
Weekly Workout Thread 14th April till 20th April

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Mar 26, 2006
Hello all! Here is my better check-in than this morning's fly by. I knew I had to do *something* after last night. I was sitting here after dinner thinking, hmmm, I'd like a little something for dessert, and then I remembered I left over donuts in the car from the inspection I did that morning. Well I got them out and ate not ONE but TWO of them. Felt rather lousy afterwards (good! I *deserved* to feel lousy after that!!!) and vowed to climb back on the wagon, ergo this morning's trip to the long lost gym. Anyway...

Lorelei, you're post is so timely! I'm going bridesmaid dress shopping on Wednesday and I vow to try on things "outside my comfort zone" just to see what works. Every once in a whle I do put something on that doesn't appeal to me on the hanger but on the bod it's OK!

Bee, if your're free on Wednesday morning you're welcome to join me in the dress quest.

Marcy, you raise a great point--no matter how much something cost it if doens't look good it might as well have been free. I have been guilty of keeping things longer than I should have just because I paid $$$ for them.

Ellen, thanks for planting the pot roast idea in my head
. The HH has been gone for days now and I'm so starved for a real meal that it's not even funny.

Steph, hope you get in to see the derm soon. And your ring is FAB!

LP, "Stainless Steel Chard" - do tell! I'm always on the lookout for a new great wine and that sounds interesting. Congratulations on the three year anniversary!!! And your quilt is beautiful!

Linda, so sorry that your mom's surgery was delayed. I'll be thinking of you both!

CJ, your "dream" is my "reality" LOL. If you saw my closet you would think you were sleepwalking with all of the pants that will fit me "someday"...

Skippy, I'm always so impressed by your sewing projects! Considering both my mother and my grandmother were professional seamstresses the fact that I can barely do a decent hem is rather sad on my part!

appletini, your avatar puts me in the mood for a little drinkie poo!

Rod, an old friend of Bill's was a travel and food writer in Europe for one of the travel guides (Frommers maybe?). He said it was great in the beginning but after a while he ran out of new and interesting ways to talk about different meals and the fact that a hotel room had a bed, a bathroom, and a window.

Kimi, Tater Tots - YUM! I actually made some the other day but I must not have baked them long enough because they weren't crispy enough for my taste. Maybe I should try another batch!

BTW, where is Mara?!?


May 6, 2007
Hi I have tried to keep up with this thread before, and didn''t last too long, but today I am feeling so inspired by all of you!!! I went to the track today and got a good start to the week. Glad I checked in here so I will stay motivated. You guys are all so supportive of each other, it''s awesome. Keep up the good work everybody and hopefully I will be back tomorrow. I have plans tomorow and the next day to meet friends at the gym! Yea! I do alot better when I have a partner to work out with. Thanks for all of your good examples everyone.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I hope you are having a great day. I had really weird dreams last night so even though I didn’t get any phone calls in the middle of the night I didn’t sleep well. Rats.
We got near 70 degrees today so when I took my new employee over to our other building today to get supplies we walked back around all 3 buildings just to enjoy the weather and of course to have a nice walk. Our forecast actually calls for warm weather every day this week but Wednesday so I am going to wear a new outfit every day this week.
Hi Ellen. It’s good to see you here. You are Lorelei are making me hungry for mashed potatoes – loaded ones of course.
Steph, I hope you had a nice time in the park. Good idea to keep distracted by taking pictures of your pretty new ring. I vote you go buy some new spring clothes. I’ll have to tell you one of my favorite stories. For my birthday last year I got a new cell phone. I’d lost 100 pounds by then. I was showing my friends at work the new phone and some of the wallpapers I’d downloaded and I saw a picture of some woman in my pictures. I said “who the he** is that?” I was all upset my husband took a picture of some woman with my phone. Then I realized it was me – setting on our couch. I didn’t even recognize myself. It is pretty cool we change so much we don’t even know what we look like.
Ladypirate, woo hoo for Kris being cancer free for 3 years. That is wonderful. The quilt you made is beautiful.
DeeJay, yay for a great workout on the elliptical this morning. Have fun shopping for a bridemaid dress this week. It is fun to try on different styles. I actually found some things I never would consider wearing to be some of my favorite clothes. I feel bad giving away expensive clothes but I just don’t feel like wearing clothes I don’t like.
Linda, that’s exciting you need new summer clothes. I would love to go shopping with you. Hurray for you being cancer free for 15 years – you should celebrate every year. That’s cool to have curly hair – mine is very straight so I have to get perms all the time. Lots of PS dust coming you and your mother’s way. My thoughts are with you. Sorry to hear she has to wait another week before her surgery.
CJ, I’m getting a hair cut tomorrow and am really looking forward to it. I just wish my bangs would grow out enough I could get a perm.
Skippy, glad to hear you didn’t get sore from your bike ride. Have fun at class tonight. I hope the teacher helps you fix your loose thread issue. Marty comes home Wednesday evening.
Appletini, yay for a nice walk tonight and getting to enjoy the nice weather. Your dinner sounds marvelous.
Rod, that’s great you guys had a nice time with Charlie’s cousin. Your cherry scone sounds so yummy. I love cherry pie. Thank you so much for thinking I’m an inspiration.
Bee, your aerobics class sounds terrific. Good luck on your exams. I have actually replaced my wardrobe many times by now but my husband doesn’t mind a bit.
Kimi, enjoy your special dinner. Yay for wearing new spring clothes and having a new hair do.
Pavelover, glad you got to the track today. It is nice to have someone to work out with.
Well, take care and I’ll check in tomorrow.


