
Making an effort


Sep 17, 2008
Lots of luck and dust coming your way! aside from the monetary stuff I think having a job can also be a morale booster too.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you @HollyC
And @stracci2000
It would certainky good to get out of the house
Gary has seen the eye consultant at the hospital but there are now 150 people ahead of him
i think its very unfair considering he got lost in the system 9 months ago and should have had his opp by now but its like getting blood out of a stone even trying for a bit of empathy
His last eye doctor was much nicer

Any way its not all gloom and dome
today i did some sums and despite me not working 2 of the last 3 years in 3 years and 4 months we have paid ever so slightly more off the morgage than the 20% deposit we put down
So we must have done something right

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Nothing is ever easy
the job is 13 hours a week (thats ok)
One full day and two afternoons
But its not at the bakehouse 1.5km from home
its an hour and a bit's walk away
over the river, through town and up St John's Hill
I did not realize where it actually was in the interview - i thought it was the hill suburb on our side of the river
when i got home and Gary told me where it was i did have a bit if a howlie bag over it :cry2:
The Saturday day is all day and its sole charge and id have to leave home about 6am none of which Gary is happy about but right now he can't drive me and the buses are not great here
The young lady behind the counter at the bake house looked so much fun - i really wanted to work with her

How do you get to the loo when you are the only one there?
i did some google maps and the distance is actually less than between here and the hardwear shops in town so i guess it will be good for me

Oh and the dehumidifier has died
yes its 20 years old and it only cost us $200 off a work mate, we only use it about once a week in the winter but intill we can afford insullation the guest bedroom gets a little damp in winter

Gary can't see to fix it
i googled and its either the compressor or the fan
its not like it owes us anything its just bad timming

Any way i had no idea what to wear for my interview
its been a long time since my last one and i was thinking this would be more smart casual
im not good at smart casual
i either over dress or look like a homeless person
but Gary did say i looked nice
i really wanted to wear my pearls but they just looked too dressy so i wore mum's tiger eye necklase on the outside of my shirt and pulled out all the stops on the earings
Except well who knew screw backs are so fiddly :boohoo:
Which was a crying shame because i was getting rainbow flashes off them from the sun shinning in the bathroom window which only happens in the mornings sun
But i was running out of time and still had to chuck on some make up so i went with huggies and some gold earings Gary gave me years ago and left the first hole empty 20210323_151930.jpg

Anyway tomorrow im going to walk over there and see how long it takes
thursday i have an interview with the manager of that shop


Aug 8, 2019
Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about you. I'm sorry to hear that the job is farther away than you anticipated. I hope it works out. I love the idea of you treating yourself to special foods when you do your grocery shopping. They would be so lucky to get you as an employee. And I think it sounds lovely to get out of the house a bit. Thinking of you Daisy!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about you. I'm sorry to hear that the job is farther away than you anticipated. I hope it works out. I love the idea of you treating yourself to special foods when you do your grocery shopping. They would be so lucky to get you as an employee. And I think it sounds lovely to get out of the house a bit. Thinking of you Daisy!

Thank you Odette =)2

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I didn't do my test walk today
I'll just make sure i leave in plenty of time tomorrow
My NJ freind died
As this is my thread im just putting this out into the ether for dear Marsha
This was my freind's favourite song, she loved it so much hwr screen name was Rosie
she had seen Bruce well over 100 times
i just feel so sad
her husband had just retired last year and she had taken early retirement due to ongoing knee problems

I remember her showing me her beautiful new ER as she had arthritis and couldn't wear the original
She is the only person outside of PS i know who got another ER

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
OMG diamond shrinkage is a thing !:lol::cry2::doh:
I have managed to ignore in for my two almost antique family ERs because love triumphs all including size and they belonged to depression era brides

But my earings have shrunk dramatically between the bright lights of the mall and ....well a rather dingy bathroom 3 years latter

i was sure the earings were half carrot but ill have to fish out the receipt
The smallest ones are so minute they seem to disapair completly - which very well may have been what i wanted in a 3rd piercing pre PS :wall:
Why then do i find small pearl earings perfect but not the diamonds :boohoo:

It took ages to get 2 pairs in yesterday so i thought i better do it tonight rather than waste time tomorrow but it'll also mean ill be washing my hair with them in

Why are screw back so hard to do up :doh: :doh: :doh:
but at least those babies arnt comming off any time soon

Ill post a snap in the morning because the morning sun is diamond freindly on that side of the house

Im not sure what shirt to wear tomorrow
its going to be 21 degrees C tomorrow and its up hill

Thank goodness they provide a uniform top
too bad its black but black is better than red and i spent 14 years in a red shirt that made even really attractive olive skinned skinny people look bad


Sep 20, 2009
Thanks for letting us know how it's going. Daisies, can you use a bike to get back and forth to work?

