
Am I the only person who is afraid to enter a high-end boutique store?

Interesting. I have had the opposite reactions visiting VCA. In Vegas and BH. Maybe that is why I don't own any.
I have not been to those two stores, but will avoid them hearing that you did not receive good service. :evil:
b/c you were carrying a $15K Hermes hand bag. ;))
Hee! I went into the Hermes store before I had any Hermes bags.
I walked into high end jewelry stores before I had any jewelry.
@LAJennifer and I rolled into a Tiffany's in sweats looking like our bad ass 28 year old selves (for reals, we look stupid young). We got such ridiculously fab service that THIS is the only Tiffany's associate I call, even though I dont live anywhere near that store.
They were so awesome there! Have you decided what you will buy when you come back?
They were so awesome there! Have you decided what you will buy when you come back?
Come visit me!!! Just give me some notice so I buy a guest bed for you. PURPLE.

i want to go back to your neighborhood real bad!!!
we used to have this high end dept store in Wellington It had a lovelly Christmas shop each year which was the only dept sales people were nice
i brought some expensive china there, but i wouod go in after work on the way to the train station home
my work clothes were a branded tee shirt, shorts and work boots
i always good looked at like i was dirt

a few years back the shareholding family desided shop keeping was no longer profitable and closed
now its a David Jones
I used to... but... over time and then a new found appreciation of lux has changed my intimidation of walking in.

Never judge a book by its cover is a great saying.

With these hi end stores, and the way that I now dress, smart casual... I get service. But I have noticed- sometimes when I am in work clothes, I seem to get better attention.

I loved GOYARD. It was all exclusive. I was travelling in London a few Xmases ago. Smart casual and got great service. It was only a small store and they limited the number of customers in. It was a research trip to see if I wanted anything... oh I could... but it was way out of my price range.... but they still treated me as a potential customer. I felt special.

There is something to be said about these places that I sorta adore/ love. The feeling of space and service. The potential owner of some lux....sometimes the service is not that great- busy times eg. Hermes in that same London trip mentioned above. All SA were busy. I needed help with some items, and if they had it- it was good as in my bag... but, no one was readily available. It took some time for someone and sadly, (maybe for my wallet it was a good thing) they only had one thing I wanted and I bought it... as an aside... I got so much better service with their online store/ the customer service made me feel at ease. And I did end up buying from them.

DF- wouldn’t a watch store where they sell the watches you like, be considered high end?:Up_to_something2:
Not afraid but not interested because I am all about the deal and if I had the money to shop at one of these places I would rather go to the pawn shop even if I had to Uber my way there lol!

I've even gone to my local boutiques dressed in t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops. But mind you, it's extremely casual where I live. In London and Paris, I am more dressed up. But I am never afraid. It's all about the attitude! lol.

I've even gone to my local boutiques dressed in t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops. But mind you, it's extremely casual where I live. In London and Paris, I am more dressed up. But I am never afraid. It's all about the attitude! lol.
If I may be so bold, and without in any way making any assertions about the lovely Phoenix :), I think that people who have the ability to purchase what they want do come across differently to those of us who are somewhat more limited in budget - it's sort of an underlying confidence, where money is not an issue or a worry and so there's no reason not to try something.

I know a friend of a friend who is a bit like that - he's done some crazy stuff, like trekking in Iran, because their family has enough money that they have property in London and a cliff-side property with direct beach access on one of the Greek islands (IIRC) so, as far as I can tell, there's no 'What if...' stresses because they could just jump on a plane home or hire a lawyer or whatever.

Me and the good lady, with mountains of debt and parents who are not well off, can't just go off and do stuff like that because there is no 'cushion' to fall back on.

I wonder perhaps if this sort of thing is why we have the phrase 'money attracts money' - because if you don't need to worry about making a mistake, like starting a business that might fail, you can try more things and see how it works out.

Perhaps I'm just bitter and fed up with being skint :( lol, and jealous of those with monetary cushioning :???: but I do also accept that everyone is different and try to just enjoy being friends with such people when they are nice people! (Having money is never an excuse to be an arrogant idiot!)

I might just be more sensitive to it now, given I'm facing redundancy and am not confident of quick re-employment, so you should probably just ignore my ramblings :P lol
I might just be more sensitive to it now, given I'm facing redundancy and am not confident of quick re-employment, so you should probably just ignore my ramblings :razz: lol
Sending you mega job dust, @OoohShiny. I'm sure any employer would be lucky to have you in their team!! Your posts are always so well thought out, informed and spot on. I believe you could excel in any field. Don't let anything get in your way!
Sending you mega job dust, @OoohShiny. I'm sure any employer would be lucky to have you in their team!! Your posts are always so well thought out, informed and spot on. I believe you could excel in any field. Don't let anything get in your way!
You are far too kind :oops: :)

I am having to apply for my own job (always a joy...) but the job spec has changed and I can't meet most of the requirements :rolleyes: so I am not at all confident for the interview later this week!

