
Are Trump businesses (and Trump) profiting from the presidency?

Do you really not know that you don't need to be king to help make laws? As president, Trump sets the legislative agenda. I believe #1 on the list of legislative measures he would pursue, according to the Donald J. Trump Contract with the American Voter, is simplify the Tax Code.

Hope he does simplify the tax code.
Just because something benefits Trump business doesn't mean it is bad for the economy.
Actually I think Melania IS doing her duty as a mother - which I will say is her 1st and primary duty whether anyone agrees or not.

I agree with you that her duty as a mother is 1st and with a young child what is best for him/her should always be considered, BUT the time for that decision was before he decided to run.

This job is a package deal for the president and his family. Many previous first families have had young children and still managed to perform their duties and accept the burdens disrupting their lives. It is a package deal like no other job, in that you can't be part time ,it is 24/7 job for the entire first couple.

The unethical portion comes into play when you consider the huge financial burden that Melania choosing to stay in NY places on tax payers. This is a family of billionaires, let them bear the added costs for their personal choices.
Good point, Octo. It seems reasonable to wait until the next school year to move. After that, not so much.
You support welfare? Free lunch?
I demand that these freeloaders getting academic scholarships make their parents pay. Parents can't pay? Join the marines! Why should my kid have to fight and die so yours can get books and free meals!!!
Dancing Fire, I completely understand what you are saying but do you think the majority of people who elected him are heavily invested in the stock market? So many of his supporters are having a really hard time living day to day. I think if someone is upset about there insurance deductible increasing $500 dollars a year that they are more than likely not going to be investing in the stock market. Am I missing something?
Yes you are...You do be surprised by how many millions of avg. Americans (401K ,IRAs) are invested in the stock market.
My son has a 401K plan . So if the market goes up, his money earned in that plan does as well.

And if the economy stabilizes, then interest rates go up so people like me who put away every extra cent they had will soon earn some decent interest.

And in my late mom's case, she would roll over the principal and use that interest to supplement her Social Security. This would greatly benefit senior citizens.
But if the interest rate goes up too high, too quick, inflation will hit us hard. I still remember the Carter yrs...:knockout:
I don't think all his supporters are not in the stock market but I also realize that many people are not fortunate enough to have extra money to invest. You hear all too often that people have not planned properly for their retirement. If you listen to the news they report often that most Americans could not survive even a few months if one of the spouses lost a job.
That's true, b/c most Americans are not savers (unlike Asians) not b/c they don't earn good money, b/c they spent every penny they earn every month.
Too many able bodied people have way to much time on their hands.

If you are able to be outside protesting every day then you should be able to work.
But why work????...if taxpayers are supporting you.
You support welfare? Free lunch?
I'd, but don't make it a career. Most of us will go through some tough period in life but you can't always depend on others to get you off the flood. Over-dependency is when you find yourself struggling.
Good point, Octo. It seems reasonable to wait until the next school year to move. After that, not so much.

The problem is they have showed no evidence of moving after the school year ends, so you will continue to pay 1 million per week, per week just digest that number for their security while they refuse to move. All of the other families of presidents with children moved them into local schools, I don't see not moving as good parenting I see it as elitism.
The problem is they have showed no evidence of moving after the school year ends, so you will continue to pay 1 million per week, per week just digest that number for their security while they refuse to move. All of the other families of presidents with children moved them into local schools, I don't see not moving as good parenting I see it as elitism.
I don't see her not pulling him mid year as bad parenting or elitism. If it were my child I wouldn't want to disrupt their academics if I didn't have to especially if I knew my child would have issues with it. I'll reserve judgment until we factually know where he is attending next school year. I've read a ton of speculation & jumping to conclusions - that's about it.
So you're good with a million bucks a week being spent on their security, because you can't disrupt the child's academic studies? Wow, that wouldn't wash anywhere else in the world, only in the US...... but I guess we will wait until mid year to find out if he is enrolled anywhere else, if not then you, not me are paying for it.
So you're good with a million bucks a week being spent on their security, because you can't disrupt the child's academic studies? Wow, that wouldn't wash anywhere else in the world, only in the US...... but I guess we will wait until mid year to find out if he is enrolled anywhere else, if not then you, not me are paying for it.
I didn't say that. If I were in her position and chose to keep my son in that school to finish out the year (which would have been my choice), I would have paid for any extra needed security had I the means to do so. I was simply saying I didn't think it was a bad parenting/elitist decision.
That's true, b/c most Americans are not savers (unlike Asians) not b/c they don't earn good money, b/c they spent every penny they earn every month.

This is the problem. The importance of saving has been lost somewhere along the line.
E, DF is a kept man. You have a problem with that? :lol::lol::lol:

I have just read he last page of comments, so if I have missed something I apologize.

We do not get a two for one when we elect a President. The Presidents wife , in this evolved day in age, may do whatever SHE wants to do. She is not an unpaid person that must stand beside her Pres/husband or wife and do some chores that the public thinks she ought to be doing, whether or not that includes "good causes" , or ribbon cuttings. It is not her job. She gets to choose what she doe, not you the public.
Now, I happen to think her son, Baron, is different. He doesn't seem to react as i've seen other Pres children act. For example, Amy carter, was just a kid, but acted more like a kid than Barron does. He looks down a lot and not engaged. So, maybe Momma is protecting him. We elected him, we pay.
She seems like a decent sort and is a good mom. She doesn't even owe us an explanation. IMO

The area that Trump may make a difference is in his tax proposals. If you have a 401k or IRA's , you should be doing well now. Everything that is going down is not bad.

