
Lumpy Breasts-Ultrasound- scared!

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Oct 19, 2005
Hi everyone,

I''ve just come from the OB/Gyn, and now I''m terrified. After doing my breast exam, she asked me if I was expecting my period (tmi, sorry), and I said I just had it last week. Then she says, well, you''re kinda lumpy, and I think we should send you to get an ultrasound, because it''s better to be safe than sorry. At this point I''m shaking, and freaked out, and I say, "Should I be worried or scared?" And she said, "No it''s just a precaution, we''re extra careful around here". So she tells me to make an appointment after waiting 7 working days for them to get my paperwork, and then after that appointment, make another with her within 30 days. So it''s not too much of a hurry, that''s a good sign, right? And she didn''t find anything in particular, like a hard lump, just lumpy tissue. She said it''s normal, but wants to see what''s in there. She doesn''t want a mammogram, just the ultrasound, so I''m not exposed to radiation. I''m really freaked out- is this common?
Hey Amber,
I''m sooooooo sorry you have to go through this!!!! It sounds like it really is just a precaution though, so I''m sure you''ll be totally fine!!!! I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!
Amber, this sounds like a smart precautionary thing for your doctor to do. If she was alarmed you would be going in there ASAP. Keep us posted and try, if at all possible, not to worry too much. Big hugs!!!
Thank you both, Dee Jay, and Albi, I haven''t stopped shaking since I left the office.
Real great time for the fiance to be out of town.
After booking our reception venue yesterday, I was so excited! Now, though, I''m totally stressing out.
Amber, so sorry this happened! It does sound precautionary, which sounds like you have a good doctor and always better to be safe.

Try to still be excited about booking a venue. That is exciting!!

Can you go do something to take your mind off it for awhile?
Well, Dixie, unfortunately I''m at work... Horrible day to have to go back here, huh? (I keep singing "You had a bad day" that Kaleigh mentioned in her thread, that helps). I am talking to a friend of mine online, and hoping I can get someone to hang out with pathetic ol'' me tonight. Someone who is not my mother, since she cried when I told her.. I hope it is purely a "just in case" scenario, but I''m still scared out of my wits. I think I just feel helpless. It should pass, after all, I have over a week to get used to the news before I can make the appointment.
Sounds great to go hang out w/a friend. You are NOT pathetic! It''s normal to be scared, just stay busy and try to have some fun if you can. And try to think positive!!
Actually, maybe it''s better that you''re at work b/c sometimes it helps to be busy and not think about it quite as much as you would if you were at home.

Take care!!
I know this is scary - of course you have a right to be scared! It would be odd if you weren''t nervous about it.

I think it''s great you have a pro-active doctor who wants to ''make sure'' everything is kosher instead of just waiting to see what happens down the road. Count yourself lucky!!!!!! Truly. God forbid something is awry, it is much better to know earlier. A friend of mine had a stage 0 breast tumor - we''re talking no bigger than a pinprick and they got rid of it and nothing to worry about since.

Having said that, some women just have lumpy breasts! My first gyn way back when showed me a fake silicone breast and told me that some women have lots of lumps, but what we should be on the lookout for is ''rocks.'' Very hard lumps. This fake breast had a ''rock'' in it and it was easy to differentiate that from the typical lumps.

At any rate, it''s perfectly normal to be scared. I think in situations like these we like to be blissfully ignorant and not have a scare, but vigilance is truly priceless. In all likelihood there is NOTHING out of the ordinary, but if there is, wouldn''t you rather find out before it has another year to grow? Absolutely!!!
Thank you, FG and Dixie, it does feel better to know that it''s early. I believe I was always lumpy, though, so nothing completely out of the ordinary. I''m starting to calm down, and I think I''ll be okay for the next couple of days. I just have to stop shaking!
You'll be okay girl. It's easy for us to tell you not to be scared and all that, but it's a totally logical thing. I had a chest xray done recently and although nothing was wrong, they had a side note that said some of my vertebrae were mildly osteopenic (reduced bone density). I about had a crap attack. I almost started to cry! I was like, 'I drink a ton of milk! I eat a ton of yogurt!!!' Totally silly..the doctor was like hey - nothing to worry about. If you're freaked, take a calcium supplement. So y'know, an ultrasound is a scary thing and you have every right to feel that. We're rooting for you.
Oh Amber, I know you are scared. I would be too. But it does sound like a precautionary measure and if the doctor was super concerned you'd be having the ultrasound ASAP. Hang in there, we are all here for you. I had a bad day, yeah that song is stuck forever in my head now too. Big HUGS!!!! Lisa
Thank you FG and Lisa. The part about waiting to have the tests done is what''s keeping me sane. If she felt something, she''d have shuttled me into the ultrasound asap. So that makes it better, but I''m still freaking out a bit. Thank you so much for the support, PS can be such a godsend.
Amber it is perfectly normal for you to feel scared and uncertain in this situation. I am 51 years old and apparently have a lot of fiber in my breasts. Every time I go in for a mamogram I end up being sent back for another more in depth scan of one breast or the other. This has gone on for years and so far they have never found anything. Even though it is frustrating I still in go for my annual exams and mamograms, because if there is a problem it is best to find out as early as possible so it can be dealt with promptly.
Thank you Sundial, for your experience. As far as I can remember (since I first got breasts
) they''ve been like this, so I''m trying to calm down. Thank you.

