
Has anyone else here had the H1N1 vaccine?

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Jun 30, 2009
I did not get the vaccine, because I already had H1N1 in March.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/6/2009 1:00:28 AM
Author: innerkitten

Date: 11/5/2009 10:38:13 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Amelia received her H1N1 shot today and will get regular seasonal flu tomorrow. The H1N1 did contain thimerosal. And I was able to get her that shot because my friend works in a doc''s office and persuaded the staff to save a shot for us. There are people screaming at them begging for these''s scary. I was not able to get one (and didn''t push for it) because I''m not in the highest risk group and not one of their regular patients. Normally I could get the shot being the mother of an under 2 year old, but I was happy to get the shot for Amelia.

So far, no issues, not even crankiness. Happy as Larry, this kid.

As far as ADHD, I think there are plenty of other things that *may* be contributing to it. What about the ridiculous number of hours of TV that kids under 2 watch? Some say by the time they hit school, regular classroom teaching is so boring because they are used to what is basically the pulsating lights of TV. I''ve heard another probable cause as being junk food that contains MSG. Things like cheetos, which some people have no problem giving their kids. Perhaps it was less prevalent years ago because we were OUTSIDE PLAYING and not eating the amount of crap that kids eat today. I am WAY more inclined to believe it is these things than vaccines. But then, it''s so much easier to blame the evil drugs companies instead of looking internally, isn''t it?

OT :My daughter is hyperactive and doesn''t watch lots of TV or eat junk food. She even prefers books to TV. She''s too young to be diagnosed with ADHD but she does have some of the behaviors that go along with it. It makes things challenging sometimes.
Just to clarify, I''m not saying this is WHAT is causing it. Or that it IS contributing. It''s just that so many people don''t look at this stuff, while freaking out over vacs. And your girls is beautiful IK!

Amelia is doing great today. No reactions, happy, and her usual self. Not fussy at all.


Jun 18, 2004
Kyle got he H1N1 and regular flu shots on Wednesday, and the only way I was able to get one for him was having a friend that works at his pedi''s office. He cried for 30 seconds and has been perfectly normal since.


Jul 13, 2007
I don''t know if this question will be answered as it''s hidden in this thread, but I had planned to get the vaccine and couldn''t stand in line for 4 hours. We found out today my 19 y.o. daughter actually has h1n1, and think her older sister has it too, based on similar symptoms. I am not sick at all. But I''m thinking there is no use in my getting the vaccine now, right? I''m probably incubating the virus and the vaccine takes a while to work. Anyone have an opinion on this?


Oct 30, 2002
lyra the vaccine takes 2 weeks to be effective is what i was told.

one of my nurse friends told me that if you can get a prescript for tamiflu it is very effective at catching the virus at the start. i''d call your dr and see if you should go in and/or can get a prescript. good luck!


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 11/6/2009 12:56:45 PM
Author: Mara
lyra the vaccine takes 2 weeks to be effective is what i was told.

Really? My husband and I scheduled ours 9 days before our flight, thinking that was plenty of time.
We didn't have much of a choice, though- they were the only appts.


Nov 13, 2008
I''m so glad this thread was started. I personally am getting really tired of hearing all the negative things about vaccines and all the conspiracy theories... I believe that the virus poses a far, far greater risk to our health than the vaccine does. It seems like it''s just so much easier to find negative information than positive. My husband is immunocompromised so for us, getting the vaccine wasn''t a choice- it was necessary. We''ve all had it and I''m so glad it was available to us through our doc''s office. Some of the clinic lineup stories sound horrific! I have 2 young kids so I was not looking forward to a 3 hour wait...

Ebree- it takes 10-14 days for the vaccine to provide full immunity, but it''s a build up effect so you should still have pretty good protection after 9 days. I''ve heard of a few people who caught the virus after getting the vaccine (not because of getting the vaccine) but before it was fully effective and they got a much, much milder case of the flu than everyone else.


