
I don''t know if I love my ring!!!!!!

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Jun 2, 2009
blair when i look at your ring it looks very big to me and bigger than mine!!! its really pretty !!!

Date: 6/25/2009 12:56:20 PM
Author: Blair138
Noreen, your ring is VERYYY Similar to mine.(check out my avatar) My stone is 1.6, I do have times when I think that it is small (like the day I went into Tiffany''s) but other times (which is most of the time) it looks GIGANTIC!

I will have 2 bands totaling .5 each. So my set will be 3 total. If I need more bling later, I have 2 ear lobes are kinda cold

That is my story, but you need to do whatever is good for you. I like the halo recommendations.


Jul 27, 2005
Putting a halo around your stone would likely mean removing it from your current setting and putting it in a NEW setting. You could have a colored gemstone put in your current setting & wear it as a right hand ring so it wouldn''t go to waste. If you then didn''t like the halo the stone could be removed & placed back into your old setting ... or a new setting. That''s how it works.

HOWEVER - in order to save a lot of TIME & MONEY & HURT FEELINGS ... I totally urge you to stop jawing about this problem, stop typing about it and get to WALKING about it. Walk on down to the nearest jewelry store and start trying things on. Try on a 1.8 ct stone that is ALREADY IN A HALO so you can see it before you buy it. Try on a lot of things. Try on a .75 ct stone (as that is probably the national average). Really think about how much bigger your current stone is than that.

Pictures on a forum (or US WEEKLY, which I fear is where you''re getting your size ideas) is NO SUBSTITUTE for *real life experience*.


Jun 2, 2009
Date: 6/25/2009 1:06:13 PM
Author: decodelighted
Putting a halo around your stone would likely mean removing it from your current setting and putting it in a NEW setting. You could have a colored gemstone put in your current setting & wear it as a right hand ring so it wouldn''t go to waste. If you then didn''t like the halo the stone could be removed & placed back into your old setting ... or a new setting. That''s how it works.

HOWEVER - in order to save a lot of TIME & MONEY & HURT FEELINGS ... I totally urge you to stop jawing about this problem, stop typing about it and get to WALKING about it. Walk on down to the nearest jewelry store and start trying things on. Try on a 1.8 ct stone that is ALREADY IN A HALO so you can see it before you buy it. Try on a lot of things. Try on a .75 ct stone (as that is probably the national average). Really think about how much bigger your current stone is than that.

Pictures on a forum (or US WEEKLY, which I fear is where you''re getting your size ideas) is NO SUBSTITUTE for *real life experience*.

stopping asap


Nov 7, 2005
It''s not a bad thing that we all had expectations. Before I got engaged, I had all these fantasies about how my proposal would be like, what my ring would be like. Heck, I even hinted to my then boyfriend (now husband) the ring that I dreamed of having one day! I wanted a 6-prong tiffany like style, carat size between 0.80!

When the real proposal came, it was nothing like what I dreamed of. In fact, it was more than I could''ve ever asked for. I was overjoyed and cried for a very long time (according to my husband) because he kindly reminded me that I haven''t answered his "Will you marry me?" question! When the ring came, I was shocked. It was bigger than I have thought, especially after he put it on my finger. It wasn''t until later that I found out the size was significantly smaller. Guess how "big" my engagement ring is? 0.32 carat. But it sparkled like mad due to the high color, clarity and cut. I didn''t care how small my ring was compared to all my other friends (the smallest diamond in my circle of friends was a 1.08 carat). Regardless, I still think mine is the most beautiful, because my husband put so much thought into the research and the planning of the purchase of my ring. I loved my ring, but at the end of the day it''s just another material thing I owned. Everytime I look at my ring, I remember how much my husband loved and cared for me, and the thoughts he put into everything that would make me happy.

Anyways, enough babbles. I think your ring is gorgeous and wow, it''s huge! You should wear it with pride and good job on your fiance on picking this gorgeous rock for you. Perhaps at a future wedding anniversary, you and your husband can work on upgrading your current rock (and I see alot of pricescopers do that here for their anniversaries).


Apr 8, 2008
Noreen-I should mention I have a 4.75 size finger. I have a SMALL finger in comparison to average. What is your finger size? I think I missed it, because that does have an influence on how big it looks too!


