
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 28th Dec till 3rd Jan

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Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends; sorry I have not caught up sooner, hubby is off and then I hit 20k so I wanted to thank everyone there and then catch up here. hehe Hubby and I saw Sherlock Holmes today; it was good but not the best. We also went for a walk which was nice but COLD, we got a little bit of snow last night. HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEARS HEALTHY FRIENDS, sending you all giant HUGS!!! You all are the BEST!

We are staying in tonight because we have 2 parties over the weekend so it will be nice to stay in. Have fun everyone!!!!

CHARBIE, aw, i saw your wedding pics too and you are adorable! Yay for the new gym!!!

ROD, wowzers getting all those people ready at the last min, you rock!!! Yay for an uber workout. hugs and prayers for your brother and dad. keep us posted honey.

LISA, yay for working out even when you didn't want to!!! Sounds like a wonderful Xmas!!

MARCY, it is funny now that we are use to healthy eating how the super salty stuff isn't good anymore. Prayers outgoing for your whole family sugar.

PHX, my sis is pretty fit but it sounds like everyone is different and loses weight differently. You are making progress so that is wonderful you will get there, keep up the great healthy strides!!! I know you will because you are awesome like that; I have seen you do that before!

TLH, your runs and workouts always always inspire me, you super woman!!

CROWN, aw, I am sorry. It can be depressing having an injury but I know you will bounce back because you are awesome that way. I will keep you in my prayers that you don't get early arthritis. Yay for a fun spin class w/a friends, sounds wonderful!

SS, hang in there, I will keep you in my prayers so sorry about the eats. I feel for you. Yay for your ball.

BELLA, yay for joining us and welcome! You sound fit and loved your wedding pics! I like for dvd's 30 day Shred, gets your heart rate up!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy New Years my HLT PS Friends.

I worked late last night so my team wouldn’t be too rushed today trying to get everything done.Today we slept in a little bit, went out for breakfast and went shopping for awhile.Both of us picked up some clothes on sale.I took some of my jewelry to the local mall for their 6 month check.On a whim I asked one of them to clean my wring too and they found one of the diamonds in the anniversary band was loose so I am glad they found it.We will have to take it to Denver this weekend and turn it in to be fixed.I will be freaking out for a few days looking down and seeing my wring missing.I hope I sleep well.

For New Year’s Eve we went to Olive Garden about 3:30 and split a tour of Italy.Even splitting it we brought home the lasagna.Tonight we are playing a trivia game on the PS3 and then will watch one of the Star Trek Next Generation movies we bought on Blue Ray.Marty is playing World of Warcraft until 7 pm then we will start our trivia game.

CrownJewel, sounds like you have a great swimming regimen.I wish I wasn’t so self-conscious in a bathing suit I think I would like swimming.Maybe I should just suck it up and try it, huh?

PhoenixGirl, I am sure your last month of maternity leave will go by far too quickly.I am sure you’ll be back in your old clothes in no time and wearing a 10 is nothing to worry about. That is skinny lady!

Tlh, you babies are cute.Too funny you cat “wouldn’t” pose.I think you’ll enjoy the food from Omaha steaks.We order it sometimes for camping since everything is nice and neatly packed.Hope things settle down for you at work.Did they ever find out what happened about the lady who got shot on her morning run?

CrownJewel, it is amazing what sodium does to us, huh?I had very high blood pressure before so I quit using table salt even then.My BP is quite normal now but I am used to no sodium so I sure notice it if I eat something with a lot of salt.Good luck with your knee surgery.I hope you don’t get arthritis; I have it in both knees and thumb joints.It is not fun.

Somethingshiny, sorry you are having trouble keeping food down.I hope that gets better as your pregnancy goes along.

Welcome Bella!

