
I don''t know if I love my ring!!!!!!

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May 26, 2005
Now THIS should do!!!!



Mar 24, 2007
Date: 6/24/2009 9:04:39 PM
Shouldn''t a girl LOVE her ring. Check out the pics. Gimme some advice/reassurance please!!!!

It depends. If you had a specific cut or setting in mind, and he got you something completely different, then sure, you might not love your ring. For example, I mentioned to my husband that I wanted a princess, and if he would have surprised me with a round, I wouldn''t have loved it quite as much as the princess we picked out together. Same with the setting. I wanted a solitaire; if he had chosen a pave band or a 3-stone, I wouldn''t have quite the same feeling about it. I would still be grateful to have gotten a nice engagement ring, but it would mean that he completely disregarded my tastes that I clearly communicated to him. Know what I mean? Thankfully, he didn''t, and we picked out a beautiful ring together.

However, it seems that your main concern is about size. You may need some perspective on the issue. The average center stone size in the US, according to this thread, is 0.38ct. Yours is much, much bigger than that. Even bigger than the 1.6 that is quoted as the average for large metropolitan areas like NYC. Someone did a survey here and found that the average Pricescoper''s ring is 1ct. This is Pricescope, where everyone seems to have something huge and we all love diamonds, so that''s a pretty inflated estimate. Anyway, just saying that 1.8 is well beyond the norm of engagement ring size.

If it were me, I would certainly communicate with the fiance regarding a stylistic issue, but I would keep my mouth shut if it''s all about size. You will be perceived as ungrateful and demanding if you tell him you want a bigger rock right away. Selfishness and greed are not the way to start a good marriage...but compromise is. Consider resetting it into a halo or 3-stone for an anniversary, or upgrading the center stone later on. But for now, I''d suggest living with it and seeing if it grows on you.

Sorry if I''m being harsh, but I prefer to tell it like it is. There''s just something that rubs me the wrong way about people feeling entitled to a huge ring, or feeling that a rock that is substantially larger than my own is inadequate. Especially at the beginning of a marriage.

-JstarfireB, newlywed and owner of a "small" 1ct engagement ring...


Jan 6, 2005
I think its stunning, and a gorgeous size

That said though, ideally, you should love it, it is your ring. Have you considered maybe changing the setting to visually boost the size of the stone? You could consider a halo or converting your ring into a three-stone - either would add visual size.

I''d second the suggestion to live with it for a while and see how it grows on you (or doesn''t).


Jun 2, 2009
wowwwww what a varied amount of responses. some really made me laugh (no gold floors for me, this is the first diamond I have ever gotten!!!) I am really not a spoiled brat, some people tell me it is because I have never worn a diamond ring before so it may come from that. I was honestly just looking for some reassurance and your thoughts on the ring. I do know it is a beautiful ring, i just am new to the whole thing and always thought it would just look bigger on my hand. The more I looked at it the smaller it looked to me! I just want to LOVE it and be sure it is beautiful! As I said I am no diamond expert and no one seemed to have said it''s ugly. I haven''t mentioned anything to the fiance at all, he just said "i want you to love it and if you don''t we can change it" and i don''t have the heart to say anything, but I do like the ideas about changing the setting for an anniversary. let''s see, so you all like it? once again, i am really not ungrateful, just more looking for reassurance about the ring !!!


Feb 10, 2009
Date: 6/25/2009 12:28:59 AM
Author: jstarfireb
Date: 6/24/2009 9:04:39 PM


Shouldn''t a girl LOVE her ring. Check out the pics. Gimme some advice/reassurance please!!!!

It depends. If you had a specific cut or setting in mind, and he got you something completely different, then sure, you might not love your ring. For example, I mentioned to my husband that I wanted a princess, and if he would have surprised me with a round, I wouldn''t have loved it quite as much as the princess we picked out together. Same with the setting. I wanted a solitaire; if he had chosen a pave band or a 3-stone, I wouldn''t have quite the same feeling about it. I would still be grateful to have gotten a nice engagement ring, but it would mean that he completely disregarded my tastes that I clearly communicated to him. Know what I mean? Thankfully, he didn''t, and we picked out a beautiful ring together.

However, it seems that your main concern is about size. You may need some perspective on the issue. The average center stone size in the US, according to this thread, is 0.38ct. Yours is much, much bigger than that. Even bigger than the 1.6 that is quoted as the average for large metropolitan areas like NYC. Someone did a survey here and found that the average Pricescoper''s ring is 1ct. This is Pricescope, where everyone seems to have something huge and we all love diamonds, so that''s a pretty inflated estimate. Anyway, just saying that 1.8 is well beyond the norm of engagement ring size.

