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Jun 29, 2006
I hadn''t gone in a LONG time (years), but a friend and I went yesterday and got ''deluxe spa pedicures" (no mani) and it was so awesome we''re going to do it again, but at over $50 it isn''t something we want to indulge frequently. A regular pedi/mani is more reasonable and of course manis are not that expensive... They said we should get a pedi 1x a month and I went back today for a mani but I forgot to ask how frequently they recommended. I''m pretty cheap about things I *can* do myself, but I''m trying not to be.

How often do you get a manicure? How often do you get a pedicure? Whether you''re an addict or you never go, I''m curious to hear your thoughts on this.... I''m trying to figure out how frequently I want to go.
I get a pedi every 3 years and mani every 7 years. LOL
I rather do it myself; I always wonder how clean those places are even if they look clean but that is just me.
pedi at least once a month, sometimes every 3 weeks during summer...

mani ... i try to do it every time i get a pedi but sometimes i don't have the time, so at least once every 2 months...but sometimes once a month.

i LOVE the place i go to, i have gone there for about 7's like $50 with tip for mani and pedi and they do the foot and leg and arm massage and hot stones and paraffin wax. yummy. it's like an hour and a half of heaven once a month for $50. bargain.
Date: 7/12/2007 6:31:52 PM
Author: Skippy123
I get a pedi every 3 years and mani every 7 years. LOL
I rather do it myself; I always wonder how clean those places are even if they look clean but that is just me.
hahaha :D So your feet aren''t good enough for your speshul home service?
I think my manicures are better but after being frugal all these many years I want to feel indulged and I guess spending insane amounts of money ona diamond ring didn''t do it LOL
Mani, hardly ever. I get so irritated when the polish chips after like, a day.

Pedi, every 4-6 weeks! Heaven!
Date: 7/12/2007 6:35:35 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 7/12/2007 6:31:52 PM
Author: Skippy123
I get a pedi every 3 years and mani every 7 years. LOL
I rather do it myself; I always wonder how clean those places are even if they look clean but that is just me.
hahaha :D So your feet aren't good enough for your speshul home service?
I think my manicures are better but after being frugal all these many years I want to feel indulged and I guess spending insane amounts of money ona diamond ring didn't do it LOL
LOL, you are cracking me up today Cehra!!! You made me laugh in some other thread too.

I do get massages though. hehehe

Mara, wow, that sounds good for $50!!
I usually go every other week for a mani/pedi and sometimes every week, if I have the time. It''s only around $25 for a mani/pedi it this area. There are nail salons everywhere, so I guess the competition drives the price down.
I go from time to time mostly when I need it done and don''t have time to do it myslef.In the last year I have been more often ,simply because I discovered a very good place at a reasonable price and one can just walk in and get it done any time that is convenient.
I do it myself, so the answer would be never and never. A $50 pedi would get very expensive when the technician (or whatever they are called) sues me after she gets kicked in the teeth because I am so ticklish.
I''m with Skippy! I think it''s been a good year since I''ve had a pedi or mani. I''m a bit of a germ-o-phobe, though. I can do it better myself. AND, time is never on my side. Give me a facial and I''m in sweet heaven!
I used to get a pedi every six weeks, but that was when I was working in retail and was on my feet for many hours at a time. Nowdays I do an at-home pedi and mani...I have all the tools and I get my polish online so it''s cheaper for me to do it myself and I don''t mind it at all, plus I think I do a better job! I always hated coming out of the spa/salon and noticing that the gal had done sort of a sloppo job, or that my cuticles weren''t trimmed as well as I thought they should''ve been.
To really answer your question, though Sarah, I''ve been told 6 weeks max on the pedi, 2 weeks max on the mani.
Never and never. For some reason, I can't keep polish on my fingers for more than a day (I have to peel it off!) and I can paint my own toenails better than the pedicurists (?) can.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I like to give myself regular toenail polishing, and I usually get around to it once a month.
I go at least weekly for a manicure, I am committed for a few reasons. One, I bit my nails to the quick as a kid, really bad looking and I told myself if I stopped biting (on and off for years I did so) I would always take care of them. Also, I hate when they get chipped or too long, I can be tough on them and they grow fast, so I occasionally go twice a week, because I have a lot of cuticle that builds up. I usually do french or neutrals, and in summer that can yellow or look dingy quickly. Also, if I do a dark red for a party, I like to change it righ away since it looks bad chipped, worse than light colors. Pedicures I go monthly, except if on the beach and the polish fades or yellows, or it looks chipped or I hate the color. In summer it is more like every two or three weeks. It is me time as well, which I like. I am a lefty and can only do one hand well and french, forget it! No way can I do one on myself!
Date: 7/13/2007 2:13:40 AM
Author: EBree
Never and never. For some reason, I can''t keep polish on my fingers for more than a day (I have to peel it off!) and I can paint my own toenails better than the pedicurists (?) can.

