
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Nov 20, 2006
qt haha, all it takes is for me to leave once and the poor boy is scared sh!tless that i will do it again. i know i''m a mean mom for doing it, but it really does work. just today we went out and he wanted to play at the fountain so i said he can go as long as he holds onto my hand. well he started to run and i said, "ok brady mommy''s leaving now, i''ll see you in a few days!" and the poor kid came running back to me.

burk well it''ll be exciting to break ground in spring or sooner if possible. either way, it is exciting! DH and i are deciding whether we would like to move before baby or a few months after. either way is fine with me. i really don''t prefer one over the other, but i think it''s just the thrill of having a bigger home that does it for me. haha. has T been taking to the potty again? B tells me that he''s saving his little boy potty for his little brother and he will just use the big boy potty from now on, which made life so much easier!! it''s great that she''s using excuse me, it''s so cute when they start to do it right. i sued to get in B''s way just so that he could say "excuse me." haha.

lili i asked B if he would help with diaper changes and he said "of course, i will change the diaper." haha. we''ll see what actually happens. and yes, that is a camera. funny thing is that he actually KNOWS how to use it. i thought it was just pure luck, but one day he turned it on, focused it, and zoomed in to take a pic of me and DH together. possible future photographer? and when he takes a bad picture, he knows how to go to the menu screen and delete it. it''s our old digi that we no longer use, so that''s his. heehee, J knows what she wants that''s for sure!!


May 1, 2005
Thanks QT, we''re waiting on the third test result and go from there.

Thanks lili, J sounds like a tough girl or maybe she is like little B,
higher pain tolerance. When little B cracked his head and got 5 stitches, he only
cried after he hit the table and when we held him down to get stitches. I was crying
louder then he was at the ER. That picture of J sleeping on the bed cracks me up,
I have some funny photos of little B sleeping picture that I should load it up.
Does J sleep between you and your DH or little bed you got set up on the floor?

Thanks puffy, I''m really wishing this test result will be back with better numbers.
He is doing well, very active or should I say hyper. DH bought him a set of lego over the weekend
and he is into legos right now but more of throwing them then playing them.

Thanks LIA, we have been through a lot this past year. I have to say the kiddo is stronger
then I am. Back when little B was younger, he''ll drink about 4-5 times of formula a day and each
time is between 5~7 oz. and of course snacks in between if he''ll take them.

Thanks Burk, I''m antsy on getting the result.


May 16, 2006
Bobo--ohhh, okay, gotcha. I was reading it as ''pop'' not ''pooped''. Yes, i can see now how a toddler''s body would get run down when the thyroid is out of whack. I really hope everything turns out okay.

Puffy--you are not big at all! You look fantasitc. But oy, that would totally bug me too. Why do MIL''sl say things like that? When i was pregnant my MIL was constantly remarking on how little i was. But then a few weeks ago we were talking about my pregnancy and i forget what prompted her to say it, but she said something followed by "and you were huge" ...ummm, okay, so i guess she forgot how often she lied to me during the pregnancy
You are all baby so don''t worry for a minute. It must just be an annoying MIL thing
Oh and so cute about B wanting to help with the diapers, that''s adorable.

Lili--i always smile when i see pics of your bedroom. It''s like your family has a slumber party every night. Does J ever wake up and try to climb on the bed in the middle of the night? Does she wake up when you and DH go to bed , or is she used to the noise?

Co started gymnastics class yesterday
As i stated on FB, i think this is so funny cuz he''s not that stable on his own 2 feet but apparently he kept up with all the 2 yr olds. My MIL took him and he was walking/running everywhere and even walked the balance beam (with assistance of course)
. Why then does he still prefer to crawl at home. So wacky.
I am so anxious to find out if TTC attempts work this month. I have this feeling that i won''t get pregnant easily this time b/c we are actually *trying*. But we shall see....