If it were me, I would certainly communicate with the fiance regarding a stylistic issue, but I would keep my mouth shut if it''s all about size. You will be perceived as ungrateful and demanding if you tell him you want a bigger rock right away. Selfishness and greed are not the way to start a good marriage...but compromise is. Consider resetting it into a halo or 3-stone for an anniversary, or upgrading the center stone later on. But for now, I''d suggest living with it and seeing if it grows on you.

Sorry if I''m being harsh, but I prefer to tell it like it is. There''s just something that rubs me the wrong way about people feeling entitled to a huge ring, or feeling that a rock that is substantially larger than my own is inadequate. Especially at the beginning of a marriage.

-JstarfireB, newlywed and owner of a ''small'' 1ct engagement ring...



Jun 2, 2009
Date: 6/24/2009 9:29:54 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
Haha, I have a .9ct solitaire, and I''ve gotten so many compliments about what a huge, gorgeous rock it is.

So I think the 1.8ct is definitely big enough!

If you still want more finger coverage, maybe get it reset in a halo setting for your one yr anniversary? And you can reuse this setting later for a RHR. I also think your fiance would be less sensitive to changing the setting than the stone (some guys get pretty attached to the diamond itself, probably wouldn''t take to kindly to the idea of trading it in for something bigger anytime soon).

And I actually don''t know if the majority of girls are totally ga-ga over the ring if they didn''t have any input at all. It''s a lot to ask for a guy to pick out such an important and unique piece of jewelery that perfectly suits his girl''s taste. Most girls I know who got a ring that their fiance picked out alone love their ring, but it''s not what they would have picked out. I would definitely have picked a different setting than my fiance, but it doesn''t really matter, I love him and so I love the ring :) It''s not something worth worrying over.

don''t mind my ignorance, but what is a halo setting????


Jun 2, 2009
in response to those asking what kind of ring i wanted ...he got exactly 100% of what I wanted, just the size of the center stone is what I was unsure about. But he got everything else right, and in fact I never said anything specific about what size it had to be. I haven''t even been wearing it 2 days so like everyone said, i hope it grows on me :)


Dec 28, 2008
You know, there are days when my diamond looks bigger, and days when it looks smaller to me - don''t know if that''s what''s happening to you or not. Just out of curiosity, what''s the diameter (in millimeters)? Maybe you have a deep diamond so it faces up smaller?


Apr 26, 2007
Noreen, what size diamond were you expecting? Either in carats, or in proportion to your finger?


Jul 5, 2007
Normally, this is the thread that I just plain stay out of -

- but I gotta be honest, Noreen, I agree with you. That doesn''t have the visual effect that I''d expect a 1.81 to have. I agree with Cellentani''s advice. What size melee is on the band? Usually, the rules are that the thinner the band and higher the setting, the larger the stone will look.


Jul 5, 2006


Nov 18, 2004
Did you try on much larger rings??

I will again say, it''s a stunner, great proportions. As the stone gets larger, and the proportions are excellent, the rarer it is, and so the value is high.. You have something that many can only dream about. Not sure if that helps. But wanted to add this as something to think about. I would hate for you to feel bad, not my intention at all. Just trying to educate you on the valiue of the stone, and how amazing it is.


Apr 2, 2006
A halo setting has one or more rows of small stones surrounding the center stone, like this:

Looking back over your postings, I can''t help but notice that every single one of them has to do with diamond size. Obviously this is very important to you! As Deco mentioned, it would be interesting to know why that''s so...

Your ring is beautiful and the stone looks pretty darn large from where I sit! I''m sure you''ll be getting a lot of compliments on it, if you haven''t already. (You are wearing it proudly, aren''t you?) Unless you think your fiancee really, really cheaped out on you, I''d just wear it and love it... and plan to enhance it with sidestones or a halo, or to upgrade it, for some future anniversary.


Jun 9, 2009
Silliness. Absurdity.

The reality is that you have a beautiful ring, far nicer than many people will ever own. I don''t know why you don''t LOVE it, since you essentially chose the style; but being underwhelmed by its size when it is a 1.81??? Really???

C''mon. It''s fabulous. Wear it with pride.


