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Okay ... had to watch on TIVO ''cause our dinner wasn''t done in time ... but THE BROWNIES WERE!! Yummo.

Anyhoo -- KAT is SO GONE. Buh bye, belly-showin'' minx.


#1 - TAYLOR. (of course) That suit on the first number was MEGASIZZLING. Fun, goofy, spirited. The SECOND song was the "Summertime" of this season. Transcendent. Puts him on a whole ''nother level. Prepare the cover of Rolling Stone. He''ll be there before Chris. I''d bet the farm on it.

#2 - ELLIOTT. Unlike the judges - I didn''t puffy heart the 1st song - mostly cause my Sweetie was holding his ears & screaming. I tried to resist his fast-forward efforts, but gave up after 10 seconds. BEYOND MEH. However ... and its a big however ... I
his rendition of TROUBLE. Elliott - you ARE evil! And I love it. Finally - some personality to go with the pipes. Kudos to the director for the fun live cutting too -- showing the violin section boogying was priceless.

#3 - CHRIS. Sounded excellent on SUSPICIOUS MINDS. Can''t fault him there. But I think the glasses were because he can''t wipe that smug, superior look off his face for one moment. When Pricilla Presley was like "I feel like I know you" He was all "Well we know you!" UH - DUH you pompous %$&*#. Then - thank goodness - he TANKED the 2nd song. It was like he double-dosed on Ambian before taking the stage. SLEEPWALKING through the song much, Hmmm? I think JD Fortune on Rock Star: INXS did that tune & KILLED IT. Not to mention JPL''s show-stopping performance of it in Season 3?? SUCKKO, Chris. Not cool.

#4 - KAT. Oh boy. I can''t decide which was worse -- her bouncy-haired jive routine -OR- the over-wrought, stomach-baring/turning slow number. Tommy Mottola was smitten though. He has a taste for pretty young songbirds ... watch out current wifey!!

It''s sad to see how much Simon doesn''t want TAYLOR to win ... this may be the first year the American public goes against Simon''s choice. I smell rebellion.
Deco, I agree completely with your ranking!!! I luuuuuuuuuuuvs me some Taylor, Elliot just nailed both of his songs....he did sooo good. Chris was alright, IMO, and I think Kat's headed home.

I was hoping it would come down to my three fav boys!!!!

ETA: I just checked dialidol for a little preliminary prediction, and as of how, with the phone lines still open, Taylor's on top, then Elliot, then Kat, then Chris at the bottom!!
nobody has the numbers??
Mandarine, 01 is Taylor, 02 is Chris, 03 is Elliot, and 04 is Kat.
Nooooo problem!
I''m on the west coast on the Elliott team! As far as brownies go - have you guys ever tried the Brownies from The Farm (restaurant in Beverly Hills)? OMG!!!! The absolute best!
Deco, i''m with you on the rankings too. I loved Taylor all the way. I puffy heart Elliot too, the first song was ok for me, liked his second a lot. Chris was good on the first, didn''t like the second song at all. All you bald Eagle lovers, I hate to say it, please don''t throw pies or whipcream at me, but would really LOVE to see a taylor/elliot final. I''m just not digging chris
. and Kat, I agree, I think she''s gone. Bad choices on both songs and didn''t perform either of them well. Off night for Kat and I think she''ll go.

I''ve been trying to call for both taylor and elliot..10 minutes left to vote and still busy signals

I''m a little worried about how easy its been to get through on his line tonight.


Don''t let our guy get voted off by accident!!!


Even if you''re on the East Coast ... I''m still voting

1-866-436-5701 or 1-866-436-5705
Date: 5/9/2006 10:57:21 PM
Author: decodelighted

I''m a little worried about how easy its been to get through on his line tonight.


Don''t let our guy get voted off by accident!!!


Even if you''re on the East Coast ... I''m still voting

1-866-436-5701 or 1-866-436-5705
I got through 5 times but now it''s busy, busy!!!
No busy signals for me..I text!

Taylor and Chris!!...sorry Elliot lovers, I did vote for him once though...but my votes go out to the funky white boy and the angry bald eagle...

I must have a horrible phone carrier because it's always busy. I just wanted to hear him thank me for voting
Gotta love Simon for getting in on the whole pie thing (his apple pie and cream comment to Katharine).

Taylor''s my favourite tonight.
Date: 5/10/2006 12:02:07 AM
Author: cinnabar
Gotta love Simon for getting in on the whole pie thing

HA!! I forgot about that!! KIWI 4-evah!!

Can''t wait ''til the "westies" weigh in ... what''s taking them so long???
I'm a'dialin!!!!! I have only gotten through 5 times and been dialing since 9pm for Elliott!!! After last week when the same thing happened and he was still in the bottom two, I am totally worried/paranoid!

Westies, vote for Elliott!! His # is 3 and 7!

