
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, sorry to hear that the nice clean house will be defiled by Marty's poker night, ha ha! Since I cleaned up here at the end of last week it was so nice (except for the paperwork I spread all over the kitchen counter) that I've slept on the couch the past two nights while the CB was over at the boathouse. And not the "good" couches either, than need the cushions fluffed every damn time you look at them, but the "old" coach with it's super shape-keeping cushions, LOL.

Yesterday I got all caught up on the accounting for the cow bag lady. I took me literally all day... ugh. Today I may try to work on the shoe store lady's paperwork but I think my friend in town wants to do some shopping so we'll see. We did go out to dinner last night but it was a (relatively) early evening and I was back on my couch with a blankie and a book well before midnight.
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I went downstairs after Marty left for DIA. I only found 2 glasses still setting around with scotch in them, coffee stains in the sink and the back door unlocked. The carpet needs vacuumed again but not bad for 8 guys and 5 plus hours or poker.

Glad you are enjoying sleeping on the couch and having your place clean since last week. I hate those cushions that need fluffed up when you walk by them. But they look good. I washed our new flannels sheets and put them on our bed today. I figure if they are too warm for me this week, I'll dig the cotton sheets back out on Friday.

I hope you have fun with your friend that is in town this weekend. Woo hoo for getting caught up on the cow bag lady's accounting.

Marty is eating at Elways at DIA and said police escorted some people in to the restaurant and are now waiting outside the door. I wonder who they are? Marty said no one look familiar to him.

We had tacos for lunch and I made lots of extra ground sirloin for leftover taco salad this week and to make some mini pizzas for the freezer. I had some popcorn for supper.

More of that 4 letter white stuff is coming tomorrow. My flannel sheets will come in handy with a snow storm coming.

I have been watching some Magnum P.I. today. One of the shows had Frank Sinatra in it; I was rather surprised to see him in an old TV show.

I ordered some photo Christmas cards and coasters today with some eclipse pictures. The eclipse mugs showed up on Friday and look fabulous. Sadly the area by the handle is white instead of black but the eclipse picture look great. Then I followed up that order with a big box of self stick envelopes for the Christmas cards because I hate licking envelopes. I'm buying all sorts of random things with my free Prime shipping.

Have a great evening and tomorrow the week begins anew.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, wonder what was going on in the restaurant in DIA...? And you've reminded me that I have flannel sheets somewhere, but not sure where. Hmm. Maybe time to dig around in the plastic storage bins under the bed and see if I can find them!

Yesterday I did NO accounting whatsoever, although the paperwork is strewn all over the kitchen, LOL. The CB came home from the boathouse about noon and put Rick Bayless' tinga poblano recipe on in the crockpot. The whole house smelled DELICIOUS for HOURS! My friend and I went to dinner at PF Changs (which was very underwhelming) but when I got home I did sneak a bit or two out of the batch that was in the fridge since I hadn't had any earlier. It was AMAZING -- I think maybe the best thing the CB has ever made. I'm looking forward to dinner tonight!

It's definitely cooling off here; it was 35 degrees for my walk in this morning. I don't mind that really, and it's a lot better than walking to work when it's a hundred, but fall is definitely here and winter is right behind!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I checked some of the Denver news websites and never say mention of some celebrity in town. I admit I am curious. I love flannel sheets in the winter, they are so toasty warm. I hope you find yours before it gets chilly at night.

Sounds like CB is quite the cook. I love it when the house smells delicious for hours. I am sure you enjoyed dinner tonight.

35 degrees isn't bad for a walk; if this weather system comes your way winter is on it's way. It was really snowing on the way home tonight. I was glad it wasn't sticking yet. Tonight will be in the teens so the roads will probably by icy in the morning. We are just expecting 2-4 inches of snow.

Last night I dug out my old rouge polishing cloth last night and polished my Tiffany band, my ering and my 5 pointers band. What a difference! I clean my jewelry every time I wear it but the thicker bands were looking a bit scratched.

I made mashed potatoes and leftover steak and gravy for supper tonight then split it in half so I'll have it for my lunch tomorrow.

Marty's 60-ish pound bar was on the porch tonight so I propped open the door and lifted the one end up and slid it in to the house. It is now residing safely in the hall way.. Those round tubes roll well.