Jun 2, 2009
Date: 6/25/2009 1:13:53 PM
Author: Blair138
Noreen-I should mention I have a 4.75 size finger. I have a SMALL finger in comparison to average. What is your finger size? I think I missed it, because that does have an influence on how big it looks too!

it''s a bit smaller than a 6, he got me 6.25 and it is huge on me so I am gonna get it re-sized. I think I am around 5.75


Mar 7, 2006
It is no way a small ring!!

I do have a question for you though. Do you like quantity over quality? Because you can have a 4.0k ring and love it because of the size or you can have a flawless diamond that is smaller but has quality over the 4.0k anyday.

I could have had any ring I wanted. Instead I am overly joyed with a 2.04 in full k. And, moreover, I am just blessed to be marrying my lifetime partner.

But, if you do not like it, you do not like it. I would not want to be in my FI''s shoes if told I do not like the ring you bought me, let''s get me a bigger stone.


Feb 28, 2007
I love your ring, it is so pretty! :)

My fingers swell when I eat salty food and in humid weather, which can impact how rings look (and fit) on my finger. For instance, in the Winter, my fingers tend to be thinner, so my rings appear larger than in the Summer. Finger shape will impact how a ring will look in comparison to other people. For instance, both my friend and I have size six ring fingers, however, similar rings look very different on us due to skin tone, shape and length. Another factor is your circle of friends and geographic location. If you live in a very blingy area, you might feel as if your ring does not "cut it" in terms of size in comparison to your peer group. Have you ever stood in front of the mirror wearing your ring? By doing this, you will be able to see a more "real life" perspective of how the ring looks on you and you might be surprised to see that it looks larger than you thought.

You mention that your fiance is open to working with you on your ring. What I would do is wear it for a couple of weeks and really think about it. If you do not "love it" after that, then have a discussion with him. This way you would at least demonstrate that you gave the ring a chance and really thought your decision through before discussing it with him.

Take time to do your research and try on some different styles. If go with the halo setting, then you would be able to keep the diamond he took the time to select, and only modify the setting, which would not take away from his efforts too much. Just keep in mind that should you decide to upgrade the stone, do not skimp out on its cut, as this is what will impact how the stone face''s up.

Again, your ring is very lovely, so no worries on that!

Little Monster

May 15, 2009
your ring is absolutely gorgeous! it''s huge!!

that being said - even if you feel it''s not big enough... just try to remember what the difference in cost is between a 1.81 carat stone and a 2.5-3 carat. even if your fiance has that much cash in the bank, think about what ELSE the money could be spent on... doing 1 minute of ''research'' on Whiteflash''s website showed me that among expert selection diamonds:

-1.8 carat could cost about $18,800
-2.38 carat could cost about $24,700
-3.02 carat could cost about $33,300

-think about:
paying for your wedding & honeymoon
paying off any debt or school loans
buying a house with a larger down payment or paying off more of your mortgage
paying for kids at some point

a million other things to think about other than just your engagement ring (which is STUNNING!)...

just my practical .02!


Jan 30, 2009
Noreen, would you mind posting more pics of your beautiful ring? In particular, shots that show your full hand. Then we can all get a better perspective on how BIG your ring actually looks on you. And I''m sure it looks huge. Post more pics and we can continue to reassure that your ring is gorgeous. :)

PS. I am JEALOUS that you have a 1.8c stone!


Jul 14, 2006
Date: 6/25/2009 12:56:56 PM
Author: noreen925
maybe your right, i have always worn HUGE costume jewelery, especially rings that have taken up half my fingers! i know many women who posted that they would be so happy with a 1.81, its just about what we are content with...and i guess growing up i saw myself with a bigger ring. and halo is something i never considered but i might as well start :)
There ya go! Your eye is accustomed to seeing a lot of ring on your finger. It is natural that your ering will look small by comparison.

More advice: you will not likely be able to buy a diamond that can compete with the size of costume jewelry. It would be hideously expensive and you might rather save the money for things like a house. So, even if you got a larger stone, it would probably still look smallish and you would have to spend a serious 6 figure fortune to make it look big as you are used to.

Your ring is very elegant and really lovely. It is also a good size of a stone, so you have nothing to feel bad about on that score. When you have a clear idea what style you like you can reset it for a larger look.