In terms of the rank...Kat was kinda RANK....hehehe. I didn't love her attitude, her outfits or her songs all that much though the hound dog seems to fit that new persona she is trying to put out there, uh huh yah. I love 'A little less conversation' as a song and Chris worked it OUT. Taylor was meh the first time around, 2nd was better, Elliott looked and sounded fab but gotta admit I don't love his hair color as much as before. It's a little too redhighlight for moi.

Elliott was #1 for me, Chris #2 and Taylor #3 then Katastrophe. I hope she goes ... just as long as Elliott and Chris don't!!
Katastrophe, LOL!!! Oh she is sooo going home!!
Okay so I downloaded dialidol to see what it does and I don''t know if I can use it with my DSL? It says I can but I don''t get HOW. Anyway it has CHRIS last!!!!!!!!!!!! It sais Taylor then Elliott then KAT then Chris. YIKES. I wonder if I should start dialing for Mr Bald Eagle???
Yikes Chris is last??? Bald Eagle can''t go, start dialin!!!
First of all, I LOVED tonight!!! I thought Taylor did a fab job and gave everyone---even Chris---a run for the top. Taylor looked hot, sang so great and had a great response from the audience.

Elliott really shined with his performance tonight, though that one song was not familiar and may have cost him votes...

Chris did his first song great, but the second, well, was forgettable and I browsed the HBO channels while he sang...not his best performance...sorry guys...I had others listening as well who thought he was forgettable as well on the second song...

Kat had alot of energy with her first song and I liked the mix she did...I felt he may have fell victim to being a tad manic---as Simon called it---but she worked the audience and that is what counts. Her second song was good, but she did lack the breathe power to last.

Tonight was definitely the night for Taylor and Elliott... Chris was just ok...I dialed until I was not able to get through at 11pm so we will see what happens tomorrow...
Nuthin bad can be said about Taylor''s performances (to me or especially Deco) ! Entertaining dance song followed by soul felt song! Still making me smile everyshow!

Loved Chris singing the Suspicious minds song, but the Conversation song was "just alright" in the immortal words of Randy Jackson! He''s getting steamier and sexier every show? Is that just me noticing that?

Elliott started off a little MEH on the first song, but grabbed me back halfway through the first song, and then hook, line, and sinker for Trouble! Very nice Elliot!

Kat was all over the place and I didn''t really enjoy either performance! Trying too hard...forgetting the words! Just didn''t do it for me! Tommy said something about her just singing the song vocally, but not really getting into what the song is about....and she never makes me feel connected to the song or her. She has the voice, but needs to learn some of Elliot''s REAL!

I voted for all the boys and the lines were busy, but I got through 1/2 dozen times for each!

Simon was chilvalrous tonight, protecting Paula''s honor from Ryan! What a guy!
Last night was a fun night.

I got through for Elliott only 5 or 6 times at the very very beginning. I really hope he stays!!!! He SO deserves it.

Taylor! Did a freakin'' awesome job on both of of his songs. I love his style. He''s entertaining. I''d watch him perform any darn day of the week. Soul Patrol Soul Patrol. In the ghetto was just an awesome AI moment. Him and Elliott are my favorites because of their realness and talent.

Elliott! The first few bars of his first song I thought to myself "oh no!!!" But then, like Tawn, his nerves went away and it was all magic. He did awesome. And Trouble... Forget about it. The boy hit it out of the park!!

Chris: Suspicious minds was ok. A little less conversation was freakin'' boring. And did you all notice how he butchered the end and no one said anything? Whateva. He''s sexy. Yes. But I can''t get out of my mind that he''s no JD Fortune. He had magic the first few weeks. He hasn''t shown me anything new. I''m kinda bored...

Kat: Wow! It was all too showy, screechy, run-y, manic, crazy. She''s still super talented though! Can''t wait to see what tonight will bring.
Based on the performances - bye bye meh Kat. I don''t care how talented her *trained* voice is. She''s yet to really show me 15 minutes of wonderful instead of a lifetime of nothing special. The bongos were cool last week- and she took credit for *their* performance.

Elliott - puffy heart to the hilt!! He''s really evolving into a little hottie. Knocked it out of the park this week. DOES NOT DESERVE TO GO HOME!

Chirs - wouldn''t surprise me if he was in the bottom 2. Kat needs to go first; but, she is the only girl left - I wonder if that makes a difference in the voting.

Taylor - sorry guys - It''s not that I don''t puffy heart him. I CAN NOT bare his dancing. It shakes my sensibilites. I danno - maybe it because dance is where my training is. Loved his second song though.

I''m with dialidol predictions - at least that''s the way it should be.

We never could figure out how to text. We both tried to get through to vote for Elliott - Me on the land line - not once. Hubby on the cell - got through only twice in two hours of constent dialing. I''m still thinking consipiracy here.
I am so over Chris. He is good, no argument, but I was actually squirming on my couch with the sick to the stomach feeling of watching his Brad Pitt Lookalike sunglasses thing. And the intense look that makes me feel like I murdered his mom and he is looking right at me to say, "You are DEAD to me." Ugggggggg.....I''m so over that smoldery thing.