I put in for some time off around Christmas. Woo hoo! Marty needed to figure out when to take some time off and when he needs to be in LA. Sounds like he'll be there a lot but I'll take it since that means he's still employed. Those pay checks are so helpful.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, the tinga poblano last night was FABULOUS! I had seconds and had to stop myself from going back for thirds! Are you going to Phoenix for T'giving this year BTW? If so, we'd love to meet up again!

Yesterday I worked a little late, and then after dinner I hunted up my x-mas card list so I can order some cards for this year because the ones I'm CERTAIN I have in the house are MIA. I'm also positive I printed up an extra set of labels last year so I would have them handy for this year, but apparently all that stuff is together in the Land of Neverwhere. At least he Hallmark site has a sale, buy one box get one half off, so it will only cost me about $50 for 160 cards. I'd still like to know where those cards and labels are in my house though!
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, the tinga poblano last night was FABULOUS! I had seconds and had to stop myself from going back for thirds! Are you going to Phoenix for T'giving this year BTW? If so, we'd love to meet up again!

Yesterday I worked a little late, and then after dinner I hunted up my x-mas card list so I can order some cards for this year because the ones I'm CERTAIN I have in the house are MIA. I'm also positive I printed up an extra set of labels last year so I would have them handy for this year, but apparently all that stuff is together in the Land of Neverwhere. At least he Hallmark site has a sale, buy one box get one half off, so it will only cost me about $50 for 160 cards. I'd still like to know where those cards and labels are in my house though!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am glad to hear the tinga poblano was fabulous last night. I don't think we are going to Phoenix this year but I think we will go next year. I think we need to get down and visit Marty's parent's more often. I will keep you posted. It would be great to meet up again with you and CB and also do a hit and run in parking lot in California on the same day. Oh wait, that didn't happen.

You will find those cards and labels after you get the new ones in the mail. What a fabulous idea to print up 2 sets of labels at a time. The few new ones to add can easily be handwritten. Thanks for the idea. Of course I will lose those labels too. I assessed how many cards I have left before ordering the eclipse cards. I have about 50-60 cards left so I only ordered 40 eclipse cards. I always try to get a box or two of obnoxious cards each year. Some of our friends just expect them.

Our phone's answering machine sends us wav files of our voice messages so I played one we got earlier today while I was at work. It was the place Marty rents his gym from. I called them and apparently they raised his rent $10 a month and he failed to tell me that. I had paid them October and November's rent in September but now that it is November Marty owes them $20. I will go pay tomorrow. Maybe I'll pay December and January rent but fail to tell Marty he's got through January. That way I'll be mostly ahead a month. I diplomatically told him about the call and said "I didn't know the rent had gone up". Originally I had thanks for telling me the rent went up but decided I hate to be a nag from 900 miles away.

A friend came over tonight with a ready to bake pizza. We baked the pizza, almost finished off a bottle of wine and played cribbage. It was fun.

The roads were very icy this morning but I didn't have any problems getting to work. We ended up with about 3 1/2 inches of snow.
Have a great Wednesday.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I used to do fun and obnoxious cards too but it just became too much. I send out about 150 and between just trying to keep straight who's Christian and who's not and who celebrates what -- or nothing -- I gave up. I'd love to find generic, but pretty, cards that said Seasons Greetings and leave it at that. Maybe I'll walk over to the Hallmark store at lunch today and see if they've got anything before I bite the bullet and place an order online.

Last night I did a little research and "improved" upon a gift idea I had for dad. I also came up with a few things I could give other people as ideas. Friday I plan on placing a massive order through Costco, Uncommon Goods and Etsy. Hopefully that will take care of the bulk of what I need. And then, when it comes, the wrapping begins!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you get a chance to wander over to Hallmark? I found another box of cards when I put away my self stick envelopes tonight. I should be good to go. It is hard to figure out what card to send to who which is one reason I like photo cards. One size fits all. The Christmas letterhead I ordered has different Christmas cookies on top with some Christmas decorations. I saw one I really liked with Santa and his sleigh with reindeer but then Amazon reminded me I bought that in 2015. I guess I liked it then too.

You are certainly making more progress than I am on packages. I have the gag gift ready for the friends we always get something for, I have one thing for Marty's stocking and the gifts for a couple we exchange gifts in the astronomy club. I need to get busy. I'll come wrap presents for you. I really like to wrap presents.

