
Do you remember ?

I fondly remember a Macdonald Big Breakfast with scrambled egg, sausage, toasted muffin and hash brown for only 99p in UK.

DK :roll2::lol-2:
I remember when there were no McDonalds in the UK :eek2: and the bus fare to school was three h'pence. I would pay for my sister and I with a threepenny bit.=)2
I remember when there were no McDonalds in the UK :eek2: and the bus fare to school was three h'pence. I would pay for my sister and I with a threepenny bit.=)2
decimal currency predates me by 4 years but i remember sixpences still in circulation equivalent to 5 C here in NZ
now we don't even have 1 or 2 or 5c coins and a 10c is copper now
don't start me on $1 and $2 coins
Talk about feeling old. A 40 year old photo :o
This is Mr. & Mrs. DF in 1977. Hair parted in the middle with bell bottoms. From teenagers to now grandparents...



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This is Mr. & Mrs. DF in 1977. Hair parted in the middle with bell bottoms. From teenagers to now grandparents...


Love the photos @Dancing Fire :appl:
I wish we had more photos but unfortunately my parents never gave me the photo slides I kept asking them for and they all got destroyed in Hurricane Sandy.:( So I have very few photos of my grandparents and us when we were younger. Here is one photo (1969/70) from almost 50 years ago.


How time flies. In the blink of an eye more than half one's life has disappeared. I miss my grandparents and our first dog Apache. Everyone else in this photo is still alive thank goodness and long may that continue. My dad is 85 and I would like to have my parents around for decades to come. It all goes so fast.::)
I remember this TV commercial. :bigsmile:
I love to remember the old household items.
Glass shampoo bottles!

Who remembers Tame? It was 'creme rinse', not conditioner.

Nail polish remover in a glass bottle

Tame Creme Rinse was one of my favorite conditioners.
I remember all that and more and I'm old and proud
Old enough to remember Tab Cola, candy cigarettes and rotary dialed phones. I also owned a Hi-fi, a walkman and crazy neon socks and gummy shoes.
Old enough to remember Tab Cola, candy cigarettes and rotary dialed phones. I also owned a Hi-fi, a walkman and crazy neon socks and gummy shoes.

Haha I remember Tab cola. I hated it. It had a (to me) bitter after taste. I was a Coca Cola girl all the way. That and Sarsaparilla. That was a yummy flavor. A mix between Cream soda and Rootbeer.:lickout: These days I am too old to tolerate soda. Cause my tummy to ache. ::)

And yes to Candy Cigarettes and rotary dialed phones. So retro (now). I cannot believe our parents bought us candy cigarettes lol. Could you imagine parents today doing that? 8) :lol:
Ah yes! The gas lines in the 70’s brings fond memories of my brother, neighbor and I selling coffee and Entenmenns donuts to the line of cars that snaked around the block. I recall we collected nearly $100.
I remember walking down to the corner store for a piece of bazooka gum for $.01. When it doubled to $.02 we had to walk back home for another penny each. :mrgreen2:
I remember pay phones! I’d sit in that phone booth to talk to boys. :P2
I remember walking down to the corner store for a piece of bazooka gum for $.01. When it doubled to $.02 we had to walk back home for another penny each. :mrgreen2:
I remember pay phones! I’d sit in that phone booth to talk to boys. :P2
Yup, With a little folded paper cartoon inside.
Ah yes! The gas lines in the 70’s brings fond memories of my brother, neighbor and I selling coffee and Entenmenns donuts to the line of cars that snaked around the block. I recall we collected nearly $100.
I remember walking down to the corner store for a piece of bazooka gum for $.01. When it doubled to $.02 we had to walk back home for another penny each. :mrgreen2:
I remember pay phones! I’d sit in that phone booth to talk to boys. :P2

Oh @Slick1 that last sentence had me laughing out loud.
Ah yes! The gas lines in the 70’s brings fond memories of my brother, neighbor and I selling coffee and Entenmenns donuts to the line of cars that snaked around the block. I recall we collected nearly $100.
I remember walking down to the corner store for a piece of bazooka gum for $.01. When it doubled to $.02 we had to walk back home for another penny each. :mrgreen2:
I remember pay phones! I’d sit in that phone booth to talk to boys. :P2
My friend’s mother said I was boy crazy because I would stalk this one boy at all his little league baseball games..:lol:
I still drink Tab. One can still buy it here, although it is not advertized. The Coca Cola Company doesn't have to advertize it. The people who like it find it and buy it without any advertizing. It's a bonanza for Coca Cola!

I remember my father saying, once, that gas was 29.9 so that he was going to buy some. He kept an eye on gas prices. :))

There was no McDonald's here when I was very young. I remember they started posting "100 hamburgers sold" and so forth when the chain first opened.