
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 17th August till 23rd August

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Aug 19, 2008
Morning all and Happy Friday!

I did it again yesterday. I told myself I would logon to PS when I got home from work, but I just went straight to bed...

Hey deegee! Yeah, I would agree with going shopping instead. Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders? Hubby and your nephew may not even pay attention to the game... LOL! It''s exciting to read that you conquered that steep hill and it was refreshing rather than a pain to walk up. So far today is a lot better hectic-wise and I get jittery too.

Rod, glad to see that yesterday was a good day pain-wise. I''m hoping that you have plenty more like that and even more pain-free days. Good luck on your PT session tonight! BTW, it was a good hectic. My days have been shorter as I get closer to the wedding so it''s just cramming a typical day''s worth of stuff to-do into a half day. But no worries, things will get better soon. Thanks for thinking of me.

canuk, WOW to running and biking everyday! I''m going to call you Superwoman. :)

Hey Skippy! Feels like an eternity! I didn''t even know you got studs too! I''m going to go check it out after I post here. But I already know they must look BEAUTIFUL!

tlh, it''s always good to have a day of rest and it''s nice you''re about to pick a new route. Sounds like a fun and interesting challenge.

liang, yum to tapas. I haven''t been to one in years. I think that''s going on my to-do this weekend.

Hi to everyone else that posted earlier this week that I might''ve missed! Somethingshiny, marcyc, dragonfly, lorelei, Ellen, babysteps. Sorry if I missed anyone else!

Well, today is definitely better work-wise. Maybe because it''s a Friday in the summer and lots of people took that day off. I would have too, but I''m doing a half day and a second dress fitting this afternoon. WOOT! All is well with me, Derek, and the rest of the family with just the occassional hiccup (for those that saw my BWW thread about my step-aunt). Derek has his bachelor party this weekend in Atlantic City and I have my bridal shower tomorrow. But otherwise this weekend''s going to be a bit boring for me cause Derek won''t be back until Sunday night. I''ll probably just clean, run some long overdue errands and workout. I haven''t gone to the gym all week because I''ve been sooooo tired, but I have managed to fit in some exercising at home. My Mom gave me some 10lb weights along with 5lb ankle weights so I''ve been doing a lot of strength and resistance training. I actually miss the gym because I really like cardio, but this is a nice temporary solution. Derek (finally!) booked our honeymoon this past week and we''re going to Greece for 2 weeks!
So excited!

Have a happy and healthy weekend everyone!


Dec 31, 2008
Skippy- those earrings are quite lovely, and look at skinny you modeling them off! HUBBA HUBBA!

canuk- glad you''re feeling better being more active. I know I always feel blah when I don''t get my exercise in... of course when I don''t it is usually because I''d been drinkig too much.

Rod- I am totally thrilled that you were able to walk w/o any pain. That is phenomenal. Your PT is doing a fantastic job - as are you following through with the exercises. Enjoy your sushi!!!!!!

deegee- yeah he was a real turd ferguson... but what you gonna do? Oh wait, I went NUTSO and screamed at him! haha. I''ve had similar situations with our poochies, and I don''t know if that is worse. The dillweed on the bike can control his speed and his mouth, but a loose dog has a mind of its own. I just have to believe that people are so self-involved they don''t realize that their actions can be potentially harmful to another. Have fun at the game, and it is cool that your nephew is so excited about coming out... and what a treat the cowboy cheerleaders will be! Your walking sounds awesome, and I''m glad you''re able to do that last kick w/o too much huffin and puffin now!!!

Diva- so many fun wedding plans. Don''t stress about the aunt... it honestly is HER loss. GREECE WOW! That is phenonemal!!!! Enjoy every moment, of the planning, your day, and your honeymoon!!! Every wedding has some friend or family member who just behaves in bizzare fashion. Don''t let it ruin a wonderful and special time for you and Derek!!!
Everyone, have a marvelous friday and weekend!!!
This morning I ran a new route... went much further out, which was good. I love hitting the dirt and killin'' a hefty dose of calories before sunrise. Heat and humidity still in effect, which is such a bummer at 4:40 am. While running I ended up running into my hubs.. or well vice versa, as our loops converged, and then we ran together the last mile and a half home. He said he''d be my body gaurd... which made me laugh. Then we kinda joked about me going crazy like the dude in I love you man... and I said that I have a better body than Jason Segal, and my hubs agreed because well... I''m a girl. This morning I indulged in a buscuit and sausage gravy. I couldn''t remember the last time I had one... and it really hit the spot.

“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” Charles F. Kettering


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends!!! hehe My cousin and I went walking and it is getting DARK quicker!
It is nice though because it is a bit cooler and cooler at night which helps me sleep better, yay!

Today I am meeting a friend for lunch she is a fellow jewelry lover. I never tell my other friends as some don''t seem into jewelry but this one has a fabulous collection and she is such a sweetheart so I don''t feel weird about showing her my anniversary studs. hehe Thank you dear friends about your sweet words on my studs. hehe

Hubby and I will probably watch Monk tonight and eat grilled shrimp; I also have a Crepe Myrtle to plant out back so I will get some exercise digging a hole. hehe Hope everyone has a Wonderful weekend!!!

CANUK, you will lose those few lbs before you know it. Yay for all your running and biking!!! thank you friend!

ROD, that is WONDERFUL NEWS; I hope your pain lessens each day!!!!
huge hugs. Enjoy sushi night tonight! Rod here is the link to studs on page 4 and 5. hehe

DEEGEE, my cousins dog looks like it could be related. hehee Such a cute dog!!! Such a sweet face
aw, I love when my nephew visits!! Your nephew sounds adorable! He loves you, awww!!! You sound like a fun Auntie. Yay for a walk sounds uber, hills are great!! My neighborhood is a mile too, too funny! Great job! thanks

DIVA, aw, thank you Diva, you are so sweet! YAY for your dress fitting!!! wooo your wedding will be here so fast!! OMG GREECE; I am dying to go there, how exciting!!! I am so HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! YAY!!!