Rod, wow as much as you workout I am kind of surprised you woke up sore.Yay for a great workout!Sorry to the scramble to meet a deadline for candidates to interview on the 8th.I hope one of your candidates gets a job offer.Ooh fireworks.Sounds wonderful.Enjoy them for me.I am sorry to hear about your dad.I hope he is doing better.It is amazing how our tastes change.I used to salt everything now I can hardly find the salt shaker when I need it.On the way home from Olive Garden I asked Marty if he remembered when we both ate our own combo plate and today each of us couldn’t finish half of one.We feel better for it too.

Skippy, holy cow for hitting 20K!I am looking forward to hitting 10K next year.Congratulations!Thanks for the prayers for my family; I am worried about them.My aunt is quite over weight and I am so grateful I changed so Marty won’t be facing some of this with me down the road (hopefully).

Take care.Have a fun, safe and healthy New Year’s Eve!





Jul 22, 2007
Hello all!

Bella~ Welcome and ditto to Jillian Michaels videos. 30 day shred is great and there''s another good one called "No more trouble zones" and "quick trouble zones" The first is an hour long and the second is about 40 minutes.

Happy New Year, all!!


Aug 19, 2009
Wow, you all sound like amazons. Congrats on the dedication to taking care of yourselves

So, I like to be active but am really really busy (work full-time in NYC, and doing an MBA at a top 10 school, and am an opera singer). It''s a lot to juggle.

My DH likes to be fit, but he pretty much plays video games now. He wants to lose weight and get in shape this year, but we like totally different activities so we''re each kind of on our own.

Crown Jewel, in answer to your question...

The triathalon I did in college. Graduated, moved to a new city, and was in grad school plus a full time live-in nanny to infant twins and a 4 year old. I still ran 2-3 miles 2-3 a week then, but I really hate running and missed my old running partners (I run super super slow so it''s tough to find people to run with.)

Then I spent two years doing dance and yoga but when I moved to a new city I was busy and lazy. After a year I finally got it together and started working out at a gym 3-4 a week.

I moved to NYC and went through some rough financial and emotional times with my now DH. I started doing capoeira which really helped cheer me up (and loose weight) but I had a medical situation in Sept 2008 that made me take a break for a while. After that I was just lazy and freaked out from the medical thing and never got back into it. Now I just don''t have time, capoeira involves a lot of training time and some social time outside of "playing". I do my Ana Caban Pilates tapes every once in a while now, but need to find something more intense that I can do at home and fast (30-45 minutes).

I could maybe take a dance, yoga, or pilates class on a Saturday morning, but that''s really all the time I have right now (if we get pregnant this year I''ll scale back my class schedule, but until then I''m trying to stay on the faster track to get it done).

So, I''m ordering the 30 day shred DVD now and will commit to three times a week. I''ll keep checking in so you all can help keep me accountable!


Nov 24, 2006
Hubby and I stayed in and watched movies and we went to be at 11pm. hehe Tonight we have "bring your ungliest XMAS gift exhange" party. My friend who is an ER doctor was cute and bought my hubby and I 2 awful presents since I told him about the party. lol I would invite him but he lives in CO!

I will be going for a walk; happy and healthy 2010 friends

MARCY, sorry you had to work late but hopefully it got done. yay for new clothes!! I keep meaning to check out the sales but I had to do soooo much shopping before xmas that I am not so happy to find myself at the mall again but I wish somehow I could get the clothes to me. hehe (I know online shopping but I always need to try things on). Gosh, I am sorry about your aunt, prayers continued.

SS, hugs to you and Happy New Year!!

BELLA, that is so cool you are an opera singer!!! You are busy! Yay for 30 day shred.


