Simulant Diamonds vs. Lab-Grown Diamonds

Before we explore simulants and lab-grown diamonds, let’s get to know the denominating item—diamonds themselves. Diamonds are precious gemstones formed deep within the Earth’s mantle under immense pressure and heat. They are renowned for their exceptional hardness, brilliance, and timeless beauty.

What Are Diamonds?

Diamonds are natural gemstones composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure. Their formation typically occurs deep within the Earth’s mantle, where carbon atoms are subjected to extreme pressure and temperature over millions of years. This process results in the creation of the hardest substance known to mankind, the diamond.

Are you seeking a brilliant cut diamond for your fine jewelry or engagement rings? The elite brands offered by our vetted vendors like Whiteflash A CUT ABOVE®Astor by Blue Nile™, and True Hearts are collections of diamonds with superior cut quality.

What Are Simulated Diamonds?

Synthetic Moissanite

Image Source: GEMIC

Simulant diamonds, often referred to as diamond simulants, are gemstones that mimic the appearance of natural diamonds but are composed of different materials. These stones are crafted to imitate the sparkle and allure of genuine diamonds. Let’s explore the factors that distinguish simulant diamonds from lab-grown diamonds.

Simulant Diamonds vs. Lab-Grown Diamonds: Factors To Consider


Simulant diamonds closely resemble natural diamonds in terms of their appearance. They possess remarkable brilliance and clarity, making them visually indistinguishable from their natural counterparts to the naked eye. This makes them an attractive option for those seeking the classic diamond look.

Lab Created Diamonds for Sale | Buy Certified Lab Diamonds


One significant advantage of simulant diamonds is their affordability. They are generally more budget-friendly compared to natural and lab-created diamonds, making them an attractive option for those seeking a diamond-like aesthetic without the hefty price tag.


From an ethical standpoint, simulants are conflict-free. Since they are not mined, they do not contribute to the ethical concerns associated with the diamond industry, such as blood diamonds. This makes them a responsible choice for those concerned about the social and environmental impact of their jewelry purchases.

Examples of Diamond Simulants

Diamond simulants explained

Image Source: Ingle and Rhode

  1. Cubic Zirconia: A widely used diamond simulant known for its brilliance and affordability.
  2. Moissanite: A popular choice due to its exceptional sparkle and durability, closer to that of natural diamonds.
  3. White Sapphire: While not as brilliant as moissanite or cubic zirconia, white sapphire offers a more subtle diamond-like appearance.
  4. Rutile: A lesser-known simulant with a unique optical effect that can mimic the fire of diamonds.

How Are Simulant Diamonds Created?

Stones like moissanite and cubic zirconia are created using a method called crystal synthesis. In this process, scientists replicate the conditions found deep within the Earth’s mantle, where natural gemstones are formed. By heating and cooling specific chemical compounds, they can generate crystals with properties resembling those of diamonds or other precious stones, making them popular choices for jewelry due to their brilliance and affordability.

Pros of Diamond Simulants

  1. Affordability: Simulant diamonds offer an affordable alternative to natural diamonds, allowing more people to enjoy their beauty.
  2. Conflict-Free: They are ethically sound, contributing to peace of mind for conscientious buyers.
  3. Appearance: Simulants like moissanite have even more sparkling brilliance than diamonds.

Cons of Diamond Simulants

  1. Durability: Simulants are not as durable as natural or lab-created diamonds, which means they may scratch or lose their luster over time.
  2. Authenticity: While mimicking the appearance, simulants lack the intrinsic value and rarity of natural diamonds.

Lab Created Diamonds

Lab-created diamonds, also known as lab-grown or synthetic diamonds, are a product of advanced scientific processes that replicate the natural diamond formation process. They are created in controlled environments, such as laboratories, rather than being extracted from the Earth’s crust.



Lab diamonds are virtually identical to natural diamonds in terms of appearance. They possess the same brilliance, fire, and optical characteristics that make diamonds so captivating. To the naked eye, it’s nearly impossible to differentiate between lab-created and natural diamonds.

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds And Moissanite

Image Source: Etika Jewels


Compared to natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are more affordable. While they may not be as inexpensive as simulants, they still offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional diamonds, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious buyers.

Lab Created Diamonds at Whiteflash


One of the key ethical advantages of lab-created diamonds is their environmentally friendly production. They have a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to mined diamonds and do not contribute to harmful mining practices. This makes them a responsible choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

Pros of Lab-Grown Diamonds

  1. Quality: They offer the same high-quality appearance and durability as natural diamonds.
  2. Value: Lab-grown diamonds provide excellent value for their cost, making them an attractive option for buyers.
  3. Conflict-Free: They are ethically sound, contributing to peace of mind for conscientious buyers.
  4. Versatility: Lab-grown diamonds come in all fancy color diamond options, providing a wide range of choices for jewelry enthusiasts.

Cons of Lab-Grown Diamonds

  1. Perceived Value: Some individuals may still value natural diamonds more due to their rarity and tradition.
  2. Initial Cost: While more affordable than natural diamonds, lab-created diamonds may have a higher initial cost than simulants.

Looking to Buy Your Perfect Diamond? Now that you understand the differences between lab-grown and natural diamonds, why not start shopping? Whiteflash offers fantastic high-quality options for lab-grown diamonds, along with James Allen, Blue Nile, and Adiamor.

Simulant Diamonds vs. Lab Created Diamonds: Comparing Durability

When choosing a diamond, durability is a crucial factor to consider. Let’s take a closer look at how simulant diamonds vs. lab-created diamonds compare in terms of their ability to withstand daily wear and tear.

Simulant Diamonds

When it comes to durability, simulant diamonds, while dazzling in appearance, have limitations. These stones are generally much softer than natural and lab-created diamonds, which means they can be more susceptible to scratches and abrasions. However, moissanite is an exception here, with a hardness closer to diamonds at 9.5 on the Mohs scale.

Difference Between Simulant Diamonds and Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab-Grown Diamonds

On the other hand, lab diamonds share the exceptional durability of natural diamonds. Their hardness on the Mohs scale is identical to that of natural diamonds, making them highly resistant to scratching and damage.

Choosing Your Stone

Now that you have a clearer understanding of simulant diamonds vs. lab-grown diamonds, let’s break down the reasons why you should choose these stones based on your preferences and lifestyle:

Earth Created Diamond:

  • You love diamonds’ sparkle.
  • You’ll wear your diamond jewelry often.
  • You admire the billions of years of history contained in each stone.

Lab-Grown Diamond:

  • You love diamonds’ sparkle.
  • You’ll wear your diamond jewelry often.
  • You want a large diamond at a lower price.
  • You prioritize environmentally friendly options.


  • You’re on a budget.
  • You like small-carat stones.
  • You’ll wear your jewelry intensively.
  • You value brilliance and durability.

Cubic Zirconia:

  • You’re on a budget.
  • You’ll wear your jewelry carefully and not every day.
  • You’re saving up for a more expensive stone.

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Final Thoughts

Choosing the stone that suits your lifestyle is an important part of designing meaningful jewelry that will last you throughout your life. Whether you choose lab-created diamonds, natural diamonds, or simulants, reputable vendors like Whiteflash, James Allen, Blue Nile, and Adiamor offer a wide range of beautiful options to cater to your preferences and budget. Ultimately, the choice between simulants and lab-created diamonds comes down to your personal priorities, ethical considerations, and desired appearance.

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