
Could I request some kitty dust?


Dec 31, 2006
Continuing to send dust to Gretta, Yssie, and to you...

Give her a big hug on behalf of all of PS...

Hoping she gets back to her normal self soon.


Mar 3, 2013
Yssie|1408025391|3732256 said:
Thank you so much, everyone.

It turned out our shipping scale was off and she wasn't even 8.8lbs, only 8.1 :(sad We've bought an infant/toddler scale and from now on we'll do weighings on both just to double-check. I took her to get looked at Monday morning and the vet couldn't feel any swelling or impaction and said she was well-hydrated, and she doesn't have any teeth or mouth problems, so they're doing a full geriatric bloodwork panel and we should hear back this afternoon. Our vet did also say that diabetes or her thyroid were the most likely culprits!

In the meantime she's been eating small spoonfuls of kitten kibble and drinking the liquid out of cans of wet. DH and I are staggering our time at work to feed her as often as possible. She's been spending most of her time on my pillow - she hesitates to jump more than a couple of feet and absolutely refuses to land on anything hard (tile, wood)...

On the plus side all this worrying is really helping me lose those last ten pounds :-o

Thanks for the update - crossing my fingers that the bloodwork comes back okay:)


Jun 8, 2008
Yssie, I am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers and hoping Gretta will be A-OK! Diabetes and/or thyroid are quite manageable so hopefully that's the worse case scenario.

As for you young lady, you do not need to lose 10 lbs (you are perfect just as you are!) so please start eating so you can remain strong for sweet Gretta and her daddy!!! (((HUGS))) to you and Gretta.


Mar 10, 2010
Yssie|1408025391|3732256 said:
Thank you so much, everyone.

It turned out our shipping scale was off and she wasn't even 8.8lbs, only 8.1 :(sad We've bought an infant/toddler scale and from now on we'll do weighings on both just to double-check. I took her to get looked at Monday morning and the vet couldn't feel any swelling or impaction and said she was well-hydrated, and she doesn't have any teeth or mouth problems, so they're doing a full geriatric bloodwork panel and we should hear back this afternoon. Our vet did also say that diabetes or her thyroid were the most likely culprits!

In the meantime she's been eating small spoonfuls of kitten kibble and drinking the liquid out of cans of wet. DH and I are staggering our time at work to feed her as often as possible. She's been spending most of her time on my pillow - she hesitates to jump more than a couple of feet and absolutely refuses to land on anything hard (tile, wood)...

On the plus side all this worrying is really helping me lose those last ten pounds :-o

If it's thyroid, did the vet say what can be done? I'm really hoping it's something readily treatable. More dust headed your way.


Aug 14, 2009
I wanted to post an update - thank you for your support earlier!

We wound up having a battery of tests done and neither our vet nor the specialist she recommended were able to determine what was wrong, so they started treating the symptoms and hoping that would unearth something. There was no evidence of thyroid dysfunction, her calcium was high but there was no clear cause, and she had white blood cells in her urine but no sign of infection her blood... the only thing clearly wrong was a misshapen left kidney. So we got antibiotics (just in case), nutrient supplements (just in case), and prescription food (just in case).

I was so sure we were going to lose her :(sad she just refused to eat. Her new dry, baby food, pumpkin puree... at last we discovered that she would occasionally deign to drink the liquid out of cans of a couple of types of wet food and we went out and dropped probably hundreds on Ocean Whitefish & Tuna and Turkey & Cheese - we'd pour out as much of the liquid as possible, stir in some warm water, and lock her in the bedroom with it for a half hour.

I don't know when she turned the corner but sometime in the past few weeks she started gaining weight, and now her coat is thick and shiny again and she's moving steadily and jumping without hesitating. We had to wean her onto her prescription kibble with Temptations and now she seems to actually really like it! We've been feeding her on the kitchen counter to keep the other cats away (unfortunately they all seem to really like the stuff too, especially Mina - it's bizarre) and she isn't a neat eater, so that counter is a total mess - my parents were horrified :bigsmile:

Our vet would like her at ~10 and she's hovering around 8-12, so we have some way to go still, but OMG I'm SO, so, so relieved!! I do wish we knew what happened, if for no other reason than being able to try and make sure it doesn't happen again, but at this point questioning it too closely feels a bit like looking a gift horse in the mouth - whatever it was, and whatever made it go away, we'll take it...


May 11, 2012
That's great news, maybe she had some type of infection or something that was difficult to find and she is over it now.


Jul 1, 2014
Whew, fantastic! Happy Thanksgiving Food Fest for kitty!
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