
Graduation Gift for DD


Jan 10, 2009
I am so confused what DH and I should get DD for her high school graduation in June. I have a little over 3 months to either find something or design something. I decided it should be a piece of jewelry so she has something she will cherish forever and perhaps hand down to her children (hopefully) someday.

I don't want it to be a ring, for a number of reasons. ring size changing over time, won't wear because of other rings, etc. Right now she doesn't like bracelets (won't even wear a watch). She has 2 sets of holes in each ear and wears earrings all the time. She also wears necklaces all the time.

So I am thinking either earrings or a pendant (she likes white gold - no yellow gold). I was thinking I might want to go custom, so it will be a unique piece that is relevant to her life. So how do I go about this? I haven't a clue. Those who designed their custom pieces, where did you find your inspiration?
My parents gave me a pair of diamond studs to celebrate a big occasion once and I love them and wear them often. They go with everything. I'm currently in love with AnaSpark's new bezeled/milgrained studs:


I haven't gotten diamond studs in a long time, and I hope to get another pair like these someday. What about something like that for your daughter

ETA: Sorry that I couldn't answer your actual question, Soocool, but I thought I'd throw an idea out there for you. I hope that's okay!
I got a Layna and Alan Friedman Barbie Rocks ( tiny rose gold barbie silhouette pendant with little diamonds, which is a little inside joke between my parents and I. But they also gave me an amazing vacation backpacking trip and allowed me to take my best friend w/ me (my parents paid for the airfare and our hotel accommodations but my friend paid for her meals, souvenirs etc). I made some incredible memories during that trip. The necklace meant a lot and I still love to wear it regularly but if I had to pick between the two I would pick the trip hands down over and over again. I would honestly encourage you to get her something that's going to help her build memories and show how proud you are. Something that will allow her to step into adulthood. I prefer jewelry for birthdays, Christmas, etc. but big milestones like graduations deserve something outside of the norm, something unexpected ;)
You may want to ask over in Colored Stones too, they do a lot of custom stuff over there. But I'm wondering if you really have enough time for custom?

Just asking if you've considered pearl earrings? Maybe something contemporary with black (Tahitian pearls)? I've purchased from this vendor, and been very pleased. They can also make something custom if you like. You can do semi-custom, by picking out the pearl color tone that you like: "Black" pearls can actually be silver, blue, green, reddish, peacock, etc., all of them are natural colors, not dyed. Here's the overall selection, you can pick a color you like, preferably a color that works with what your daughter often wears:

I was thinking of these when I read your OP:

But my DD, who is close in age to your DD, likes these a lot:

They will work well for her for years, when she's going to job interviews, on a date, anywhere that she wants to look classy. I personally feel that a 10mm pearl is a good size for earrings, but there is a lot of debate about that over in the pearl forum, :lol: You can call Jose and ask him what he thinks. I'm assuming he can upgrade any diamonds, because most jewelers can do that.

Just a thought.

Congrats, on getting her through high school! :appl:
Zoe|1299186424|2864032 said:
My parents gave me a pair of diamond studs to celebrate a big occasion once and I love them and wear them often. They go with everything. I'm currently in love with AnaSpark's new bezeled/milgrained studs:


I haven't gotten diamond studs in a long time, and I hope to get another pair like these someday. What about something like that for your daughter

ETA: Sorry that I couldn't answer your actual question, Soocool, but I thought I'd throw an idea out there for you. I hope that's okay!

Thanks Zoe, my DD got diamond studs for her 16th birthday and she wears them usually in her second holes.
CherryBlossom|1299187957|2864055 said:
I got a Layna and Alan Friedman Barbie Rocks ( tiny rose gold barbie silhouette pendant with little diamonds, which is a little inside joke between my parents and I. But they also gave me an amazing vacation backpacking trip and allowed me to take my best friend w/ me (my parents paid for the airfare and our hotel accommodations but my friend paid for her meals, souvenirs etc). I made some incredible memories during that trip. The necklace meant a lot and I still love to wear it regularly but if I had to pick between the two I would pick the trip hands down over and over again. I would honestly encourage you to get her something that's going to help her build memories and show how proud you are. Something that will allow her to step into adulthood. I prefer jewelry for birthdays, Christmas, etc. but big milestones like graduations deserve something outside of the norm, something unexpected ;)

I like the Barbie pendant, but I wouldn't consider it for DD. When other girls played with dolls, she was playing with leggos and k'nex. The only doll she ever played with was her American Girl doll which we have packed away to hand down to her DD someday (if she has one). Maybe a K'Nex inspired pendant? Might be something to really think about?!

She wants so badly to go to Australia and is considering going there to study for a year or going there after she graduates college. She is going to Utah for a week with her BF and his family. They are Mormon and the BF will be attending BYU. They have a home out there they are hoping to move back after the youngest finishes school in 3 years.Other than that she is working this summer and already has her job all lined up.
iLander|1299212059|2864391 said:
You may want to ask over in Colored Stones too, they do a lot of custom stuff over there. But I'm wondering if you really have enough time for custom?

Just asking if you've considered pearl earrings? Maybe something contemporary with black (Tahitian pearls)? I've purchased from this vendor, and been very pleased. They can also make something custom if you like. You can do semi-custom, by picking out the pearl color tone that you like: "Black" pearls can actually be silver, blue, green, reddish, peacock, etc., all of them are natural colors, not dyed. Here's the overall selection, you can pick a color you like, preferably a color that works with what your daughter often wears:

I was thinking of these when I read your OP:

But my DD, who is close in age to your DD, likes these a lot:

They will work well for her for years, when she's going to job interviews, on a date, anywhere that she wants to look classy. I personally feel that a 10mm pearl is a good size for earrings, but there is a lot of debate about that over in the pearl forum, :lol: You can call Jose and ask him what he thinks. I'm assuming he can upgrade any diamonds, because most jewelers can do that.

Just a thought.

Congrats, on getting her through high school! :appl:

Thanks iLander, I may just go over to CS. I thought that if the item wasn't ready in time for graduation, I could always give her the drawings as a gift telling her "soon to arrive" and that it would be ready by the time she goes away to school in August.
Well my parents barely congratulated me on gradutating from high school or college for that matter so I'm sure she'll love whatever you decide. I would go with earrings...classic and timeless and go with anything.