Jul 22, 2007
had a long response, but deleted it. hope all is well. will write later.

thanks, LP for the sugar tips!


Nov 24, 2006
Oh SS, you have a lot on your plate. I will keep you my prayers; I think lots of people want to be the fixers and I am guilty of it. I hope you find the right balance and I will be thinking positive thoughts for you and your family. I am so sorry about your mom, dad and especially your grandma. Lots of healing prayers outgoing.


Jul 22, 2007
Skippy~ thanks. No one is going to know what we''re talking about, I decided I was being a drama queen and deleted it. But, thanks. I guess I am just looking for a happy medium between fixing and having my own life.

You are my sunshine, Skippy!


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys! Just checking in quickly. I am about to do some strength training in a few minutes. I am going to run tonight when Adam gets was too cold out this morning to get motivated to get out of bed! Oh, and I made my dermatology appointment with a skin cancer specialist for next Tues. They were not going to be able to get me in until I explained what the spot on my leg looks like then they got me in. I''m going to try not to think about it until then since there''s nothing I can do about it. Have a great day all!

Appletini, great job on your two-a-days.

Rod, glad you had a good time with Charlie''s cousin. What''s up with this cold weather???

Bee, good luck on your exams.

Kimmi, J is so sweet to make a special dinner for you when you are stressed...hope you enjoyed your meal!

DeeJay, yea for getting back to the gym and thanks for the compliments on my new ring.

Hey, Pavelover. I do better with a friend to motivate me too. Great job!

Marcy, woohoo for wearing your new outfits and your story about hubby''s phone was hilarious.

SS, hope you''re feeling better today.

Hi everyone else!!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 4/14/2008 3:51:37 PM
Author: Rod
Hey there Ellen.......Yummmmm, Pot Roast with carrots and gravy. It's one of my all time fav dishes and one we have a simple, but great recipe for!
Rod, I'd love to hear it if you don't mind sharing!

Sorry Dee.

Hi Marcy, you wonder woman!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 4/15/2008 8:52:31 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 4/14/2008 3:51:37 PM
Author: Rod
Hey there Ellen.......Yummmmm, Pot Roast with carrots and gravy. It's one of my all time fav dishes and one we have a simple, but great recipe for!
Rod, I'd love to hear it if you don't mind sharing!

Sorry Dee.