Mar 20, 2003
I ran 3 miles today and it felt so good! (I haven't run that far in a year maybe -- not sure if I ever ran that far when I was still running early in my pregnancy.) Some of my muscles don't feel so great right now
, but does anything beat the endorphins you get after running? DH is a cyclist and he even says that nothing beats running. I ran about 11 minute miles and my goal is to get down to 10 minute miles by the end of the month. I also want to work up to running 4 miles comfortably and run 5 miles at least once by the end of the month; I'm training for a 10k in 12 weeks. Two years ago I ran it in an hour and 4 minutes, but I wasn't carrying around 25 extra pounds then, so I'm not sure what a reasonable goal is (at the time I was running 9 minute miles, but I didn't take into account the mobs of people and the difference between running on a gravel path versus a cobblestone street). Maybe 75 minutes? If I can go the whole way without walking, I'll be happy.

Tonight a friend who gave birth the same week as me asked if I was wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes yet, and she seemed genuinely surprised when I said no, I am 4-5 sizes bigger right now. So that was nice, but then she was like, "Size 10? Eek! No way! You don't look it!" as though size 10 is big, which Marcy pointed out it really isn't. Thanks Marcy!

I hit a new weight low tonight. Does anyone else do this -- I always count myself as weighing the lowest number I've seen recently since it will fluctuate 3 pounds or so, often not returning to the old low until the record is broken. So it's been a week or so since I saw 142, but that's what I was in my head, even when it said 144 most of the time. After my run it said 141.5, so that's my new weight, at least in my head. For reference, I was 148 a week after giving birth, and Claire is 10 weeks old today, so I don't think I'm losing at any kind of alarming rate, hopefully just right. I am breastfeeding so I want to be careful not to overdo it.

Bella, wow, a triathlon! My DH and I both have different exercise styles and preferences too. He likes the gym, I like videos in the basement; he likes cycling, I "like" running . . . Anyway, I've had success with workout videos at home. Let me know howt he 30 Day Shred is!

Happy New Year, everyone! Here's to kicking some fitness butt in 2010 . . .


Aug 19, 2009
PhoenixGirl, Congrats on the running! That''s a major accomplishment with such a little one at home

Don''t get too excited about the sprint distance triathalon, it really wasn''t that bad...

(.25 mile swim, 12-15 mile bike, and a 5K). I''d probably die trying to do it right now, but it only took like 8 weeks of training to get ready before. I was slooooow but I finished

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
Hi everyone--can a newcomer join in?

I''m in my 50s {that''s as much as I''ll admit} and fighting weight gain.

My problem is that I have absolutely no willpower and am bone lazy

Because I am bi-polar I take some meds that have slowed down my metabolism and caused lethargy
I KNOW what I have to do, I just can''t get it together. I used to work out with a trainer, but he left the gym and I gradually stopped going and working out on my own. I have a gym membership and am currently unemployed, so I have all the time in the world to workout, it''s just getting my flabby arse into my gym clothes and going out the door.

I was hospitalized in Sept. and lost about 20lbs and managed to lose a little more, but from Thanksgiving on I''ve been in a downward spiral. I plan on hitting Weight Watchers Monday am and then going healthy food shopping after the meeting. I did this last year but the problem was I TOLD PEOPLE I was doing this and then have had to face them while failing

Maybe this time things will work out for the better!!


Jul 22, 2007
Bella~ Wow, an opera singer!! I bet you have great endurance for any physical exercise you want to try!! I used Spark People and worked out in my living room for 2 months and lost 15 lbs. I wouldn''t even say it was hard, but I had to stick to it (which isn''t in my nature!) When I first started, Jillian''s videos killed me so I had to work up to them. But, they really work! Good luck!!

Skip~ Happy New Year!! Your evening sounds like ours. We rented a couple movies and went to bed at 11 too!! We slept through the new year even though apparently there were lots of fireworks on our street!!

Phx~ Yay for a 3 mile run!! lol, a size 10 is NOT big!!! My GOAL is to get to a size 12 and then I''ll think I''m all skinny and hot!! I think you''re losing at a good rate. You can''t exactly diet when you''re BFing. You''re taking really good care of yourself, you should be proud!!