Jun 3, 2009
Date: 6/25/2009 12:32:18 AM
Author: noreen925
wowwwww what a varied amount of responses. some really made me laugh (no gold floors for me, this is the first diamond I have ever gotten!!!) I am really not a spoiled brat, some people tell me it is because I have never worn a diamond ring before so it may come from that. I was honestly just looking for some reassurance and your thoughts on the ring. I do know it is a beautiful ring, i just am new to the whole thing and always thought it would just look bigger on my hand. The more I looked at it the smaller it looked to me! I just want to LOVE it and be sure it is beautiful! As I said I am no diamond expert and no one seemed to have said it''s ugly. I haven''t mentioned anything to the fiance at all, he just said ''i want you to love it and if you don''t we can change it'' and i don''t have the heart to say anything, but I do like the ideas about changing the setting for an anniversary. let''s see, so you all like it? once again, i am really not ungrateful, just more looking for reassurance about the ring !!!
Awwwww Noreen, I never thought you were ungrateful. On the contrary, I think your reaction is perfectly normal. Its like when you go to see a movie that you think you would like then after you see it you feel cheated and disappointed. Its normal. I guess "waiting for the proposal" make our expectation is so high that it becomes unreal. Then when reality hits, we lost our balance.
I have never think you''re a brat or being ungrateful. Just sleep on it and lets see what happen.
BTW, congratulations on your engagement.


Jun 3, 2009
There are some good points in this thread. First of all, you need to know what the mm measurement for your stone. Then the expert here can see if your diamond has a good or bad spread. Can you find it?


Apr 14, 2009
I think your ring is huge!

it''s three times the size of mine my dear... You definitely have nothing to worry about.

I think anything above 1 carat is huge. maybe you''ve been reading PS too long, there are some HUGE stones on this site but it''s certainly not something we get to see everyday.

Enjoy your ring, it''s absolutely beautiful! Hope i reassured you in some way.


Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Date: 6/25/2009 12:42:26 AM
Author: noreen925
in response to those asking what kind of ring i wanted ...he got exactly 100% of what I wanted, just the size of the center stone is what I was unsure about. But he got everything else right, and in fact I never said anything specific about what size it had to be. I haven''t even been wearing it 2 days so like everyone said, i hope it grows on me :)
no it won''t.!!
it''ll look smaller and smaller and smaller each day.tell him you need a 7 ct !!


Nov 15, 2008
Sounds like you just didn''t know how small diamonds really are. Did you try a lot of rings with or without your FI?

I remember another poster saying something similar a while back -- that once she had a diamond on her finger, she was disappointed by small it looked, regardless of the size.

I really think you have a gorgeous rock. Gorgeous. And HUGE.

If I were you, I would not say anything to your fiance. Instead, upgrade your setting to a halo setting, as others have suggested, for your wedding or one of your first marriage anniversaries.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Date: 6/25/2009 2:27:03 AM
Author: mscushion
Sounds like you just didn''t know how small diamonds really are. Did you try a lot of rings with or without your FI?

I remember another poster saying something similar a while back -- that once she had a diamond on her finger, she was disappointed by small it looked, regardless of the size.

I really think you have a gorgeous rock. Gorgeous. And HUGE.

If I were you, I would not say anything to your fiance. Instead, upgrade your setting to a halo setting, as others have suggested, for your wedding or one of your first marriage anniversaries.
with 3 ct stones all the way around!!


Nov 15, 2008
Date: 6/25/2009 2:32:51 AM
Author: Dancing Fire
Date: 6/25/2009 2:27:03 AM
Author: mscushion
Sounds like you just didn''t know how small diamonds really are. Did you try a lot of rings with or without your FI?
I remember another poster saying something similar a while back -- that once she had a diamond on her finger, she was disappointed by small it looked, regardless of the size.
I really think you have a gorgeous rock. Gorgeous. And HUGE.
If I were you, I would not say anything to your fiance. Instead, upgrade your setting to a halo setting, as others have suggested, for your wedding or one of your first marriage anniversaries.
with 3 ct stones all the way around!!


Apr 18, 2008
I would just change the setting to a super thin band, like 1.5mm (plain or with pave). it will emphasize the center stone and really make it POP! A halo would also add a visual dimension, but I think a thin band is a nice ''minor'' change that would still look like the style you have now.

Your ring is HUGE, btw. I would be utterly scared to wear 1.8 carats! Wowsa!


Sep 5, 2007
I think that its rare to see massive diamonds irl. And even then you need the right finger to stone ratio to really set it off. Thats why the movie stars look like the diamonds are pulling their hand off. ie. big diamond plus tiny hands!!!!!