I''m a bit of a perfectionist, so I like to give myself regular toenail polishing, and I usually get around to it once a month.
Re. peeling off fingernail you remember the little girl nail polish ( I think it was "Buff Puff" or something equally silly?) that you could paint on and peel off in entirety? I''m a peeler-offer as well...which is another reason I tend to do my own nails. Even when I get a mani I start noticing that my polish is lifting up on the corners of my nails after a day or so and I have an uncontrollable urge to start picking away at it, lol!
I do my pedi every 3 weeks and mani weekly, and bless DiamondFan for introducing me to Seche Vite, that stuff ROCKS!!!! I do everything myself for maintenance for hair and beauty ( except hair cutting) so I can spend on other things!

MONNIE you fight those polish pickin' urges as you can damage your nails, naughty girl!!
Hi everybody! Long time no see, but I am still lurking... :)

LOVE your avatar, Lorelei!

OK - NAILS! Now THIS I know something about.

There is a FABULOUS website that I learned about right here on PS via the Fave Nail Polish? thread - it''s called There are many boards there, including nails (my hangout), but also wedding, hair, skin, etc. The nail gals are awesome - very friendly people. And they are nail polish addicts! There is a wealth of knowledge there, and it is pretty easy to find some good pointers.

Here is a link to some basic info about nail care:

nailboardwisdom notepad

I hope this helps - and (sings) "Happy Nails to you.............."
Hey C, GOOD to see you!!! How is the wee laddie? I thought my new av would meet with your approval, hehehe...!
Mani, every 2.5 weeks, and I have a product put on that has the white in the acryllic and then another that is pink, so it does not wear off. I am VERY rough on my hands, washing and sanitizing often at work, and have a terrible habit of peeling my nails and cuticles. I don''t keep my nails long--just pretty much to the end of my fingers. I''ve tried what seems like everything and this is the only way to keep myself away from myself. As far as a pedi, in the summer I go every 6 weeks. While waiting, I read magazines, which is the only time I really get to stop and do something like that, which is bliss. ...and the place I go is very health-concious--a must.

I''ve tried doing it at home, getting trimmers and even an electric kit of gadgets, but I just can''t seem to keep ahead of it.
I do it myself. And for those whose polish comes off too quickly I have a tip. You have to be sure and get all the oils and cuticle off your nail because polish won''t stick to oil and cuticle. Get a Sand Turtle ultra fine. After you push your cuticles back, buff your nails lightly with the Sand Turtle (note, if you have thin nails, don''t do this because you are actually sanding off a little bit of your nail). This will also remove small ridges on your nails and give a great looking smooth appearance. Use OPI Bond Aid, then a really good base coat (I like Creative''s Sticky but I think some people have another they prefer). Use a good top coat (I like Seche Vite and Out the Door). If I use a naturalish color, it lasts a good 2 weeks. Some reds and dark colors just don''t wear well even with a good top coat. Those I have to do once a week.
After you push your cuticles back,
buff your nails lightly with the Sand Turtle
Use OPI Bond Aid,
then a really good base coat
Use a good top coat (I like Seche Vite and Out the Door).
This is why I don''t even paint my fingernails - too much darn work that takes too much darn time
Pedicure - twice a summer. Whatever that salon does I swear it lasts that long and stays looking perfect...Gunmetal?
You''re right it is a lot of work. This summer I haven''t been doing it (see, that ANOTHER thing I haven''t kept up with, but I guess this one is really not a priority, LOL).
I used to do my own nails religiously... color on my toes, clear on my fingers. But my friend and I started going to a great new place nearby ($30 mani/pedi + $6 tip) and now I'm hooked... plus it lasts SO much longer when they do it! And you can't beat the massage chairs and plasma TVs and quality friend-time... it's just something fun to look forward to each month.

We probably go once every 4-6 weeks. I still get clear on my fingers, but take the polish off after a week or so... otherwise it tends to get all chipped and messy looking. But the toes last forever!
I never get manicures, I leave my nails natural. I get pedicurse sporadically. I always do so before a special occasion and then on a whim, but I have no schedule.
I get a pedicure 3 times during the summer. I get manicures every other week. I must admit that I am addicted to these!!
Usually every week Mani, pedi every two. Depends where I go here in NY, if it''s a quick job during lunch it''s a local spot and can be a $25 mani/pedi "speshul" (lol) or if i had a bad day or need some R&R it can be a spa thing for $60+

Then when I am really busy, I wait a month or so...summers much more frequently.

I need it, as I use Nailtiques, to make them stronger, so I have to go frequently. I also show my hands way too often and any imperfections are noticably obvious, so I often touch them up between. I don''t chip so frequently, as I use Nailtiques as a top coat, and only when doing french on the mani do I have SOME issues. Usually it''s just a soft creme color I bring to the salon myself. It rarely chips.
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