May 9, 2006
lili~Nope, T is not fully potty trained. She pees in her potty before her bath and at random times when she chooses to (like this morning she just told me she needed to go potty and went on her potty
). I plan to full on potty train the last week in October when I''m home for fall break. She''s so smart and knows exactly what she''s doing, just super stubborn. I figure some "accidents" in underwear may just do the trick.
So funny about J shopping. T is the same way. It would be so nice if the stores had little carts. It would keep T entertained for at least a few minutes! Oh, and yes, T''s feet finally much that she pretty much skipped 5''s and is a 5.5 now!

puffy~The plans are done, our lot is purchased, it is just exciting to know that we''re on our way to breaking ground. DH keeps telling me that he doesn''t want to move before the baby gets here because I''ll be preggo and crabby and he''ll have to do all the work.
We''ll see. As long as we''re in a bigger house before we have two mobile, that''s all that matters. I''m sure you feel that way too. Doesn''t really matter when they''re just lumps. ha ha. Excuse me is such a hard one and T had parts down but is just now getting to the point where she uses it appropriately most of the time. It is so cute and I''ll admit I may have "tested" T like you did B once or twice.

Jas12~I''m so excited to find out if you''re preggo again so I can''t even imagine what YOU''RE going through.
SO cute about Co at gymnastics. One of my BFF''s has her son in gymnastics, too, and he loves it!!


May 1, 2005
woohoo! I got a called from little B''s pedi last night @ 7 p.m. he passed the thyroid test this time! The pedi still want to keep a close eye on him so we''ll be taking him in in two months to get it check again. But he still failed the carbon dioxide test, the pedi said that is the acidity of the body. But at least he is passing the acid thru his urine so that is good. Nothing we can do on our part so far so we''ll just have to watch him closely...


Oct 6, 2004
Bobo, that is such wonderful news! So happy for you! Hope things continue to improve.

lili, haha what a funny picture of J! Does she always sleep in our bed? Will she not sleep in a crib?

LIA, D is nursed or gets the bottle 4 times a day, around 7, 11:30, 3:30, 6:30. He drinks about 6-7 oz from the bottle. We feed him a meal 3 times a day. I would try to cut out one nursing session and see how it goes. Are you still pumping at work?


Nov 20, 2006
bobo WONDERFUL news!!! hopefully it will continue to look up for the little guy. he has been through so much!

burk that''s great that T''s using her potty again. she''s still young, so there really isn''t a rush there, but it''s great that she''s back on it. i totally understand about being in a bigger house before 2 mobile kids!! it seems like this house is barely big enough for B to run around. haha.

jas12 that is so funny that your MIL ''lied'' to you during your pregnancy. but it''s so weird with my MIL, it''s like she makes it a point to tell me that i am HUGE! what is that about?!?! oh well. so cute that Co is in gymnastics class and keeping up with all the other little toddlers. keep us posted on the TTC news. i am so excited for you!!


Jan 3, 2005
bobo- that is seriously wonderful news! I hope as he keeps growing that he will be able to outgrow some of this!!

jas12-my sister is TTC too and says almost the exact same things you do. It''s funny though b/c I thought for sure I''d have a harder time getting preggo with baby #2 which is part of the reason we decided to "just see what happens" right before my oldest''s first b-day. wouldn''t you know I was preggo 2 weeks after that conversation so It really can happen quicker than you think.

burk-good luck with the upcoming potty training. it sure does sound like T is ready.

not much going on here. Jake is still adding about one new word a day to his vocabulary which is fun.


May 1, 2005
Thanks Jas12, how cool that Co walked the balance beam! Good luck on TTC.

Thanks snlee, puffy & MrsS, I hope he will outgrow this.


Nov 14, 2004
Yay on the great news. Hope it continues.


May 9, 2006
Bobo~Great news!! yay!!

puffy~She is still young...just kind of annoying sometimes because she clearly knows what she''s doing and it''s just her attitude that''s in the way!
Oh well. You''re right, at least she''s using it sometimes. I feel like our house isn''t big enough for T either so if we had two mobile in this house I think I''d go nuts. Our goal is to be in the new house by next August. New baby will only be 6 months then so just getting close to possibly being mobile so I think it''ll be safe.

mrss~Thanks! We need all the luck we can get in the PT area!!

