds done. It freshens up your whole face. Good luck CJ. I can't wait to hear about your results!

I have also had these procedure with and without the numbing cream. Have the numbing cream.

Thanks Callie.

Yes, my derm seems very conservative...she showed me pictures of some of her patients, and all their lips looked very, very natural.

But for the reason you mention, I really don't think I want to do my lips just yet.

I really don't want to hate myself in between being able to do the fillers, you know? :(sad And some people say it only lasts like 3 months on them. There's no way I can afford to this every 3 months...

But the nasolabial folds I am sure of...I feel like I need to do it at this point. And I like the idea of more definition to my upper lip - So I can do that too especially if she can do it without having to use more product.

And yes, it seems that the numbing cream is a must - the derm's office highly suggested it too.
I had them do the defining of my top lift with the left over filler from my folds. My lips last much longer on me. Close to two years. I actually liked them better the secind year and my doctor is also extremely conservative. This whole botox and filler thing is a very slippery slope. I beleive I'm older than you and it has made such a difference the older I got that now it's addicting. Good luck. I know you will look beautiful and be very happy with the results. The Nasolabial folds alone I feel made a huge difference. My SIL wanted to have hers done after seeing the results. I have not done anything with my lip line for the past 4 or 5 years.
Oh, thank you so much Callie.

Yes, the whole Botox and fillers and getting older and surgery and wanting to look as good as we can is...hard...

I can imagine it's very difficult to accept things and go without fillers once you do it. Although with the Botox I get it done like twice a year even though I "should" do it more often. But the 11s are not as bothersome to me as the nasolabial folds...

I keep watching my neck next. :sick:
CJ2008|1435162512|3893539 said:
Oh, thank you so much Callie.

Yes, the whole Botox and fillers and getting older and surgery and wanting to look as good as we can is...hard...

I can imagine it's very difficult to accept things and go without fillers once you do it. Although with the Botox I get it done like twice a year even though I "should" do it more often. But the 11s are not as bothersome to me as the nasolabial folds...

I keep watching my neck next. :sick:

CJ2008, I try not to even think about the neck. I figure that's what turtlenecks and scarves are for. This past year I noticed that turtlenecks tend to accentutate the jowls. Seriously, it's a losing battle!!! I have never had the 11's. I can't make the appear even if I try.
CJ, I will be interested to hear what you think. I am such a baby. I have thought about having stuff done. I may one day, if I can scare up some guts. I once had some injections to get rid of a few like red veins. It hurt. I hated it. A few had the nerve to come back.

Yes, the neck is a whole nether issue. I always think about Nora Ephrons book "I feel bad about my neck'. She is gone now, so what good did it do her to feel bad about it. That is what I tell myself when I notice it in the mirror.
luv2sparkle|1435178036|3893740 said:
CJ, I will be interested to hear what you think. I am such a baby. I have thought about having stuff done. I may one day, if I can scare up some guts. I once had some injections to get rid of a few like red veins. It hurt. I hated it. A few had the nerve to come back.

Yes, the neck is a whole nether issue. I always think about Nora Ephrons book "I feel bad about my neck'. She is gone now, so what good did it do her to feel bad about it. That is what I tell myself when I notice it in the mirror.

Luv2sparkle. Use the numbing cream 20 minutes before and you won't feel a thing. It really isn't painful at all. The worst part about it is exactly what CJ2008 said about being feeling awful when the results wear off. It is addicting.
Calliecake|1435176779|3893727 said:
CJ2008|1435162512|3893539 said:
Oh, thank you so much Callie.

Yes, the whole Botox and fillers and getting older and surgery and wanting to look as good as we can is...hard...

I can imagine it's very difficult to accept things and go without fillers once you do it. Although with the Botox I get it done like twice a year even though I "should" do it more often. But the 11s are not as bothersome to me as the nasolabial folds...

I keep watching my neck next. :sick:

CJ2008, I try not to even think about the neck. I figure that's what turtlenecks and scarves are for. This past year I noticed that turtlenecks tend to accentutate the jowls. Seriously, it's a losing battle!!! I have never had the 11's. I can't make the appear even if I try.

It really is a losing battle.

