
are there any foods you don't eat?

Twiglets (not sure if you have them over there but they are really gross!)

You are wrong, so wrong. Twiglets are just about the nicest thing. Crunchy, savoury loveliness. :bigsmile:[/quote]
what are twiglets?[/quote]

Yes, I meant to ask also.

And the fig thing--are they contaminated...or did i just read that wrong....
I hate the following

green chile :knockout:
tarter sauce
sour cream
hot dogs :knockout:
relish (the smell makes me ill)
sweet pickles
corn from a can and in sandwiches
organ meat
fruit salad
deep fried veggies
potato salad (lots has sweet pickles)

casserole (not a fan of those 70's dishes) some I will eat but others like green bean casserole w/soup and fried onions or tuna casserole, no thanks!

pies with lots of nuts (I do like nuts on their own)

Hamburger Helper (thank goodness my mom never made this type of food, this is casserole like, hahaa)

box mac and cheese

chips (I can eat a few but I don't like potato chips very much)

uber processed boxed foods kind of gross me out. You will never see me eating Little Debbies and the likes!
Skippy|1333666658|3164498 said:
I hate the following

green chile :knockout:

FrekeChild|1333668269|3164522 said:
Skippy|1333666658|3164498 said:
I hate the following

green chile :knockout:


ha, I never claimed to be a good New Mexican :cheeky: :bigsmile: I do love posole and biscochitos!!! :mrgreen:
I'm finding more foods I don't like the more I read through the thread. I also hate licorice and cheesecake.

Oh and black and white pudding and haggis, um, no, I won't ever try it. Even if you offer me $1K. Nope nope nope.
The list of items I DON'T EAT isn't too long... there are things I don't prefer but I'll eat them if they're prepared well.

I really dislike horseradish, pecans, and most forms of animal *skin*.
Liver.... Peppers of any kind... Okra.... Raw onions... Did I mention Liver :errrr:
Okay, for most of the Americans here, really, when did you last have to refuse:

Foie gras
Feet from any animal??

These aren't everyday foods to be sure. I'm sure you can find them, but who the heck has made them for you or asked you to eat them??

I wasn't expecting quite the wide variety of "Yicks". You all lead more fascinating lives than I do, that's for sure.

But I'm still amazed at the very ordinary foods/condiments that so many of you find horrifying. Relish and ketchup? :o
HollyS said:
But I'm still amazed at the very ordinary foods/condiments that so many of you find horrifying. Relish and ketchup? :o

Relish, ick!! Ketchup, goooood.
Begonia|1333640921|3164125 said:
Gypsy|1333602904|3163884 said:
Pork organ meat and feet and skin and snout.
Chicken feet... okay, feet in general.
Cooked turnips (pickled is okay though)
Blood if I can help it although I enjoy cooked marrow.
Vegemite is nasty
Companion animals, including horse.

That's all I can think of, but I reserve the right to add things as I recall them.


Never had that, how is it prepared can I ask? What does it taste like?

I buy marrow bones for some stews or stews. For me it's usually lamb shanks that I have the butcher cut into three pieces. When they cook up the marrow texture is like an oily gelatin (sounds delightful right :sick:) and is an acquired taste. I don't know how to describe the flavor. It's very very rich though. Sometimes I buy beef marrow bones, but not nearly as often-- it has to be fresh to taste right and usually beef marrow bones are pre-cut and old. And you eat it by sucking it out of the bones. Sounds gruesome, I guess. It's not a main dish or anything. In a whole pot with 2 lambshanks that can feed four people there are only 4 very small marrow pieces. It's a treat for those who enjoy it though.

ETA: I don't like black licorish or root beer. And I don't drink vodka, though I am happy to cook with it.
HollyS|1333676353|3164614 said:
Okay, for most of the Americans here, really, when did you last have to refuse:

Foie gras
Feet from any animal??

These aren't everyday foods to be sure. I'm sure you can find them, but who the heck has made them for you or asked you to eat them??

I wasn't expecting quite the wide variety of "Yicks". You all lead more fascinating lives than I do, that's for sure.

