
cut my hair?


Jul 23, 2012
I really really really want to cut my hair. All off. My FI keeps saying I'll be sad if do it before the wedding because it'll be a very drastic change. Thoughts??

My daughter keeps pulling my hair and it gets in the way of everything. I'm so over it Haha. But when its good its SK pretty. I don't know.


Jun 14, 2011
Just my humble opinion.. don't do it.
You'll have these pictures forever ..what if you're not 100% pleased with how the haircut turns out? Plus it can take awhile to get used to styling a new do.. there are so many more things you can do with long hair than with short.. and I have tons of friends who regret cutting their long hair - I've never heard of a person going to get their hair cut and wishing they cut more off! It's always the opposite!

Again, do what makes you happy -- tie it back when you're dealing with baby, and cut it after the wedding - that's my advice! :D


Jul 11, 2007
I agree with fabulousfindk and wouldn't do it. It's a lot easier to change your mind about styles and cut off *some* length right before the wedding if it's conducive to the style you want, but if you cut off too much, you basically have no options but extensions. If you really want to change your hair I say wait until after the wedding.


Jul 23, 2012
My hair is so strait any style I do isn't going to loom good by the end of the day. Plus our wedding is a little not more relaxed, a simple due would be normal. Very Ann. Hathaway at the Oscars I feel like. Plus whenever I cut my hair o end up styling it more than when it gets this long and blah

I don't know o think I'd really like it. And Mabel pulling my hair honestlyakes me so mad. And it happens constantly.


Dec 8, 2011
I think you already plan to cut your hair, you just want to hear it's ok lol...honestly, only you know if you will be ok with the final look. I LOVE Ann Hathaway's hair and so long as you know in your heart that you will love that hair for your wedding, then do it!! :D BUT, if you're hesitating for any reason, why not wait until after the ceremony? When are you getting married?


Jul 23, 2012
FancyPantsSparkles|1364935102|3418813 said:
I think you already plan to cut your hair, you just want to hear it's ok lol...honestly, only you know if you will be ok with the final look. I LOVE Ann Hathaway's hair and so long as you know in your heart that you will love that hair for your wedding, then do it!! :D BUT, if you're hesitating for any reason, why not wait until after the ceremony? When are you getting married?

Haha maybe a little.

I don't know I've been going back and forth on it. Sure its not as classic "wedding", but I'm not exactly a classic bride. I don't know. I just wish I felt confident in it.

I know people will say "if you aren't confident don't do it", but I already KNOW I'm not really happy as it is now.

And I have this beautiful friend of mine. She completely shaved her head one day, and it was honestly the most beautiful thing.


Jun 25, 2008
As someone with really short hair - do NOT chop it all off unless you have had the style before and liked it. I'd wait, personally. The last thing you want to do is look back at photos and regret your decision.


Jun 8, 2008
I can totally commiserate with your vacillation on this issue. Though you might already have your mind made up... My hair is on the longish side and I keep going back and forth on should I or shouldn't I. The difference is that my hair is curly so when it is long I have a lot more options than when it is short. I wear it half up/half down. All down. Up in a high ponytail. Low ponytail. (Straight even if I want to but I never do that anymore). But I'm bored with it and have had it long for a number of years now. I switched from bangs to no bangs to alleviate the boredom with my hair and that helped for a while but now I am longing for my bangs back too haha. What to do what to do...

I will say that if you know you love your hair short and the way you look with it go for it. But if you aren't sure take a step back. Your wedding pics are forever so you want to make a calculated decision. I love short hair though-I really do if you have the face shape and hair texture for it. I'm not so sure I do but it certainly sounds like you do!

But if you keep it long an updo is a fabulous option for the wedding. So you sort of get the best of both worlds- keeping it long but wearing it shorter at the wedding and then you can decide after the wedding without the pressure of wedding pics. Food for thought.

Good luck! I know you will be a gorgeous bride no matter the hair length/style!

ETA: in my experience most men prefer long hair no matter the style/texture etc so keep that in mind when asking men their opinion. I rarely come across a man who says he prefers a woman with short hair when given the option of short vs long.


May 23, 2012
I love that your baby's name is Mabel! So sweet!