Lucky you that you never had the 11s! More $ to spend on fillers! :lol:

Callie, I picked up the Arnica today - how many should I take tonight and tomorrow? and should I take any Friday morning? (my appointment is at 10:30 a.m.)
luv2sparkle|1435178036|3893740 said:
CJ, I will be interested to hear what you think. I am such a baby. I have thought about having stuff done. I may one day, if I can scare up some guts. I once had some injections to get rid of a few like red veins. It hurt. I hated it. A few had the nerve to come back.

Yes, the neck is a whole nether issue. I always think about Nora Ephrons book "I feel bad about my neck'. She is gone now, so what good did it do her to feel bad about it. That is what I tell myself when I notice it in the mirror.

I will totally report back, sparkle!

I'm expecting it to hurt.

But I want these folds gone so badly I'll deal with it...

I'll let you know how it goes.

ETA: oh, and I know what you mean about feeling bad...I always think how 5 years from now I'll look at pictures from today and think back that I should have enjoyed how good I looked. :/

I think what it is for me with the nasolabial folds is that they make me look drawn, or angry...miserable (same reason why I do the 11s)...I don't need any help not looking happy! I'm a loner and kind of a serious person so I don't need help looking more serious.
CJ2008|1435204030|3893925 said:
Calliecake|1435176779|3893727 said:
CJ2008|1435162512|3893539 said:
Oh, thank you so much Callie.

Yes, the whole Botox and fillers and getting older and surgery and wanting to look as good as we can is...hard...

I can imagine it's very difficult to accept things and go without fillers once you do it. Although with the Botox I get it done like twice a year even though I "should" do it more often. But the 11s are not as bothersome to me as the nasolabial folds...

I keep watching my neck next. :sick:

CJ2008, I try not to even think about the neck. I figure that's what turtlenecks and scarves are for. This past year I noticed that turtlenecks tend to accentutate the jowls. Seriously, it's a losing battle!!! I have never had the 11's. I can't make the appear even if I try.

It really is a losing battle.

Lucky you that you never had the 11s! More $ to spend on fillers! :lol:

Callie, I picked up the Arnica today - how many should I take tonight and tomorrow? and should I take any Friday morning? (my appointment is at 10:30 a.m.)

I have never used Arnica and my doctor has never mentioned it. I rarely have had problems with bruising as long as I don't take aspirin two weeks prior to the appointment. Has your doctor said it would be beneficial?
CJ2008, Please don't worry about the pain. Arrive at your appointment 1/2 hour early and ask them to give you the numbing cream. My doctor gives me some to put on in the bathroom at the office. Put it on immediately and put it on kind of thick in the area he will be giving you injections. In a 1/2 hour when they begin giving you the injections you won't feel a thing. I have had it without the numbing cream and didn't think it was terribly painful. I do prefer using the cream though.
Love to read about this - I've thought of getting fillers in my tear trough area because it has always been really sunken in and makes me look tired and haggard all the time. My husband is worried that it'll start some sort of plastic surgery spiral but that's the only thing I've ever really wanted to change.
Calliecake|1435208275|3893956 said:
CJ2008, Please don't worry about the pain. Arrive at your appointment 1/2 hour early and ask them to give you the numbing cream. My doctor gives me some to put on in the bathroom at the office. Put it on immediately and put it on kind of thick in the area he will be giving you injections. In a 1/2 hour when they begin giving you the injections you won't feel a thing. I have had it without the numbing cream and didn't think it was terribly painful. I do prefer using the cream though.

OK I promise I will stop worrying about the pain - but to tell you the truth, I think I'd rather EXPECT pain, be READY for pain, and then have it be less painful than I expected, than the other way around. A psychological thing for me.

Regardless pain or not, I'm getting it done tomorrow though :lol:

I picked up the numbing cream from them today so I can just apply it here and show up to the appointment...

And yes, they told me to pick Arnica...took 3 pellets last night, will take some more today. Can't hurt, I figure...
distracts|1435213555|3893974 said:
Love to read about this - I've thought of getting fillers in my tear trough area because it has always been really sunken in and makes me look tired and haggard all the time. My husband is worried that it'll start some sort of plastic surgery spiral but that's the only thing I've ever really wanted to change.

