
Can you use an Ultrasonic Cleaner to often?

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Jul 7, 2004
I might have found the best "ame recipe" water from the microwave, filled between minimum and maximum water line. In a small ''shot glass'' type measurign cup, 3tsp of mr clean antibacterial and 3 tsp of sudsy ammonia, pour half of that mixture into the water, put in 1 ring. Zap on high for 1 cycle, remove ring, rinse, dump out solution, pour in more hot water to same point, put ring back in, zap one more cycle on high, remove ring, dump out container, rinse with hot water, rinse ring quickly, pour in more hot water, zap one more time. Remove ring rinse, dry off, and repeat the whole cycle with the other ring.

Viola. Clean and spiffy.

I cleaned all my rings 3 times from Saturday morning to tonight. What is it about people wanting to see the ring that grab at your hand and grope all over your rings with nails and fingers.

Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
So, having purchased the SI unit a bit ago, I presented it to my wife tonight, and now we are part of the club.

Frankly, though I don't see a difference to speak of, my wife says she does, and that is the point (though, now let's see if she also feels motivated to use it; I've been the diamond cleaner in the house).

Used FireGoddess' recipe:

Date: 9/19/2005 11:42:26 PM
Author: FireGoddess

1 drop of dishwashing detergent
5-7 sprays of windex
fill to the 'fill line' with hot water
Turn that baby on!
questions though:

which fill line do you use?
minimum fill or maximum fill? (I've used max)

My wife also had me clean a bracelet of hers, which she says the unit improves, and some other things. I guess I'm so far lazy, and have just let the liquid in the unit stand. Do we think it's the vibration that's doing the cleaning, or how much is the liquid important?

Finally...regarding that basket...if kept on, the cover for that refurbished unit doesn't go on, right? Would you just leave the cover off? Tonight, we've not used the basket, and perhaps won't.

Thanks all.


Oct 30, 2002
Actually I find that Mr. Clean with the windex and detergent works best for me...using just windex and detergent doesn''t really do much cleansing for my stuff. I also heat up the water in the microwave so it''s very hot.

I don''t use the basket so my lid fits...I dump the water after every use because the top gets gross and oily from the dirt and oils. I also use different solutions for white gold vs platinum, I don''t use the Mr. Clean on my platinum.

I also sometimes have to clean my rings 2 times if it''s been a few days between cleanings. When I first got the unit, I cleaned my rings 5 times for a few days because they were so dirty and I didn''t really realize it!


Aug 17, 2005
I just joined the SI Ultrasonic club as well!

This was on my Xmas list, but I didn''t get it (I think my loved ones thought it would REALLY fuel my newfound interest in jewelry!) So I checked out ebay on Xmas Day and bid just before an auction ended. I paid a tiny bit more than most of you did ($51 total). After keeping tabs on this thread and hearing all about your sparkly gems, it was well worth it!

One question- Does it clean sterling silver? I''ve got a fair amount of Tiffany SS jewelry, and other pieces. I thought I read that the ammonia mix doesn''t really help. Has anyone developed any a formula that does work on SS?



Jan 18, 2005
I also got one for xmas. I got the deluxe one, and am still learning! My brother got it for me and it came with a cleaning solution kit. I used that with some water up to the Min Line and it worked great! Very sparkly! Charger-I cleaned my Tiffany''s stuff and it came out fine. Love this thing! I even cleaned my brothers CZ earrings and they looked so white, even more fake than they did before!


Oct 6, 2004
Oh my god! I''m so glad that I found this post. I have been moping about my ering for some time now because I thought it must be a mediocre cut since it wasn''t sparkling much after months of wear, even with daily cleaning with a toothbrush. I was all ready to run out & buy a brand new ring & get a 3 carat rock, but since I discovered the Sharper Image ultrasonic cleaner I don''t have to. My 1.85 carat ring sparkles like crazy now! I''m so happy, I don''t feel the urge to upgrade anymore! It make''s my ring that beautiful! Now I see that it''s not really the size but the sparkle of the ring that makes it beautiful, part of it is that I''m already at a pretty good size! Thanks Pricescopers for this discussion! I also just got my eternity band & am even more happy with the bling bling on my finger!