Hi Marcy, you wonder woman!
me three.
we have the mash taters down pat!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 4/15/2008 8:54:08 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 4/15/2008 8:52:31 AM
Author: Ellen

Rod, I''d love to hear it if you don''t mind sharing!
me three.
we have the mash taters down pat!


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning my WWT friends. I am excited to report I’ve lost another pound. Woo hoo! Too bad today is pizza buffet day at work. Oh well, I plan on eating 2 small pieces and will have fruit for supper.
SS, thinking of you and hoping your world looks brighter today.
Steph, glad to hear the doctor will see you next week. Easier said than done – but try not to worry about it. Have a great run tonight. The picture on my phone was pretty funny – my husband was in so much trouble taking a picture of some strange woman on my new phone. Tee hee.
Ellen, thanks for the nice compliment. I do often look in the mirror and wonder – is that really me?
Lorelei, I am wearing a new style today. I picked up a ¾ length sleeve pullover sweater that has the pouch pocket on the front. I always thought they made me look heavier but I like this one on me.
Have a great day everyone.



Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Hamburgers and tator tots, hit the spot. They were crispy, DeeJay (by the way, Mara is in Palm Springs). When I make them I get anxious about eating them so I always take them out of the over too soon. Wow, too many "thems" in a sentence.

Pave, it can be hard to keep up, just check in when you can! No pressure.

Alright, Lorelei and Ellen, enough with the mashed potatoes talk. We all know that means loads of butter.

Hope you love how your hair comes out, Marcy. Enjoy wearing your new outfits.

Somethingshiny, whatever is going on, take care of yourself.

Steph, glad you have an appt. Don''t freak out in the meantime. No more googling symptoms.

Have a great day all.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 4/15/2008 9:19:16 AM
Author: marcyc
Good morning my WWT friends. I am excited to report I’ve lost another pound. Woo hoo! Too bad today is pizza buffet day at work. Oh well, I plan on eating 2 small pieces and will have fruit for supper.
SS, thinking of you and hoping your world looks brighter today.
Steph, glad to hear the doctor will see you next week. Easier said than done – but try not to worry about it. Have a great run tonight. The picture on my phone was pretty funny – my husband was in so much trouble taking a picture of some strange woman on my new phone. Tee hee.
Ellen, thanks for the nice compliment. I do often look in the mirror and wonder – is that really me?
Lorelei, I am wearing a new style today. I picked up a ¾ length sleeve pullover sweater that has the pouch pocket on the front. I always thought they made me look heavier but I like this one on me.
Have a great day everyone.

Good for you Marcy and you are on a roll with the dropping pounds now, what is it - minus 152 now????


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 4/15/2008 9:23:42 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Alright, Lorelei and Ellen, enough with the mashed potatoes talk. We all know that means loads of butter.
What''s yer point?



Nov 6, 2007
Good morning, all! Been MIA for a bit due to having a nasty upper respiratory infection last week (darn allergy meds
). I did my workouts as best as I could last week (cardio & weight training), but I did have to miss kickboxing due to my heavy congestion, which bummed me out. Being sick also set me back a week on my 5k training, although the plan I chose is a couch to 5k run plan and I have already been working out for a while. I should be able to make it to kickboxing this Thursday, as I am feeling much better this week, although still not back to 100%. BF & I had ice skating on Saturday, which was a ton of fun as always. We have one last lesson this coming Saturday but are thinking of taking another batch this spring/summer since we''ve had so much fun with this set! BTW - you guys are making me so hungry with all the wonderful food talk
. I''m glad to be getting back to normal with my workouts this week and back on the boards with all you lovely ladies and gentleman

Lorelei - Great opener as always! It''s sometimes hard to get out of the mindset of our old, heavier selves. This is a great time of year for those that have worked so hard so show it to the world!
Bee - Your aerobics class sounds so fun!
marcy - Congrats on another pound!!
Steph - Love the new''s gorgeous! Happy Anniversary!
ladypirate - Yeah for Kris and you on three years cancer free! Love the quilt!
Linda - My thoughts and prayers are with you, your mom, and your family as she faces surgery.
Rod - I agree with the others...the food that you and Charlie have always sounds so delicious!