My stomach wasn't happy with me last night and most of the morning. I think it was because I had more wine than food last night. I wasn't drunk but 2 glasses of wine on top of 2 thin crust pieces of pizza was definitely more alcohol than food. I ran an errand at lunch today so picked up a sandwich and chips so after eating I started to feel better.

My employees drove me to hurl about 50 pages of paper on the top shelf at my desk. Those suckers made noise and pretty much bounced right back up, jumped over the cube wall and ended up all over the floor. I was impressed a stack of paper could do that. About then was when I decided to go run my errand even though it was only 11; I needed to get out of there.

Marty is headed back to LA next week then he'll be going every other week until the holidays are over.

Speaking of Christmas gifts I got an email for a Persona Snoopy Christmas charm bracelet. I want it but I would never wear it. It's $299. Decisions, decisions. I have about 8 or 10 Snoopy charms already but find wearing the bracelet pretty annoying and clunky. But hey it's Snoopy.

Friday is in sight. Woo hoo!
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, you and I are a rare breed -- most people hate to wrap gifts! I LOVE it too! In this place I have to be ready and fully committed to the process though because I have no walls so it happens on the dining room table (and chairs.. and floor... ) and the mess is fully visible until I finish and put everything away in the closet again. Getting it out and putting it all back is a bit PITA so this year I have convinced myself to wait until I have everything to get the process started. I am eager to get my big orders placed so it starts rolling in!

Last night I did a whole not of not much, and went to bed early. Well that proved to be a mistake because the I was fully awake about 2 am and the damn internet wouldn't work. My computer was useless but I switched my phone off of wifi. I could have gotten up, walked the 50 feet to the router, reset it, and solved the problem... but iinstead I chose to wait until the CB got up for work and had him do it, ha ha. Voila -- I am now reconnected!

Today I'm going up to see the cow bag lady and we're going to work on getting stuff ready for her big upcoming show. She really really really needs to build up a whole lotta inventory in a whole lotta hurry. Ugh.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I don't think there are many people who like to wrap gifts. Good plan to wait and do your wrapping all at once. I add jingle bells in Christmas gifts. My sister was telling me both my nieces saved every one of them too. I don't have much in the way of a flat place to gift wrap but I'll pull out the card table. I could use the bar downstairs but it's for Marty's height not mine.

Darn that you woke up so early and even worse you didn't have any internet. If I go to bed early the same thing happens to me - I either can't fall asleep or I wake up really early.

I hope you had a nice time planning for the upcoming show with the cow bag lady. My sister is working on her doll clothes supply for her upcoming craft shows. I hope everyone does well.

One more day of work for me this week. Next week is go time to try and get things done through the end of the month. That upcoming 5 day weekend makes the last half of the month pretty rough.

I guess my SIL is coming for the weekend. She wants to look at pickups. Marty heads back to LA on Sunday.

Take care.
Hi Kids!

Welcome to the weekend. Had a gorgeous sunset today but I only saw it from work. 10 minutes later when I got to my car it was pretty much gone. Darn.

Marty is back in town but at his gym already. His sister is coming up. She wants to drive pickups. He said he wants to drive a GMC Sierra Denali. WTH??? His F150 is 2 years old and we paid for all the maintenance ahead of time plus it has 0% financing. :wall::wall::wall:

I am trying lazy cooking this week. Last night I used parchment paper and made a grilled cheese sandwich in the oven. I flipped it over after about 5 minutes. I worked fairly well.. Tonight I was baking oven fries and hadn't thawed out a burger but since it was already wrapped in foil I am trying to bake a frozen burger as well. I'll try anything to avoid dishes these day. :lol:

I was debating chasing around tomorrow with Marty and my SIL to look at trucks but decided I'll stay home and work on my stack of laundry. Marty is leaving again on Sunday so I want to get it all done tomorrow.

My eclipse Christmas cards showed up. They look good. I didn't try them with my self stick envelopes but they should work fine. Woo hoo!

Have a fabulous weekend.
Curby dirty Porsche
Hi Kids!

So Marcy couldn't keep her mouth shut last night about a new pickup. Message received. I was polite though.

I got up at 6 today to check out Venus and Jupiter closing in on each other. Then I couldn't go back to sleep. Marty got up about 6:30. I wrote my SIL a note and left it in her bathroom about what a rude, inconsiderate house guest she was that we were up starving and ready for breakfast but no she had to sleep in. I am so easily amused.