Hope you made it in okay at work and you like it (hard to keep up on the time changes between the USA and Australia, not sure if you went in yet or not).

I really like your earrings with the textured hoops. Very pretty on you.

So sorry to hear you lost your friend in NJ. I'm sure she would have liked your tribute.


Jun 17, 2009
@Daisys and Diamonds, thinking of you and hoping everything works out with the job. I'm sorry it's further than you thought. Your hoop earrings are so pretty. I'm very sorry about your friend, that is really sad.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you @junebug17 and @MMtwo
Im here waiting for my interview .
The walk was pleasent- i mean on a nice day the river is beautiful
And the walk up the hill was quite gentle compaired to Wellington or Dunedin
lts on the main road out of town up the west side
Poo lots of sheep trucks roaring past
i kind of find that smell kinda homely if not exactly a bed of roses

had to stop for a frozen fanta at burger king
....might have to have one on the way home too if all goes well
but i have to remember to buy a cheese wire on the way through town
Im thinking of walking down town and taking the bus home

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019

(Sorry about the loss of your friend. I saw some friends who knew her post on FB. I haven't been active on any Springsteen board in years but she sounds like a wonderful person).

Thank you @lilmosun
I feel like my freind Marsha and dear Tibby were looking down on me today
but im sad i cant now fire off an excitted e-mail to her

i think the greatest thing Bruce Springsteen gives his fans is all the friendship's made in his name
they played a dedication to her on E street radio today,
some kind person 'tapped it' for those of us who can't get radio sirius but im saving it for latter to listen to
She is the closest of my 3 greasylake freinds i have lost in the last wee while

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you @OdetteOdile
@stracci2000 .
@icy_jade .
@junebug17 .
And @HollyC .

I feel good about it
there is a young lady in her early 20s or late teens who seems nice and the manageress and the owners all seem nice
i have a much better feeling than i did with the local branch of the big box hardwear store i worked for for 14 years before lasting 3 days at the pi**y little branch here

and you are allowed to work shorts !
I have been frozen the entire time durring my prevouse enployment so im looking forward to being warm

I just have to work out how to work with glasses for the till
i have only started to wear reading glasses since ive been at home and not working

So im working Saturday and every afternoon next week for training
The shop is in such a nice area - there are what we used to call gentlemen's residences (big Edwardian brick and tile) some even have widow's walks on their roofs

Thank you everyone for your encouragement, i really needed it

I have to control my excitment because its not full time, so i can't splash out but it is going to take some pressure off and I'll be able to have a little fun

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I am late to the party, congratulations @Daisys and Diamonds :clap::clap::clap: who knows, you might end up working full time in near future? Happy for you sincerely :)

Thank you. =)2
A full time job is my goal and even at the minimum wage (its quite high here) that would double my present income and i know i could live comfortably on that

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Congratulations @Daisys and Diamonds! What are you going to be doing? I hope it’s a job that can go full time and the team are all great to work with!

Well its not rocket science
its not even going to require the brain power of selling nuts and bolts
But it will be warm
Its just counter sales at a bakery with lots of clean as you go
and dishes - no baking trays as the goods are baked at the bake house across town - close to our house

The thing is with the minimum wage so high now the hourly rate is only a couple of dollars less per hour than my old stressful job in the timber office that required a lot more thinking


Jul 18, 2015
Well its not rocket science
its not even going to require the brain power of selling nuts and bolts
But it will be warm
Its just counter sales at a bakery with lots of clean as you go
and dishes - no baking trays as the goods are baked at the bake house across town - close to our house

The thing is with the minimum wage so high now the hourly rate is only a couple of dollars less per hour than my old stressful job in the timber office that required a lot more thinking
Nice! Is this the long walk away or closer to your home?


Jan 2, 2014
Well done Daisy, I’m really pleased for you, getting your foot in the door is the most important thing!


Apr 19, 2004

Awesome news! yipyipyipeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!



Sep 13, 2019
I am so late to the thread but congrats @Daisys and Diamonds - so happy for you!

Looking for a job is such a long and terrible process. I am wishing you the best of luck on your first day - and if you are even HALF as charming and lovely as you are on Pricescope in person - I have no doubt that you will become a staff favorite soon enough! =)2


Jun 17, 2009
It all sounds great @Daisys and Diamonds! I'm glad it's in a pretty area and the people are nice, will make things much more pleasant. The job sounds good, not too stressful but will keep you busy. Agree with Cerulean, after getting to know you on PS I'm sure you will be well liked by customers and staff! Wishing you the best of luck on your first day.
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