Amber~ Welcome!!! Skippy does really well with Weight Watchers and I think she''s still on it even though she''s at her goal. I''m sure she''ll pop in soon and she''ll have great advice for you! The whole motivation was hard for me too. I went and bought cute workout clothes (that fit!!) and made myself workout. After a few weeks I began looking forward to my workouts. I think it''s a matter of making it a habit. Good luck to you!!

Sorry I''m so behind! I hope the New Year has had a great start for all of you!!

I haven''t worked out lately with all the Holiday festivities continuing. We''re having my sis and her bf over tonight and friends over tomorrow and then we''ll be back to normal. I hit an all time low with the morning sickness a couple days ago, but then miraculously felt great the next day!! Today I''m still doing good! Fingers crossed that the MS is over!!! Still no weight gain (gee, wonder why!) so I''m actually on track for now. I hoped to not gain any weight during the first trimester and keep the second and third at about a pound every two weeks. We''ll see how that goes... I did get a few maternity items so I''ll be ready as soon as I pop. I''m going back to the normal cardio stuff, Jillian''s outta here until the summer! I really need to figure a way to work my arms hard without compromising anything else. I''m not supposed to be doing weights over my head and that''s how most of my arm workout is, so any ideas on alternate exercises?? I need to fit in a bridesmaid dress and although I''ve accepted that my tummy will not look great, I''d like my arms to be toned.

That''s all for now, have a great day!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends!!! Oh oh, I had a few slices of pizza today!
It was my nephews birthday yesterday and his big birthday party today so we went to his party; it was a lot of fun. I was laughing because my nephew is stingy with the hugs and there was this cute little girl that is a friend and they shared a chair together and he gave her a couple of hugs. All the kiddos were super cute and had a great time at the party! He just turned 4 so he is getting to be a big boy! I also got to hold the baby which always makes me super happy!

Hubby and I went for a 30 min walk today. I hope it warms up soon so I can do more walking!!! HAPPY SATURDAY and weekend and 2010

PHX, that is awesome you ran 3 miles, woohoo! I would love to do a 10k this summer; I have only done a 5k. You are doing great!! A size 10 is not big, seriously. People are so weird sometimes; honest, I noticed that friends lose weight after having a baby at a different pace. Our bodies are so different; you are healthy so that is the important thing and you will get there!!!

Bella, woohoo for the sprints!

AMBER, welcome, glad you joined us!!! I am a weight watcher; I find the support of the group wonderful and especially if you can find a meeting where the leader is inspiring; try out other meetings or ask which leader is popular or well liked. it can make a difference. You can do it!!! We are here to cheer each other on!!! I can try to answer any questions you have if you have any after your meeting. You will do great!!!

SOMETHINGSHINY, I am on WW; I still need to go to meetings to keep motivated and it helps keep me in check, thank you for your kind words friend!! Oh I love my sleep so I knew I wouldn't make it till midnight on new years! Oh sounds like a fun weekend!!! Oh yay I am glad you are starting to feel better; bless your heart dealing with morning sickness. can you do push ups, and also do tricep kick backs standing or using a chair for support?


Jul 22, 2007
Skip~ Aww, your nephew sounds so cute!! yay for pizza, ya gotta give in occasionally! Yeah, I knew I wasn''t going to be awake for New Years! I love to sleep!! Thanks for the suggestions, the kickbacks should work but I haven''t been doing push-ups. I''m still doing roll-outs on the ball to work the arms a bit, but they''re getting used to it or something.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........Happy New Years (a day late). I really did shut down and this is the first I''ve turned on the laptop. We had a really nice NYE, and we had all the good things I mentioned I was buying (the shrimp weren''t lobster sized, but they were pretty darn big. Fireworks over the bay at midnight was a perfect end to a nice quiet and safe evening. Yesterday (New Year''s day) we undecorated, and I cooked a small but very tasty sirloin tip roast, home made mashed potatoes and string beans with fresh mushrooms for dinner. We did split a piece of Carrot Cake I bought at Fresh Market for dessert......yummmm. Then we went to the mall last night and saw It''s Complicated with Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin. It''s a really funny and enjoyable movie. I highly recommend it. Today was a pretty routine Saturday. It was very cold down here as we woke up to temps in the 40s, so breakfast was definitely not on the terrace. Lunch was at Panera and since we were able to find a table under the oak and in the sun, we did have coffee outside. We got the gym around 2:30 and left a little after 5:30. We really enjoyed our workout. We only get to workout together once a week, usually on either Saturday or Sunday, but when we do, we push each other harder, so it''s a more energized workout for sure. We went to a little British pub-like restaurant near us and it was sooooo good. I had red thai curry shrimp with spinach and black rice and Charlie had curried chicken. It was a fun place and we''ll definitely go back.

