
BF Planning Surprise Trip!

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Dec 21, 2004
Hey ladies!! I haven't posted anything yet because its seemed so far away -- but now the trip is getting close and I'm DYING to find out what's up!!!! My birthday was June 6 and we went to NYC for that weekend, but he said he didn't have a gift for me, and that what he wanted to do was to plan a trip and take me somewhere as a birthday present. He suggested 4th of July weekend, so we'll be leaving on Thursday, June 30th and returning Monday July 4th! He hasn't told me anything about it, and he says I won't know anything until I get to the airport! He knows that I am sneaky and i HATE surprises (hate them b/c i want to know NOW, not because i don't appreciate them!) so he's carefully planned everything at work and kept everything from home. He didn't use my frequent flyer number because he knew i'd look up reservations online, and he's even used 2 separate airlines so when i get to the first airport i will know the connection point, but won't know the final destination until the 2nd airport! UGGGHHHHHH!!!

Don't get me wrong, i'm thrilled to have someone so romantic, and that loves me enough to plan something like this, but its ALL i think about!! I haven't posted yet because i decided i'd wait to put it on the board until i couldn't stand it anymore, so here it is!! I finally caved and had to write about it!!

The only clues he's given me were from a travel book from the resort and he said, "the temperature is 80, there is a hiking trail called "adventures in paradise", it is an extremely hilly place, and there are broken bottle dancers!" I'm thinking Hawaii, but i have no idea!!! I wish i could wiggle my little nose and get there RIGHT NOW!!!

Thanks for listening, have a great weekend, LIW!!! exciting!! You''ll have to post all about your trip (and any special occurrances) when you return!!! What a romantic BF you have!!
It is very cool your boyfriend is making all these plans. You can last until the 30th! Just enjoy that super-elated excited feeling.

I have an idea where you''re going, and you''ll love it!
Girl, it sounds like there is a ROYAL ASSCHER in your very near future!!!!
ACOA--He IS a romantic -- our first date was a surprise as well, he took me to the Biltmore house, but i didn't know where we were going until we got there. He just said, 'i'll pick you up at 9am, wear comfortable clothes! We had the best time, he got the tickets in advance and it was just perfect!!


Blueroses --- We picked out the ring in January, and i know he's paid for it, and he said the setting has been made. What if this IS it?! I was thinking it was going to be in March when we were in Paris, London, Rome and Brussels for 2 weeks, but no dice! But he's told me it won't be for another few months, so i'm trying not to get my hopes up!!

But no matter what happens, you better believe i'll tell you girls ALL about it when i get home, and i'll hopefully have some pretty pictures to post as well!
Oooh, I loved the trip I took to Biltmore! The rose garden was just huge.

And if you think I''D ruin your trip after all this planning your BF has done, you''re crazy.

Have a great time! And if you happen to come across an asscher somewhere along the way, snap some pics!
rag...just keep your cool and enjoy''ll be wonderful IF he does make you his FI, but don''t get your hopes up (in case he''s planning another special occassion to make it all happen)...

I don''t want to see you depressed in spite of this wonderful trip!!
Ooohh!!! How exciting!! It''s going to be so hard to concentrate on anything else until the trip.

And Rube is such a tease! Tell us where you think she is going.
Allright RAG I found the hiking place only clikc the link if you are 100% sure that you want to know where you are going...RAG Destination
RUBE---it would be pure speculation on your part, so feel free to share away!!! I won''t tell him you told me!!!
Okay Miss Royal Asscher Girl did you click....I am dying to patience.
I wonder if he''s trying to throw you off....this trip sounds like a PERFECT time for him to do it!!! (And believe me, I''ve been waiting to see your ring!! -- 2.63ct, right?)

Either way it will be romantic and fun, but this sounds a LIIIITLE bit like it could be IT!!!!
matatora -- Yes, i did click it!!

but i have to think, if we are only going for a few days (thursday returning monday) then we probably can''t be going to hawaii?! I was thinking as a plan b maybe Bermuda, since its right off the coast of NC? (we live in charlotte!)

Blueroses -- yes, its a 2.63 R.A., i just can''t wait! Whenever I get it, i''ll put pictures up right after i call my mom!! Its been 6 months since i saw it, so it''ll be like seeing it all over again!!
Bermuda sounds like a good guess--except that you''d probably be able to get a non-stop from Charlotte, and you mentioned changing planes? I wonder!! My interest is totally piqued!!

It will be like a never-before-seen stone after all this time! How exciting

(I went to Davidson, so I know Charlotte a bit......though it''s changed a lot since I was there)
OMG, you''re right, I am just being a terrible tease. Not my intention, of course. I am just like RAG with surprises! I want to know RIGHT THEN.

