
Anyone ever been to Dubai?

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Jan 21, 2004
Headed to Dubai for a few days. Anyone know what the taboos are and proper etiquette there? I searched the net for some info, but don''t get inside scoops on things like what types of clothes I can get away with, and if i can wear open toed shoes or not, or if Heels are a no-no.

I guess you could say I am a 4" stilettos, skirt to the knee, slightly form fitting top sort of gal who loves letting my hair down when I go out, so I will need to restrain a bit and buy myself some long sleeve (bit light) demure things... Plus it''s 105 right now and climbing and I can''t wear skirts!!!
Dress code -

here are some various quotes. . .

"Compared with certain parts of the Middle East, Dubai has a very relaxed dress code. However, care should be taken not to give offence by wearing clothing which may be considered revealing, for example low-cut dresses, very short skirts, or tight jeans." from:

"Dubai respects other cultures and has a relatively more liberal dress code but it also recommends modesty that is in keeping with being part of a Muslim country." From (has more info)

The following web site has the dress code of a hotel. I cannot figure out how to copy the list, but the page is This may provide prospective on formality

Quote from
"I lived in the United Arab Emirate for 2 years. It is not necessary to wear a veil, as it is in Saudi, however, you should respect the Muslim culture and cover your arms and legs. It is almost always very hot and humid there. Wear long skirts in cotton or linen, and don't wear anything tight fitting. Natural fibers and sandals definitely work best. Be aware that if you do dress "provocatively" you may get pinched and patted in the markets. When I was there, people were always friendly to me, and it is a very safe country. "

I did various searches using +dubia +dress code and then adding in +shoes, +heels (you could try skirts, shirts). . .It's after 10:30 pm so I'm beyond lazy and tired right now - so i'm off to bed mid google search

Hope you have a great trip. When I was in Vegas one of the cab drivers was from UAE and he said the price of gold jewelery is unbelievably low and even with taxes you hardly pay anything!

OH, and I kind of would suspect that heels fall under the taboo category unless they're little ones. . .I don't think modesty when imagining 4" heels

Michelle you are AMAZING... I guess I am slow today, because I didn't find anything under "customs", when I should have looked under "dress code"?

This is actually really really helpful. I am going to buy long cotton skirts tomorrow, and some of those yummy Egyptian cotton shirts with sequins accenting them. I am going to look totally bohemian, but still try to be chic...

Yeah the 4" stilettos stay home. I don't have all that many flats, and I am short, so that is going to be an issue... (please disreguard my Napoleanic complex)

Perfect that you found out info for Burg Al-Arab! We are headed there for dinner the night I arrive. It's crazy over there. That hotel has a several restaurants, at sealevel, on the beach, under the sea, at the top of the hotel overlooking the water...etc. I read in Travel & Leisure that it is just breathtaking and uber luxurious.

Actually I watched a Top Hotels of the World countdown on Travel Channel, and Burg Al-Arab was #1 as the most luxuriously appointed hotel in the world. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT!

As for the gold market, Yup. Fully aware. I am going to get me a pretty thing or two while out there. I have already decided to visit the gold market and am ready and willing to haggle! Hopefully I can find something...
And without being insanely tourist, I will try to take as many pictures as I can, and post them so you get a feel for the jewelry market out there... Like you are shopping along with me, but don''t forget to bargain...
ooooh, what are going for, business or personal? Have fun! Just beware, the heat is out of control! I wasn''t in Dubai, but I have been to Kuwait City and this time of year is HOT!! July and August are the worst though. Expect upwards of 105-115 degrees. The hottest I experienced was 152, but that was in August, again in Kuwait, so at least you know it won''t be that bad! But the UAE, especially Dubai is supposed to be really nice, a sort of playground of the Middle East ( excluding Bahrain, which is like Vegas for the Islamic!). Have fun and show us pics when you get back!!
This thread is absolutely fascinating. I wonder if you could find a Pakistani pair of trousers and top. I have a friend who is Pakistani and the clothes she wears when she dresses for a Pakistani "do" are made of the most gauzy materials. Definitely good for allowing air in and about! Maybe you can pick up a pretty, feminine outfit while there, too. I have *no* idea what clothing is sold in Dubai, but my friend used to return from Pakistan with an outfit (which I would pay for) for my daughter as well as several outfits for hers. They were gorgeous!

PS-When do you leave, Nicrez? If I found a place that sold Pakistani outfits on the 'net, would you have time to buy one before you leave?

I found many sites that sell Indian and Pakistani style clothing over the ''net. I also tried to look for the fabrics in which the clothing was made. This style gauze, although not what you might wish to wear in the West, is probably the coolest fabric yo will find. Trousers made of gauze might be a good way to go! (This outfit, of course, is Western-style!)