Not much new here. T has started calling her daddy by his first name (not knowing really what she''s doing, but knowing we laugh every time she does it). It''s pretty entertaining. Other than that-DH is crazy busy with work and I''m busy with volleyball so we barely ever see each other. He''s bringing T to my VB games tomorrow so that should be fun. My mom brought her to my game on Tuesday and was tired by the end of the night! T does NOT sit still!


Nov 20, 2006
burk haha, it was so funny when B was calling DH by his first name, but he grew out of it. sometimes he will call DH "hey!!" cause he hears me saying that to him all the time. and when DH calls me "honey" or anything like that B gets so mad. he will scream at DH and say "she is my mommy, MY honey." haha, cracks me up. well since T knows what she is doing with the potty, when it is time to PT her, it''ll be a breeze!

had my 25 week appt yesterday...gained a total of 8 lbs thus far. i''m ok with that. it just seems like i have gained much more cause the belly is really starting to pop more and more. but my doc says everything is measuring right on time, which was nice to hear.

and we are booked for disneyland!!! we''re taking B for the halloween festivities and trick or treating there. we''re not going for another month, but i''m glad that we are finally booked. B''s excited as can be. he asks me almost every morning when we are going to "the happiest place on earth." haha. he knows that''s disneyland.

hope everyone is having a good day!


Nov 18, 2004
gack! i hate it when ps eats my post.

haha, isn''t it fun having hot-bodied traveling sleeper?
J''s especially mobile when she''s hot.
she hates blankets too. always kicking them off when i put it over her -- even just a sheet.
as soon as it touches her legs (since she''s in a onesie or tank), she''ll grunt and kick it away.

your Brady amazes w/ the stuff he does and say.
wow, what a smartie! how nice, your younger one will have a good teacher

glad to hear that your appt. went well.
phtttp....i gained that much in my first trimester!


Nov 18, 2004
that''s great news about results!
Hoping it continues. You and little B have gone through so much.
Wow, B was drinking alot.
Is he drinking that much still?
Any progress on the eating front?

Haha, I think she does have higher tolerance for pain like B.
One time when she was fussing while I tried to change her poopy diaper, I warned her about getting smacked.
Usually, it''s just a light type, but this time I underestimated my force and left a good handprint on her thigh.
Her dad even flinched when it happened...she stopped immediately, her eyes popped open, and she just bit down on her lips but no cry.
I smacked myself later (still didn''t leave a print) but it did sting

Haha, that girl does karate kick in her sleep.
There is no way she can be sandwiched between us.
Hubby actually sleeps in another room cuz he''s a real light sleeper.
J used to sleep on the bed down on the floor, but she''d wake up in the middle of the night and asked to come up on the big bed.

haha, it look so messy.
I have to move that bed back to her room and move her there.
Like I told Bobo, she did, so I just let her sleep w/ me for now.
She''s actually a pretty heavy sleeper and will sleep through anything.
But when she''s trying to fall asleep, any little noise or distraction is going to keep her up just because she''ll find any reason to not go to sleep. exciting about your TTC attempt this month. when will you be able to find out?

That is too funny about Co walking and running w/ the 2yrs and still wanting to crawl at home.
Is it because you were not there w/ him and so he doesn''t have to pretend that he doesn''t know how to walk so that mommy will still carry him?


Nov 18, 2004
Haha, I think so too.
T already knows what to do w/ the potty, so it should be a breeze w/ the PT next month.
She''ll be trained w/in a week.
Hehe, I don''t know about you, but I find myself less able w/ a baby.
I was able to do more around the house when I was preggo.
Besides, it''s not like you guys are going to be doing the move yourself. You are going to have movers right?
Or is hubby just doesn''t want to deal w/ those wacky preggo hormones? :)
for making progress w/ your home.
I thought for sure you''d be celebrating this holiday in that great room of yours.

Thanks. She pretty much sleeps w/ me on the bed.
I never did get her a crib. I tried putting her in the pack-n-play when she was a baby and she just didn''t sleep well in it.
I''m hoping to move her to her own room soon. I''ll have to get her to sleep in her own bed first though.

Jake is going to be a walking dictionary pretty soon.
So, do you keep a log of all the words he can say?


