
Do people outside of PS comment on your ring(s)?


Apr 28, 2008
A recent thread on Rocky Talky got me wondering if people comment on your engagement ring or, if you're married, your set? Strangers, friends, co-workers, family members, etc.--how often do they compliment your rings, if at all?

In my experience, outside of PS, many people don't seem to notice or care about rings like we do. I've had a cashier, a waitress, and a handful of co-workers compliment my e-ring, but that's about it! What's been your experience? :)


Oct 4, 2011
I have had a few comments about my jewelry - mainly people making fun of my love of diamonds! (I just think they are all jealous and secretly wish they were me... yeah... that's it! :rolleyes: )

Funny situation on a work related home visit. The client I was seeing had a very friendly cat - it was all over me, threw my legs, rubbing up against me... and as I was taking notes on my clip board she comment "Wow! he must really love you!" and I start looking behind me, down at my feet wondering what the cat was up to! But - she then grabbed my hand and said my husband must really love me and I laughed and said - "no, *I* really love me!" :lol: :lol: :lol: She thought that was funny too!


Sep 17, 2010
People do comment on my rings on a fairly regular basis. I'm most "famous" for my rather large tanzanite (4 carats) ring and my custom-designed opal ring. They get a lot of attention. Once in a great while, someone will comment on my Edwardian era diamond ring, but usually my colored stone rings get the real attention. My friends in real life know about my jewelry hobby/obsession so they are always looking for the "newest addition" to the collection. I don't think any of them are all that into it, but they do make a point of noticing and complimenting me on my rings/jewelry pieces. :love:


Feb 8, 2003
Rarely do I get compliments. I got engaged in my early 20s and there was one gal in college who told me my diamond "was a really nice one." Also, I've had jewelers at the mall say my diamond is very beautiful. Overall, though, nobody says anything. My diamond is small and also my rings are simple. Just a solitaire setting and an Artcarved band. Nothing to rave over.

Also, just lately, I'm starting to notice some of my friends are upgrading jewelry. None of them seem "into" their jewelry, though...I've made a couple comments and they're like, "ho hum, oh, yeah, my husband got this for me." I don't know if it's modesty or if it's lack of interest.

I'd love to find one RL friend I could ramble on about jewelry with and go window shopping, however nobody seems obsessed like me.


Jul 20, 2008
Sometimes, but not often.

I always give a person a sideways look when they compliment trying to figure out if they are a PSer.

We should have a code word. I have had my suspicions before.


Jan 23, 2008
I've only had one person comment on my ring since we've gotten it (other than when everyone looks at it when you announce your engagement). We moved from the city (where my ring is probably average to slightly above) to a VERY small town (not even a town) and since I'm pregnant and don't leave the house pj's/sweats are usually my go to clothing. We don't have a washer/dryer yet so we went to the laundry mat (the cutest one ever-I know strange to say that but she's got it all decorated with teddy bears and really loves her job) and the lady there was super sweet. I had jeans-no make up-hair in a clip and an oversized sweatshirt on with my big ol rock lol. I didn't even think about it until she made a comment about that's some amazing bling you have and when we left I mentioned to my DH that not only is my ring substantially larger than most in the area I'm also not dressed like a real house wife or anything so it probably really stuck out like a sore thumb! :rodent:

1.64 carats with fishtale prongs on a size 4 finger with sweats I guess isn't the norm around here 8) (although sweats ARE the norm in this area-minus in the summer time with the beach)


Feb 8, 2003
radiantquest|1334171154|3168623 said:
Sometimes, but not often.

I always give a person a sideways look when they compliment trying to figure out if they are a PSer.

We should have a code word. I have had my suspicions before.

hahaha I have my PS diamond-in-the-web pin and once, when I wore it to Barnes and Noble, a woman stopped and stared at it. It crossed my mind she was a PSer! I've worn it other places and actually, it's gotten A LOT of attention! More than my eng. ring.


Dec 16, 2007
My Aurora gets a lot of attention. I would say I get a comment on it every time I wear it. "Wow that is sparkly" "Is that real?" things like that ;)) My other jewelery does not get comments, and my large solitaire rarely got comments. Go figure.