My mother has fibrocystic breast and has had several biopsies over the years but nothing thankfully that was cancerous. I do know for her experiences thought that sometimes (especially if you are fairly young) your doctor will do a "base-line" ultrasound or mammogram...meaning that it gives them a point of reference for in the future, if anything turns up, they can look back at this "base-line" data to see if it was there then or if it is something new, has your breast tissue become more lumpy or dense over the years, etc. I had a pretty bad health scare myself last year so I know how you feel. I won''t tell you not to worry because that would be futile, but please don''t PANIC and by all means DO NOT START RESEARCHING ON THE INTERNET...most of the stuff out there is not reputable and will only put you in a frenzy (I am telling you this from my experience last year!). There are some things that you can do though to help your tissue not be so lumpy...cut out caffeine from your diet, drink plenty of water, cut down on your salt intake. Try these while you are waiting for your ultrasound and see if it doesn''t help. I''ll be thinking about you and please let us know how things turn out.

I''m praying for you! I am so sorry you''re scared, and I know for sure I would be too. Try to keep calm, and remember that there''s nothing to worry about until there''s something to worry about right? Spend time with a friend tonight and keep your mind off of everything until you go to your appointment. Please stay calm and let us know how it goes! Good luck!
One more thing...if your doctor said that they are "just extra careful around here", then I''m sure if she felt it was something serious, she would have sent you immediately for an ultrasound. And if she had found any one area in particular, she would have probably pointed it out to you.

Just trying to ease your mind!
Hi Amber-

Sorry, honey, that you are going through this...but I have to tell you, as an ob/gyn nurse practitioner myself, if I am EVER unsure when I examine a woman's breasts, I send them for are a young woman, and I can TOTALLY understand your dr.'s need to be this day and age, besides being legitimately concerned, we have to cover our a****, God forbid anything was wrong, if you know what I mean...

Anyway, I hope and pray that you are fine...hopefully what she felt was just some fibrocystic changes, and everything will come back clear.. By the way, and this is not to scare you at all, any history of breast ca in your family? If so, its better to have this baseline study done now anyway-we screen women with family history of breast ca (especially mother and/or aunt affected) much earlier than women with no history!!

Like I said, we are thinking about you! Big hugs, and let us know as soon as you can how everything goes!!!!
when my hubby had cancer of the salivary gland it was like a hard marble under the skin. HARD.

You probably already know this but, might want to quit with the caffeine until you know what is going on....
Amber, don''t get yourself all worked up...I am a "lumpy" girl myself, and have checked out just fine since the nurse practitioner telling me that 10 years ago. (I''m 29.) Fibrocystic breasts run in my family, but NOT breast cancer. I have been told many, many times to cut down on caffeine, and I only indulge myself with 1.5 cups of coffee 5 days a week, no soda, etc. Apparently caffeine can contribute to the "lumpiness" factor. Firegoddess is SO right, you are very lucky to have a doctor who is willing to be proactive and stay on top of the matter. Better safe than sorry, and at least if you have any urgent issues they will hopefully be attended to right away. I would encourage you to do some research of your own and arm yourself with that knowledge, even if your doctor is very on top of are your own best health advocate. Best of luck to you, and try not to lose sleep over this. Take care!
prayers outgoing that its nothing to worry about and for calmness of mind for you.
Your going to be finer than frog hair split 8 ways.
Thank you SO much, everyone. Usually, I check things on the internet constantly, like i was thought to have had lupus a few years ago, when the test came back negative, I was thrilled, but I had still learned many a thing about it on the internet. Like I told my fiance yesterday, you KNOW I''m scared if I stay away completely from the computer. I know ignorance is bliss, but also quite stupid. As for a history of breast cancer, thank the lord, no. My mother did have a cyst in her breast that was removed 20 something years ago, so that''s the only history I have. I remember thinking years ago, if all girls were this lumpy. It''s not like I could feel someone without getting arrested, though. So I''m dealing, and the fact that I have to wait until NEXT FRIDAY to even MAKE the appointment is driving me insane. I just recently started a blog, and that''s helping me "talk it out" with myself.