I do have an interview at a place I used to work, though, which sounds interesting, would be a (substantial!) pay rise and I'd be able to stroll to work instead of driving an hour each way, so I'm crossing my fingers that things work out.

I know the universe has a plan for all of us but it would be nice to know what it is sometimes! :lol:
if you don't need to worry about making a mistake, like starting a business that might fail, you can try more things and see how it works out.

And yes, this is true. I have many very hard working and smart friends. The difference really is that some of them don't need to think twice about just going for this fabulous new idea. Even after multiple fails, juat because of the comfy cushion that will always be there. And usually one of their many enterprises will eventually hut the jackpot. Everyone else is usually more cautious....
You are far too kind :oops: :)

I am having to apply for my own job (always a joy...) but the job spec has changed and I can't meet most of the requirements :rolleyes: so I am not at all confident for the interview later this week!

I do have an interview at a place I used to work, though, which sounds interesting, would be a (substantial!) pay rise and I'd be able to stroll to work instead of driving an hour each way, so I'm crossing my fingers that things work out.

I know the universe has a plan for all of us but it would be nice to know what it is sometimes! :lol:
Keeping fingers crossed for you!! I'm sure the whole PS family is rooting for you!! You deserve that pay rise. Go get it!!

Perhaps I'm just bitter and fed up with being skint :( lol, and jealous of those with monetary cushioning :???: but I do also accept that everyone is different and try to just enjoy being friends with such people when they are nice people! (Having money is never an excuse to be an arrogant idiot!)

I might just be more sensitive to it now, given I'm facing redundancy and am not confident of quick re-employment, so you should probably just ignore my ramblings :razz: lol

@OooShiny, I've always been like that, even when I was poor and just window-shopping.

Anyway, sorry to hear about you facing redundancy. I wish you the best of luck finding new employment.
@OooShiny, I've always been like that, even when I was poor and just window-shopping.

Anyway, sorry to hear about you facing redundancy. I wish you the best of luck finding new employment.
Thank you for your kind thoughts! :)

I am hoping I can buy some bling if I get a payrise :D lol

It is cool that you have such confidence - I've never had any so it's good that some people do and can make things happen!
After going through some challenging stuff entering any store high end, low end, any end doesn't daunt me. Nothing daunts me compared to this latest challenge. Or rather I should say very little will daunt me if we survive this challenge. Life has a way of twisting and turning and surprising us so never say never. But definitely no qualms about entering any store snooty or not. They can take their snoot and blow it up their you know what. :whistle: :lol:

@OoohShiny wishing you lots of luck with what the future holds career wise and otherwise.
@OoohShiny I understand your point. When I left school a few years ago I decided I won't let myself be intimated by anybody or anything.

I know very wealthy people that live in constant (irrational) fear that their wealth won't make it to the next generarion or through the next reccession. And than I have gotten to know people with nothing materially and they exuded a confidence from within.

I persuade you to channel your inner confidence. You have it in you and you are the only one who can channel your confidence. Just think of the dire situations you have gotten yourself through!

When I struggle with self doubts I always listen to

Wishing you lots of strength for your job situation!
Sorry to get somewhat deep here ... I used to be- mostly because I oddly thought I wasn't worthy to be in a store like VCA or Cartier. Makes me giggle now. Of course I'm enough. We all are :)

I can't tell you how many great conversations I've had in recent years with salespeople simply admiring the beauty of certain pieces even when they know I have no intention (and possibly ability) of purchasing. Its rare to have someone stop and appreciate beauty in this hectic world. If I find someone who is bummed because I didn't purchase something, that's one store that I avoid.

Edited... I'm also very open from the onset that I am just looking or admiring if I'm not purchasing to avoid wasting someone's time, as I realize these are businesses :)
After going through some challenging stuff entering any store high end, low end, any end doesn't daunt me. Nothing daunts me compared to this latest challenge. Or rather I should say very little will daunt me if we survive this challenge. Life has a way of twisting and turning and surprising us so never say never. But definitely no qualms about entering any store snooty or not. They can take their snoot and blow it up their you know what. :whistle: :lol:

@OoohShiny wishing you lots of luck with what the future holds career wise and otherwise.

+1. I agree with Missy. There are far greater/harder challenges in life.

Sending you survival/ good luck dust. HUGS to you and Greg, Missy.