I think that posters who are blaming you for not knowing about diamonds are being quite critical. This is a site where you can learn about diamonds and I think we should all welcome that process rather than making people feel bad about their level of knowledge.


Jun 29, 2008
You''ve got a wonderful HUGE 1.8ct Hearts and Arrows diamond.

- Most people struggle to get over 1ct for their first engagement ring (i.e. before upgrading)
- Some people never get a Hearts and Arrows diamond and can only dream about it!

Try living with it. If you still don''t love it then upgrade or put a halo around it but since your FI gave you everything you asked for, I''d really try to live with it before making any decision (or discussing it with him). If you''re not happy with a 1.8ct you won''t be with a 2ct either. The visual difference won''t be big enough. If you''re used to costume jewellery, nothing short of a 4 or 5ct is going to make you happy I''m afraid.


Jan 29, 2007
First of all, I just wanted to tell you that your ring is GORGEOUS - I love everything about it - the diamond, the setting, the 6 prongs, everything. And it is huge.

However, I just wanted to say that my best friend had some of the same issues that you did when it came to diamonds - when I got my ring, which has a 2 carat center stone, she said, "That''s it? I thought a 2 carat stone would look much bigger." So we went to Harry Winston to look at rings - she pointed to a 5 ct diamond and said "I thought that''s what a 2 ct would look like."

Then, when it was time for her to get engaged & her & her fiance started looking at diamonds, her fiance was willing to pay for up to a 3 ct stone, but of lower color and clarity. She still thought that the size of a 3 ct looked too small on her size 7 finger, so she ended up with a 4 ct cubic zirconia that she tells most people is a diamond. She says that she just really wanted a huge stone, and wouldn''t have been satisfied with something as "small" as a 2 ct - for me, though, I would rather have a "smaller" real stone than wear a large fake. However, that solution worked for her and her husband - now that they''re married for a couple of years though, I hardly ever see her wearing the fake ... I think that she started to get embarrassed lying to people about the stone & pretending that it was real.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that story, because you guys seemed alike in thinking that your diamonds would look bigger than they are - I think that a lot of people are surprised when they see what 1, 2 or 5 carats look like in real life, especially for what they cost - people probably expect to get a lot more when they''re shelling out thousands of dollars.

However, I do think that your ring is stunning, and you can always maybe upgrade your setting to a halo in a couple of years. Trust me, that ring is gorgeous, and unless you''re one of the Real Housewives of NYC, I would bet that it''s way nicer than most people around you have - enjoy your gorgeous ring!


Jun 2, 2009
Date: 6/25/2009 2:29:48 PM
Author: vespergirl
First of all, I just wanted to tell you that your ring is GORGEOUS - I love everything about it - the diamond, the setting, the 6 prongs, everything. And it is huge.

However, I just wanted to say that my best friend had some of the same issues that you did when it came to diamonds - when I got my ring, which has a 2 carat center stone, she said, ''That''s it? I thought a 2 carat stone would look much bigger.'' So we went to Harry Winston to look at rings - she pointed to a 5 ct diamond and said ''I thought that''s what a 2 ct would look like.''

Then, when it was time for her to get engaged & her & her fiance started looking at diamonds, her fiance was willing to pay for up to a 3 ct stone, but of lower color and clarity. She still thought that the size of a 3 ct looked too small on her size 7 finger, so she ended up with a 4 ct cubic zirconia that she tells most people is a diamond. She says that she just really wanted a huge stone, and wouldn''t have been satisfied with something as ''small'' as a 2 ct - for me, though, I would rather have a ''smaller'' real stone than wear a large fake. However, that solution worked for her and her husband - now that they''re married for a couple of years though, I hardly ever see her wearing the fake ... I think that she started to get embarrassed lying to people about the stone & pretending that it was real.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that story, because you guys seemed alike in thinking that your diamonds would look bigger than they are - I think that a lot of people are surprised when they see what 1, 2 or 5 carats look like in real life, especially for what they cost - people probably expect to get a lot more when they''re shelling out thousands of dollars.