Hi Skippy, Ellen, Dee*Jay, CJ, Ellen, appletini, Kim, and all the others I''ve missed. Have a great day, everyone!



Nov 24, 2006
Hi WWT Friends! It is beautiful today but it might be windy this afternoon. I will be going to muscle hour tonight.

Last night was fun in sewing class and I got pretty far; hopefully next time I will be done. My little nephew is turning 6 Sunday so I need to mail off his bday gift today; I bought him and his brother a few polos and some cool Spiderman goodies (I hope they like them). Hope everyone is having a fantastic day

Pavelover, Glad you checked in and yay for the gym!

Marcy, hey, I had a nutty dream last night too!!! Yay for more sewing Marcy and yay for more weight loss!!! Whooo hooo for wearing new outfits!

SS, darn, if I saw the revised posted I could have deleted mine; sending you good vibes! Is your kiddo doing yoga with you? I thought that was darling he was doing yoga too!

Steph, enjoy your strength training!!! Glad you have an appt.

Kimi, how sweet of John to make you dinner; sounds like a good guy!

Hey Ellen and Lorelei!!

Patiently waiting, sorry about the allergy meds. Good for the workouts! Enjoy the ice skating this weekend, fun!

DeeJay, doughnuts are better than an Einstein bagel calorie wise; yay for getting back on track. Can't wait to see you dress!!! Wish I could go shopping w/you; you will look awesome! I will have to post my robe when I am done sewing it. hehe

Apple, yay for your walk/jog!!

Bee, whooo hooo for step. I miss step; the more choreographed the better.
Hope you find the perfect purple dresses for the bm's.

Rod, you lunch sounds yummy!!! I love clam chowder, yum! No fair, to the Paneras


May 14, 2006
Hi everyone. Just back from WW and I got my next silver seven! I lost another 2.5lbs so now I''m 15.5 lbs down in total! Woohoo!! I''m so happy! Exam was hard today and have to get back to studying for our other one tomorrow. Have to get Amber out for her walk this evening too. Hope that everyone is doing well.

Dee*Jay-I wish I could go shopping with you tomorrow! If you can fly over to Ireland, I can meet you after the exam

Hi pavelover
Keep at it. It will be worth it in the end.

Marcy-wow I wish we had the weather that you''re getting. It sounds fab! Sorry to hear that you had another sleepless night. That''s great that your husband doesn''t mind you replacing your wardrobe a couple of times.

SS-hope that everything is ok.

Thanks Steph-Enjoy your run tonight. Please try not to worry about the appointment. I know that it''s easier said than done, but you''ll do yourself no good worrying about it.

Patiently-sorry to hear that you were unwell. Hope that you''re feeling much better. Hopefully you''ll get back to your kickboxing class this week. Don''t do too much though if you''re feeling sick.

Skippy-I love the choreographed step too. It''s great fun. Have fun at muscle hour tonight! Wish your nephew a happy birthday from me!


Dec 28, 2005

It''s chilly today. Beautiful and sunny, but chilly. Still nothing happening on the job hunt. Either I''m not qualified, or I''m over qualified. Still, I remain optimistic that something will come along. I''m heading to the gym in a couple minutes and will work out hard.

I''m glad you''re finding our family inspiring Pave!

Sorry you didn''t sleep well last night Marcy. I have sleepless nights too and I hate them.

Somethingshiny, I didn''t see the post you deleted, but hope you''re doing OK? Don''t be afraid to post what''s troubling you. That''s why we''re all here. To support each other.

I''m sure you can''t wait to see the Dermatologist Steph. Until then, I''m glad you''re continuing to work out. Working out can be such a stress reliever!