Thanks for the good wishes for my dad and brother. My father came out of the operation in great shape. I spoke with the doctor and he said my dad''s heart was in great shape and with the pace maker, he should be just fine. I''ve spoken with dad several times since the operation and he sounds so much better. My brother is having his gall bladder removed on Tuesday, so I''m a bit anxious about that.

Charle''s working tomorrow, so I''m not sure what I''m going to do, but whatever it is, I want it to be relaxing before having to start a new work-year.

It''s actually after 11:00, so I won''t be able to say hello to everyone individually. Just know I appreciate you all and hope the New Year brings all my friends on the HLT, much happiness, HEALTH and success!!


Nov 16, 2008
getting back into the swing of things...whew.

i think i''m going to start jenny craig in the next couple of weeks. given the amount that my husband and i are saving with our new gym compared to the old one, i think it would be a nice little jump start for me. i keep thinking that all i need to do is eat right, and work out and i''ll be ok. well, i think my body needs a "re-boot" and i need to learn what eating right really is. i can read all i want about that to eat, blah blah blah, but i think i need some help.

i have been bad over the past few days, but monday is my "start" day. we''ve been crazy busy over the past few days i haven''t even worked out at my new gym yet! hubby is out of town next week for work, and since i hate being at home by myself (we were robbed 10 months ago), i''ll hopefully spend more time at the gym!

the only "work out" i got today was painting our foyer. it looks great tho!

hope everyone else has had a healthy start to the new year!!!!! i''m looking forward to reaching our goals together in 2010!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone!Yesterday I cleaned house, did laundry, went shopping and we watched two of the Star Trek Next Generation movies on Blue Ray.

This morning we slept in and then headed south.My anniversary ring has a loose diamond so we went down to turn it in.It was time for my 6 month check of everything from there too so I am sure they want to scream when I show up with all of it to clean and check but they should be glad I am a repeat customer.We did spent some money today but it was at a giant liquor store and Whole Foods.We just finished watching “The Bucket List”.That was a good movie.

Somethingshiny, I must check in to some DVD’s and watch Fit TV sometime.I hope your morning sickness is over.That would be great!

Bella, I can identify with being busy – it’s keeps me preoccupied anyway.What games does you DH play?Marty plays World of Warcraft a lot.Good luck with the shred DVD.How cool you are an opera singer.

Skippy, I would almost be afraid to hear what a doctor could come up with as an awful Christmas present.I shop online quite a bit but still like to wander the stores.I got a Fossil purse about 60% off yesterday.It’s brown suede with a patchwork on front with different colors of leather.Thanks for thinking of my aunt.My mom seems to be doing better.She has a MRI this week.I bet your nephew’s birthday party was fun.

PhoenixGirl, I am sure you enjoyed going to a nice long run again.You are welcome and I am sure you look great.Definitely go with the lowest weight – you can fluctuate several pounds all the time.

Amber, welcome to the team.The holidays are rough.Good luck at Weight Watchers on Monday.