Dani, I appreciate your contribution to this thread, it really does make me feel better.

Girlrocks, thank you as well for giving me your story, it really helps me think that I''m not automatically going to die next week.

Thanks to IrishAngel, LadyKemma, Monarch, and Strm, it helps to come to PS and know that people do care.

I will be cutting out the caffeine, I don''t drink coffee, or soda, mostly fruit juices. I WILL have to watch the salt, though. Thank you everyone.
Amber!!! I know it''s scarey I had the same thing several years ago, i actually found a lump myself in a self exam, and the doc sent me for an ultrasound...turned out it was just that I have fibrocystic breast which means lumpy breasts...I''m sure it''s the same thing with you, but it''s always nice to have the piece of mind from the ultrasound to say you''re absolutely fine!!! No worries, i''m sure it''ll be perfectly fine...try not to worry to much between now and then and let us know what they say!!
Thanks Amyg, and good luck with your nausea! Congrats, by the way. It really helps to hear the stories everyone else had. Thank you!
Date: 8/3/2006 11:18:06 AM
Author: AmberWaves
Thank you SO much, everyone. Usually, I check things on the internet constantly, like i was thought to have had lupus a few years ago, when the test came back negative, I was thrilled, but I had still learned many a thing about it on the internet. Like I told my fiance yesterday, you KNOW I''m scared if I stay away completely from the computer. I know ignorance is bliss, but also quite stupid. As for a history of breast cancer, thank the lord, no. My mother did have a cyst in her breast that was removed 20 something years ago, so that''s the only history I have. I remember thinking years ago, if all girls were this lumpy. It''s not like I could feel someone without getting arrested, though. So I''m dealing, and the fact that I have to wait until NEXT FRIDAY to even MAKE the appointment is driving me insane. I just recently started a blog, and that''s helping me ''talk it out'' with myself.

Dani, I appreciate your contribution to this thread, it really does make me feel better.

Girlrocks, thank you as well for giving me your story, it really helps me think that I''m not automatically going to die next week.

Thanks to IrishAngel, LadyKemma, Monarch, and Strm, it helps to come to PS and know that people do care.

I will be cutting out the caffeine, I don''t drink coffee, or soda, mostly fruit juices. I WILL have to watch the salt, though. Thank you everyone.

Your very welcome. I always try to contribute to threads where I can offer some help, not only as a friend, but as a professional in the field as well...I feel like I can make a difference, even online with people I havent even met!!

You asked if all women are as "lumpy" as you feel you are. Well, the answer to that question is sometimes yes, sometimes no. Everyone''s breasts are different, but I have to say that fibrous, nodular breasts, especially in young women, are a very common finding. Younger women are estrogenic, and the breast tissue responds to the high levels of hormones circulating around in our bodies...So please, dont get yourself all freaked out. And I am so glad to hear about the negative breast cancer history in your family. I have a feeling you are going to be just fine!
Stay strong!

I have made an appointment for an ultrasound for Monday, Aug.14th. It''s a little too close for me.

Can anyone tell me what an ultrasound details?
Oh good! Sending superhealthy vibes your way!!!!! The waiting will be over soon, and I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!!!!!!
Hey Amber- When I had my breast ultrasound it was very simple, it''s just like what yu''ve seen on tv with pregnant womens bellies, only it''s your breast. You''ll put on a gown, go into the ultrasound room, the tech will pull back the side of the gown for whichever breast they need to look at, then they will put some jelly on the ultrasound thingy (i know...I''m sooo not technical) and then rub it around on your breast until they get a good picture of what they''re looking for. It''s not painful, maybe a little uncomfortable at times if they have to push down to get a deeper view, but unless you''re pmsing it won''t be anything...when the tech got finished she called the doc in and the doc looked around a bit and then told me right there that it was nothing, nothing at all showed up, and that I had nothing to worry about it, I don''t know if all docs would do that or not...but i hope they do for you!!!

I''m glad you were able to get an appointment so soon, then you won''t have to worry about it anymore!!
Thanks for the "healthy vibes" Albi.
Amy, thanks for the heads up about what the actual ultrasound details. I thought it was like that, but my brain kept bringing up the MRI tube.
I hope it will be fine, and I''ll update when I can!
Prayers and good vibes for you, Amber!
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