Ellen and Lorelei, the recipe''s pretty simple and is the recipe my mom uses. It''s really good though. Here goes:

1 Pot Roast or Brisket works well too, but I prefer Pot Roast
2 Whole Onions
6 (or more) Carrots
3 (or more) Potatoes
6 (or more) Stalks of Celery
1 Packet Liptons Onion/Mushroom Soup Mix
1 Can Cambells Tomato Soup
Seasoned Salt; Seasoned Pepper; Garlic Powder


Preheat oven to 350 degree''s
Take a nice size baking pan and line it with heavy duty aluminum foil (leave enough on all sides to attach more foil to)
Slice at least 1/2 of an onion and place in the center of the pan
Place pot roast on top of sliced onions
In a separate bowl mix Soup Mix and Canned Tomato Soup together
Cut remaining onion, potato''s, carrots and celery into nice size chunks
Place cut veggies completely around the pot roast (don''t be afriad to mound them on top of each other)
Season the roast and veggies with seasoned salt, seasoned Pepper and garlic powder
Pour mixed soup mix on the top of the pot roast only (note: the mixture should be thick and pasty)
Completely seal the roast and veggies with aluminum foil so that the contents are completely air tight (hence the reason for leaving foil on all sides to attach the top piece to)
Bake at 350 degree''s in a preheated oven for at least 30 minutes to the pound of meat

When finished baking let stand for 10 minutes, then open carefully as the steam will be hot. Serve with plenty of gravy on the meat and veggies and ENJOY!

It is one of my all time favorite cold weather meals!

Sorry you''ve been sick PW, but hope you are feeling much better now!

Enjoy muscle hour Skippy!! Sorry about the Panera reference

Yay for being down 15.5 pounds bee*!!

I''ll check back with everyone later!


Aug 17, 2007
Hi everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great week so far!

I didn''t get to workout much over the weekend as I was at SO''s parents house and we had a lot going on. I managed to sneak in a 30 min brisk walk but that was about it. I was a little disappointed but I think my body welcomed the break.

Monday was a very blah day workout wise. I just wasn''t feeling it. It threw me off the rest of the day. Today is a major improvement. I did 30 mins at level 8 on the elliptical and my strength circut. I also weighed myself and it looks like I''ve lost about 2 lbs. which pleased me. I will know for sure next week when I have my official weigh-in. So I am keeping my fingers crossed. I did eat a piece of cake this weekend at a birthday party...oops!

Ladypirate - that quilt is AMAZING!!!

Dee*Jay - 60 min on the elliptical - wow! Pat yourself on the back for that!

Lorelei - This weeks opener was bittersweet for me. I remember when I had first lost weight the feeling of being able to go into any store and fit into sizes I never thought I''d ever fit into again moved me to tears in the dressing room several times. I am disappointed in myself for gainging back the weight but am really really looking forward to having that feeling again!

Linda - Congrats on being cancer free!! I''d celebrate it every year too!

Appletini - Great job on your two a days!!!

bee* - Congrats on 15.5 down! That''s fantastic!!!

Rob - Excellent pot roast recipie. I will have to try that!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi everyone,

I had a doctor''s appointment to day and I am in shock. I had a blood test last week and he had the results back. I am a couple of points away from be a diabetic. Now how in the hell did that happen?? Geez Louise.

He told me I have to watch my eating and what to stay away from. I already watch what I eat. Is anyone here diabetic and can give me advice???? I have to stay away from sugar now, which I more or less do, but even more now. I am really in shock.

I will post more later, I have a few errands to do, then I will post to everyone individually.

I feel so sorry for Beacon, loosing Tajj. I wish I could post his Youtube video, but it isn''t allowed. He was just as cute as a button.



Nov 24, 2006
Oh Linda I am so sorry. I think you could go to a book store and find a book which gives you amounts of sugars in foods (Glycemic Index); my parents are diabetic and I attended training w/them so I could help them. There are lots of sugars in veggies and fruits and white breads/pasta (carbs). Just an few examples of high sugar foods are, peas, bananas, carrots, pineapple, white breads. Sometimes they offer classes at your local hospital for diabetics or borderline diabetics and you might want to buy a blood sugar monitor test kit. I am sorry Linda but I think you have time to prevent it??? ((((HUGS))))) Linda. Hopefully our wonderful Apple will chime in; I think she is a doctor and can give you more info.