Rod, Marty picked up some shrimp at Whole Foods and cooked that for himself for supper.Glad you liked the movie.It does sound funny.That is great your dad is doing so well.I am sending mega good luck dust for your brother’s surgery this week.My dad felt great after he had his gallbladder surgery.

Take care.

I get my hair cut tomorrow.Woo hoo!




Aug 19, 2009
Today was not so good (UI had like 5 peices of leftover Christmas toffee) and didn''t work out at all. But I''ve been house cleaning, maybe that''s burning some calories. I ordered the 30 day shred and some yoga videos, that plus my Gaiam and Windsor Pilates videos should keep me from getting bored. I have some Crunch videos too, but they aren''t very challenging. I''d rather just do pilates if the workout doesn''t feel like it''s burning any calories so I never do them...

Tomorrow is a new day, hopefully I''ll have a clean house then and can start to get in the groove.

Amber, I am super lazy when it comes to working out (and am a total wus about pain--I avoid it at all costs
I''m hoping to be more disciplined this year and to take better care of myself.

Something Shiny-Congrats on the weight loss (and the coming baby!)

Marcy-DH really just plays the sports games (Madden, etc. and Halo) no World of Warcraft-thank goodness or I''d probably never see him

Can''t wait for the 30 day shred to get here and start kicking my a#$


Mar 20, 2003
I''ve sort of reached another one of my goals . . . I''m sitting here wearing a pair of my old size 8 jeans. They weren''t easy to get on, and I''m not sure they look all that good, but they''re buttoned and on! The other pair of size 8s wouldn''t come close to buttoning, but let''s just ignore that fact for now . . .

Today is a Firm day . . . just waiting for Claire to wake up from her nap and eat again first.


Aug 19, 2009
Congrats Phoenix girl!!!!


Nov 24, 2006
I found this to be a great article on how to lose the holiday weight. It talks about tracking calories, no magic pills or quick fix diets, having small goals so you don't feel overwhelmed; it is an excellent read.

here are some of the tips from the article

1. Watch portions and serving sizes. Don't go back for seconds.

2. Replace soda, alcohol and juice with water.

3. Get at least eight hours of quality sleep at night.

4. Eat more whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

5. Stay away from fast-food and limit dining out.

6. Pack a lunch for the office.

7. Make simple swaps like salsa for cheese dip and brown rice for white rice.

8. Squeeze in extra exercise by walking at lunch or while on the phone, or doing push-ups, lunges and squats during TV commercials

9. Limit sugar consumption and replace with natural sweeteners like honey or agave nectar.

10. Reward yourself, without food, for reaching each small goal.


Dec 31, 2008
Hello everyone and happy new years!

Just a quick fly by - looks like everyone is getting back into the swing and that is awesome! Hubs and I are doing well - enjoying our taper. Our book arrived "Racing Weight" it is pretty good read so far... really breaks into what to eat etc and looks at nutrition and race performance. I was shocked to see how little marathoner Tera Moody ate on her 2-adays on her submitted food diary. Ryan Hall''s was right where I suspected it to be though. I''m pretty excited that he''ll be running the marathon in a couple of weeks - there is a pro mixer before the race - it might be fun to meet him and John Bingham... but knowing me and how crazy work is - I won''t be able to make it. The headliner is Everclear - so that will be interesting to stretch out on the grass and listen to the tunes.

My bff is gonna try to qual again next weekend, though her pressure is pretty low. She and I had a great crack up, she wants to qual so she can run it and get to where I am... just running for fun. She just has to check off Boston first. Gotta love her for it too. Well anywho, hope everyone''s weekend is going well - hubs and I are leaving to swim and take the poochies for a long and easy.



Aug 19, 2009
Thanks Skippy, I''m going to try those tips from the article!

So today is my first day back on the wagon....