Jul 7, 2004
Date: 12/27/2005 12:41:24 AM
Author: Mara
I don''t use the Mr. Clean on my platinum.


Oct 6, 2005
Hrm so I got an ''ultrasonic'' cleaner for Christmas from FMIL and I''m not so sure I''m happy with it. I wanted a Sharper Image or maybe even a Salton this little cleaner is called LaSonic and I''ve never even seen it anywhere far I guess it works ok but not spectacularly now I''m trying to figure out if I should splurge and get what I really want or just live with this one. I''m thinking the latter since I''m kinda broke but does anyone know of this brand?


Jan 25, 2005
For those interested in Sharper Image ultrasonics..........

I just popped into the store today and saw that in addition to the version we all have (and the retail price on that has jumped from $89.99 to $99.99)....they now have a deluxe version that comes with a second, extra large cup that will remove tarnish from silver (needs to be used with silver tarnish remover solution). The deluxe retails for about $120 in the store. FYI.

I still think the ebay like-new version is the steal of the century!


Oct 12, 2005
My husband got me a SI deluxe ultrasonic cleaner for Christmas & we love it. I used it on all my jewelry and my husbands watches. The unit he bought came with a cleaning solution that worked better for me than the 1/2 water 1/2 ammonia.


Oct 6, 2005
Blah!! So I wanted to say that the LaSonic cleaner (I don''t even really think its ultrasonic) seen here that I got for Christmas from my FMIL has now died on me.
Problem is I have no idea where it was bought and I would feel really bad saying to her that I want to return it. My fiance blames me since the instruction manual says to clean for 1-2 minutes and I''ve left it on for about 15 minutes cleaning batches of jewelry that my mother hasn''t cleaned in years.
Btw it works ok but definitely doesn''t clean jewelry well in 1-2 minutes.

He says just to buy a new one hehe so I''m thinking about getting a Sharper Image on ebay. Any other suggestions? I have to think about my new setting with micropave in it as well but Quest says ultrasonic cleaner will be fine to use a few times a week.


Jan 25, 2005
Date: 12/26/2005 11:56:20 PM
Author: Regular Guy
So, having purchased the SI unit a bit ago, I presented it to my wife tonight, and now we are part of the club.

Frankly, though I don''t see a difference to speak of, my wife says she does, and that is the point (though, now let''s see if she also feels motivated to use it; I''ve been the diamond cleaner in the house).

Used FireGoddess'' recipe:

Date: 9/19/2005 11:42:26 PM
Author: FireGoddess

1 drop of dishwashing detergent
5-7 sprays of windex
fill to the ''fill line'' with hot water
Turn that baby on!
questions though:

which fill line do you use?
minimum fill or maximum fill? (I''ve used max)

My wife also had me clean a bracelet of hers, which she says the unit improves, and some other things. I guess I''m so far lazy, and have just let the liquid in the unit stand. Do we think it''s the vibration that''s doing the cleaning, or how much is the liquid important?

Finally...regarding that basket...if kept on, the cover for that refurbished unit doesn''t go on, right? Would you just leave the cover off? Tonight, we''ve not used the basket, and perhaps won''t.

Thanks all.
I used to fill to the "max fill" line, but I started filling just above the "min fill" line. Increases the concentration of the windex in the total solution...and rings get even more sparkly. I keep the cover on, since I usually am not using the watch basket. The watch basket stays in a drawer most of the time, unless I''m cleaning DH''s watch. I think both the sonic waves and the components of the liquid are important...separately do some good but together...exponentially better!