But I'm still amazed at the very ordinary foods/condiments that so many of you find horrifying. Relish and ketchup? :o

Well if you are in the bay area, or really, any big metro area:

You can easily find Foie gras (just had it last week) at many high end restaurants, tongue (I made beef tongue that last month and Costco sells it here) you can find at any authentic Mexican or Basque place, Livers and gizzards and hearts are sold at Safeway and Raileys in every town, octopus at ANY sushi restaurant ( had that just two days ago), and feet-- chicken feet are on the menu for Dim Sum in any Chinese restaurant that offers dim sum and pig feet, pickled, are sitting out in jars at many NY and NJ Deli's.

I'm American had have to refuse chicken feet about once at month at my favorite Dim Sum place.

There's a reason my America is called a melting pot, and it's not because of the demographic in the midwest. Anywhere I've lived: DC, NJ, NY, MD, VA, CA ... I could find any and all of it. And considering the populations in places like LA, SF and NY alone-- there are more AMERICANS living in places where these things are readily available rather than not.

You just have to open to trying different places and different things and you'd be amazed at the things you can find. I'm sure there are many people on here who lead exciting culinary lives. I am a BORING person, but I do have an exciting culinary life. It's fun.
My husband's list:


Yes. I'm serious. He'll eat anything else.

Notice the same thing isn't on my list though. YUMMY! He has no idea what he is missing.
canuk-gal|1333666332|3164494 said:
And the fig thing--are they contaminated...or did i just read that wrong....

I was just being melodramatic. Figs are about as appetizing to me as lead paint. :knockout:
Skippy|1333665925|3164486 said:
Jennifer W|1333616322|3163928 said:
Maisie|1333613375|3163923 said:
Liver. I was forced to eat it as a child and it tastes disgusting! The texture makes me gag.

I also don't like:

watermelon, (It makes me vomit)
oranges (migraine trigger)
butterbeans (the texture is awful!)
Semolina (again, the texture puts me off)
smoked fish (indigestion)
Twiglets (not sure if you have them over there but they are really gross!)
Any kind of milkshake or yoghurt drink. I would throw that right back up!

I'm sure there are many more but I can't think of them just now.

You are wrong, so wrong. Twiglets are just about the nicest thing. Crunchy, savoury loveliness. :bigsmile:
what are twiglets? Try some! :lickout: They are little twig-shaped savouries, made from wheat. OMG, you KNOW I'm going to go out and get some now. When I was in the Army, I always took them with me them on exercise, stuffed into corners of my webbing and every pocket of my combats. Now, the flavour reminds me instantly of lying in a muddy ditch somewhere, watching tracer rounds and wondering if can eat them now - the crunching was audible for miles around, apparently. :bigsmile:

Twiglets have a very special place in my affections... ;))
Gypsy|1333694416|3164753 said:
My husband's list:


Yes. I'm serious. He'll eat anything else.

Notice the same thing isn't on my list though. YUMMY! He has no idea what he is missing.

OMG, my husband and I are just the opposite -- they are a huge delicacy where he is from, but you're NEVER going to catch me eating one (or two?)

I did think of something else to add to my earlier list, too. I try very hard not to eat anything that is threatened/overfished/raised in ways that cause severe environmental damage. I only buy pasture-raised meats (though I do eat other meats at restaurants, which I need to cut back on) and avoid things like Chilean seabass, farmed salmon, most shrimp, etc.
Yes, Gypsy, these 'foods' can be found.

A vast majority of people have never eaten them, and would not go looking for them or order them in a restaurant.

They serve tongue in the (authentic) Mexican restaurants here in TX, but I've never seen anyone order it . . . not even the Latinos.

I know head cheese exists, for instance, but it never crossed my mind to list it when responding to this question.

I thought we were discussing food that most of us have at least sampled, been served, been forced to consume against our will, or chose and then regretted our choice. Not stuff we had never even thought to consume.

But then, I'm just a small town rube while so many of you are wordly wise. :roll:
Holly, I had the same thought as you. While I know there are many foods that are considered delicacies and can be found, I was thinking about more mainstream foods. There are so many things I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole, but most of them aren't what comes to mind when I think of regular food.
HollyS|1333732390|3165063 said:
Yes, Gypsy, these 'foods' can be found.

A vast majority of people have never eaten them, and would not go looking for them or order them in a restaurant.

They serve tongue in the (authentic) Mexican restaurants here in TX, but I've never seen anyone order it . . . not even the Latinos.