I have very long hair currently but go back and forth between long and short. I had long hair for my wedding and chopped it all off on the honeymoon. It was so fun! And something to look forward to. I enjoyed the big reaction I got when everyone saw me post honeymoon too. So I'd vote for waiting just because its a fun honeymoon activity! :)


Jul 23, 2012
I've run the gambit of hair styles, but some were longer ago than others. Last time i had a pixie hair cut I was in like, second grade. Then i left it at about collar length until high school, i decided to grow it out in high school so by my freshman year of collage it was down to the crook of my back. Then I donated it a few times. (cut a bunch off after a break up :lol: )

Rosebloom: thank!! I really love your idea of doing it right after the wedding. I actually had the same idea just a few minutes ago in the shower. I think it would blow everyones mind too

Missy: im glad you can feel my pain! I end up having bangs half the year and no bangs the other half because i can never decide! I used to have a bit of it bleached, so i could color it blue or pink or whathaveyou. I felt like that girl from Eternal Sunshine. Part of me wants to go blonde as well as short, so i could do that again. But im so indecisive i just end up leaving it and it just looks boring.

When i cut my hair after my last breakup (which i did because i was all "i can be hot even with short hair!!" ) I did more to it. Id put curlers in my hair and get a cute big old ball of curl hair do, very cool! Id curl with a curling iron or id straiten it, leaving it in a bun overnight and had a cool wave effect. now, i do nothing at all. Shower, if Im lucky... Im sure part of that is Maebecakes, but also because its so long and overbearing that i jsut do nothing.

I guess i can wait, but oooohhh i want to cut it so bad. I know my FI would love whatever i do. He actually preferred my hair when we first met better, and it was about a foot shorter then. He likes an edgier me too, so i know either way he would be happy.


Jul 11, 2007
What about just taking some length off to help with your boredom (like maybe to the collarbone and add some layers or something), and then after the wedding you could go more extreme with a pixie or whatever...?

ETA: I'd also consult with your stylist before going pixie or another very short style to make sure he/she thinks you have the right hair for it. You said you had hair like that in second grade, but hair can change drastically over a lifetime, so what worked back then may not work now.


Dec 8, 2011
BeeCushion|1364961182|3419079 said:
What about just taking some length off to help with your boredom (like maybe to the collarbone and add some layers or something), and then after the wedding you could go more extreme with a pixie or whatever...?

ETA: I'd also consult with your stylist before going pixie or another very short style to make sure he/she thinks you have the right hair for it. You said you had hair like that in second grade, but hair can change drastically over a lifetime, so what worked back then may not work now.

I love this idea! You get some fun in now and a little change and then you can go crazy after the wedding and chop it all off! :)


Dec 18, 2008
geckodani|1364941837|3418873 said:
As someone with really short hair - do NOT chop it all off unless you have had the style before and liked it. I'd wait, personally. The last thing you want to do is look back at photos and regret your decision.

i'm gonna go against the grain here - I too have had short long hair and everything in betweeen (and when i say short, i've shaved it!) I have always felt MOST confident when my hair is short. I feel like it shows my face off better and i just feel better about myself all around. I say do it, it's hair - it grows back....

EDIT - my short hair has not only been shaved short, i've had "normal" short haircuts - i do now actually!


Jul 23, 2012
lovebug1031|1365085420|3420082 said:
geckodani|1364941837|3418873 said:
As someone with really short hair - do NOT chop it all off unless you have had the style before and liked it. I'd wait, personally. The last thing you want to do is look back at photos and regret your decision.

i'm gonna go against the grain here - I too have had short long hair and everything in betweeen (and when i say short, i've shaved it!) I have always felt MOST confident when my hair is short. I feel like it shows my face off better and i just feel better about myself all around. I say do it, it's hair - it grows back....

EDIT - my short hair has not only been shaved short, i've had "normal" short haircuts - i do now actually!

good to hear from you on this lovebug :wavey:

like is said i know a girl that shaved her head. She was already attractive, but when she shaved her head honestly she was the prettiest person ive ever seen!

A friend of mine has a medical problem where she is loosing a fair amount of her hair. I told her if she ever needed to shave it Id do it with her. So if she has to shave it before the wedding then this problem is solved for me.