After breakfast Marty and his sister went to drive pickups and I started laundry. I went and got in line to get my car washed and then hit the grocery store. They finally had my eye drops ready to pick up. I picked up some steaks for supper and a little tub of Cherry Garcia for the 3 of us to split.

My car looks so much better. A lady at work told me about car wash that is touch-less and usually not very busy. For a Saturday morning and decent weather I was only 4th in line. Not bad. It even got quite a bit of my brake dust off. Sweet.

Hi Kids!

My SIL left after lunch. Marty will probably head out within the hour. Then it will be quiet and boring here. We ran out again this morning so my SIL could look at the pickup she kind of likes. I think I'll make some cookies this afternoon and have a plate ready for a friend of mine who is moving on Wednesday this week. Plus having the oven on will warm up the house. Woo hoo!!! I have been cold since standing out in the cold wind when we went to look at that pickup.

I need to file my nails today and get them painted again. I continue to have good luck with that Essie Gel top coat. The light color I had on last week didn't look bad after wearing it for a week. Sweet.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, it sounds like you were successful in talking Marty out of a new pick up! And I know what you mean about being cold... I stepped in a slushy puddle on Friday getting out of the car in the morning and spent the rest of the day with a cold wet foot. I was freezing all day and didn't really warm up until I rolled myself in a big fuzzy electric blanket on high for about an hour, LOL. I did ask my dad for heated socks for xmas... we'll see if I get them!

I spent all of Friday with the cow bag lady. I was exhausted and covered in hair when I left there. Saturday morning we headed out early and I took some bags to one of the stores in Indiana that carries them, and then we continued to the boathouse. The CB worked on a project that involved three trips to the hardware store and several hours down in the crawl space. With a nasty cold no less. Poor CB. The project worked out perfectly though and I took him out for a nice dinner when he was done.

This morning we stopped at a little art gallery on the way back from the boathouse. They had some cool things, including prints made by covering a plant in ink and then pressing them. I really liked two of them, one made with Queen Anne's Lace and one with fennel, but both are unfortunately too big for where I have a spot to put something. Oh well, now that I know the gallery is there we can stop by every now and then and see what new stuff is there.

Back in the city we had lunch at a BBQ place (not our first choice, but the place we wanted to go had a line out the door) and then we went to a garden place that has a really cool gift shop attached. I bought a Christmas cactus... we'll see if that sucker makes it to Valentine's Day let alone long enough long enough to bloom next season, ha ha.

This little ng gangbusters on the x-mas shopping! I placed several orders last night and I'm working out an order on etsy right now for some hand stamped key rings for the cow bag lady and the shoe store lady. After that all I have are my dad and his wife, and I need to hear back from my brother on if his kids want anything specific. Once all this stuff shows up, then the wrapping begins! I actually wanted to start tonight but we're having a condo meeting in my unit on Wednesday and I don't want to get it all out tonight and have to clean it up by Tuesday, only to get it out again next weekend.

Finishing up some laundry now and then I might head to the couch for a little nap. And as an afternoon treat I made some hot chocolate, but realized after the water was boiling that I don't have any baileys so I concocted my own with vodka and french vanilla creamer. Who said I can't cook?!? :cheeky:
Dee Jay, sorry you got so cold on Friday. Cold feet will certainly do it. Battery socks should be toasty warm. I had some once and they used D batteries so seemed clunky but they worked.

I am glad CB's nasty project turned out well. I am sure he enjoyed a nice dinner afterwards.

Good luck with the Christmas cactus. The flowers on them are so pretty but I've never had luck with them.

That's nice you found an art gallery on the way to the boathouse. Always a nice break to wander around an art gallery.

You are doing great on your Christmas shopping. Wish I could say the same. Good idea to wait until after your meeting to get out the gift wrap stuff.

Way to improvise on your hot chocolate. That sounds pretty good. I do like Bailey's in hot chocolate, or Kahlua and vanilla is one of my favorite flavors. Mm.

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I am curious about the battery situation on the socks (if my dad does indeed get them for me). I saw some with 9 volt, some with AA, and some with AAA. I don't think I saw any with Ds, but if they keep my feet warm I'll take 'em, ha ha!

I got a fraud alert on my credit card last night so I looked at the transactions. When I saw the balance I was like, OH NO -- I've been hacked! But then I realized all those transactions are valid... Ugh. Oh well, it's all in the spirit of giving... right?!