I know head cheese exists, for instance, but it never crossed my mind to list it when responding to this question.

I thought we were discussing food that most of us have at least sampled, been served, been forced to consume against our will, or chose and then regretted our choice. Not stuff we had never even thought to consume.

But then, I'm just a small town rube while so many of you are wordly wise. :roll:
And what I am saying is that anyone with a little culinary curiousity would have had plenty of opportunity to try any of the things on your list because they are readily available and any American in this thread could have tried them anytime. Just because you are conservative doesn't mean that's the national norm.

Would you even recognize tongue beingbeing served at a mexican restaurant? It looks like stewed (sometimes) shredded beef. I would bet money someone in the same space as you has eaten it and you didn't know it.
Gypsy|1333745527|3165234 said:
HollyS|1333732390|3165063 said:
Yes, Gypsy, these 'foods' can be found.

A vast majority of people have never eaten them, and would not go looking for them or order them in a restaurant.

They serve tongue in the (authentic) Mexican restaurants here in TX, but I've never seen anyone order it . . . not even the Latinos.

I know head cheese exists, for instance, but it never crossed my mind to list it when responding to this question.

I thought we were discussing food that most of us have at least sampled, been served, been forced to consume against our will, or chose and then regretted our choice. Not stuff we had never even thought to consume.

But then, I'm just a small town rube while so many of you are wordly wise. :roll:
And what I am saying is that anyone with a little culinary curiousity would have had plenty of opportunity to try any of the things on your list because they are readily available and any American in this thread could have tried them anytime. Just because you are conservative doesn't mean that's the national norm.

Would you even recognize tongue beingbeing served at a mexican restaurant? It looks like stewed (sometimes) shredded beef. I would bet money someone in the same space as you has eaten it and you didn't know it.

Yes, I have seen prepared tongue, and they also show photos of it on the menu.

And I think the jist of this thread pretty well proves most PSers have such aversions to ordinary food and condiments, that adventure has no part in their own culinary exploits. I'd say, given that we all come from hugely varied backgrounds, as well as several countries, the majority here are way past conservative in their food choices. They passed conservative a l-o-n-g time ago.

So much for national norms. We, at PS, obviously don't fit that profile.

I've never seen so many people afraid of bell peppers. And horrified at onions. And, God forbid, a mushroom gain access to their pizza or pasta. :bigsmile:
Jennifer W|1333702324|3164775 said:
Skippy|1333665925|3164486 said:
Jennifer W|1333616322|3163928 said:
Maisie|1333613375|3163923 said:
Liver. I was forced to eat it as a child and it tastes disgusting! The texture makes me gag.

I also don't like:

watermelon, (It makes me vomit)
oranges (migraine trigger)
butterbeans (the texture is awful!)
Semolina (again, the texture puts me off)
smoked fish (indigestion)
Twiglets (not sure if you have them over there but they are really gross!)
Any kind of milkshake or yoghurt drink. I would throw that right back up!

I'm sure there are many more but I can't think of them just now.

You are wrong, so wrong. Twiglets are just about the nicest thing. Crunchy, savoury loveliness. :bigsmile:
what are twiglets? Try some! :lickout: They are little twig-shaped savouries, made from wheat. OMG, you KNOW I'm going to go out and get some now. When I was in the Army, I always took them with me them on exercise, stuffed into corners of my webbing and every pocket of my combats. Now, the flavour reminds me instantly of lying in a muddy ditch somewhere, watching tracer rounds and wondering if can eat them now - the crunching was audible for miles around, apparently. :bigsmile:

Twiglets have a very special place in my affections... ;))

But they taste horrible!! And they make my tongue feel weird. Actually, I think I have an issue with textures. Maybe I need to stick with things like ice cream and chocolate. They don't make my tongue feel anything but very happy!
HollyS|1333746031|3165243 said:
Gypsy|1333745527|3165234 said:
HollyS|1333732390|3165063 said:
Yes, Gypsy, these 'foods' can be found.

A vast majority of people have never eaten them, and would not go looking for them or order them in a restaurant.

They serve tongue in the (authentic) Mexican restaurants here in TX, but I've never seen anyone order it . . . not even the Latinos.

I know head cheese exists, for instance, but it never crossed my mind to list it when responding to this question.