Taylor''s 2nd song was fabulous, and Elliot''s second song was the best ever.

Kat is like a trained circus pony. No soul, just does her tricks awfully well. And that first grey blouse loked horrendous on her. Not to mention the fact that my husband and I spent more time during her 2nd song trying to decide if that was skin, an undershirt, a 2nd belt? Weird. Belt + bare midriff = fashion confusion.

Can''t wait to see the results!
MY Rank: Elliott - Taylor -- Chris - Kat

After Tommy was talking about Kat - I turned to the bf and said: "Kat should just quit the contest, marry Tommy and let him try to make her into the next Mariah Carey - cause you know that is what Tommy is hoping for"
lol cailet...ya think!!!

i too was confused on the kat triangle-of-skin thing..i decided it was really not worth overthinking at the time.

i really hope that E got enough votes last nite. in trying to use the dialidol thing it''s interesting because how it works is it uses your modem to speed dial and redial based on what you tell it. aka if you tell it ''make elliott safe'' then it votes for elliott repeatedly. if i said ''make elliott and chris safe'' then it votes for them in a split manner. if i say ''make kat unsafe'' then it votes for whoever is LAST (aka if kat is in 3rd) enough times to push kat into last and the other person into 3rd, therefore saving them supposedly.

because i have dsl i was never able to figure out how it works, it said that it somehow uses my dsl to communicate what i want to dialidol but how, through a spaceship? i didn''t get that part at all and i tried using the ''synchronize with'' and it told me that was not available. ooohkay.

so according to people using DI then elliott should be fine. but who knows!!!! i am keeping my fingers, arms, legs, toes, crossed. i was only able to get through for elliott about 5 times last nite in 2 hours. i got through 1ce for chris.
Date: 5/10/2006 11:02:00 AM
Author: wallermama

Not to mention the fact that my husband and I spent more time during her 2nd song trying to decide if that was skin, an undershirt, a 2nd belt? Weird. Belt + bare midriff = fashion confusion.

Can''t wait to see the results!

oh me too. when i saw her I said to my sister, is that her belly showing? my sister said, I think it''s a belt, and then we thought, maybe it''s a skintone colored shirt

can''t wait for tonight too
and here is what they have for the predictions for today:

1-2 Taylor Hicks 29.749
1-2 Elliott Yamin 29.181
3-4 Katharine McPhee 25.623
3-4 Chris Daughtry 25.241

According to them Chris and Kat are really close for last one.... I really hope that neither Chris nor Elliott goes home~!!!
I am thinking Chris or Kat will be buh-bye...

Now, I always liked Elliot - but last night made me LOVE him. He''s so real, honest, sweet, humble... he comes off as a genuine person. A sweet personality always tips the scale for me.

I voted for Elliot and Taylor! I''d be happy with either of them winning. (Considering 2nd place winners still have amazing careers after the show.)
Okay Eagle Luvrs voting for Elliott ... honestly ... what's gonna happen if Chris somehow ended up last?

I mean - he'll be fine & all - he'll probably take that "lead singer of Live" job they offered him? But won't it be CRAZY not to have a Taylor vs. Chris finale?? So unexpected considering how STRONGLY Chris started out. Maybe he actually is trying to throw it & get the heck out of this pony-show & on with his rock star career. I really think his heart wasn't in it last night (especially in the 2nd song. SLEEPWALKING. And his excuse: that's the way Elvis did it? Um - NO IT ISN"T
. I said to the Sweetie "He stripped every last bit of funk out of that song. It was bland all the way through." Then Simon said "It was flat" and I was like "SEE SEE!")

PS --- I do have to mention though -- throughout the DialIdol rankings TAYLOR has always, always, always come in #1. Writing on the wall?

PPS -- I loved Elliott's TROUBLE last night - but the hair?? Can someone say "Sopranos"?
i would be bummed if chris wasn''t in the final two (though chris and taylor are not my final two picks!!) but i also tried voting for him for 30 straight minutes last nite after seeing the DI ranking, and got through only ONCE. so it''s not like his line was totally open or anything. also last week, i was able to vote more for chris than i was for elliott based on phone line busy-ness and chris was safe in the top 2. so go figure? total conspiracy. i won''t stop worrying bout elliott til tonite when they pronounce him safe (or not).

honestly, guys i cannot see the taylor draw AT ALL. i know it''s kiwi-sacrilege but the guy is just so not appealing to me in absolutely any small way, shape, or forum. he''s like a spasticdancing badhairloving leftoverfromhighschool dork. all of which are not plusses in my book but when they are all lumped together? very unappealing. feel free to beat me about the head and face with a kiwi pie but it''s true. i just never have understood the appeal AT ALL. i honestly am shocked he''s made it this far. i don''t feel like his singing skills are anything to write home about either to be really honest. BUT as deco shows us day in and day out, there''s no accounting for taste.
OW! that pie hurt!
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