Jul 13, 2007
Thanks for your responses. I see my doc next week anyway. I''m actually in the high priority group because of my diabetes and anemia, but man, some of us just cannot stand (literally stand, no chairs) in 4 hour line-ups. I was just going to wait until the line-ups got shorter, but my daughters have been sick for over 2 weeks, and the vaccine was only available in my city starting this week. Oh well...


Oct 30, 2002
take care of yourself lyra!

ebree, yeah that is what the nurse told me when she gave me the shot, but what upgrade says makes sense too re: buildup. you guys will prob be fine!


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 11/6/2009 1:23:55 PM
Author: upgrade

Ebree- it takes 10-14 days for the vaccine to provide full immunity, but it's a build up effect so you should still have pretty good protection after 9 days. I've heard of a few people who caught the virus after getting the vaccine (not because of getting the vaccine) but before it was fully effective and they got a much, much milder case of the flu than everyone else.

That's good to hear! Thank you.


Dec 29, 2004
Just came back from Amelia''s ped appointment (18 month check up, but we had to do it at 19 months since I screwed up her 15 month appointment).

They just got H1N1 shots in today. I love our doc, and he was telling us that people have been freaking out over this and unbelievably rude to his staff. He was also telling me that lot of the people who are freaking out are the same people who won''t vac their kids for fear of thimerosal. The H1N1 shots they got in all contain it and their staff has been telling this to parents, but no one cares...they are wanting the vaccine regardless. He was tellling me he just didn''t get it...that the diseases they vac are far more scary than H1N1 and yet here are these non vacc''ing parents screaming for H1N1. He said they wouldn''t freak out if he told them their child may get pneumonia or bronchitis, not realizing that most people dying from H1N1 are from complications like pneumonia and not the virus itself.

Guess when there is "imminent danger" a lot of the anti-vac parents will do whatever it takes to protect their kids, eh?


Dec 14, 2007
Just fascinating TGal...


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/6/2009 2:44:21 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Just fascinating TGal...
Yeah, no kidding. The doc and I get along well...he is truly one of the best in my area. Everyone nurse/doc I am come in contact with who know him say he''s amazing, and he really is. He takes his time with each patient and I never feel like he''s in a rush to get out the door - in fact, today we talked about vacation in Oz as well as H1N1.

Anyway, the frustration about H1N1 was very clear not only from him, but his staff. They just got it in this morning so they are overwhelmed with the backlog of people who are screaming for it. Other PS health professionals have shared the same thing. I told him what one person said here about it seeming like cancer suddenly went airborne and he totally agreed, saying that''s exactly what if felt like with so many angry, panicked parents. He does recommendation immunizations, so it must be frustrating when parents who refuse are all of the sudden wanting this particular vac and being rude about it on top of it all.


Dec 29, 2006
Up until a week ago, I worked in an elementary school, and H1N1 was making the rounds. It hit my former school last spring, too. I''m not one who''s prone to getting the flu, so some years I get the flu shot and some years I skip it. I haven''t gotten the H1N1 shot yet and I don''t think I will.


Jan 10, 2009
Took my dad to the doctor today because his shoulder has been bothering him the past few weeks and he was given a cortisone shot. The doctor said he had the H1N1 vaccine and I asked that he give it to my dad , but the doc told me to bring him back in 2 weeks. I said we are here today so please give it to him today. He refused and walked our of the office. Huh? Would there be an interaction between the vaccine and the cortisone? It would have been noce if the doctor said something.

Now I wonder if he''ll still have the vaccine in 2 weeks.

BTW. The doctor said he will only give it to his patients who are 65 and older and school age children.


Nov 13, 2008
SooCool- I don''t know where you live, but in Canada vaccines are only being given to those with underlying medical conditions and thier household contacts, children btwn 6 mos and 5 years, pregnant women and first line health care workers (and even they can''t all get it). There''s a shortage still, and they don''t have the infastructure to get it to everyone who wants it in a timely manner so those most at risk are getting it first. Doctors here are (supposed to be) getting into big trouble if they give it to someone who doesn''t qualify. Maybe that''s why the doc refused your dad? Whatever the case, it sounds like he could have done a better job of explaining it.