Aug 24, 2006
I've received a few comments from friends mostly, especially when I had my three stone ring. And I have had more than one comment about how nice my diamond was from SAs in maul jewelry stores. One in particular was all "I have never seen anything of that quality in our store!" Then she asked a lot of questions about where I got the ring, how I found out about the vendor, etc. I, however, comment more on people's rings since I've been on PS. I tend to notice sparkle in other folks' rings much more now! I also notice more how some very large stones don't have much sparkle. I'd have never noticed if I weren't a member here.


Jul 13, 2007
I get comments on my BK set every time I wear it. Normally I just wear my etoile-ish set though, and so far no one has ever commented on that. Doesn't bug me one way or the other. Well, the grabbing my hand for the BK does push my boundaries, but that's only happened once. Everyone else has been polite and discreet. Conversely, I always comment on other women's rings too.


Jan 25, 2012
I've had people comment on various pieces of jewelry over the years, but not that often. A former coworker liked jewelry, so we' d often comment on each other's pieces.

I don't feel comfortable commenting on people's rings, unless I know them well. For example, my doctor has a beautiful set, but I'd feel it overly familiar to comment on it.

When you're newly engaged, almost everyone looks at and comments on your ring, though.


Jan 23, 2008
Speaking of a code word I don't think I ever told PS about the time I mentioned PS to someone.

We had just gotten engaged that Friday and that Sunday were attending his Aunts surprise 50th birthday party. So tons of family/friends were there of hers. One lady had a beautiful piece on and she asked me about my ring (which her's was a 25 yr upgrade and was smaller than mine-but beautiful-which is why she took notice I think). She guessed the size and I said almost and then she asked for the exact specs. Considering no one has ever asked me that I was a bit baffled but I told her. A while later we were chatting again and I told her I was apart of a jewelery forum and mentioned pricescope and asked if she had heard of it. Apparently she had and she must have had a bad experience or something because when I mentioned it she said yes I have but got this funny/upset look on her face and didn't mention anything more. I didn't press it further since it didn't appear she liked PS at all and just left it at that.

I've never met another person at random who's heard of it. Even most jewelers haven't heard of it. Most haven't even heard of AGS or an ideal scope or H&A for that matter! :rolleyes:


Feb 15, 2007
I get comments about my upgrade every once in a while. People gave me far more compliments about my original set, and I'm almost 100% certain it's because that set had a lot more bling in the bands.

And I agree--we need a PS code word! Or handshake, or something!

I have an idea: You know how AA members ask if someone is a friend of Bill? (Or is it Bob?) Why don't we ask, "Are you a friend of Andrey?" :cheeky:


Jul 7, 2004
I have gotten many comments on my rings, normally on my stone. It almost sometimes seems ...creepy maybe isn't the word....odd that I get SO many. The majority seem to come from waitstaff in restaurants, and I've had people stop me at Nordstrom and Costco. While I haven't worn more than the plain band in a while, I do get comments from people at work, and I sometimes feel very inappropriate wearing it here. Economy what it is, I feel like I am flaunting my "luck" at being employed in someone's face.

Most of my family members and most friends know I am a total crazy person about jewelry, esp diamonds, and many of them involve me in purchases. It's sometimes hard when they have different priorities than me (mostly size) to explain why cut should be prioritized.


Jan 18, 2011
My rings are very modest, .75 carat center stone, .25 in side stones -- so 1 ctw and then a plain wedding band, but I keep them very clean and I get "WOW!! Look at all that Sparkle!" comments a lot actually!

So although my engagement ring is modest in size, the color, cut and clarity are all very good and it draws a lot of attention :)


Dec 8, 2011
I'm newly engaged, so it’s the time where everyone looks and comments.

‘Oh, that's a pretty square shape’
‘Thank you! Its actually called an asscher shape which is like an emerald shape, but square’
blank stare
‘I LOVE that twisty band thing’
‘Thank you! He worked with JA for a custom design and I really just love it!’
blank stare

The only people that really comment are friends and family right after they’ve seen me for the first time after getting engaged. Not much gushing and NO strangers have commented. I’ve only been engaged for 2.5 months (EEEEP!), so we’ll see.


Dec 29, 2006
I've had the same experience as you, Laila. I've had a few people comment on my set but not many.

