
Favorite blogs

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Jan 12, 2008
What are some of your favorite blogs? Any, sports, home, politics, cooking, humor.......anything!
Just curious and looking for new things to read :)
For style, I really enjoy the Sartorialist. I like to look at the Lucky fashion blogs. I like 101 cookbooks which is a blog of a woman who cooks really awesome healthy natural meals. I like baking blogs.
I like Just hungry (slowed down recently because she''s writing a book)a Japanese food blog

and I am maru a Japanese cat blog

and Unclutterer

and ecogeek

and Daily dose of Imagery

and flowing data

and 2 comics: Natalie Dee , and xkcd (these are short 1-3 pannel comics)

Date: 10/17/2009 1:43:07 PM
Author: dragonfly411
For style, I really enjoy the Sartorialist. I like to look at the Lucky fashion blogs. I like 101 cookbooks which is a blog of a woman who cooks really awesome healthy natural meals. I like baking blogs.
Ooooh, could you provide the link?! That sounds right up my alley!

I follow a bunch of pregnancy and mommy blogs. I have my own blog and like to see photos of babies that were born around the same time and see how those mommies are doing.

There is also a really funny blog by a l&d nurse about the ridiculous things she used to see/hear.
One of my favorite sites is Tomato Nation - The Vine is the advice column, and you can spend days reading the archives. Fantastic!
I''m really into cooking blogs, the ones that seem to have the most recipes that I''m interested in are ones where the blogger is a mother.

My Kitchen Cafe is my favorite, half of the recipes that I''m waiting to try are off of her blog.

Our Best Bites, I really enjoy this. I don''t really need a tutorial for most things, but it''s nice to have it there.

Smitten Kitchen oh I love what she makes! She also just had the most adorable little boy! I don''t use as many of her recipes, but I love her photos and I enjoy looking at her recipes.

Then I look at what The Pioneer Woman has cooking sometimes, and I really enjoy Your Home Based Mom and of course Orangette. I also like reading just regular blogs.

Lisa Leonard she has beautiful pictures, and I really love seeing the cute pictures her son makes and I love his capes!

I started reading Oederweg because it''s a friend of a pricescoper. I actually started reading that one because they posted a link to their blog about their journey through adoption. So I just loved reading about it (here) so much that I enjoyed seeing what else happened.
I visit Tastespotting quite often, thanks to LaurenThePartier who posted the link here a while back. It is not a blog itself, but has photos from food blogs. Click on the photo and it brings you to the blog and recipe. If I have an ingredient that I want to use, I will often go to Tastespotting and use the search feature. It is fun to just browse too!
I love design sponge, brooklyn limestone, apartment therapy, and color me happy. All design related.
Not sure if it counts as a blog, but I love The comments are hilarious!
Design: House of Turquoise and Everything Turquoise along with all the other color related blogs you can link to from the sites

Food: Bakerella, The Pioneer Woman

I also really like Cake Wrecks and Pretty in the City for humor.
Those are hilarious (I mean ugliest tattoos and people of walmart)...I forgot to quote)! I must have a crude sense of humour. I'd add
Date: 10/18/2009 1:07:58 PM
Author: neatfreak
I love design sponge, brooklyn limestone, apartment therapy, and color me happy. All design related.
yeah, mee too.
Cote de Texas number one in my book. (fellow Houstonian, so I love her shopping hints and resources)

and then read almost all the blogs she has listed on her site!!
and then I weed through some more design blogs that I find on more blogs....
I can read ''em all day long...
Sorry for the delay, was in the woods yesterday

Here you go!

101 cookbooks
Date: 10/17/2009 6:45:37 PM
Author: pinkstars
I''m really into cooking blogs, the ones that seem to have the most recipes that I''m interested in are ones where the blogger is a mother.

My Kitchen Cafe is my favorite, half of the recipes that I''m waiting to try are off of her blog.

Our Best Bites, I really enjoy this. I don''t really need a tutorial for most things, but it''s nice to have it there.

Smitten Kitchen oh I love what she makes! She also just had the most adorable little boy! I don''t use as many of her recipes, but I love her photos and I enjoy looking at her recipes.

Then I look at what The Pioneer Woman has cooking sometimes, and I really enjoy Your Home Based Mom and of course Orangette. I also like reading just regular blogs.

Lisa Leonard she has beautiful pictures, and I really love seeing the cute pictures her son makes and I love his capes!

I started reading Oederweg because it''s a friend of a pricescoper. I actually started reading that one because they posted a link to their blog about their journey through adoption. So I just loved reading about it (here) so much that I enjoyed seeing what else happened.
I knew Smitten Kitchen was well traveled, but had no idea I''d see her so much here on PS. Fantastic! A friend of mine, Mike from Mike''s Table ( met her a while back and they did lunch. He said lots of good things are going to be coming her way.

I also follow Ruhlman''s Blog (, Culinary Disasters (, Jennifer''s Cooking for more vegetarian dishes (,,,, and
Date: 10/18/2009 1:07:58 PM
Author: neatfreak
I love design sponge, brooklyn limestone, apartment therapy, and color me happy. All design related.

Ooh I love Brooklyn Limestone! She did a design for one of my rooms in my new house. Amazing.
I like CakeWrecks a lot.
I also follow a lot of bridal blogs now, including StyleMePretty, SouthernWeddings, and ProjectWedding.
The Superficial for great snarky celeb gossip, in leiu of paying for US Weekly. D-Listed is another good one.

Smitten Kitchen for fabulous photography of food items and some darn good recipes...I've read for years.

Apartment Therapy for some fun modern ways to decorate smaller spaces.

I love CakeWrecks...sooo hilarious.

There is also another one I just discovered called Regretsy which is crazy stuff you can buy from Etsy. My fave so far is the Childbirth Education doll you can crochet one yourself! Greg said I should get it for my Mom.
I started weight watchers about 2 months ago, and seem to be consumed with anything weight loss related right now... I found Prior Fat Girl yesterday and it is a new favorite!
One of my favorites is who''s tagline is "Her address says the suburbs but her shoes scream ''Get me out of here''". It''s a hilarious, well written blog by a mom with a teenager and middle-schooler.
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