Rod, stay warm; I just heart you. You crack me up w/the Panera
hehehe You are in my prayers mister! Stay warm

Bee, whooo hooooo kudos for 2.5 lbs; that is AWESOME girl!!!! You rock!

KeepingTF, glad you are back! Good for you on the walks YAY for the 2lbs; whooo hooo!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Thanks Skippy,

Geez, those foods you listed, don''t leave much to eat do they? Ha!! I eat a banana every day and a lot of carrots. I am going to do what you say and look into a class here. Thank you for your input sweetie pie.



Nov 29, 2004
Date: 4/15/2008 4:57:16 PM
Author: Skippy123
Oh Linda I am so sorry. I think you could go to a book store and find a book which gives you amounts of sugars in foods (Glycemic Index); my parents are diabetic and I attended training w/them so I could help them. There are lots of sugars in veggies and fruits and white breads/pasta (carbs). Just an few examples of high sugar foods are, peas, bananas, carrots, pineapple, white breads. Sometimes they offer classes at your local hospital for diabetics or borderline diabetics and you might want to buy a blood sugar monitor test kit. I am sorry Linda but I think you have time to prevent it??? ((((HUGS))))) Linda. Hopefully our wonderful Apple will chime in; I think she is a doctor and can give you more info.
LOL! If you are referring to me, unfortunately I cannot help...I am an accountant. But if you have questions about oil & gas I''m your girl!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 4/15/2008 7:27:49 PM
Author: appletini

Date: 4/15/2008 4:57:16 PM
Author: Skippy123
Oh Linda I am so sorry. I think you could go to a book store and find a book which gives you amounts of sugars in foods (Glycemic Index); my parents are diabetic and I attended training w/them so I could help them. There are lots of sugars in veggies and fruits and white breads/pasta (carbs). Just an few examples of high sugar foods are, peas, bananas, carrots, pineapple, white breads. Sometimes they offer classes at your local hospital for diabetics or borderline diabetics and you might want to buy a blood sugar monitor test kit. I am sorry Linda but I think you have time to prevent it??? ((((HUGS))))) Linda. Hopefully our wonderful Apple will chime in; I think she is a doctor and can give you more info.
LOL! If you are referring to me, unfortunately I cannot help...I am an accountant. But if you have questions about oil & gas I'm your girl!
That is funny!! Sorry, I always thought you were a doctor. hehe I wonder where I got that from?? I know Crown (I think) is studying to be a doctor?

Back from muscle hour; off to figure out what we should eat for dinner
Sweet dreams all


Nov 29, 2004
I did my walk/jog routine this evening...2 miles in 30 minutes. I plan to at least walk when I get home tomorrow b/c I am having dinner at friends house, don''t want to get too gross.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey from Chilly Florida. They say we may break a tempurature record tonight. I like the cool weather though. It''s bitter cold I can''t stand. After posting the pot roast recipe (it is really worth a try!), I went directly to the gym and had a nice 2.5 hour workout. It actually started off a bit on the sluggish side, but once I got going, I really got into it. Nothing super to report, but I''m so glad I went. Even if I''m feeling down before exercising, I ALWAYS feel so much better afterwards. For dinner we had some leftover tomato, cucumber and onion salad we made on Sunday, plus a nice bowl of piping hot chicken noodle soup (we got it at our favorite little specialty grocery earlier in the day) and a piece of baked chicken. Then, even though it''s chilly outside, we decided to go get our evening cup of coffee and sat under the oak (wearing a jacket of course!). It was really pleasant outside. And in about a month or so, we''ll be so wishing we had a cool night again, so it was nice to take advantage of the coolness while we could!! I was still hungry afterwards, so when we came home, I popped some popcorn and watched American Idol.

Linda, I''m sorry to hear about the diagnosis. I hope that making the right changes in your diet will be all that''s necessary. Perhaps it would be a really good idea to schedule an appointment with a competent nutritionist, who can help you with meal planning, etc. I''m not sure if we have any Doctor''s here on the WWT, but I believe Sharon (Canuk-Gal) is a nurse and maybe she can offer some additional guidance. Sorry I can''t help you, except to be here to support you and encourage you in any way I can.........

