
Would you attend a wedding at this time?


Mar 23, 2013
I’m not comfortable...for sure..I’m not looking forward to this conversation…I’m also dreading the blowback from my friends..Oh well..

I think you have to do what's comfortable for you.

If we are in the same exact place that we are today with this virus, in another 2-3 years and we are still having these same conversations, I can better understand the viewpoint of taking a risk versus never taking a risk being challenged. But we are not there yet.


Mar 31, 2018
I think you have to do what's comfortable for you.

If we are in the same exact place that we are today with this virus, in another 2-3 years and we are still having these same conversations, I can better understand the viewpoint of taking a risk versus never taking a risk being challenged. But we are not there yet.


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
It’s so frustrating @Arcadian..They make me feel like I’m a worry wart..They get together doing whatever they want. I always decline..It’s crazy..They think because they’re vaccinated..they’re like Teflon..

At the end of the day and i say this with love in my heart but can we really trust anyone that we dont actually live with ?

In these covid times i say we can't

People do questionable things every day often without even realizing it

i still beleave our first priority must be to keep ourselves and our house holds safe first before anything else

@MamaBee im releaved you have desided to miss the wedding

perhaps your husband's sports event will be rained off

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I’m not comfortable...for sure..I’m not looking forward to this conversation…I’m also dreading the blowback from my friends..Oh well..

I do feel for you
We will give you a covid-safe virtual group hug to support you no matter what her reaction


Jan 3, 2013
Hey @MamaBee not trying to change your mind, of course, but I just read that they will now encourage the booster at 6 months. Let’s see if today’s Reuters article will link.



Mar 31, 2018
Hey @MamaBee not trying to change your mind, of course, but I just read that they will now encourage the booster at 6 months. Let’s see if today’s Reuters article will link.

Thanks @Slick1! That’s great news! We would be due in 2.5 weeks!
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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004


Sep 25, 2016
I have a similar situation. My nephew, who is like my son, wants to get married on November 28. Just our close family and friends number in the hundreds. However, him and his fiancee, friends, siblings and cousins don't believe in the vaccine and don't want to wear masks. So we're not going, that's the main reason but other reasons are that it's on a Sunday night, it's 4 hours away and it's my son's birthday and Thanksgiving weekend. We may ruin our relationship but it was heading that way with our vaccine stance anyway. No wedding is worth getting sick. I told them I can participate via Zoom. His mom died in 2018 so I'm like the surrogate mom, but I've made up my mind not to go. I'm sad but also a bit angry that we're in this situation. I wouldn't have gone either in your situation.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I have a similar situation. My nephew, who is like my son, wants to get married on November 28. Just our close family and friends number in the hundreds. However, him and his fiancee, friends, siblings and cousins don't believe in the vaccine and don't want to wear masks. So we're not going, that's the main reason but other reasons are that it's on a Sunday night, it's 4 hours away and it's my son's birthday and Thanksgiving weekend. We may ruin our relationship but it was heading that way with our vaccine stance anyway. No wedding is worth getting sick. I told them I can participate via Zoom. His mom died in 2018 so I'm like the surrogate mom, but I've made up my mind not to go. I'm sad but also a bit angry that we're in this situation. I wouldn't have gone either in your situation.

We need to russel up a covid safe virtual group hug for you also


Mar 31, 2018
I have a similar situation. My nephew, who is like my son, wants to get married on November 28. Just our close family and friends number in the hundreds. However, him and his fiancee, friends, siblings and cousins don't believe in the vaccine and don't want to wear masks. So we're not going, that's the main reason but other reasons are that it's on a Sunday night, it's 4 hours away and it's my son's birthday and Thanksgiving weekend. We may ruin our relationship but it was heading that way with our vaccine stance anyway. No wedding is worth getting sick. I told them I can participate via Zoom. His mom died in 2018 so I'm like the surrogate mom, but I've made up my mind not to go. I'm sad but also a bit angry that we're in this situation. I wouldn't have gone either in your situation.

I think it’s the best decision. I’m more sorry for you because he’s like your son.
I actually spoke to one friend who may go. She understood why I didn’t want to go..Her son is the head nurse at a hospital. He had to go back on the floors because of so many Covid patients being admitted. Nurses were quitting so they are short staffed.
My other friend and husband are going. She’s also flying overseas somewhere next month. Her husband is immunocompromised..She‘s a retired nurse..:wall:


May 17, 2014
I would but I can understand why others wouldn't.

I'm a "follow the rules but do what's legal and allowed" which means I live on the edge a bit compared to other people!

Your friend should not be grumpy at you about this!!!!! I certainly wouldn't judge someone if they don't want to do certain things . It's none of my business and doesn't affect me if they're not spreading Covid!

We have a massive outbreak in our local government area. Some people are not leaving home and are contending with poor grocery deliveries from Woolies. I still trek out once a week despite the risks but I think for my mental health I need that normality of buying my own groceries.

If they said it was illegal I would stay home and not argue! But Dr Chant says we shouldn't go out more than once a week so I do exactly as she says! Once a week!

