
Merry Christmas PS!


Jun 23, 2005
Wanted to wish a Merry Christmas to all of PS! Thank you for sharing your love of sparklies with all of us but most of all for your friendship! Hope Santa is good to everyone!
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! :wavey: Hope you all have a wonderful day eating & drinking with your loved ones.

Personally it’s been a horror year for me :cry2: so thank you all for keeping me distracted with sparkle and support.
Merry Christmas to everybody!

I have just taken 2 very excited girls up to bed (early & eager for once!) after their Christmas Eve treat of hot chocolate with marshmallows & chocolate reindeer heads on. They have bellies full of hot milk & will pass out immediately!

Festive cheer & love to all!
Merry Christmas everyone! :wavey: Hope you all have a wonderful day eating & drinking with your loved ones.

Personally it’s been a horror year for me :cry2: so thank you all for keeping me distracted with sparkle and support.

Big hugs to you. Here’s to a most fabulous New Year ❤️
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all got some lovely presents!

I’ve just put to bed my little one. In Europe we celebrate on 24th, so she got already her presents. She was so happy!
Merry Christmas to all wonderful PSers!
Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year, everyone:wavey:
Wishing everyone a very blessed day.
Merry Christmas from HOT sunny Australia.
Stay safe and warm or cool depending on where you are!
Here to 2019 May it be full of love, joy and BLING for everyone.
Merry Christmas/Seasons Greetings/Happy Festivus to all of PS! I've already officially started my Christmas day off properly in Australia with the essential visit to the Emergency Room to get a ring cut off a finger that got stung and swollen yesterday :lol::lol:

Hope you all enjoy the delicious food and company of loved ones today! =)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. We do our big celebration tonight and enjoy left overs and a relaxed Christmas Day. Snowshoeing tomorrow. It's just me and DH. My stepsons are occupied elsewhere -- one in Berlin and one is spending the holiday with his future in-laws. The house smells great -- bacon wrapped roasted pork loin drizzled with maple syrup and glazed with cranberries and oranges; smashed potatoes with gruyere and parmesan; honey and balsamic roasted brussell sprouts. Best of all -- me alone with a bottle of wine until dinner time. DH went skiing in a huge storm and I opted to snuggle with cats and wine.
Merry Christmas, everyone! Spent the whole day cooking and will most of tomorrow also. All my kiddos and grandkids will be here tomorrow. The tree is full up with gifts, just the way I like it. I grew up with just my mom and me, so a loaded christmas tree makes me so happy.

I hope everyones Christmas is filled with joy and the new year brings good things to us, and especially to those who had a rough 2018. May blessings abound! So thankful for all of you on PS!
Happy holidays everyone, whatever you celebrate. May the future bring all of you nothing but the best of health, happiness and success, and more sparklies than you can wear. :lol:
I wish everyone a wonderful holiday! And yes, heartfelt thanks to all who have shared their insights, stories, and bling throughout the year! I wonder how many of us will entertain visions of sugar-bling dancing through our dreams tonight! In any case, I hope everyone enjoys time with their loved ones during this special time of year, and I look forward to sharing many more posts in 2019!
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Holidays to each and every one!
Merry Christmas everyone! May it be Blingy and Bright!
Merry Christmas to all! I wish you all the happiest of days filled with love and family and some sparkle of course :mrgreen2:
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas everyone! It's late evening here in Australia and has been a very warm day spent lunching with family. We're now lounging around nibbling on cheese platters and fruit for dinner, and popping in and out of the pool with two content and tired children off to bed soon. Then it's wine o'clock :mrgreen: Happy days!
Merry Christmas to one and all. I hope whatever you’re doing today, and whoever you’re with, that you have a lovely day.