TLH, you are such a sweetheart; thank you, you made my week honey!!! xoxo
Woo hooo for your kick booty runs!!! AWESOME!!! Yay for running w/your hubby in the home stretch; you two sound adorable! mmmmm to biscuits and sausage


Apr 19, 2004

Salutations ya''ll!!!!

It was wonderfully warm yesterday and not only did I walk/run in the AM, but did a 10K walk with my friend by the river. Very pleasant. I enjoyed the small ice cream we had, was welcomed in the heat!!

Hope everyone is well--take care!



Dec 28, 2005
Hey......this will be a quck checkin. Yesterday was a busy day at work. Our CEO was with us the entire day, then I had my physical therapy session. He pushed me really hard and seems happy that I'm making such good progress. I worked out pretty hard at the gym this afternoon, but still didn't do the elliptical. We had a light dinner at the food court (a too salty slice of pizza for me, which ultimately I threw out) as we were going to see Julie and Julia at the movies. The movie was great. We just loved it and as one would expect, Meryl Streep is simply amazing as Julia Child and Amy Adams is just sweet. I highly recommend this movie. Tomorrow will be a day of rest for the most part. Charlie had to work from 3 till 11, so I'm not sure what I'll do for dinner.

I hope everyone's having a great weekend. Skippy those studs are just beautiful!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends!!!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!! I can totally tell summer is starting to end here; it is dark at 6:30am and starts getting darker and darker earlier in the evening. I am glad it is cooling off but the signs are there. hehe

I went to breakfast with my family and church. It was nice to see my nephew, parents and sister and her hubby. My nephew is so good in church. hehe Breakfast was a bit rich so I will go light the rest of the day. I am going on a long walk w/my friend this evening.

Hope everyone is well and has a great Sunday!!!!

GREETINGS and Salutations SHARON!!! Yay for your 10k walk, oh my gosh that is awesome!!! thank you friend!!! hugs

ROD, hope the pain in your leg lessens week by week. You poor sweetheart. I want to see Julie and Julia; looks like a fabulous movie!!! thank you friend, huge hugs!!!


Jul 22, 2007

We''re back and well. Everything was great (except the night I spent ill). The weather was too cold to hang out at the beach but we got to do lots of walking through one of the most beautiful areas. We took a long boat cruise and went through a historical mansion and had lunch. We also went to 6 wineries...and brought home a *few* bottles.

I''ll try to catch up later.

Hope all is well with all of you!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.We got home about 2 pm today; the in-laws stopped by in the middle of unpacking the trailer.Mind you they are the type to “sit” and visit not say let’s get the work done.I was a bit frustrated about that.Ugh.I am on the 6th batch of laundry, have some of my school stuff done and picked up the house.Tomorrow I will run errands and work on school then Tuesday is back to work and school starts as well.I have a campus class and an internet class this semester.

Our camping trip was fun and relaxing on Tuesday and Wednesday; Thursday through Saturday was work and then we packed up and came home today.Where we went is to 9100 feet in a remote part of Wyoming for some incredible star gazing.Tuesday and Wednesday night I stayed out until about 12:30 then got cold and went in.Marty usually stayed out until about 2 am.On Thursday the official star party starts and since Marty and I do 90% of the work we run the registration booth on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm.Of course you also have to deal with complaints, other people who are mad we are taking their spot in the forest, etc.A few headaches here and there but when I was setting there Friday night enjoying the Milky Way at its finest and watching for meteors I was listening to the 170 plus people scattered across the wilderness enjoying the views and while my achy body was glad to be setting down I thought wow Marty and I do this for all these people year and year and knowing they are getting to see the cosmos at such a dark site makes all the work worth it.Our astronomy club co-hosts it with another club.The other club is located in the city where our state university is so they arrange the guest speakers and a tour of our infrared observatory; a lady in our club does a walk of a model of the solar system and Marty and I take care of the rest.I ate way too much the mountain air makes you hungry and we had way too many snacks but it was a fun vacation and working vacation for us.

Tlh, we didn’t see any bears but we sure heard a bunch of foxes howling one night.I would be mad to at that jerk riding too fast on his bike.Good idea to suggest your DH get your some luxury items now.

Hi Somethingshiny.Sounds like you had a great time on your trip.

Dragonfly, I hope you enjoyed dinner out.

Rod, good news you are doing better and can get back to most of your routines at the gym.That is awesome.I was also delighted to hear people are hiring again.

Deegee, I didn’t really get to rest with as much running around as I did but it was different than my normal routine.Thanks for suggesting a PC pendant too – you know I am weak minded when it comes to such suggestions.LOL.I hope you like your new hairdo by now.I had mine just shorter than normal and after 2 weeks I am starting to like it.I am sure you nephew will have a blast especially with the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.

Lisa, shrinking sounds good to me.I am not a camper either but our 5th wheel is not really roughing it.We were looking for a toy hauler and found one at the end of the season right before they wanted to get in new models and knocked $20,000 off the price; it was too good to pass up.We have a generator in this and it hold 100 gallons of water so I get to shower every day.Our first pull trailer held 30 gallons and was tiny; I hated camping in it.

Hi Diva.I hope you had a blast at your shower.

Skippy, it is way past my bedtime but I will go check out your earring photos.Have fun on your vacation.

Sharon, I would skip food for wine or coke on many occasions.Glad you are getting out running and biking a lot.

Well, I best get to bed.I have many more chores to do tomorrow.


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