This morning I dug out the cold meds. So far I don't feel TOO bad... but if my cold is anything like the CB's cold I'm in for a miserable few days.

Next week is Thanksgiving already -- holy cow! I have been in denial about how fast this year is flying by, but reality is setting in. 2018, here we come... !
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, the battery socks I had did keep my feet warm but I used them at star parties and they seemed to cool off fast. I am sure they work better now than what I used in the 1980's. Those little hand warmers were pretty sweet though.

Darn and good at the same time - that all those credit card purchases were yours. I need to use one of my credit cards soon. We had quite a few cards but don't use them so most of them closed our accounts. That's probably not a good thing either.

Oh no. I hope you dont' get a bad cold and I hope CB is getting better. Colds are no fun.

I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here either. Darn we are going to be in Arizona next week. Hopefully we can catch up next year.

I spent my day eating way more small white chocolate PB cups that I should. I swear every time I walked by that bowl I grabbed a few of them. I don't know why I like them so much and once I started eating them I continues. I hope I'm not too sugar buzzed to sleep tonight. If that bowl is around tomorrow I'm moving it somewhere out of my sight.

I did get my eclipse coasters in the mail today. They look good. I ordered 2 sets of 4 and each set has a different picture so I will use 2 of each photo for a set of coasters. My gift for the family gift exchange will be an eclipse mug, eclipse coasters and an eclipse magnet. If only I could figure out the menu. I do have over a month though.

Speaking of being cold I have on a t-shirt, sweater and sweatshirt right now and I am finally getting warm. I did bump the thermostat up a degree.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I can't remember if I told you about my hand warmer mishap a few years ago or not... It was the first year of doing the giant pumpkin carving in my current parking lot and it was COLD. Like 40 degrees and spittin' icy rain all night. I took some hand warmer and tucked them inside my bra. Whew wee -- it was glorious! Well... the next morning I looked in the mirror before I got in the shower... and I had square bright red marks on each boob!!! The warmers felt great at the time, but it took several days for the squares to fade. Let's just say I won't be doing that again, ha ha! If you think of it please post a pic of your eclipse gifts because I would love to see them!

Last night I worked a little late. While the CB and I were eating dinner two people in my complex stopped by to fill out proxy forms for me to vote on their behalf at the condo meeting tomorrow. I didn't really do my else (stupid cold... ) and went to bed early. Aside from the fact that I can't breath I don't feel tooooo bad today, LOL.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, sounds like you had checkered red boobs. Fun! Glad the hand warmer's didn't burn you. That would have been a bit painful there.

I will get pictures of the eclipse stuff. I think they look better than I hoped. When you do mail order photos it's always iffy.

I hope your cold is doing better. That sucks you can't breathe. It sounds like a nasty cold.

I made another batch of mini pizzas tonight. I burned the roof of my mouth with that first bite. Darn. I'll watch that when I bake the other 3 pizzas.

I saw an article of supposed tweets from Gordon Ramsey. One really made me chuckle - you are supposed to roast a chicken not send it to a crematorium. GR is amusing to listen to because he is so blunt and uses such colorful metaphors. Of course I am easily amused.

Have a great evening.
Good morning. I am a bit creeped out. I found my back gate open this morning. When I went and shut it I don’t see how the wind would have blown it open. It wasn’t wide open just enough for someone to walk through. I was going to go look through the security video at the back door but decided I might not want to know if someone was back there. I’ll have Marty check on Friday.

Have a great day!
Curby feeling creeped out.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Cruby... woah...?!? Yes, definitely have Marty look at the video. Do you also have motion detector lights back there? Is there any way an animal, like may be an industrious raccoon or something, could have done it? And I hate it when I burn the roof of my mouth on something! It's such a pain for a few days afterwards. I've reached the point in my cold where I sound like Demi Moore. Or Kermit the Frog. Take your pick.

Last night I cleaned up the house for the condo meeting tonight. The weather is total sh!t here, so I'm not sure anyone will even show up. My umbrella turned inside out this morning about three blocks from my house and I had to go back and get another one. Needless to say I was a bit damp and disheveled when I got here...

