
I was sooooo brave today!

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Jun 24, 2003
I drove my husband''s new motorcycle! Yamaha Raven R1 I finally got brave enough to drive it around the neighborhood! It was sort of scary since it goes 198mph! I''m so proud of myself, and secretly, I think my husband is impressed!

They kept warning us about how touchy the throttle I was really nervous, but really, it was the front brake that was touchy! I did stall twice, but then drove around and managed not to kill myself! I grew up on dirtbikes, so I know the basics, but this is a big fast scary bike!

It''s keeping me busy while I wait for my ring from Whiteflash!!

You are too cool. My dh would LOVE you. I won''t even ride a motorcycle as a passerger, and I sure as h*ll wouldn''t let him buy one.
I''ve waited 11.3 years for a "real" ring...and he''s waited 11.3 years for his motorcyle!

Give and take....and this way I don''t have to listen to him b*tch about how much something that does ''nothing'' costs! His bike cost significantly more, so he feels like he got the better end of the bargain! And I got a pretty crash
Date: 9/1/2005 6:05:30 PM
Author: tawn
I''ve waited 11.3 years for a ''real'' ring...and he''s waited 11.3 years for his motorcyle!

Give and take....and this way I don''t have to listen to him b*tch about how much something that does ''nothing'' costs! His bike cost significantly more, so he feels like he got the better end of the bargain! And I got a pretty crash
25.gif guys could be us!!!! All I hear from my husband is how much my dream ring would cost more than the bike he wants. He said that he''ll get me the ring of my dreams the minute I let him get a bike. Uh, no thanks, if anything happened to him on his bike, I''d be up to my eyeballs in debt from a 2+ carat rock AND a bike. I only say that because my husband is extremely accident prone, and has broken every limb on his body, plus cracked a few ribs in his lifetime.
Wow congrats on being brave, and now the mother hen is going to come out. Residents in the ER call those things organ generators. If you want to ride one I think that is great but please please wear a helmet.

I realize when you were actually riding you prolly had a helmet and proper attire on and that you were just mugging for the camera then....but just in case.
I got a very nice helmet!! I''m freaked out on the freeway as a passenger, but my husband is a pretty alert driver and is really paranoid about other drivers and watches everyone like a hawk. We''re in our middle thirties, so we''re not like the 20 year-old guys riding a wheelie past ya at 120mph. We''ll be careful....

Part of the reason we waited so long for the ring & bike, is because I insisted that both be paid in cash! I didn''t want any debt associated with either "luxury" item! We still have a mortgage and a vehicle loan, but have enough insurance to cover everything and still pay for our son''s education. So, we did wait until we could be semi-repsonsible about it...part of the reason I only got a 1.1ct

I''ve been saying "no" to the bike for so long...and my husband''s job is more dangerous than riding a bike, and it''s something he''s worked towards for so long....and he''s enjoying it soooooo much! His parents thought I should have veteoed it as well!

He''s polishing it as I type! I wouldn''t be surprised if a Genie popped out of it....

If your husband is that accident prone...I''d ground him too! Or....dirtbike with lots of safety gear!?
Good for you Tawn.
What a cool pic
You look great on the bike

I so get what you''re saying about "give & take"
I like reminding my hubby though, "Your boat DEPRECIATES, my rock APPRECIATES".
Wow you are brave tawn, were you petrified???
OMG, those speed bikes freak me out. I''m way too much of a nervous-nelly to get on that. Good for you, Tawn!! And don''t forget your cute helmet.
Date: 9/1/2005 7:06:12 PM
Author: tawn

If your husband is that accident prone...I''d ground him too! Or....dirtbike with lots of safety gear!?
Nope, not even a dirt bike, or a mini toy bike. When we first dated, he broke his right arm, and shattered his right wrist from rollerblading!! He was on leave from work for 6 months because he had stainless steel rods/pins in his arm. Then I went through his pictures from childhood-teenage years, and he had a cast in almost every picture from getting hit by a car while riding his bicycle; falling out of a tree; getting injured during his highschool football days. Needless to say, I''d rather sacrifice my dream ring if it meant keeping him in one piece
emsad.gif should put him in full hockey gear when he has to do anything dangerous!

I broke my wrist rollerblading.....hurt like crazy! I didn''t know it was broken and kept insisting I was OK, and then passed out hitting my forehhead on the door, woke up and threw up on the floor! I''m a little (a lot) accident prone as well, but it''s more because I don''t pay attention while doing little things rather than big accidents!

My husband is super coordinated....unnatural hand-eye coordination! But, his job is very physical and requires superhuman powers! So, I''m fairly confident in his abilities....except that he is a bit too cocky for his own good!
Thankfully h2b just sold his. We''ve had too many friends have accidents on them and we were almost plowed over a few times ourselves and he is also a very alert driver. He''s always thinking ahead. I don''t mean to be a wet blanket...just please be careful.

Cool pic, too
two weeks ago returning from an overnight trip we came upon an accident that just happened. car crossed the center line. husband and wife (he 53 she 43) out for a sunday afternoon drive on their harley. man and wife dead. man in car (42) injured and trapped in car. the worst carnage i have ever seen in my life. i still am freaked out by it. be very careful! car or truck vs motorcycle bad result.
I know, the bike freaks me out quite a bit, and I''m glad that most of our roads where we live are divided, so you don''t have to worry as much about oncoming trafffic. The other cars are what scare me the most!