I hear you - things that make you look tired are so annoying...

What's happening for me under my eyes is my veins show up a lot more - so they create like a shadow there. I already asked, and that vein cannot be removed (so annoying I would have totally had it yanked out haha)

It's not so bad yet that I would want to do fillers there (they can help mask the vein). Nasolabial folds waaaay more of a priority right now.

I will definitely report back on the experience distracts.

But yes, like Callie says, it can get addicting, because of course you look so much better when they're done, it's hard to accept the natural state.
Hi CJ,

I'm getting Restylane under my eyes today, which will make it the third time I'm doing this over a period of a year. I have horrible bags under my eyes and this has helped immensely. I went to my dermatologist for the first two, but I'm going to a plastic surgeon today. My derm did an okay job the first time last June (I think he was too conservative and used only a quarter vial). The second time was much better - I had it done in October so it has been about eight months. However, I'm starting to see a little bit of the bags coming back, so I get what everyone is saying about being hooked on it (lol). I've been told by a number of people to go to a plastic surgeon, so I'm going to see if I notice a big difference after I get it done today.

And yes, it hurts like heck when they poke the needle in. My eyes teared up uncontrollably. My derm never used numbing cream - I'm going to ask the PS to use it.

Good luck!
njblinger|1435257554|3894234 said:
Hi CJ,

I'm getting Restylane under my eyes today, which will make it the third time I'm doing this over a period of a year. I have horrible bags under my eyes and this has helped immensely. I went to my dermatologist for the first two, but I'm going to a plastic surgeon today. My derm did an okay job the first time last June (I think he was too conservative and used only a quarter vial). The second time was much better - I had it done in October so it has been about eight months. However, I'm starting to see a little bit of the bags coming back, so I get what everyone is saying about being hooked on it (lol). I've been told by a number of people to go to a plastic surgeon, so I'm going to see if I notice a big difference after I get it done today.

And yes, it hurts like heck when they poke the needle in. My eyes teared up uncontrollably. My derm never used numbing cream - I'm going to ask the PS to use it.

Good luck!

I also heard icing the area BEFORE and after also helps...

Good luck to you too! Let us know how this guy does, compared to your derm!
CJ2008|1435254599|3894197 said:
Calliecake|1435208275|3893956 said:
CJ2008, Please don't worry about the pain. Arrive at your appointment 1/2 hour early and ask them to give you the numbing cream. My doctor gives me some to put on in the bathroom at the office. Put it on immediately and put it on kind of thick in the area he will be giving you injections. In a 1/2 hour when they begin giving you the injections you won't feel a thing. I have had it without the numbing cream and didn't think it was terribly painful. I do prefer using the cream though.

OK I promise I will stop worrying about the pain - but to tell you the truth, I think I'd rather EXPECT pain, be READY for pain, and then have it be less painful than I expected, than the other way around. A psychological thing for me.

Regardless pain or not, I'm getting it done tomorrow though :lol:

I picked up the numbing cream from them today so I can just apply it here and show up to the appointment...

And yes, they told me to pick Arnica...took 3 pellets last night, will take some more today. Can't hurt, I figure...

Yes, I think that it's wise to expect some pain and then if you don't experience any, you can be pleasantly surprised :D
Good job getting the arnica and getting started on it. Take it as directed the day before, the day of, and the day after your procedures. Also, don't forget to ice as much as you can right afterwards. Please keep us posted - I'm sure that you'll do great!
I also have the dark circle and vine showing in the tear trough area. I had a small amount of filler put in about two months ago and hate how it turned out. When I apply make up it looks like there is a worm under my skin, not pretty. My doctor has a lot of experience with this area and he said it the most difficult to do as it really can go either way with people loving or hating the results. I don't think anyone would be able to talk me into to this again.
Calliecake|1435276008|3894423 said:
I also have the dark circle and vine showing in the tear trough area. I had a small amount of filler put in about two months ago and hate how it turned out. When I apply make up it looks like there is a worm under my skin, not pretty. My doctor has a lot of experience with this area and he said it the most difficult to do as it really can go either way with people loving or hating the results. I don't think anyone would be able to talk me into to this again.