I don't know if you saw my thread in hangout about the Movit ring but Madelise posted another smart ring called Ringly. I'm totally intrigued! They have the "emerald" version in stock at a Barnes and Noble near me and I'm going to go and look at it tomorrow. From the pics I like that one and also the grey version with the gunmetal band. Hmmm... Maybe I'll get both!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I think I'd pick Demi Moore over Kermit the Frog for who I sound like. I tend to lose my voice for a few days too. Marty LOVES it. When Marty gets a cold his voice gets really deep and I keep asking him to say "This is CNN" but he doesn't think I'm funny.

Marty reassured me the wind has blown that gate open before. We don't have motion lights but do have alarms on the house and they never went off. I should just quit looking out the window.

I hope you had a good turn out for the condo meeting. Did they pick a new president?

Darn that your umbrella turned inside out. Umbrellas don't fair well here either. I'll get in the elevator at work and someone is carrying an umbrella. I'll ask them - you aren't from here are you? They are always surprised I know that. I just smile and say something like most natives don't even try using umbrellas.

I'll check out your thread. Sounds intriguing.

I met a friend for supper tonight. I opted to try a baked spaghetti and meatballs. I won't pick that option again. My wine was good. It was fun catching up with my friend. We compared being old tales. She has a sister in Casper so went there to watch the eclipse this summer. I showed her the collage pictures I made from my friend's photos.

Have a fabulous Thursday.
Hi Kids!

It's true. People have often said I can only tolerate a one degree difference in temperature. I can live with the thermostat at 73 if I wear a sweater. I get cold at 72. WTH? I set the temp up to 74 degrees last night and thought it was too warm this morning. I'm never admitting this to Marty. Ever. :lol-2:

Tomorrow is Friday and Marty will be home. Woo hoo!

Have a fabulous day.
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, I once had a four month job assignment in Detroit. It was a grand old building with giant windows and radiators that were apparently receiving the heat source directly from hell. The only way to make my space (which was previously a long narrow corner conference room before it became my office) was to turn the radiator valve to full open (thing was damn near RED hot!) and crack the opposite most windows, which were actually adjacent to each other if you want to get technical from a geometry standpoint, ha ha. If was the only way to maintain a temperature in there that was acceptable, in the very narrow range of temperatures that I, like you, find acceptable!

Yesterday I went up to the cow bag lady's place, got a bunch of bags, drove them to a friend's house in a distant suburb, came home, went back to the cow bags lady's place for several more hours to help her with stuff, and arrived BACK home after 10 o'clock and fell promptly in to bed. She wears me out!!!

Today I have NOTHING to do! Well... OK... there's LOTS to do around here. I *should* clean the bathrooms, mop the floor, do some catch-up accounting for the shoe store lady, and wrap some gifts. But as of right now I'm drinking a diet coke and contemplating a late afternoon nap... :cheeky:
Curby!!! Went to Barnes and Noble and got the emerald Ringly! SUPER pretty!!! So cute I don't even care if it works, haha. Posted pics in the thread on Hangout if you want to see it.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that emerald Ringly looks really cool! I will be anxious how well it works with your phone. Neat idea! What a deal you got on it too.

I totally chuckled at your Detroit story and the radiators directly linked to hell. Some of the older classroom buildings at UW had radiator heating and I loved those rooms. I'd always park myself by the hot side of the room and yes the other side of the room was frigid.

You are a good friend to the cow bag lady. I hope you slept soundly after your very busy day.

Did you enjoy a lazy day yesterday?

I actually wrapped a few presents last night. We had our astronomy meeting and since there isn't a meeting in December I wanted to take the presents for this one couple so I don't have to catch up with them next month. He got one of the eclipse mugs. I gave them both one of the sets of eclipse coasters and magnet. Then I got her a Snoopy night light. After it was all wrapped I was thinking, wait a minute I didn't see another one of those Snoopy night lights in my gift drawer because I bought this lady one and myself one. I go back and look in the drawer and discoverer 2 of the night lights in there. I unwrapped the gift I'd already wrapped and it was my Hallmark Snoopy ornament for this year. Glad I figured it out. Sadly I was out of Christmas gift wrap upstairs so I go downstairs and can't find our Christmas stuff. Marty was working so he tells me it's by the furnace. I go in the one door and don't see anything resembling Christmas stuff. I check the Harry Potter closet under the stairs. Nope. I check his old workout room. Nope. So I ask him again and he again says it's by the furnace. I walk in from the other side this side. Nope. He finally gets up and leads me to the spot by the furnace. I hadn't gone in far enough from either direction. Voila! Too funny. I discovered our kitchen counter tops are perfect height for gift wrapping and has plenty of room. I was excited. I've never in my entire life had a perfect spot to wrap presents. Either it's small, too short or too tall or I have to set up a card table. The small joys in life. I did have fun filling the gift bag with some jingle bells too.