This is the kind of loose-fitting outfit I had in mind. You should be able to find these in many different colors and in silk, if you like that fabric in the heat.


salwar kameez.jpg
wow, Nicrez....I''m so jealous!

Have a great time, and TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!!!!!


Hey Nicrez:

As I am a middle east national (bahrain), I am just a stone throw away from Dubai and as a local I can tell u that you can rest assured that you will not be hassled by any of the locals or anyone else for that matter on what you wear. I am a frequent visitor of Dubai and let me tell you that it is such a hybrid of different nationalities that when u walk in the mall or down the street or the local nite spots, the number of foreigners usually out number that of the locals. I have seen many women wearing short skirts, sleeveless tops, shorts, jeans and all kinds of shoes/slippers/heels you name me, u will find all sorts of ppl over there, but the amazing thing about dubai is that no one will look at u twice or do a ''double take'' on ''oh my god, look at wat shes wearing'' is quite a liberal country in comparison to its sister countries in the gulf and due to the large mixture of nationalities it is quite laid back. U wont find anyone hassling u or throwing comments..they are so used to the large number of tourists that visit them every year.

in the end of the day of course, one must always respect the traditions and the cultures of the countries it visits and tries to not basically ''step over the line''...however, there is nothing to worry about and u will have an AMAZING time...i can give u a list of places that u *MUST* visit if ud like...bare in mind though as it is the summer, Dubai will be packed this time of year and it is quite make sure to take alot of light colored cotton tops..that should always come in handy!!!

My mom and brother are actually going to dubai for a few days on the 20th and my mother in law is actually living there!! so..if u need any info on where to go please let me know!!

btw, which hotel will u be staying at??
Second this.

I haven''t been but I know loads of people who have (Dubai is the new Spain for us Brits). Have fun!
Thanks for the helpful hints and comments! I am actually going for fun, but won''t stay out there too long, just a few days.

I have already statred the search for the long cotton skirt, but haven''t figured out where to find it... Basically the kind that just falls to the floor, made of that gauzy material in white, and very simple but full. It''s all the rage now (the Indian look) Actually there I will buy some things, like the bejeweled shoes and silk tops that here sell for hundreds of $, and are made in India, and sold in Dubai for mere dollars.

Also jewelery. Maybe I can see if there are any good deals or fun finds out there. I hope to snag a piece, and pick up some much needed items from Dutyfree, ah love me some Dutyfree....

AGBF thanks for the thoughts and help!!!

I am actually headed out on Wednesday night (yay 12 hour flight!) so I have so much to do to get ready. Specifically I need a base tan (I am sporting STILL the winter white look) since my friend is there right now and he said he started to burn immediately and suggested getting sun before the trip. This whole skirt and gauzy tunic search is also killing me. Searched the internet with no good results...

Are there any chain stores (so I don''t have to wait for shipping) I can go to to find a white gauzy skirt?
Have a safe and wonderful trip. Can''t wait to hear all about it when you get back. Take lots of pics!!!
I had a roommate from Dubai when I studied in Paris. Actually, if she didn''t say she was from Dubai, I''m not sure where I would''ve guessed since she dressed exactly as I did. Her pictures from home also had people dressing the same way. So it seemed to me to be the same kinds of clothing.

Safe travels and tell us about your trip when you get back, I''ve been interested in going there for the past few years now.
Date: 6/17/2005 1:59:41 AM
Author: Nicrez
And without being insanely tourist, I will try to take as many pictures as I can, and post them so you get a feel for the jewelry market out there... Like you are shopping along with me, but don''t forget to bargain...
Yes, post lots of photos!!! I hope you have a great time.
I purchased a long, white linen skirt very cheaply from Old Navy. It was a month or two ago, but they are trendy this summer. They should still have something similar. They also had quite a few linen tunics tops. I suspect the "juniors" department in many larger stores would also carry something similar.

So I was bad and went out shopping today. I got what I needed for the trip, and actually found it mostly at Old Navy and Anthropolgie, right a few blocks away from each other. I found the most perfect white linen pants at Old Navy (which is my new favorite place because I am one size smaller there) which were full lined for a STEAL! They are so soft and comfortable it''s like wearing Charmin!

Here are the things I got at Anthropolgie

Bazaar tunic.jpg
One outfit; the top above and this skirt

Contessa Skirt.jpg
This top which is SOOO soft and just light as air!

Beaded gauze tunic.jpg
I LOVE this skirt on! It''s just the right length (mid Calf), as I am short and for most it would probably fit below the knee... (yay little people!)

One night in morocco skirt.jpg
And last outfit

Kanawha Tunic.jpg
Of course these tops I wear something underneath, so I got some simple white cotton tops at Gap to go underneath... Wow it was really fun just SHOPPING for the trip, I can''t wait to try shopping ON
the trip!

joie de vivre skirt.jpg
I don''t know squat about Dubai (have enjoyed learning, tho
) but those outfits are awesome!