My uncle was hit on his Harley last year, by a foreigner on a cell phone who forgot that you drive on the other side of the road in Canada! His leg is all pinned together, and his shoulders were totally ripped out of their sockets...which actually saved his life because they took the brunt of the force. He''s still healing, but he just bought another Harley...and we were all a little surprised! We know several other people who have been killed or injured as well, which makes my husband even more careful...but we also know a lot of people who have been successfully riding for years without any accidents. Motorcycles are sort of like pitbulls, they don''t bite more than other breeds...but when they do, they rip ya apart!

Oh well, my husband just made it back from Iraq in one piece...and his attitude is that life is meant to be lived to the fullest!

Life is uncertain at the best of times....whatcha gonna do?
Tawn, you look great on that bike! I think I could only ride as a passenger. We''re picking up my huband''s new bike (Honda CBR 1000) this Saturday. My husband might be having a baby-on-the-way-life crisis. He had shopped for and was ready to pick up a motorcycle when we first started the pre-dating process. At the time, I told him I would never date a man who rode a motorcycle and he gave up the bike so that he could date me.

Four years later, we''re married and expecting a baby on the way and I agree that he can get a bike on several important conditions:

1. He must enroll in an advanced motorcycle riding safety course before purchasing the bike
2. Never use the motorcycle as a daily driver to commute to work
3. He never ride recklessly or at excessive speeds
4. Avoid certain highways and roads until he gets more riding experience

My husband is an extremely attentive, cautious person with a lot to lose if he should get injured while riding- he is not likely to take this riding thing lightly or without lots of precautions. I know that riding really helps him reduce his stress and he enjoys this more than anything else. My feeling is anything that I can do to help him reduce his stress and enjoy life a little more is fine by me. I don''t need to get a diamond upgrade to match what his bike costs, but that sure would be sweet though

My brother had a CBR1100 and loved it! Your husband will love it...

We can worry together! Message me if you''d like...

Gotta go for a ride on the bike to Starbucks now....

That is awesome. I also ride (hence my SN) and the R1 Raven edition is such an awesome bike
, I would love to own one soon but trying to buy a ring doesnt mix well with toy purchases

Kudos to you for riding it, atleast you only stalled it instead of gunning it and looping it
. My GF loves riding with me and I''m trying to get her to ride on her own but she doesnt seem that intrested.

I am also a very safe rider like your husband (took the MSF course and have lots of experience on bike). I watch everything I can in traffic and dont pull wheelies on the street. I have also been to a few track days this year so I get my speed fix there where conditions are more controlled.

Hope you guys have lots more uneventfull fun with the R1 and ride safe.
Thanks SVRider

Young guys keep pulling up along side of us and telling us what a cool bike it is! You would think my husband gave birth to it, he''s so proud!

As soon as I got off the bike, my husband was trying to talk me into getting the matching black R6! We''re upgrading our son''s Honda XR70 next year, and I think I''d much rather have a dirtbike than a streetbike! I think I''d be too paranoid and nervous to ride on the highway! When I was in my 20''s maybe, but now I''m in my 30''s....I''m just too damn old!
Sweet looking ride. You done good getting it around the neighborhood. Have you considered "Track Days." They are great to really exercise the bike without fear of some cager taking you out.

I am going to have to sell one of my Ducati to make up for what I spent on a ring.
Tawn.....I can''t believe that you and I are awaiting are rings for almost the same amount of time...and my husband just got his dream scooter. He wanted a motorcyle and I vetoed that. He had one 5 yrs ago and I had a heart attack evey time he toolk it out...since it was a Suzuki GXSR 1100...too much power for since I was getting my ring....he really wanted a we compromised. He got a Suzuki Burgman Scooter...a looks like a motocycle.

I won''t ride on it
...I am way too scared
....he loves it and eventually wants to upgrade to a nice cruiser motorcyce. I told him that is when I will upgrade my ring! LOL....

Annette NYC


Seems as though we''re living parallel lives at the moment! And life is busy...


My husband went out riding with a maniac friend today, and I was trying to be all nonchalant about it...but I was relieved when he called in the middle of the ride to tell me he was alive! This guy has the same bike, but a 2003 and red...and he''s a complete lunatic! He''s not married (engaged and gave her a very nice ring!)...and no kids, so he doesn''t have the responsibilities that my husband has! So, it makes me a bit nervous when they go out riding together!

Our son is 11 (we started pretty young since we''re only in our middle thirties now!)...and he forgot his bus pass this morning, so my husband ran him in to school on the bike! That totally freaks me out, and I just sit and have heart palipitations until I know they''ve arrived! I have to admit that I don''t want him on it...but I won''t tell him that because then he''ll want to go all the more! And, he thinks it''s soooo cool to get picked up and dropped off on it...


I''m going to have to check into the track thing, because I know they have one for dirtbikes and have kid''s day on that could be a fun family event for us! Hmmmmm...I just realized that everyone has a motorcyle in our family except me! Gotta remedy that one!
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