I've had some filler for the hollows under my eyes and while I love the left side, the right side is not as great (a bit too much filler, a little bit too swollen). Having said that, Callie, when I first had it done, the filler showed up as little lumps; but over time, they smoothed out and you can actually move the filler around too. Yours should smooth out too (either over time and/ or with the help of a cotton bud); perhaps you can ask your Dr to show you how?
CJ, I can't wait to see how yours turns out!!

I had some filler done for my nasolabial folds done twice, once with a dermatologist and the other time with a PS. Was not pleased with the result either time, I think it made my folds worse. I've however read great reviews from other people, so would love to hear about your experience.

Oh and the pain is not pleasant of course, but not unbearable - And this coming from a pain baby!! lol

Good luck.
Calliecake|1435276008|3894423 said:
I also have the dark circle and vine showing in the tear trough area. I had a small amount of filler put in about two months ago and hate how it turned out. When I apply make up it looks like there is a worm under my skin, not pretty. My doctor has a lot of experience with this area and he said it the most difficult to do as it really can go either way with people loving or hating the results. I don't think anyone would be able to talk me into to this again.

Yeah that's what I've read, that it is the most difficult to do. I figure at least with fillers they wear off eventually so it wouldn't be like having some kind of implant or something. But who knows if I'll ever even try - I'm SUCH a wuss with pain, I cried for like a day after getting my ears pierced.
I've never had filler actually in the 'meat' of my lips, but I have had the outline of my upper lip defined.. I think they call that the 'vermillion border'? The doctor put a little along the sides, and in the cupids bow, and to enhance the philtrum. It improves the look and shape of the whole lip area without the puffy trout look.

It lasts forever for me... the last time I had it done was probably 18 months ago and if I run my finger along my top lip I can still feel it.

You need someone experienced for that though, any hack can inject some filler into the lip area, but it takes someone who knows what they are doing to do a good job on the lip outline.

I never have any kind of numbing, and just ice afterwards.

I've never had any bruising around my lips, only once when I had my marionette lines done, and I think that was more from the vigorous massage they did, she had her thumb down inside my mouth smoothing out the filler and it did hurt like hell.
Quick question, guys...

The Dr.'s office is still closed, and they did not say anything about abstaining from caffeine/coffee before or after...

Have any of you ever been instructed to avoid caffeine?

I'm dying for a cup of coffee right now but my appointment is in 3 hours and if it's better to avoid it, I will...

And what about after? I read some literature on the internet saying to avoid caffeine for 3 days after, too :sick:
My sister has lip injections about 2-3 times per year and she told me that she avoids caffeine the day of her procedures. I had never heard of that before she told me (my friend with the PS BF has never mentioned it and neither has my MIL). She said that it is less painful if she avoids caffeine. I'm not sure if it's valid or not. I know that if I went without caffeine for a morning, I'd likely get a headache, so I guess that I'd have to balance that out. I certainly would't make it 3 days after too :shock: ….
momhappy|1435321823|3894654 said:
My sister has lip injections about 2-3 times per year and she told me that she avoids caffeine the day of her procedures. I had never heard of that before she told me (my friend with the PS BF has never mentioned it and neither has my MIL). She said that it is less painful if she avoids caffeine. I'm not sure if it's valid or not. I know that if I went without caffeine for a morning, I'd likely get a headache, so I guess that I'd have to balance that out. I certainly would't make it 3 days after too :shock: ….

Thanks mom.

I'm having a cup of tea right now made at home...not sure if this has less caffeine than my usual 20 oz cup of coffee...but the cup is smaller so I feel like I'm doing something haha I will probably just drink half, just to be on the safe side.

Another question...(I'm not realizing how much I have not thought to ask) - I'm getting above the lips injected - the line - can I put numbing cream in that area (between the lips and nose) or is that going to make my lips completely numb so I won't be able to talk, etc.?
I have had Juvaderm filler in my nose to mouth folds twice now, and I am so happy with the results. As I have aged I have started suffering with the face sag in that area. It was painful, but after 2 c-sections it was a mere tickle :naughty:

Having just turned 41 last week & being fit, healthy & strong, it disappointed me to see these heavy, aging folds appearing over the last few years. I am so much more confident now that they have been plumped up again.

Good luck with the procedure & keep us posted!