I believe the draft should be returned. No exemptions from public service. Eliot is right. Why should some go, while our reps and senators who vote for war have their children and grandchildren safe from participating in such a ghastly experience. NO NO NO.
Did you see where Obama was paid $400,000 for a one hour talk at Cantor Fitzgerald.

I have just read he last page of comments, so if I have missed something I apologize.

We do not get a two for one when we elect a President. The Presidents wife , in this evolved day in age, may do whatever SHE wants to do. She is not an unpaid person that must stand beside her Pres/husband or wife and do some chores that the public thinks she ought to be doing, whether or not that includes "good causes" , or ribbon cuttings. It is not her job. She gets to choose what she doe, not you the public.
Now, I happen to think her son, Baron, is different. He doesn't seem to react as i've seen other Pres children act. For example, Amy carter, was just a kid, but acted more like a kid than Barron does. He looks down a lot and not engaged. So, maybe Momma is protecting him. We elected him, we pay.
She seems like a decent sort and is a good mom. She doesn't even owe us an explanation. IMO


I never meant to imply that she was a bad mom or a bad person. I agree with you that she seems to be a very good mother and maybe there is more going on with her son than is publicly known.

I also agree with you that she is not a slave or required to perform a checklist of duties dictated by the public (didn't mean to imply that). Her role is entirely up to her to define and pursue what she feels strongly about, including her level of involvement. However, that being said, there is absolutely an expectation that the first lady have a role at the white house or she would not be provided with an office in the east wing and given a considerable staff at tax payer expense.

As to the comment "we elected him, we pay". I agree yes, we do pay! We pay for a home in one of the most secure and heavily guarded buildings in the world. We pay for the highly trained security teams that protect and risk their lives for the first family everyday. It is our responsibility as tax payers to provide a home and security protection to the entire first family, but that is not an unlimited money tree. That security should be respected and treated with fiscal responsibility. If any of our spouses took a new job and was required to relocate, it is natural to want to make that transition easier for our children, but I wouldn't expect the new employer to cover the cost of maintaining separate residences in the interim so that my child wouldn't have to change schools mid year.
You conservatives are sooooo predictable. "You must not have a job." Yeah. Ok. Ever heard of sick pay? Personal days? Vacation? No. Because the conservative way is that you cannot miss work unless you are dying. How is that working out for you?

I saw a LOT of conservatives out there during the anti-abortion marches. Does it swing both ways? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Read the articles. These same people are out there every single day.

They are able to take time off for every demonstration or harassment the left cooks up.

No one gets that many days off.

And if they are using sick pay, then they are abusing it because they are obviously not ill.

Personal days at least where everyone in my family works are for emergencies. You have them if you need them.

And how does the conservative way of thinking work out, well it means that we keep working. Because if we do not show up there will be many others to take our place.

So we do work so we can pay our own way rather than demanding someone else do it for us. It is called being a self sufficient adult.
I demand that these freeloaders getting academic scholarships make their parents pay. Parents can't pay? Join the marines! Why should my kid have to fight and die so yours can get books and free meals!!!

Are you confused. Do you know what an academic scholarship is? It means your child graduated in the top 1% or 2% of his or her class. In other words it is like getting a pay increase or bonus at work. You earned it!
The problem is they have showed no evidence of moving after the school year ends, so you will continue to pay 1 million per week, per week just digest that number for their security while they refuse to move. All of the other families of presidents with children moved them into local schools, I don't see not moving as good parenting I see it as elitism.

What evidence would you expect to see. Melania and her son are private citizens. He is a minor. Is she supposed to document it all on the Net.

And I still remember being chastised because I dared to question a mother's motives. Melania does not have to follow any other person's path but what is right for her child.
But if the interest rate goes up too high, too quick, inflation will hit us hard. I still remember the Carter yrs...:knockout:
No not 20% But not the present 1% either.

I would like to see it back to a healthy 4, 5 or 6%.
What evidence would you expect to see. Melania and her son are private citizens. He is a minor. Is she supposed to document it all on the Net.

And I still remember being chastised because I dared to question a mother's motives. Melania does not have to follow any other person's path but what is right for her child.

I am not questioning her motives, I take issue with the methods.

Earlier you stated - "So we do work so we can pay our own way rather than demanding someone else do it for us. It is called being a self sufficient adult."
She has every right to choose her path, but where is the personal responsibility? Staying in NY goes way beyond what is the usual and customary expense of protecting the first lady and children, if she chooses for what ever reason to go a different path, the first family should cover the additional expenses.

As an aside:
It's so nice to have a healthy debate/discussion on these topics, I have been avoiding Facebook for the horrible decline in any real conversation on the issues. I usually just like to lurk in Rockytalk and SMTB to learn more about diamonds and look at all the bling, but this topic caught my eye.
Nice to get to know other posters in the Hangout.:wavey:
tc, I'm sure you agree that congress passes the laws.
Are you confused. Do you know what an academic scholarship is? It means your child graduated in the top 1% or 2% of his or her class. In other words it is like getting a pay increase or bonus at work. You earned it!
For goodness sake Ruby, go be "done" please.

Bess Truman could not stand Washington. She went home to Missouri while Pres Truman resided in at the White House. Mrs Roosevelt , likewise spent much time away from the White House. There may be others, as my history is limited.
I don't think we can ship Mrs Trump to Missouri because It is cheaper there. She happens to live in a most expensive area and security is tighter now. It would unfair to criticize because she happens to live on 5th Ave.
There are so many other things to fault him for.
tc, I'm sure you agree that congress passes the laws.
Yes, but Trump influences the agenda. You, yourself said "Hope he does simplify the tax code". And did you see the announcement about the simplification of the tax code? So it's either he has influence or he doesn't. Pick one.