
Food allergy labeling in different countries?

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
My son has severe treenut and peanut allergies, so we obviously rely heavily on labels. In looking ahead to traveling internationally, i was wondering what/how various countries handle labeling allergens. I know Canada is pretty good about it (I order some Canadian products for my son and appreciate the rather obvious no peanut picture).

Anyone have other experience with non-Canadian and non-American countries? Are food allergies well known? Well-labelled?
It's going to really vary, depending on the country. Developing countries often have sketch labeling (assuming you can read the language).

I had a former colleague die from an allergic food reaction while she was living abroad in Asia. She didn't think the food had the ingredient in it.
Oh, lord bring an epi pen.

The labeling requirements vary even within Europe. The vast majority of countries Don't put anything about peanuts or allergens.

Bring a lot of epi pens. :|

we have lived in hong kong for the past 1.5 years and my 4 yo has a life threatening nut allergy. he has not been exposed to nuts here because i have been exceedingly vigilant. the chinese are not at all familiar with food allergies, especially to nuts. the most common cooking oil for chinese food is peanut oil. combine that with somewhat sketchy understanding of english and i am not willing to take the risk. my son eats at mcdonalds and certain clubs where i know specific foods are ok.

we recently vacationed in phuket and i called ahead to the resort to discuss my son's allergy. the chef had to go to the store and buy a jug of olive oil just for my son. the only oil they used in the kitchen was peanut oil. the general manager of the hotel recommended that i not permit my son to eat ANY food from outside the resort.

labels in grocery stores are pretty good as many/most items are from the u.s. and europe.

living abroad with a nut allergy is incredibly challenging, to say the least. good luck
I have few food allergies as well as a bee sting allergy and am embarrassingly uni-lingual. (I swear, TRIED to learn many languages, none of them ever took.) Prior to international travel I order cards from Select Wisely. They will make laminated cards in virtually any language for any alert or allergen. The cards can then be used to ask advice from wait staff, shop clerks, hotel staff, etc. Additionally, the cards can help communicate what is going on to emergency medical staff in case of accidental ingestion.
Everything in the way of packaged foods in the UK is very clearly labelled with allergy warnings- usually nuts, milk, eggs are the ones listed. Restaurants will always inform you if you ask and many will have information on the menu.