However, I do think that your ring is stunning, and you can always maybe upgrade your setting to a halo in a couple of years. Trust me, that ring is gorgeous, and unless you''re one of the Real Housewives of NYC, I would bet that it''s way nicer than most people around you have - enjoy your gorgeous ring!

what a good story, i would never never get a fake and try to pass it off as real. i would rather have the real thing any day no matter how small it was!


Jun 2, 2009
Date: 6/25/2009 2:05:35 PM
Author: Beacon
Date: 6/25/2009 12:56:56 PM

Author: noreen925

I think that posters who are blaming you for not knowing about diamonds are being quite critical. This is a site where you can learn about diamonds and I think we should all welcome that process rather than making people feel bad about their level of knowledge.

thank you for this, i never claimed to be an expert in diamonds but came on here for advice! am on a learning path :)


Jan 29, 2007
I forgot to mention to please post more pics because I REALLY LOVE THAT RING!!!


Jun 2, 2009
Date: 6/25/2009 3:30:08 PM
Author: vespergirl
I forgot to mention to please post more pics because I REALLY LOVE THAT RING!!!

I will do that soon :)


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 6/25/2009 1:43:07 PM
Author: Little Monster
-1.8 carat could cost about $18,800

-2.38 carat could cost about $24,700

-3.02 carat could cost about $33,300
I''d be super interested in seeing what the difference in physical dimension of these stones would be too.

Its a common misconception that a 2ct stone would be TWICE as big as a 1ct ... or that a 3ct would be THREE TIMES AS BIG as the 1ct. Not so. Not even CLOSE to being so. The price goes up exponentially for very small incremental changes in diameter. Which is why looking at things in person, on your hand is so important. Then you can say is this one really worth XXX amount more than this one? Maybe I''d be happier but XXXX much happier? Not looking at things in a vacuum of info. Yeah, we all would like a huge rock. Most folks would like the US MAG celeb ring special ... but not everyone would spend the $$ it takes to HAVE that even if they HAVE the $$ to do so.


Jul 15, 2008
I think your ring is absolutely stunning and a VERY respectable size. I do understand where you''re coming from though! I recently got engaged with a beautiful 1.6 carat H&A from GOG (and even though I would NEVER admit it to my fiance), sometimes I look at it and wonder if it is small! I think the other posters were right when they said that if you aren''t used to diamonds, you have a different idea in your head of how big they really appear.
Your ring is beautiful and I don''t think you should change it -- wear it a few more weeks and get used to it.


Apr 28, 2008
Hoo boy.

Yes, that 1.8 carat looks very small. I''d look into at least 3 carats plus.


Dec 16, 2007
I think if you like costume jewelry then all you need to do is reset your diamond into a more elaborate setting, not necessarily a halo, but with sidestones and perhaps pave or filigree. It will make the whole ring a statement, whereas the type of setting you have now is designed to showcase the diamond.

I agree with you, though, diamonds are awefully small in general for the price! I like a lot of finger coverage myself and since I know I will never get a diamond much larger than a 1.5ct, I am plotting a three stone or other method of beefing up the finger bling


Aug 17, 2008
Date: 6/25/2009 4:18:50 PM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 6/25/2009 1:43:07 PM

Author: Little Monster

-1.8 carat could cost about $18,800

-2.38 carat could cost about $24,700

-3.02 carat could cost about $33,300

I''d be super interested in seeing what the difference in physical dimension of these stones would be too.

Its a common misconception that a 2ct stone would be TWICE as big as a 1ct ... or that a 3ct would be THREE TIMES AS BIG as the 1ct. Not so. Not even CLOSE to being so. The price goes up exponentially for very small incremental changes in diameter. Which is why looking at things in person, on your hand is so important. Then you can say is this one really worth XXX amount more than this one? Maybe I''d be happier but XXXX much happier? Not looking at things in a vacuum of info. Yeah, we all would like a huge rock. Most folks would like the US MAG celeb ring special ... but not everyone would spend the $$ it takes to HAVE that even if they HAVE the $$ to do so.

I''m with Deco on this one.... When we were looking at center stones we narrowed it down to 2 stones. One was .82 and the other was .72. The .82 was cut for depth and the .72 faced up bigger than it''s counterpart. But the price jump????
Can we just say, HELL TO THE NAW!!!!