Stacy, I get a few blank stares, too, when I mention PS and how it's a great resource. I don't know anyone IRL who's checked it out. Not many of my friends seem to be into jewelry that much, unless it's Silpada or other hosted jewelry parties at someone's home. I did get a few strange looks from people after getting engaged (5 years ago) when I told them that we had my rings made at a place that focuses on Internet business (WF). I explained the business and how it really IS reputable. :bigsmile:

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I get a lot of comments on my rings.

My w-band has melee to match my e-ring so both are quite blingy and people think my tsavorite is an emerald. I also have a 2.2cttw OEC 3-stone RHR which is quite big diamond-wise in UK standards.

I keep my rings very clean and so they sparkle. I'm always being complimented by jewellers on how clean my rings are - even when I think they're filthy!


Aug 25, 2009
Once I upgraded to over 2cts I got alot more comments...but more then comments I get a lot of looks. I notice alot of women will look at it and stare but won't ask me about it or make a comment. Then again I"m in a military community where I have only seen 1 other person who has a ring semi close to mine in size. Most poeple have under a .5ct so i stand out big time.


Sep 3, 2009
I get them occasionally. Last weekend DH's nephew visited with his gf & she commented on my blue spinel & said she'd been looking at it all night at the restaurant. In general I don't think most people notice whether I'm (or anyone is) wearing jewelry or not. A few people have mentioned a pair of sapphire/diamond huggies when I wear them, always a surprise because they're not very big. I can't help it, my opinion of their intelligence always rises a whole lot! ;-)

--- Laurie


Jul 13, 2007
I bet the reason we get more looks as PS'ers is because we keep our things cleaner than pretty much everyone else. Our stuff is always gleaming and sparkling because I don't think any one of us ever lets their rings get too dirty. :bigsmile:


Jun 13, 2005
Yes. I get the most responses to my e-ring upgrade (in avatar). A co-worker asked if it was real. A few friends and salespeople told me they liked it. I've gotten a few reactions to the size of the stone. One girl I know (who does not know jewelry) asked if it cost as much as a house! lol (of course not) :)

I don't mind looks or questions at all. In fact, I love to talk about the antique stone and the VC setting. I just love jewelry so having a chance to talk about any piece is great!

I don't refer people in my circle to pricescope, because I don't want to be 'followed' on here. lol



Nov 8, 2008
People comment and compliment my ring ALL the time .. and I really do mean all the time. I'm an RN, so I work with my hands a lot so it's really noticeable. Co-workers and patients alike have commented and have ooh and ahhed over it. I think they like it because it's something that's not what they normally see on fingers around here. That being said, I do have a rude co-worker who keeps insisting it's a CZ because it's "too shiny and big" to be a real diamond. :roll:


Jun 23, 2005
I do get compliments fairly consistently. They range from 'oh, your rings are so pretty' to 'are they new - they are so shiny!' to 'someone must love you very much'. Funny how folks think that if a diamond is sparkly it must be brand new - as though after you wore it awhile it would lose that sparkle. Guess it would if you never cleaned them!

I appreciate the compliments and always thank them and tell them I've enjoyed the rings very much. The ones that are sort of creepy are the people that are looking but pretending very hard not to look. I'd truly rather have someone say something rather than just to be looking out of the corner of their eye or pretending to look over my head when I can plainly see their eye track. If I admire someone else's rings, I always just comment on how pretty they are - I don't want to creep them out either!


Aug 8, 2005
Nope. Just my bling loving grandma with Alzheimer who sees it for the first time every time.


Oct 11, 2011
Yes. For my e-ring, I get an average of one comment a week from a complete stranger, on either its general beauty, its size, or how it's like a different version of the Kate Middleton ring. It's alarming when strangers grab my hand to look at it, though fortunately that hasn't happened much. I've been engaged for a little over a year. The big ooohing over it from friends/family stopped about two months after getting engaged, though one cousin and a few friends are particularly obsessed with it and always have to look at it and try it on every time they see me. But the rate of strangers' compliments has been steady.