I thought we were discussing food that most of us have at least sampled, been served, been forced to consume against our will, or chose and then regretted our choice. Not stuff we had never even thought to consume.

But then, I'm just a small town rube while so many of you are wordly wise. :roll:
And what I am saying is that anyone with a little culinary curiousity would have had plenty of opportunity to try any of the things on your list because they are readily available and any American in this thread could have tried them anytime. Just because you are conservative doesn't mean that's the national norm.

Would you even recognize tongue beingbeing served at a mexican restaurant? It looks like stewed (sometimes) shredded beef. I would bet money someone in the same space as you has eaten it and you didn't know it.

Yes, I have seen prepared tongue, and they also show photos of it on the menu.

And I think the jist of this thread pretty well proves most PSers have such aversions to ordinary food and condiments, that adventure has no part in their own culinary exploits. I'd say, given that we all come from hugely varied backgrounds, as well as several countries, the majority here are way past conservative in their food choices. They passed conservative a l-o-n-g time ago.

So much for national norms. We, at PS, obviously don't fit that profile.

I've never seen so many people afraid of bell peppers. And horrified at onions. And, God forbid, a mushroom gain access to their pizza or pasta. :bigsmile:

I do find the condiment fears interesting. :lol: The veggie dislike doesn't surprise me, I've been dealing with people like that all my life. It took me 30 years on this planet to find two veggies I don't like: parsnips and turnips when cooked. I was shocked that my aversion. But then I found that I like turnips when pickled and even the hated parsnip is okay as a terra chip. I think most people, even those who hate mushrooms, might find them okay if they tried them prepared the right way.

And I am unusually liberal with my food and I know that. I'll try anything twice: just in case there the first time it was badly prepared.

I don't think the majority of PS has responded in this thread, though I would be interested in what they had to say if they did.
Maisie|1333746486|3165249 said:
Jennifer W|1333702324|3164775 said:
Skippy|1333665925|3164486 said:
Jennifer W|1333616322|3163928 said:
Maisie|1333613375|3163923 said:
Liver. I was forced to eat it as a child and it tastes disgusting! The texture makes me gag.

I also don't like:

watermelon, (It makes me vomit)
oranges (migraine trigger)
butterbeans (the texture is awful!)
Semolina (again, the texture puts me off)
smoked fish (indigestion)
Twiglets (not sure if you have them over there but they are really gross!)
Any kind of milkshake or yoghurt drink. I would throw that right back up!

I'm sure there are many more but I can't think of them just now.

You are wrong, so wrong. Twiglets are just about the nicest thing. Crunchy, savoury loveliness. :bigsmile:
what are twiglets? Try some! :lickout: They are little twig-shaped savouries, made from wheat. OMG, you KNOW I'm going to go out and get some now. When I was in the Army, I always took them with me them on exercise, stuffed into corners of my webbing and every pocket of my combats. Now, the flavour reminds me instantly of lying in a muddy ditch somewhere, watching tracer rounds and wondering if can eat them now - the crunching was audible for miles around, apparently. :bigsmile:

Twiglets have a very special place in my affections... ;))

But they taste horrible!! And they make my tongue feel weird. Actually, I think I have an issue with textures. Maybe I need to stick with things like ice cream and chocolate. They don't make my tongue feel anything but very happy!

...but, but, they're lovely! They are nice. They taste great. You're wrong, all wrong....

How's that for a rational, well referenced argument? :bigsmile:
I don't eat sugar or grains. Very rarely I'll make allowances but never for gluten. I'm sure there are others things I'd object to, but they aren't obviously an issue or at the forefront of my thoughts.
HollyS|1333676353|3164614 said:
Okay, for most of the Americans here, really, when did you last have to refuse:

Foie gras
Feet from any animal??

These aren't everyday foods to be sure. I'm sure you can find them, but who the heck has made them for you or asked you to eat them??

I wasn't expecting quite the wide variety of "Yicks". You all lead more fascinating lives than I do, that's for sure.

But I'm still amazed at the very ordinary foods/condiments that so many of you find horrifying. Relish and ketchup? :o

hmm, I cook with chicken/pig feet weekly. They make the best stocks. I had octopus this past week (and adore it) and get all kinds of offal regularly. I have liver in my fridge right now waiting to be made into a pate. I actually really love the texture of tendons and tongue and foie gras happens probably twice a year. Marrow is my FAVORITE and when I made beef shanks just this week I stole all the marrow bones for my very own!