Just did Pilates (Gaiam intermediate mat workout with ana caban) , ugh I have gotten really out of shape since we got married
Normally I feel all relaxed and tall and energized after Pilates. Today I feel energized, but still out of alignment, and I think I''m going to be sore. "the teaser" always kicks my a$% but today it was almost impossible!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I need to get it together before the 30 day shred arrives or I will be really really sore I think

Doing better with food too...

Once slice of homemade whole wheat pumpkin bread (made with yogurt and protein powder) for breakfast.

For lunch I am making miso soup with leftover korean tofu and nori, an arugula salad, and an apple.

Dinner, I think I''m making Tilapia with quinoa and salad. (and homemade apple sorbet for lunch)...

Also, I''m saying it here first. I don''t start classes again until Jan. 14 so I am packing my lunch everyday for work until then. Then I''ll reevaluate.

Thanks for giving me a place to vent/plan/figure this out.


Aug 19, 2009
the best laid we ended up eating dinner at a friend''s place great ''cause I didn''t have to cook, bad b/c it wasn''t as healthy (pasta with a lot of oil, garlic bread, and cookies), but I didn''t eat a ton so I guess that''s progress...


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.

Today I got my hair trimmed, did some shopping and fixed us a roast for lunch.I made a bag of the microwave steam and mash potatoes (they are great if you haven’t tried them) and we have 2 lunches each from the leftovers.I love not having to really come up with things for lunch.

Tomorrow begins a 5 day work week – I haven’t had to work 5 days in a row for awhile.That might be painful.

Bella, I hope your DVD gets here soon.You are right – ifyour DH played WOW you would not see him much.I keep giving Marty a hard time that he needs to make room for me and my pink laptop on his desk so I can come in there with him.Right now he has 2 PC on the left, a netbook, his 26” monitor and then his 21” monitor.He’s in nerd heaven in there.Yay for doing pilates.Enjoy your 2 more weeks without classes.I know I will be.

PhoenixGirl, congratulations for reaching another goal.Woo hoo for size 8 jeans.

Skippy, thanks for the link to the great article that is full of wonderful tips and ideas.

Tlh, glad you are enjoying the book and I hope you get to meet some of the celebrities at the race.I am glad you and your friend have fun in races.

Take care.





Mar 20, 2003
Marcy, hope work doesn't wear you out. But you have so much energy, I bet it won't!

TLH, so how much did that marathoner eat? It doesn't sound healthy not to eat too much when running a marathon. ??

OK, I'm waiting for DH to come home so I can go running. Then I'll have done Firm, run, Firm, run 4 days in a row and will take a break tomorrow. Looking forward to the break -- I'm definitely not to the point where this level of working out is old hat.

It's not just a fluke; I've gotten into two other pairs of size 8 pants! Sure, I look like J Lo when I wear them, but these are pants that wouldn't fit just a few weeks ago! One pair wouldn't even attempt to get up over my butt; it just raised the white flag when it got to my thighs. But today I got them on. Yay!


Jul 22, 2007
zoom.....yup, flying by....

phx~ yay for size 8s!!

Skippy~ thanks for the article!

bella~ hope your vids come in today!

Marcy~ How did the haircut turn out??

Rod~ You may have already posted about this but have you got the contract for the condo yet??

I bought some healthy snacks today. I''ve been trying the nut butters but I get a little icky if it sticks to the roof of my mouth. SO, I got lots of nuts!! I love almonds so I got a couple flavored ones (cocoa roasted!! mmmmmm!) and a plain nut mix, along with more cereal and fiber bars. Hopefully that''ll help.

At my appt today I found out I''m down a total of 7-9 lbs since the pregnancy started. The doc is fine with it since the MS is passing. I hope to get on my ball today, in fact, I''ve been thinking about putting the laptop on the coffee table and just sitting on it while PSing!

I''d really like a nice medium steak. Steak is no fun if your DH works second shift.

Hello, CJ, tlh, deegee, DeeJay, lorelai, df, charbie, lliang, alli! Hope you''re all doing well!!

Have a great day!
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