And let me also add .2 more cents here: with my .72 baby, I am VERY happy, because it''s what my Husband gave me from his heart, and it was the best that he could give at that point in his life. Years down the road, knowing his tender heart, I know I will get an upgrade, so let me say this: at 25 years old, for this to be the FIRST ring your are getting? Your are in a better position than most. And it''s CLEAR your FI did well, the best that he could do I''m sure. So Noreen, while PS can cause us to drool over knee-buckling bling, can we please just remain sentimental for a minute??? My dear, you are more Blessed than most in these terrible economical times. I''m not telling you what your standards should be, but to remember the MEANING behind the ring, when the size becomes too much of a preoccupation, hunh? You''re young yet, and there is PLENTY of time for upgrades, if this is what you''re getting now, just imagine all the room you have for growth!!!!!


Jul 26, 2008
It''s not always about size either its about the quality of the stone, and you have a HUGE gorgeous stone thats extremely well cut and beautiful!!! Your ring is STUNNING.

I''d rather have a .5 ACA then a 3 carat piece of frozen spit!


Jun 17, 2009
Noreen, I suspect that you will never be happy with this ring. Many of us here have tried to assure you that it is a good quality, good sized stone but I can tell you aren't reassured and still think it is a small diamond, probably for a variety of reasons. One factor is your comparision of your ring to your friends (how in the world such young men can afford these big diamonds is beyond me, but I guess that's none of my business). I'm starting to think maybe you should tell your FI the stone isn't big enough, and let the chips fall where they may. You can either upgrade (which I suspect is what you really want), look into a halo setting or a setting with side stones. Additional dollars spent doesn't sound like a concern to you, so you might as well just state what you want. I don't think you'll rest until you do.


Jan 10, 2009
I remember somebody posting a chart or a link to a chart that indicated finger coverage of a RB based on finger size and stone size. That was a good starting point to determine what size stone one may want to consider.


Apr 21, 2009
Date: 6/25/2009 5:49:38 PM
Author: junebug17
Noreen, I suspect that you will never be happy with this ring. Many of us here have tried to assure you that it is a good quality, good sized stone but I can tell you aren''t reassured and still think it is a small diamond, probably for a variety of reasons. One factor is your comparision of your ring to your friends (how in the world such young men can afford these big diamonds is beyond me, but I guess that''s none of my business). I''m starting to think maybe you should tell your FI the stone isn''t big enough, and let the chips fall where they may. You can either upgrade (which I suspect is what you really want), look into a halo setting or a setting with side stones. Additional dollars spent doesn''t sound like a concern to you, so you might as well just state what you want. I don''t think you''ll rest until you do.

Noreen: I will have to agree with Junebug. If money is not a problem for your fiance, then by all means, go all out. Why not go as far as 15ct. Make the boy pay for it. The future never come, you know.

Junebug: Nowadays, young women don''t necessarily couple themselves with young men. You know what I mean.


Jun 2, 2009
no no I am gonna keep it and try and get an upgrade on an anniversary, i am happy with it and honestly do feel reassured since everyone seems to think it is gorgeous ...once again I do think it is my head and once I wear it more, i will get adjusted :)


Apr 2, 2006
Shopgirl: Before you say anything to your FI, please take the advice that so many have given you, and go "shopping." Get some idea of what size stone would live up to your expectations, and how much it would cost. While you're there, consider trying on some wedding bands... two bands that match the band in your ER (one as a wedding band, maybe another for a later anniversary) would give you a whole different and blingier look.

OOPS -- just read your latest response. I'm so glad you've decided to keep the ring your FI proposed with!


Jun 2, 2009
i agree, i will definitely do that. i am not gonna say anything to him, he put effort and did a lot of researching so i am happy , a girl just needed some assurance from some diamond experts thats all! and that''s what i got :)


Jul 7, 2003
I think your ring is gorgeous!!! But its all YOU feel about it. Only talking about it with your FH
and be open on how you feel ( in a constructive way ( challenging )) will help determine what''s next.
You might have to "learn'' to live with it until a big anniversary in which you could possibly upgrade.

Most people start smaller and over the years tend to get larger stones. Some people totally change
styles and later in life what seemed important in their early years is no longer then... Maybe
give it a little while and open your heart to the love of it all :)

I have a 5+CT yellow pear diamond, you know... I think its too big somedays for daily wear...
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