Sep 21, 2006
quick question (I''ll catch up more later..), anyone have a suggestion on how to cover sharp furniture edges? Not the corners, but front edges of bookcases, side tables. C keeps standing, turning to see me and slipping and hitting the side of her head with the sharp''s awful. I am looking for something simple..thin felt cover, not the big poofy foam ones. I feel like these products were so much simpler years ago....

thanks and will write more soon!


May 9, 2006
puffy~I think I remember you mentioning when B was in the stage of calling your DH by his first name. Too funny! You''re doing great with the weight gain. I''m pretty sure I''ve already gained 8lb and I''m only 18.5 wks. I am just one of the lucky ones who seems to gain, gain, gain no matter what with pregnancy. Yay me.
I gained 45lb w/ T. Yay for Disneyland too!

lili~T has a bit of an attitude so I am pretty sure it''ll be a fight to PT, but you''re right, at least she knows what she''s doing. I think I would probably be more likely to get stuff done in the new house preggo w/ T as opposed to with 2 little ones, but oh well. Our house hasn''t sold yet so we''ll just wait and if it doesn''t sell we''ll break ground in Jan/Feb and plan to rent out house. As long as I''m in before I have 2 mobile I''ll be happy. I''ll have to host Thanksgiving next year instead.

janine~I''ve only seen the foam ones....sorry I can''t be more help. I bought leather ottomans for our coffee table since I was preggo at the time and LOVE them for both toy storage and the fact that she can''t get hurt on them.

We''re hosting a big vb tourney this weekend. I need to run and grab some lunch and then head to set up nets. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
T just put Plex and Toodee (yo gabba gabba dolls) on the table to put them to "bed." She was saying "shhhh...Plex...night, night. Quiet! Shhh...Toodee...night night" and had her finger to her mouth while "shhing." It was pretty cute. She was even rubbing their backs.

Q, my sister doesn''t have her pro pictures back! Hopefully soon.

Lili, I was "Ma" forever. Then "Mama" and the past month she has finally started calling me (and all my things) "Mommy." She will point to my laptop, clothes, anything and say "Mommy. Mommy." That is such a cute picture!

Puffy, you are tiny. Ignore. Ignore. T is as crazy as ever.

Burk, I need to use a leather protector on her shoes. Any ideas? T has called DH by his first name forever. She started really young and at first he was sad and would say "no, I am daddy." Now he just accepts it. She switches off.

Bobo, I am thinking about you guys! Glad he passed his thyroid test. That is good news!

MrsS, did you see my lunchbox question?


Jan 3, 2005
tacori- I thought I responded to your question but maybe I just imagined it, you know...mommy brain hehe.....anyway, I bought Jake a lunchbox from potterybarnkids. I love their kid gear and get most of my kids backpacks and lunch boxes from there. As for what I he got a cup of kiwi and cut up grapes, a yogurt tube with a straw (his teacher said she would help him with it) some cut of cheese, shredded turkey and some teddy grahams and milk in a sippy. Sometimes I pack pretzels or goldfish or something too. I doubt he will eat it all but I always worry that he doesn''t have enough

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 9/18/2009 2:20:44 PM
Author: mrssalvo
tacori- I thought I responded to your question but maybe I just imagined it, you know...mommy brain hehe.....anyway, I bought Jake a lunchbox from potterybarnkids. I love their kid gear and get most of my kids backpacks and lunch boxes from there. As for what I he got a cup of kiwi and cut up grapes, a yogurt tube with a straw (his teacher said she would help him with it) some cut of cheese, shredded turkey and some teddy grahams and milk in a sippy. Sometimes I pack pretzels or goldfish or something too. I doubt he will eat it all but I always worry that he doesn''t have enough

So C''s would work well for T? It isn''t too big is it? Do you pack the food in tupperware?