If you look at the pictures on my thread for it, you can see how the blue of the sapphire really stands out against my pale skin in a way that a diamond wouldn't. I have a bunch of CZ rings in different sizes, about 3-7cts, and NONE of them, the solitaires, the halos, the 7ct pear in a halo, are nearly as noticeable as the color of the sapphire. One time to a wedding I wore my e-ring and the 7ct haloed pear CZ, and in the pictures, you couldn't even SEE the bigger ring, just the blue of my sapphire. So it definitely stands out more from farther away - which is why people think it's HUUUUGE when in reality it's about the same size as the e-rings of most people I know irl. It's just that mine is the only colored stone. I think that's why I get a lot of compliments. I think even if I had the exact same size but a diamond instead of a sapphire, I would get far, far fewer compliments, and no one would just randomly exclaim about how huge it is. I also wonder if it's seen as less tacky to talk about the bigness of a sapphire as opposed to the bigness of a diamond, or something.

For my other rings and jewelry, comments vary. Mostly compliments come from close friends or people in my silversmithing and casting classes, though other people occasionally comment as well (others mostly comment on either colored stone rings or on the crazy geometric things I make). And if you want to know people who will talk about jewelry with you, definitely try a jewelrymaking class. *nodnod* In mine, everyone always brings their new pieces in for everyone else to comment on.

I try to mention that I like someone's ring if I see one that I like. But I also have a rule about complimenting a stranger about something every day (or at least every day that I leave the house, which I guess isn't actually every day), because I know I find it most feel-good when a complete stranger compliments me about something as they pass by, because I know they really meant it and weren't saying it to try to reinforce social ties or anything.


Aug 8, 2005
Dreamer_D|1334172981|3168657 said:
My Aurora gets a lot of attention. I would say I get a comment on it every time I wear it. "Wow that is sparkly" "Is that real?" things like that ;)) My other jewelery does not get comments, and my large solitaire rarely got comments. Go figure.

That's a good point. I'd forgotten. The Aurora did get a lot of attention (part of the reason I sold it). I'm just glad it's appreciated so much in it's new home.


Dec 16, 2007
Gypsy|1334210292|3169076 said:
Dreamer_D|1334172981|3168657 said:
My Aurora gets a lot of attention. I would say I get a comment on it every time I wear it. "Wow that is sparkly" "Is that real?" things like that ;)) My other jewelery does not get comments, and my large solitaire rarely got comments. Go figure.

That's a good point. I'd forgotten. The Aurora did get a lot of attention (part of the reason I sold it). I'm just glad it's appreciated so much in it's new home.

I am just an attention whore I guess :lol: It is much appreciated it, I love it.


Aug 8, 2005
Dreamer_D|1334210683|3169082 said:
Gypsy|1334210292|3169076 said:
Dreamer_D|1334172981|3168657 said:
My Aurora gets a lot of attention. I would say I get a comment on it every time I wear it. "Wow that is sparkly" "Is that real?" things like that ;)) My other jewelery does not get comments, and my large solitaire rarely got comments. Go figure.

That's a good point. I'd forgotten. The Aurora did get a lot of attention (part of the reason I sold it). I'm just glad it's appreciated so much in it's new home.

I am just an attention whore I guess :lol: It is much appreciated it, I love it.

That's NOT what I meant, you brat! It goes back to what Circe said about buying for your dream life or your real life. I made a lot of changes this last year to my 'dream life' and I realized that ring didn't fit either my real life OR my dream life. Brat. :lol:
Mar 23, 2008
I'm super shy. Ya, at what point does a 28 year old need to just get over it? Well, anyway, a 3 carat diamond isn't shy. I get comments all of the time. A lot of people ask about it... And honestly the most common comments are: "wow he must really love you" and "you're blinding me!"

The whole "he must really love you" comment really irks me. Like, so if I didn't have a large diamond it means my husband doesn't "love me enough"? Or, if I have a small diamond, I'm not lovable enough? I know it's a harmless comment but I'm super sensitive when strangers talk about me (and bling) like they know me. I'm still not over my grandmother passing away, and every time someone wants to know the story about my ring, I cringe. It's my own little momento that I don't want to share with strangers (other than PS!!)

And believe me, I know people mean no harm, so I just smile and thank them when they ask how my husband could afford such a ring.

The funny thing is that even though I'm shy and don't care for attention... I still wear the diamonds I want to wear. I love diamonds and wearing them... I won't apologize for looking like a walking jewelry store! :)
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