And I'm not overly adventurous nor do I live in a big city. Born and raised in the suburbs!
Jennifer W|1333747576|3165258 said:
Maisie|1333746486|3165249 said:
Jennifer W|1333702324|3164775 said:
Skippy|1333665925|3164486 said:
Jennifer W|1333616322|3163928 said:
Maisie|1333613375|3163923 said:
Liver. I was forced to eat it as a child and it tastes disgusting! The texture makes me gag.

I also don't like:

watermelon, (It makes me vomit)
oranges (migraine trigger)
butterbeans (the texture is awful!)
Semolina (again, the texture puts me off)
smoked fish (indigestion)
Twiglets (not sure if you have them over there but they are really gross!)
Any kind of milkshake or yoghurt drink. I would throw that right back up!

I'm sure there are many more but I can't think of them just now.

You are wrong, so wrong. Twiglets are just about the nicest thing. Crunchy, savoury loveliness. :bigsmile:
what are twiglets? Try some! :lickout: They are little twig-shaped savouries, made from wheat. OMG, you KNOW I'm going to go out and get some now. When I was in the Army, I always took them with me them on exercise, stuffed into corners of my webbing and every pocket of my combats. Now, the flavour reminds me instantly of lying in a muddy ditch somewhere, watching tracer rounds and wondering if can eat them now - the crunching was audible for miles around, apparently. :bigsmile:

Twiglets have a very special place in my affections... ;))

But they taste horrible!! And they make my tongue feel weird. Actually, I think I have an issue with textures. Maybe I need to stick with things like ice cream and chocolate. They don't make my tongue feel anything but very happy!

...but, but, they're lovely! They are nice. They taste great. You're wrong, all wrong....

How's that for a rational, well referenced argument? :bigsmile:

You are excellent at arguing! I'm almost tempted to change my views just because of your awesome arguing skills! Almost but not quite! :lol:
kefira|1333698558|3164771 said:
canuk-gal|1333666332|3164494 said:
And the fig thing--are they contaminated...or did i just read that wrong....

I was just being melodramatic. Figs are about as appetizing to me as lead paint. :knockout:

What a relief since I eat a lot of figs--glad they have no lead paint in them....or anything like.... :bigsmile:
TravelingGal|1333591938|3163779 said:
Organs. Vegemite.

TG, for shame! You are an honourary Australian, lady. Start eating like one :cheeky: I can't understand what's not to like about eating the byproduct of beer brewing.

PS. On a serious note, sorry to hear you had a bad experience. Improperly prepared Vegemite is a killer.
I'm a picky, plain eater.

I do not eat:


Fish of any kind or most seafood. I like the popcorn shrimp at Red Lobster but that's the only place I'll eat it

Organs, feet, brains, etc.

Spicy food or food overly seasoned

Fast food salads (for fear of food poisoning)

Olives (green or black; I think they taste like dirt)

Pungent cheeses

Milk even one day beyond the sell by date on the carton

Anything served buffet style, unless I'm the first in line

Anthing "weird" in my book - if it's not a "normal" food I'm not eating it. If it looks or smells weird I'm not eating it.
Mince Pie
Skin & Feet from any aimal
Potato Chips [benzolate lip sting]
Cat Fish
Fake Butter
Miracle Whip
Bologna and friends
I'm going to sit in the middle on the Twiglets here...

I am that extraordinary anomaly - a person who 'quite' likes Marmite (spread very, very thinly on toast and only eaten once in a blue moon), I might even like Bovril more but it's close.

So, I naturally 'quite' like Twiglets, I probably wouldn't go out and buy a packet but if they are just there then I will consume them in large numbers.

They did Marmite rice-cakes for kids recently, they were sort of Twiglet like.

Jen, I am loving the mental image of you in a ditch crunching twiglets! My personal thing was Kendal Mint Cake - was at the Scott exhibition at the Nat.Hist.Mus the other week and they were selling the stuff in the exhibition shop. Brought back delightful memories of being soaked to the skin in very cold bits of Wales and Norfolk whilst running about with guns and attempting not to get lost - funny how it seems so much more fun when thinking about it from a nice warm and dry sofa...