I think in your case, you will come to realise that your stone is a generous size. The one thing that could be negatively affecting the `look` is the aloneness of the ring. Once you pair it with a matching eternity wedding band (or 2) it will really spread its wings!!!!!

The style of the ring (which I have also) really puts the centre stone in the limelight which can make it appear small. (Afterall it is physically small, but just hugely expensive and big compared to most).

A ring with sidestones takes the spotlight off the centre stone and may give you more finger coverage?


Jul 17, 2008
Date: 6/25/2009 12:32:18 AM
Author: noreen925
wowwwww what a varied amount of responses. some really made me laugh (no gold floors for me, this is the first diamond I have ever gotten!!!) I am really not a spoiled brat, some people tell me it is because I have never worn a diamond ring before so it may come from that. I was honestly just looking for some reassurance and your thoughts on the ring. I do know it is a beautiful ring, i just am new to the whole thing and always thought it would just look bigger on my hand. The more I looked at it the smaller it looked to me! I just want to LOVE it and be sure it is beautiful! As I said I am no diamond expert and no one seemed to have said it''s ugly. I haven''t mentioned anything to the fiance at all, he just said ''i want you to love it and if you don''t we can change it'' and i don''t have the heart to say anything, but I do like the ideas about changing the setting for an anniversary. let''s see, so you all like it? once again, i am really not ungrateful, just more looking for reassurance about the ring !!!
If you''ve never worn a diamond ring before and you got your idea of how big a diamond should look on your hand from pics like the ones below, well, yes, I can see why you''d be disappointed. I wouldn''t mind getting a nice 18-carat rock myself.

If you didn''t LOVE your ring because of the cut of the stone, fugly inclusions, lousy setting and so on, then by all means, talk to your FI. I''m a firm supporter of girls who do that when they''re not 100% happy with their rings. You''re the one who has to wear it, after all. But if you told him that you don''t love it because it''s too small... If it were me, I''d think you''re being ungrateful, to put it mildly.

The reality is that your diamond is bigger than anything most women will ever get. So I''d just stop looking at celebrity pics and appreciate the gorgeous ring you have on your finger.


Samantha Red

Jan 9, 2007
Trust me it is enormous. I have a one carat rb solitaire on my size 7.5 finger and I think that looks pretty big by standards where I live


Aug 8, 2005
When I got my diamond it looked small to me. Granted it is small compared to yours. But it LOOKED small. So I got a halo. Very happy now.

Here's what I suggest if you really want some size:

I'm not usually into large melee halos but I adore this one from top view. The center is around 1.5 carats. See what a halo can do???




Oct 17, 2007


Mar 23, 2009
seriously? Almost 2 carats: Small?


Jul 6, 2007
I must say I LOVE your ring, and think you should keep it as is..but you're the one that has to love it! I can completely relate to not being 100% thrilled with the ring.
My diamond is about the same size, (1.76) and I wasn't happy with it when it was set into a four prong setting. I found it looked small, for it's carat weight! (Finger size 6.5)
Then..I had it set into a 6 prong solstice head, and LOVED how large it appeared. Of course after months of wearing it, I decided I wanted something more.
The custom halo I recently received made my diamond appear even larger, and this may be an option for you, if you like the look of a halo! I always wanted a solitaire, and wouldn't consider a ring style such as the halo, but after seeing soooooo many beautiful designs on PS, I pulled together what I was looking for in a ring, and had the designer create that look! Looking back at the many changes my ring has gonne through, I would have to say, the 6 prong setting is what made the diamond pop the most, (which is what you have). I still LOVE a solitaire, but I have to say my current ring (halo setting) is the prettiest by far, I've had on my finger...and wouldn't EVER consider going back to a solitaire now, because I know it would appear small to me after having worn the halo style! My original e-ring was a surprise to me, I had no idea he bought a ring, and although it wasn't what I would have chosen, I wore it for 14 years, because it was what HE chose for me, and I was proud of that! I wouldn't say anything to your SO right now, maybe wear it for a few months, then see how you feel about it?? I think a diamond close to 2 carats is considered BIG by most people, but after viewing PS members rings, and seeing Celeb rings that are GINORMOUS..we might feel ours is small in comparison! I personally wouldn't want anything bigger (especially now that it's in a halo setting).

ring set into 4 prong & diamond band.jpg


Jul 6, 2007
A pic of the diamond set into a 6 prong head for comparison. Again..I found the diamond looked much larger than it did when it was in the 4 prong head.

ring when set into 6 prong solstice head.jpg
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