
Diamond Ratings

Diamond Ratings

Diamond Ratings - BasicsDiamond ratings systems exist for each of the diamond 4Cs. While carat weight is standardized and color and clarity are rated similarly between graders, cut ratings are notoriously variable.PriceScope Pointer: The one thing all diamonds ratings systems have in common is a softer approach to j...

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diamond grading - lab graders at work

Diamond Grading Explained

Diamond Grading - Basics Loose diamond grading may be performed by any credentialed professional. The most strict and secure diamond grading is performed by top-tier laboratories issuing diamond certification (or grading reports) for loose diamonds, following a detailed process of intake and analysis. PriceScope P...

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diamond quality magnifying loupe | courtesy of GIA

Diamond Quality Explained

Diamond Quality - Basics What defines diamond quality? Opinions vary. Diamonds with “low” colors and clarities can be far more breathtaking and visually desirable than certain diamonds with “high” colors and clarities. PriceScope Pointer: Color and clarity may be considered diamond quality factors, but the way a d...

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Prices of Diamonds Graded by 3 Different Laboratories

Diamond Grading Laboratory Surveyby David Atlas[1], Garry Holloway[2], and Leonid Tcharnyi[3]August 6, 2004 Abstract An analysis of trading prices showed that the trade adjusts prices based on expected strictness of diamond grading reports. To confirm or deny the trades expectation of grading strictness, the author...

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