Have a great trip.

My advice is the same as MSB700''s - she speaks very wisely and with plenty of good advice. I''m a Brit working in Saudi Arabia, which is the strictest Middle Eastern country. My fella and I go several times a year to Dubai and have the most wonderful time. My suitcase for a Dubai trip consists of clothes that I would take to any holiday spot in the US, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Asia, Australia etc. Go ahead and pack those shorts, sleeveless t-shirts, mini skirts, sandals, flip flops etc and you will not be out of place in Dubai. In fact if you only pack long sleeved shirts and long skirts you will laugh at yourself for being so careful, although long sleeves are a wonderful protection from the fierce sun. As for your high heels - the weather is going to be very hot in Dubai (it''s similar to Saudi and it''s now only 9.35am and it''s 104F outside already). Remember your feet will swell in the heat and any strappy high heels will feel very uncomfortable. I tend to live in medium height mules and sandals in Saudi and Dubai (I''m only short too, at 5''2").

The only consideration I advise you clotheswise is if you go touring round any religious buildings then sure, keep your shoulders covered out of respect and consider a skirt that just covers your knees. That''s about all you should be concerned about. As for discos, eating places, shops, hotels, resorts etc, feel free to wear what you''d wear in any hot western country. Dubai is a very free and easy country, forget about feeling restricted, I peel everything off.

We usually stay at the Madinat Jumeirah complex, at the Mina A''Salam or Al-Qasr hotels. All I can say is it''s WONDERFUL. The little canalways are so amazing and it''s such a treat to travel along them in little Dhow boats to the shopping souk or restaurants. We''ll be back there in November for 10 days - yippee!!! It''s our favourite resort and rivals the best 5* hotels in the world (we would give the Mina and Al-Qasr 6 stars).

As for the Burj Al-Arab 7* hotel. It''s worth a look - quite an experience. A little over the top for my liking, especially the 6 or 7 foot square mirror about the bed!!! The seafood restaurant was nice, albeit expensive, but nice to be able to say I''ve been there.

Nicrez, you will LOVE Dubai. Don''t think of it as a restricted country at all. You will be surprised. It''s wonderful and I''ll be back there in November at the Mina A''Salam resort, overlooking the Burj Al-Arab, enjoying the beach in my bikini. I''ll definitely leave my long sleeves and frumpy clothes in Saudi Arabia.

Which hotel are you staying at?

Would love to hear an update from you on your return.

i LOVE that skirt with all the sparklies! if I didn''t plan on blowing all my extra $$ on odd couple tickets tomorrow I''d be at Anthropologie right now
what a wonderful excuse to pick up all those cute clothes! wear it well and have an awesome trip.
Fabulous finds, Nicrez! I hope you have a great time!!!!

Date: 6/19/2005 12:23:45 AM
Author: Nicrez

Here are the things I got at Anthropolgie
These clothing items are so cool looking (as in nice and light for summer
)! I keep getting anthropolgie catalogues, but haven''t ordered anything. Do their clothes fit pretty true to size? (hmmm. . .I just found their store address in seattle. . .maybe time to go shopping. . .hehehe!)
Have a wonderful trip to Dubai.. My husband traveled to Dubai last Fall.. He purchased me a beautiful 22K gold bracelet.. He said Dubai is very "Americanized".. and you will be all nationalities. The largest Mall in the world opens there in September. Abbott
Date: 6/21/2005 10:18:19 PM
Author: abbott
My husband traveled to Dubai last Fall.. He purchased me a beautiful 22K gold bracelet..


Did someone say 22K? Can I give Nicrez a shopping list?

AGBF, Bring it on! I already has a list for everyone who knows I am going... LOL Lots of 22 and 24K over there. 18K means cheap, and 14 is actually not likely to even be seen. Forget 10K. They''ll just laugh and shake their head in pity that you have ever even seen 10K.

I am excited, but not for the flight...14 hours... ouch. Luckily I was bale to get a seat upgrade, or else I think I would kill myself. I once before flew a straight 14 hour flight and it was so unbelievably painful I almost jumped out midair!

I am all packed, and I nested my luggage. I packed light (for nice 115 degree weather!), but packed in there a collapsable bag that we can check in later, and a very thin but large shoulder bag to fill with goodies and delights. I promise whatever I buy (jewelry-wise) I will post. Don''t expect too much. I just got a job, but it''s still no fortune by any means...

We have reservations at the Burg Al Arab, and I am so excited... I was told on their site that they do not allow pictures?! WHAT?! I think I need to sneak my camera phone. Can''t wait... So excited...
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