Jan 10, 2009
Date: 11/6/2009 5:08:23 PM
Author: upgrade
SooCool- I don''t know where you live, but in Canada vaccines are only being given to those with underlying medical conditions and thier household contacts, children btwn 6 mos and 5 years, pregnant women and first line health care workers (and even they can''t all get it). There''s a shortage still, and they don''t have the infastructure to get it to everyone who wants it in a timely manner so those most at risk are getting it first. Doctors here are (supposed to be) getting into big trouble if they give it to someone who doesn''t qualify. Maybe that''s why the doc refused your dad? Whatever the case, it sounds like he could have done a better job of explaining it.
Upgrade, my dad and I are both in southeastern PA. The doctor offered it to my dad (he''s 80), but then said comeback in 2 weeks. I just didn''t know if the cortisone shot would affect the effectiveness of the H1N1 vaccine. My dad lives in a retirement home where he is in contact with a lot of seniors who have underlying medical conditions.

Apparently, my DD will get hers at her high school in another week after school hours. I signed a release form for her a few weeks ago and was just notified of the vaccination date.


Jul 13, 2007
Socool, there was an H1N1 epidemic in 1976, so some of us who were around then and caught the virus, have some built up immunity. I just found this out today. I was 14 at the time, and I don't remember if I had it or not. There was also a vaccine at that time, again, not sure if I had that either but I think not. This may be why I'm doing okay while both my kids actually have the virus. So it's quite possible your father was exposed to swine flu at least once or more already. That is why he is not so much as risk as younger people, and possibly why the doctor is saying he can wait, provided he has no other risk factors. The regular flu vaccine is still required this year.

ETA: It may also be because of the cortisone injection, as cortisone suppresses the immune system. This puts one at higher risk for complications from the flu. I'm thinking that having the shot and vaccine at the same time might have led to your father having an exaggerated auto-immune response possibly. So spacing out the vaccine would make sense if that's the case.


Aug 1, 2003
Date: 11/6/2009 12:02:13 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 11/6/2009 1:00:28 AM

Author: innerkitten

Date: 11/5/2009 10:38:13 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Amelia received her H1N1 shot today and will get regular seasonal flu tomorrow. The H1N1 did contain thimerosal. And I was able to get her that shot because my friend works in a doc''s office and persuaded the staff to save a shot for us. There are people screaming at them begging for these''s scary. I was not able to get one (and didn''t push for it) because I''m not in the highest risk group and not one of their regular patients. Normally I could get the shot being the mother of an under 2 year old, but I was happy to get the shot for Amelia.

So far, no issues, not even crankiness. Happy as Larry, this kid.

As far as ADHD, I think there are plenty of other things that *may* be contributing to it. What about the ridiculous number of hours of TV that kids under 2 watch? Some say by the time they hit school, regular classroom teaching is so boring because they are used to what is basically the pulsating lights of TV. I''ve heard another probable cause as being junk food that contains MSG. Things like cheetos, which some people have no problem giving their kids. Perhaps it was less prevalent years ago because we were OUTSIDE PLAYING and not eating the amount of crap that kids eat today. I am WAY more inclined to believe it is these things than vaccines. But then, it''s so much easier to blame the evil drugs companies instead of looking internally, isn''t it?

OT :My daughter is hyperactive and doesn''t watch lots of TV or eat junk food. She even prefers books to TV. She''s too young to be diagnosed with ADHD but she does have some of the behaviors that go along with it. It makes things challenging sometimes.
Just to clarify, I''m not saying this is WHAT is causing it. Or that it IS contributing. It''s just that so many people don''t look at this stuff, while freaking out over vacs. And your girls is beautiful IK!

Amelia is doing great today. No reactions, happy, and her usual self. Not fussy at all.

Thanks TG!
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