
Finally tested positive for Covid


Feb 2, 2011
We played classical music at home since he was an infant, we played all sorts of stuff. I tiger-mom'd the hell out of his first 2 years. He never hummed, never sang. He's 6 and still hates to sing, and when he has to sing for class, his pitch is... not good. I have almost perfect pitch so it sears my ears when he sings, but we still praise haha. It's weird you'd think he doesn't sing because he can't speak well, but his enunciation is crystal clear and vocab is huge. He just doesn't like artsy stuff... doesn't like to draw either. He loves mechanical/engineering youtube videos of things being taken apart and put back together. Zero interest in movies where there are stories. In fact, we are watching some dude take apart an alarm system right now. We gave him the old alarm hub to take apart and he's prepping. He already read and memorized the booklet that came with it.

Man, when he said he hated classical music it was like a knife in my back. Music was so important to me, how can my own kid want nothing to do with it? :errrr: It pains me more than him not speaking Chinese.

Looks like we got another STEM boy LOL. I've got two that were like that. 23 and 18 now.

The 18 year old babbled briefly as a baby and then shut the hell up for over a year. I thought we were heading toward autism, but when he finally spoke, it was hard to understand. He has speech therapy on and off, but no sign of autism. They tested him for learning disabilities early and he scored very high for gifted. Did sweet all in school though, the little bugger. He did use his locker to sell candy and what not to his friends he picked up at London Drugs (a superstore pharmacy in Canada) for cheap in high school. Made enough to buy a computer. Boys. Everything on their terms.


Apr 2, 2006
That's how restricted funerals were in the USA at the start of COVID-19. However, that's not how it has been for a while now. I went to a funeral, my first during COVID-19, recently, and the only restriction was wearing masks and every other pew closed off.

My primary church has been limiting funeral attendees to ten people total, which essentially means immediate family only. They have used both zoom and live-streaming to include others.

Neither of the churches I attend regularly - in California - is holding indoor services at this point. One is live-streaming services, and the other (a more rural church) is holding services in the parking lot. I’m sure they’ll re-consider as vaccination rates increase and infection rates decrease. But for now, they’re not taking advantage of the Supreme Court ruling regarding churches - and as much as I miss seeing my friends and especially fellow choristers, that’s fine with me.


Apr 7, 2020
My primary church has been limiting funeral attendees to ten people total, which essentially means immediate family only. They have used both zoom and live-streaming to include others.

Neither of the churches I attend regularly - in California - is holding indoor services at this point. One is live-streaming services, and the other (a more rural church) is holding services in the parking lot. I’m sure they’ll re-consider as vaccination rates increase and infection rates decrease. But for now, they’re not taking advantage of the Supreme Court ruling regarding churches - and as much as I miss seeing my friends and especially fellow choristers, that’s fine with me.

It definitely varies by State, the restrictions.

But, my point is it's not uncommon right now funerals with singing and other potentially COVID-19 spreading activities and with way more than 10 people in attendance.

There are also regular, INDOORS church services too, with some restrictions.

I based my decisions on my personal comfort level with relation to risk of exposure. For example, I choose not to attend regular church services right now but chose not to pass on neighbor's recent funeral.
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Oct 7, 2004
He did use his locker to sell candy and what not to his friends he picked up at London Drugs (a superstore pharmacy in Canada) for cheap in high school. Made enough to buy a computer.

So smart and resourceful! I'd take street smarts over book smart any day.


Aug 18, 2013
My 84 year old mother passed away in March 2020 from Mucormycosis. We had a graveside service but it was limited to a total of 10 people and we had to sit 6 ft apart. We weren’t able to have a reception afterwards due to restaurants being closed and we didn‘t want to chance it at one of our homes. Life goes on but it sure is a new way of doing things.

I'm sorry to hear this, @SMGB. Even tho it was a while back now, I still send my sympathies and kind regards to you and your family.

This new way of doing things has impacted the grieving and honoring end of life process in a less than positive way, and I'm sorry for anyone who doesn't get to honor their loved ones in the way those people deserved.


May 13, 2018
Every time I see an update here I hope it's @Mrs_Strizzle coming back to update us on her bedcation. What day is this and has life been improving?


Jun 14, 2018
Every time I see an update here I hope it's @Mrs_Strizzle coming back to update us on her bedcation. What day is this and has life been improving?

Thanks @voce for checking on me! I returned to work Tuesday on day 11, feeling ok just low energy. As of today I am feeling great, even walked yesterday and today about 2 miles before work. Only symptoms still lingering are the taste and smell issues, though this morning I could smell the lemongrass essential oil hubby has for his bees, so that is improving too. My patient yesterday who is my age told me it took a month for his to all return to normal, so I'm going to keep that timeline in my head and just be happy if it's sooner. All in all I'm considering myself recovered at this point.