And you know I HEART YOU RIGHT BACK Skippy!!!!

I evidently applied for some position on CareerBuilder recently and the company responded, by asking only what my salary requirement is? Not a thank you for your application. We''d like to speak with you. You have a good background. Nothing like that. All they wrote was, "what''s your salary requirement?" I wrote a nice response back, but I''m telling you it''s tough in the job hunting world. As a recruiter, I was so much more considerate of candidates.

Anyway, back to your regular programming. Sleep well everyone!


Jun 15, 2006
G''Evening All!

I have nothing thrilling to report, as usual. June 17 my life becomes mine again. In the meantime I''m just going to keep chuggin'' along. We had pasta and salad for dinner. Yum.

Linda, my sister had gestational diabetes and controlled it through diet; she did a fantastic job of avoiding insulin, something she absolutely didn''t want to take as she''s terrified of needles which made taking her blood sugar was hard enough. I can ask her for food recommendations if you''d like? I''m so sorry about the frustrating!

Rod, we really warmed up, it was 93 in downtown San Diego on Sunday, which is unheard of, and now it''s cold at our house and looking like drizzle. Strange. Anyways, I love cool weather and open all the windows when it''s chilly (SD chilly that is) outside; John is not such a fan, but it''s my favorite.

Have a great night all.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I hope you had a great day. I did stick with my 2 pieces of pizza at lunch (thin crust cheese only), salad and the cc cookie. I was very hungry for supper so I had some beef and mashed potatoes instead of just fruit. I was wandering around the mall tonight so I had a junior size TCBY – it was yummy. I haven’t had TCBY for about a year. Thanks to all of you for the many congratulations for me loosing another pound.
Kimi, hamburgers and tater tots sound great. I’m looking forward to getting my hair cut tomorrow. I have been having fun wearing my new spring clothes this week. June 17th will be here before you know it.
Lorelei, I am minus 153 pounds now. I enjoyed my pouch pocket sweater today; it was fun for a change.
Ellen, LOL. Mmm mashed potatoes – you notice I had some for supper. Of course I only used a tiny amount of butter.
PW, sorry to hear you’ve been sick. I hope you get over it soon.
Skippy, yay for having a great sewing class last night. I am sure your nephews will adore their new outfits and look very cute in them as well.
Bee, congratulations for loosing another 2.5 pounds. Good luck on your next exam too. When is your semester over? My husband spoils me pretty good.
Rod, your roast sounds yummy. I know Marty would love it. I’ll have to surprise him with it some day when he comes home from golf. Stay warm. We are getting rain and snow again tomorrow.
KTF, congratulations for loosing 2 pounds. No worries on eating a piece of cake; sometimes you need a treat.
Linda, I am so sorry to hear your news but as Skippy, Rod and Kimi said you can work on turning it around. I am sending you a big hug.
Appletini, have fun at dinner tonight.
Well, I must go grade papers again.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi everyone.

Kimberly, yes, I would appreciate asking your sister for eating ideas. I don''t have to take my blood sugar yet!!! I go back to see him again next month, so will see what he says then.

Rod: Glad you had a wonderful day. I love your description of food, tee hee. I wish you tons of fairy dust on the job search for you and Charlie. I wish you both just could retire!! BTW the pot roast recipe looks delicious.

PW: Thank you for your good wishes about my mom. Her surgery has been changed to next week.

Skippy: Your nephews will love Spiderman goodies. My grandboys love anything Spiderman. My Andrew turned 6 last October. I bet your nephew is a cutie pie.

Marcy: YAY for losing another pound lady!! Soon you are going to blow away. You are doing so well. I am so proud of you, as we all are.

Bee: HOOOORAY for you, down 15.5 pounds. You and Marcy are doing fantastic.

Hello to everyone else


Have a great evening.



Jun 15, 2006
Hi Linda, I just sent her an email. I''ll let you know what she says as soon as I hear back from her.
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