I was looking at pictures of me in my wedding dress today and i actually dont much like the "look", i wanted something less formal, more fun. so at the very leasy i do think ill cut a foot off or so, make me able to curl it super cute for the wedding.

but OH how i keep watching Primeval and her hair is just getting to me :love: :love:


Aug 22, 2009
Rosebloom|1364949545|3418964 said:
I love that your baby's name is Mabel! So sweet!

I have very long hair currently but go back and forth between long and short. I had long hair for my wedding and chopped it all off on the honeymoon. It was so fun! And something to look forward to. I enjoyed the big reaction I got when everyone saw me post honeymoon too. So I'd vote for waiting just because its a fun honeymoon activity! :)

This is exactly what I did! We had a 2.5-day break back at home between the wedding and the honeymoon and I went to my stylist and she chopped me nice and short...low maintenance while we were in Belize! About a month later we had our local reception (we got married half way across the country from where we lived at the time) and I got to wear my dress with my short hair, so I got the best of both worlds. I actually think short hair is more "me"...but I knew that I felt more like a "bride" with long hair. I was lucky enough to have my cake and eat it too!


Dec 8, 2011
vc10um|1365168911|3420816 said:
Rosebloom|1364949545|3418964 said:
I love that your baby's name is Mabel! So sweet!

I have very long hair currently but go back and forth between long and short. I had long hair for my wedding and chopped it all off on the honeymoon. It was so fun! And something to look forward to. I enjoyed the big reaction I got when everyone saw me post honeymoon too. So I'd vote for waiting just because its a fun honeymoon activity! :)

This is exactly what I did! We had a 2.5-day break back at home between the wedding and the honeymoon and I went to my stylist and she chopped me nice and short...low maintenance while we were in Belize! About a month later we had our local reception (we got married half way across the country from where we lived at the time) and I got to wear my dress with my short hair, so I got the best of both worlds. I actually think short hair is more "me"...but I knew that I felt more like a "bride" with long hair. I was lucky enough to have my cake and eat it too!

You DID get lucky!! :) You make me want to wear my wedding dress again...maybe DH and I can dress up in our wedding cloths on our anniversary and do a 1 year anni shoot!

Niel, I like the idea of cutting some off now and going for a dramatic cut after the wedding/before you return from the honeymoon.


Oct 31, 2012
Depends on the style of your dress...if the pix of you is the dress you'll be wearing, I would leave it long until after the wedding. If you have a casual dress, I think a short "do" will be adorable.
Also, are you wearing a veil, headband?


Jul 23, 2012
Yes that's mydress. I love it. Frankly I think the long hair makes it look more dressy than I'd like. My wedding is not aiming to be fancy. Its more of a Royal Tenenbaum's, Rushmore look. Quirky. Not classic


Aug 22, 2009
Niel, I totally get what you hairstyle changed the whole "feel" of my dress...

Wedding Day with long hair and veil:

Post-Wedding pictures with short hair and headband:

I see no harm in taking off a bit of length sounds like it might scratch the itch and it will still offer you plenty of options for a quirky 'do on the big day. AND it might help you better see how a shorter 'do will function with the dress.

ETA: Your dress is FABULOUS. I'm sad you couldn't find the perfect plaid number, but this one is AMAZEBALLS on you!


Sep 27, 2012
I say cut it a little now and then chop it off after the wedding. I have been letting my hair grow for a wedding which is next weekend and I have to say I am almost more excited about getting it cut then the actual wedding. (I know that sounds bad)
Maybe I missed it but how are you planning on fixing it for your wedding?


Jul 23, 2012
I'm sad I couldn't find by plaid dream either :( oh well. But thanks! Its still not in yet for my first fitting I'm getting annoyed. Good thing my wedding isn't for months.


Sep 27, 2012
Niel|1365216144|3421416 said:
It depends on the length but I'd like finger waves if shorter, possibly big curls if I leave it. Ideally I'm thinking curly though. Gatsby like if I could manage it.

Oh did you reside on a setting yet???

I really like that style, you could for sure cut it a little and still wear it that way, it would probably be easier for that look to have it a little shorter. No I haven't decided on a setting, in fact I am looking at Leon Mege right now and getting myself in trouble and more confused. Although I am pretty sure of the bezel idea, that's the only thing I know.
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