So, although I do not condone looking everywhere to find out
(and I cannot figure out how to post a link), I''ll just tell anyone interested to do a little google search on the broken bottle dancers. I have only heard anyone talk about them in relation to one place before.

But look at your own risk.

I think it''s going to happen!!!!!! Good Luck! So excited!
I did a search before I read Rube''s post and I have a couple ideas of where you might be headed off to!!
Have Fun!
Date: 6/24/2005 5:07:55 PM
Author: Rube
So, although I do not condone looking everywhere to find out
(and I cannot figure out how to post a link), I''ll just tell anyone interested to do a little google search on the broken bottle dancers. I have only heard anyone talk about them in relation to one place before.
But look at your own risk.

Rube''re bad!!! That internet search was a DEAD giveaway...but how fun!!
Date: 6/24/2005 5:35:19 PM
Author: AChiOAlumna

Date: 6/24/2005 5:07:55 PM
Author: Rube
So, although I do not condone looking everywhere to find out
(and I cannot figure out how to post a link), I''ll just tell anyone interested to do a little google search on the broken bottle dancers. I have only heard anyone talk about them in relation to one place before.
But look at your own risk.

Rube''re bad!!! That internet search was a DEAD giveaway...but how fun!!
OH MY GOD< i can''t look!! I want to google it so bad but the guilt has overcome me!!! I''ll have to wait just a few more days!!

Agonize with me!! (happy agony, but agony nonetheless!!)
Date: 6/24/2005 5:48:46 PM
Author: royalasschergirl

OH MY GOD< i can''t look!! I want to google it so bad but the guilt has overcome me!!! I''ll have to wait just a few more days!!

Agonize with me!! (happy agony, but agony nonetheless!!)

No, don''t look, it''s too easy. You''ll be glad you waited!

Happy trip!
Exciting!! Be sure to post pics of everything -- including any handpics that may get taken!!
OMG that is so exciting! I have to say, you are probably handling this better than I''d be. I''m relentless...I always tell my bf I want a surprise and then usually I figure it out before hand. I''m such a little snoop when I know there is a surprise in the works. Your trip is going to be so much fun! That''s really sweet that he''s taking the time to do all the planning and everything on his own. I love when guys do that. But honestly, I dont know how you''re handling this. I''d be waaay to giddy to concentrate on anything else if I knew that there was this huge surprise in the works.

I think I have it figured out though
you should definitely stay away from google, what a true test of your will power!

Fill us in when you get back, of course.
what a fun surprise! and don''t you dare do that google search. you don''t have much longer to wait now, and it will be worth it to wait! (of course, we all know where you are going now
oooh so mean hehe)

i see a royal asscher in your near future!
Okay being anit suprise myself I have to say this is making me nuts! I think you have the patience of Job not to be hitting google dogpile and any other search engine you like....However if really sounds like this is it! ANd I hope that it is, but if it isnt we still hants pics, just maybe silgjhtly less focused on your hand... Have a great time with your SO.
What a great guy!!! Anticipation is the BEST and WORST isn''t it?? Have an absolutley wonderful weekend and tell all when you come back!!
2 more days to go, i hope the days fly by!!

What are you ladies doing for July 4th weekend?!
Family bbq and pool party at one of my aunts'' house. Very fun! Usually the largest family get together of the year.

Have fun on your trip!!!
WOW!! I am so excited for you. How sweet is he to put in so much thought and effort. I can''t wait for you to go and come back so I can live vicariously through you!! Have a wonderful time!!

I hope, hope, hope, hope IT happens on your trip! I think I am dying to see pics of your ring ALMOST as much as you are to have it on your finger!

Even if it doesn''t happen, have a great trip & enjoy the long weekend!!!
Thanks ladies, for all the kind words!! Tomorrow morning at this time i''ll be on a plane to someplace somewhere!! I am very excited -- I thought briefly that this might be "the time" but he''s basically given me every indication that its not -- and I talked to my mom this morning who told me to be prepared not to be disappointed if it didn''t happen, etc., so i wonder if she knows something i don''t. Anyway, i''m still excited, I know it''ll be a blast no matter what but i have to be honest, I am SO READY -- i know you girls can relate. I have been waiting for 7 months since the ring has been picked out, i''m just super ready!!!

Anyway, I won''t be able to post again before we leave so happy july 4th to everyone, i''ll let you know how the trip was and where we went as soon as i get back!!!
Have fun and good luck!
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