My astronomy program went well. We had 4 regulars and 2 guests so a small crowd. I had quite a few questions. There is one regular who knows a lot about astronomy but let's just say if he was a woman I'd call him Miss Information. He really mixes up his facts. Last night someone asked me if the Sun would go nova someday and he said yes. I often let some of the things he says go but I had to correct that one. The teacher in me won't let those kind of things go. It's like my employees but not. :lol:

I have no idea what we are doing today. We'll go eat somewhere with my sister and BIL. I have 3 new books to start. It's funny you mentioned Barnes and Noble I want to go wander around ours. They get in a lot of cool things for Christmas. I want to go look around Pier 1 too. I need to get a friend a house warming gift. I made her chocolate chip cookies for moving day but they ended up moving early and then she didn't meet me for lunch this week. Strange then that some of those cookies made it in to my lunch so the tub isn't quite full anymore. It's mine now.

Have a fabulous day.
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, finding the perfect place to wrap is a coo! When I go down to the adopted 'rents place in Missouri I take over the laundry room, which is good sized and has a stainless free standing island in the middle. It is an ideal setup except the floor is tile, and since I'm in there for hours at a time it's hard on the feet/legs/back after a while, even with good tennis shoes on.

Today I went to see the shoe store lady. She's had a good few days so it boosted her spirits a bit. When I got home I hooked up the second Ringly (the first one wouldn't connect) and got it working. I like this thing, but it's a total novelty, LOL. I also liked the stone of the first one (that wouldn't connect) much better than this second one so I'm a little sad over that. Whatever. I could always go back and see what the stone in the other six looks like, but I feel like I rejected it for a reason. Well see. Frankly, I may put this thing aside in a short period of time and never pick it up again so I'm trying not to be a lunatic about it, ha ha.

We just got back from dinner with some of the CB's friends. I'm ready to crawl in bed but it's not all heated up yet. He just zipped to the grocery store, so hopefully by the time he gets back -- with some chocolate cake?! -- it'll be all cozy under the covers and I can climb in and read a book for a while.
Happy Sunday kids!

This morning I ran out to get a few Waterford xmas ornaments at gifts at Home Goods because I figured this was my last change since by next week they'll all be snapped up I also got more wrapping paper.. because... yanno... the zillion roles I already have somewhere weren't enough... and new lamps for the bedside tables... because... yanno... the ones that have been there for the past three years that work perfectly fine had to be replaced... and a couple of other things that... yanno... I just BOUGHT. WTF. THIS is why I shouldn't leave the house!

I did a quick floor mop when I got home and I'm waiting for it to dry so I can put the breakfast bar stools back and then contemplate some gift wrapping. I almost hate to drag all this stuff out, knowing it's going to be sitting here staring me in the face when I get back from my trip, but it's all got to get wrapped at some point... right?

Hmmm... perhaps a nap first might be in order...:snore:
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I do recall your wrapping marathon at your friend's house. Standing on tile does get uncomfortable.

Darn it that your Ringly wasn't working and the new one isn't as pretty. Hopefully this one works great. It's not a bad idea to go back and see if any of the other ones in the store are as pretty as the first one was.

Did you get chocolate cake?

You did have a nice shopping spree today. You can't stock up on new things too much.

I mopped a few places last night too. After having the cleaning lady here yesterday there were several spots on the floor from the melting snow outside.

What day are you heading to Arizona?

Marty got up at 3:40. I swear he suffers from insomnia. I slept until 7:20 am. We went out to breakfast then went picked up some groceries. We headed back to Simply Mac and then Sam's club. We took a football balloon out to the cemetery since my dad's birthday is today. Then Marty discovered the keyboard case he got for his iPad is the wrong size so back we went to the mall. I swear I'll be glad to go back to work tomorrow and rest.

I did get the laundry done and scrubbed up my stove top that was only clean for a day. Marty made some fruit compote for Thursday and it boiled over. What a sticky mess. My fingers are kind of stained from the berries.

Have a great evening.