Nov 20, 2006
lili haha, B amazes me all the time. over half the time, i am thinking, "where in the world did you learn that?" it''s crazy how kids pick stuff up so quickly. he already said that he''s going to help mommy change diapers and put baby to sleep and even sleep with the baby so mommy can get some sleep too. can you tell that he doesn''t like me too much when i am sleep deprived? haha. how is J doing? i hope she''s been staying cold free for awhile?

janine i''m with Burk on this one, we have leather ottomans, and a few tables we do have, DH moved them to the side once B started to pull himself up. maybe you can go to a fabric store and just get large pieces of felt and cover them for the time being?

tacori how adorable that T was putting her dolls to sleep!!! so CUTE!! haha, i can''t imagine T being any crazier than normal, your girl is definitely full of personality. i''m really not that tiny, i think all 8 lbs are in the belly because that is expanding FAST!!

burk you look great, you really do!!! B doesn''t really call DH by his first name anymore, well sometimes when he is trying hard to get DH''s attention. most of the time, it''s "hey" or "hey daddy." so funny. when B calls DH "hey," DH will not respond on purpose, then B will resort to his name. we are all super excited about disneyland!! i love love love disneyland!! how is T doing?

have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 9/18/2009 3:32:19 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 9/18/2009 2:20:44 PM

Author: mrssalvo

tacori- I thought I responded to your question but maybe I just imagined it, you know...mommy brain hehe.....anyway, I bought Jake a lunchbox from potterybarnkids. I love their kid gear and get most of my kids backpacks and lunch boxes from there. As for what I he got a cup of kiwi and cut up grapes, a yogurt tube with a straw (his teacher said she would help him with it) some cut of cheese, shredded turkey and some teddy grahams and milk in a sippy. Sometimes I pack pretzels or goldfish or something too. I doubt he will eat it all but I always worry that he doesn''t have enough

So C''s would work well for T? It isn''t too big is it? Do you pack the food in tupperware?

Jake has the preschool backpack which is small. almost too small but it''s really cute. the lunch box in the regular kid size and it is big but I have to send a sippy cup with milk and there is a spot in the lunch box to hold it. I bought the PBK tupperware lunchbox storage things. I do have some tupperware I use as well and sometimes I just put things in the snack size baggies.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
MrsS, thanks! I might go for it since she can grow into it. Plus I have to send a snack too so big might not be bad. Where did you get his backpack or did you already tell us?

Puffy, you can ask Princesss. She got to meet Tessa a few days ago. I gained 55lbs total with T so don''t even whine to me about 8lbs
Seriously though you are growing a human being and you look great!


Nov 20, 2006
tacori did i miss something? is T going to school? heehee, i''m not really complaining about the weight gain. it just seems like i have gotten a lot bigger than 8 lbs. when is T going to get a little brother or sister? have you still been going to the gym? i bet they still love T over there!!

mrsS how is jake doing with school?


Nov 18, 2004
I hear you on those sharp edges.
Unfortunately, the only protector I''ve seen are those poofy ones.
Got 2 myself that I haven''t even put it up yet.

Tacori-- cute is that T is putting her babies to sleep.
She''s going to be a very good big sister


Nov 18, 2004
Yeah, a bigger place by the time you get 2 mobile kids is nice.
That''s great that you guys will break ground after the holidays.
Wait, is that about the same time frame that you are going deliver?

Fingers crossed everything will work out.

Good luck w/ the VB tourney.

And you look great!
Hardly a bump at all.
In fact, I think you are actually smaller than when you were carrying T.
And 45 lbs will be nothing for your statuesque frame -- lucky girl!

Haha, don''t we all always pack just a little too much for our little ones?
YOu know, I got J those yokid yogurt tube.
She didn''t like it
Took one lick and walked away.
Then I put a straw in it and she took one sip and said "no".
Oh well....guess I''ll just let her have the TJ yogurt cups instead.

Yay for booking the Disneyland trip.
How fun would that be to be trick-or-treating in the happiest place on earth.
Be sure to take lots of pictures.
So what is B going to be this year?

J is doing good.
So far, she''s just got that one cold a couple of months ago.
which she kicked pretty fast.
Let''s hope she doesn''t get sick so many time this year as last year for the coming winter months.


Nov 14, 2004
Ok I''ll just be patient for the pics. =D
How cute that Tessa put her doll to sleep. Maybe she is ready to help with the baby bro/sis. hehe.