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
We have a massive outbreak in our local government area. Some people are not leaving home and are contending with poor grocery deliveries from Woolies. I still trek out once a week despite the risks but I think for my mental health I need that normality of buying my own groceries.
Our Governor goes on TV said for all of us to stay home, then a few hours later he got caught dining inside a fancy restaurant maskless with a dozen of maskless doctors.


Feb 24, 2017
We don’t have to do what others do @Dancing Fire, we have to do what we feel is right for us. Other people not doing the sensible thing is no reason for us all to do it too. We’ve had 3 major lockdowns, we stayed home, we got food delivered. We do go out once a week to shop for food, although we don’t have to, we still wear our masks in the supermarket, as do most other people. We had to go to London yesterday, we wore our masks on the train for the whole journey and walking about the station, we had to wear our masks at the Embassy. It’s no big deal, it’s being care and considerate of others.


May 24, 2021
One of my best friends invited me to her son’s wedding October 6..I knew about the date a long time ago. At the time I thought it would be okay to go since I’m fully vaccinated. Since that time Delta has been spreading everywhere. I’m now concerned about attending. My last vaccination was on March 11. I will be over the six month period of relative safety. I already responded that I would go…My friends don’t worry as much as I do about getting Covid. They all received their vaccines earlier so will have the booster before the wedding…..I won’t be due for mine until November…Would you attend?

Ask yourself what would Obama do.. apologize couldn't help myself and was meant to hopefully lighten things up for you.... Honest option though I'd go just be cautious and for goodness sake HAVE A GOOD TIME and enjoy the love..

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I would but I can understand why others wouldn't.

I'm a "follow the rules but do what's legal and allowed" which means I live on the edge a bit compared to other people!

Your friend should not be grumpy at you about this!!!!! I certainly wouldn't judge someone if they don't want to do certain things . It's none of my business and doesn't affect me if they're not spreading Covid!

We have a massive outbreak in our local government area. Some people are not leaving home and are contending with poor grocery deliveries from Woolies. I still trek out once a week despite the risks but I think for my mental health I need that normality of buying my own groceries.

If they said it was illegal I would stay home and not argue! But Dr Chant says we shouldn't go out more than once a week so I do exactly as she says! Once a week!

I need to go out tomorrow, ive been putting it off
Im hoping a wee shop now at the local 4 square (smaller suburban more exspensive grocery store) will get us through if we cant do our usual big shop at countdown (woolies) next week
Gary only just got his 2nd jab last weekend

I dont like her in the beehive one little bit but i still do what she tells me

We got out usual loo paoer substituted in our last delivery (booked in just before lock down) its better than no loo paper but its not as nice

Stay safe over there


Mar 31, 2018
Yes, I would. A family member is getting married early this Fall. The wedding is outdoors.

Thank you @HollyJane I would go if the wedding was outdoors too. This will be all indoors.


Mar 31, 2018
No, my dad knew a woman who died after her grandchild attended wedding party and brought back the virus.

This is so horrible @etudes …Was she vaccinated?


May 1, 2009

Not if you are uncomfortable with the situation. You could go and be perfectly fine after, but something could happen and I think it’s not worth the risk. People eat and drink at weddings so presume masks will not be worn all the time. And the Delta variant is so infectious that you can even catch the virus from a passing encounter (based on what actually happened in Australia at some shopping mall).


May 1, 2009
No one was vaccinated. My country hadn't even gotten any vaccine that time.
My aunt said the family blamed the grandchild for bringing back the virus. It was horrible situation all around because that also started outbreak in their hometown.

Oh wow. Imagine the guilt…


Apr 2, 2006
Unless you are a public school teacher in SO CAL. Two weeks ago we spent 3 hours a day in an auditorium with 187 faculty. Indoors. Wearing masks.
ETA: all the while, no one is required to be vaccinated so I have no idea what percentage of adults and kids are unvaccinated.

All California school employees will be required to be vaccinated by the middle of October, per an executive order signed earlier this month. I have not been able to find regulations or guidance to indicate how this will be enforced, however… although that might be covered under some general guidance somehow.

One of my brothers-in-law is a bus driver for a local Christian school. Thus far he has refused to be vaccinated. St the beginning of this summer he gave notice that he’s leaving for other reasons, and they eventually asked him to revise his plans and stay through the beginning of the year - apparently they couldn’t find a replacement at their current pay level - and he agreed to stay. In other words, they can’t easily replace him. I’m curious to see whether they will require him to get his vaccination or choose to look the other way…

Now, back to the topic at hand!



Apr 2, 2006
Unless you are a public school teacher in SO CAL. Two weeks ago we spent 3 hours a day in an auditorium with 187 faculty. Indoors. Wearing masks.
All summer school they held assemblies for kids—up to 500 kids.
ETA: all the while, no one is required to be vaccinated so I have no idea what percentage of adults and kids are unvaccinated.

Oops - wrong citation above. Here’s the correct one.

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