Jun 14, 2018
Update day 24- I feel great and not sick at all. The taste and smell is still pretty crazy. They are slowly coming back, but the weirdest part are the fantom smells that I've been dealing with. Sometimes it's dirty diapers that don't exist (ammonia smell), cigarette smoke that is no where near me, and burt popcorn. My lavender essential oil smells like electrical fire. My hair conditioner that is jasmine scented smelled like corn on the cob and made me nauseous. I almost shampooed again to get rid of it. Hubby insisted my hair smelled like flowers and not like corn. :lol:


Sep 20, 2009
Thanks for the update. Corn hair sounds uniquely unpleasant. Hope your poor olfactory process feels better soon. So glad to hear you are okay...for the most part.
Sep 11, 2013
Update day 24- I feel great and not sick at all. The taste and smell is still pretty crazy. They are slowly coming back, but the weirdest part are the fantom smells that I've been dealing with. Sometimes it's dirty diapers that don't exist (ammonia smell), cigarette smoke that is no where near me, and burt popcorn. My lavender essential oil smells like electrical fire. My hair conditioner that is jasmine scented smelled like corn on the cob and made me nauseous. I almost shampooed again to get rid of it. Hubby insisted my hair smelled like flowers and not like corn. :lol:

Omg that must be such a mind trip. Hope that all goes back to normal ASAP and you can stop smelling corn all day!


Oct 24, 2012
I'm so glad you are recovering well. That sense of smell thing must be weird, but glad you are getting better. Thank you for all you do.


Jun 8, 2008
Update day 24- I feel great and not sick at all. The taste and smell is still pretty crazy. They are slowly coming back, but the weirdest part are the fantom smells that I've been dealing with. Sometimes it's dirty diapers that don't exist (ammonia smell), cigarette smoke that is no where near me, and burt popcorn. My lavender essential oil smells like electrical fire. My hair conditioner that is jasmine scented smelled like corn on the cob and made me nauseous. I almost shampooed again to get rid of it. Hubby insisted my hair smelled like flowers and not like corn. :lol:

So relieved for you. May your recovery continue to go well and may your sense of smell and taste be fully recovered very soon!


Jul 12, 2015
I am so happy to hear that you are doing better, @Mrs_Strizzle! I am so grateful that you seem to have nipped COVID in the bud (and kicked it in the butt, too!) and I am glad to know about the NAC as well. And how incredible of you to try to give your vaccine to your grandmother; that just brings tears to my eyes. The phantom smells must make for some bizarre sensations, but hopefully these too will soon pass. Bless you for your many valiant efforts on the front lines, as you all are the true heroes right now. And please know that I and so many others are continuing to send healing vibes and dust your way! (((Hugs)))


Sep 17, 2008
Was coming in to ask how everything was going @Mrs_Strizzle I'm only glad that you're only dealing with the odd smells!


Jun 14, 2018
@AnastasiaBeaverhausen @missy @Arcadian @carbonfan @LLJsmom @MMtwo. Thank you all for the well wishes! I'm trying to find the humor in it as by all accounts it's short lived. I pushed my birthday dinner with my parents and grandma back til next month in hopes it will be better by then. I'm not about to not taste my birthday lemon curd tart that my Mom makes me every year!
Sep 11, 2013


Jun 7, 2014
I’m so glad you are feeling better Mrs Strizzle. What you are experiencing with your sense of smell sounds so bizarre. Hopefully your sense of smell recovers quickly. Happy Birthday and enjoy your mom‘s lemon curd.

Aerielle Max

Oct 12, 2017
How are you now? By the way, since vaccines now are readily available, are you planning to be vaccinated?


Jun 14, 2018
How are you now? By the way, since vaccines now are readily available, are you planning to be vaccinated?

Thanks for asking. Sense of smell restored about 85% I would say. Still can't smell everything. We went on vacation to New Orleans with friends and everyone commented on the marijuana smell in our apartment we stayed at. I never could smell it at all. But it is improving. I've done several extended fasts and I think it is helping my body heal, as after the fasts I notice marked improvement. I read a study that was conducted in Italy recently and it suggests that it could take 8-9 months for complete return to normal. It was a very small group, so who knows.

I am not getting the vaccine. I personally don't believe the vaccine can protect me from a mutated virus any better than my own immunity at this point. (Just my honest opinion.)


Dec 14, 2017
My twin sister and I got the J&J vaccine 3 weeks ago this past Friday. She was fine. We both had some soreness at the injection site. That Saturday night I felt like I hit the wall. I went to bed and slept like I hadn't slept in a very long time. As far as we could tell, neither one of us had any fever. Funny how the injections do people differently. The lady I work for got her J&J that same day and was down for the weekend. Her husband was fine. I totally respect anyone who does or does not want to get it. A whole bunch of folks who work at my school district got their first and second shots during the same time. Many of them said that second one was a real doozy...side effects galore. I hope you are fully recovered here shortly and I'm glad you are getting better.
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