B is so smart. Can''t believe how much he knows and talks, and he isn''t even 2 yet.
8lbs is nothing. I am already up 11lbs. I thought OB would give me a hard time since I gained 7lbs in 3 weeks, but he looked back at my weight from last pregnancy and I weighed the same. He said it''s ok since I started 3lbs lighter this time, but don''t gain another 7lbs. LOL.

So when do you know if TTC is successful this month? Fingers crossed for you.

Wow Jake is building up his vocab fast. Another smartie.

Tayva must love going to your vb games. Good luck this weekend.
You look great.


May 1, 2005
Thanks QT & Burk!

puffy, 8 lbs at 25 are tiny. Yay on going to Disneyland, I love Disneyland. I''m waiting for little B to get older so we can take him to Disney World.

Thanks lili, he still drink that much of formula, no progress on the eating. still the same,
a bite here and there. Little B does karate in his sleep too, DH and I both got kicked in the nose,
elbow in the eyes and hit in the face many many time. little B got a bed on the floor too but of course
that one is now used as a cushion in case he fall from the bed.

Janine, our home turned into a psych ward after little B got 5 stitches from a fall and hit
his head with the sharp edge of the table.

Thanks Tacori! how cute of Tessa putting the dolls to bed.

So tonight DH was showering with little B and discover a good size lump on little B. We''re trying not to worry too much and is taking him to his pedi next week to get it check out. I hope I won''t lose sleep over it...

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Puffy, my life is too crazy right now to have another baby. T is not in school but there is a "mother''s morning out" program once a week (3 hours) that I am going to start signing her up for. They eat lunch there so I figure I might has well get a nice lunchbox since next year she will start preschool. I am still going to the gym but not quite as often as before. I go about 3x a week. I think T is a favorite b/c when I got back from vacation they were like "where have you been? We miss Tessa." and ALWAYS greet her by name. They are very sweet to her.

Lili, she gets really protective of me. If one of her friends tries to sit on my lap she FREAKS out. I just love watching her talk to her dolls and stuffed animals. She watches and remembers everything now. It is crazy.

Q, I want to see the photos too! Believe me! Hopefully she will get them soon. I got two weight warnings with T. Talk about embarrassing!

Bobo, hope the lump is nothing. Poor little B. My thoughts are with you.


Nov 20, 2006
lili B is super excited to go trick or treating at disneyland, but i must admit as am i. haha!!! if it''s not too hot, then i''ll probably dress up as well, but if it''s hot as it almost always is, then forget it, i just can''t even think about being 30+ weeks preggo and dressing up!! B picked his own costume for our regular trick or treating on the actual day of halloween. the costume isn''t disney, so i wanted to get him a disney themed one as well for disneyland. glad to hear that J has onyl gotten sick once a few months back.

qt i saw your belly pic and you really look awesome!!! i''m really not concerned with the weight gain at all cause i know i can lose it when i start to work out after baby. it''s just i am thinking, how is it only 8 lbs when i look THIS BIG?!?! maybe it''s just me, but i swear, i look like i am ready to pop. after lunch yesterday, this lady asked when i was due and when i said the end of december, she looked at my belly and said, "WOW, i didn''t think you had that much longer, i''m sorry!" WTH is that supposed to mean?!?! it''s really comments like her''s that get me going. you don''t look like you have gained 11 at cute as can be!! how is M doing?

bobo little B would LOVE disney world cause i do!! haha. and i am all kid at heart! we''re waiting to be done with kids to take all the kids together to disney world, but i was telling DH that i might not be able to wait that long. i hope the lump on little B turns out to be nothing. keep us posted.

tacori ok, i see. well i''m sure T will be the life of the party for the mother''s morning out! preschool next year as well is going to be so fun for her!! we took B to check out the one that he will be going to, and he blended right in with all the other kids, and when he was playing, i said i was going to leave and he just came over to me gave me a hug and kiss and said i love, what time will you pick me up. haha. crazy kid!!! how can T not be a favorite, she''s such a personality!!!

super hot weekend here. i''ve gotta get my crazy kid out of the house. he is getting restless. he keeps telling me that it''s too hot and he wants to go out. his new favorite thing when we go to the park is blowing bubbles. he loves it!! so funny what a few bubbles will do for a kid.
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