Mar 1, 2005
I got the SI ultrasonic for Christmas, and it really does work great. I think it works better than the Salton Jewelry Spa for anyone trying to decide between both. I have the Salton Jewelry Spa, and all of a sudden it stopped working. This unit was only 6 months old! So, instead of replacing it, I asked for the ultrasonic for Christmas, and also bought a Jewel Jet Steam Cleaner to use in combo with it. These two together make my rings shine like they never have before. I am still slightly worried about losing stones in my rings, but I will just have to make a trip to the jeweler if they fall out.


Oct 8, 2004
So I too joined in the cleaning fun and got the SI cleaner. I know I should be taking my rings off when doing things, but I am more paranoid about forgetting them there than getting them dirty. But with the cleaner, a few rounds before going out and they are sparkly new again.

Has anyone ever tried soaking their rings in vinegar and water before? I figure since it takes out hard water stains in everything else from irons and tea kettles, why not on rings? I have hard water in my area and it always leave water spots on the diamonds. I don''t think vinegar is a strong enough acid to break anything down in platinum or diamonds. I''ve tried soaking my rings before, but I''m tempted to try using the solution in my SI cleaner. what to do!


Oct 30, 2002
why not, tulip....if we can use Mr. Clean and straight ammonia on the diamonds and platinum, vinegar can't be that bad?!

i still LOVE LOVE LOVE my SI cleaner, I am still amazed at how well it cleans my stuff, after even a DAY of wearing them and cleaning them, the grime that comes off is girlfriend will probably be getting engaged in the next few months and when she does, my gift to her is going to the be SI cleaner!!

oh and my latest tip..don't know if i posted it already but i heat the water in the microwave in a small cup for a minute and then put in the US and it really does an even better job...i don't have to double clean them as much as i used to at all now. the super hot water really seems to break down the grime.


Aug 17, 2005
I tried mine today for the first time, and all I can say is WOW!!!

My e-ring, being pretty new (1 month) didn''t require too much cleaning, but the US got it xtra sparkly!

The super-WOW factor came from cleaning my ESQ watch. I''ve had it for about 4 years and never cleaned it- and I wear it everyday! So much junk came out of it that I was grossed out. I ran it 5 times with the hot water/windex/ammonia solution (no mr. clean in the house- yet!) It looks brand-spanking new.

I also cleaned my diamond studs, and they look amazing! They were my 2001 bday present from my parents, and the cut sucks. They look tons better now that they''ve gotten a "proper cleaning". Maybe now I don''t need to upgrade- wait, who the heck am I kidding???


Jun 24, 2003
My husband is not Mr. Christmas at all! He kept asking me what I wanted...and all I wanted was this Bulova watch (cheap at Overstock), and a SI Cleaner. I have everything else, and I''m super picky and too tall to buy clothes those were the only 2 things I asked for. I didn''t get either one. Grrrrrrrrr

He didn''t order either thing in time to get there before we were leaving on vacation, even though he was off work because he had surgery and spent the whole time sitting on his ass! So the day before Christmas eve he went and bought $20 Jewelry cleaner and some pink solution to go with it. Then he was pissed at me on Christmas, even though I didn''t say anything, because he knew that he did a bad job! I think he felt bad because I got him such awesome things and obviously put a lot of thought into it and he just grabbed stuff that''s at the register with the gum and chocolate bars. I also think he was embarrassed in front of his family because we got them a digital camera, and I got him all this cool electronic game gadgety stuff, our son got an Ipod Nano....and I got the cleaner, a gel eye mask, a washcloth, and a dark chocolate bar.

I know he''s not a good shopper, which is why I sent him the emails with the sites for the only 2 things I wanted....but he just doesn''t even try! If he just put some effort into it, I would love it even if I hated it.

So, I just bid on the SI reconditioned on Ebay, and I ordered a Movado watch last week, which cost way more than the one that I asked for which of course sold out. So, I end up getting what I wanted....but it would have been nice if he could have at least pretended to try.

Okay, enough of my bitchy venting...I had to let it out! I still haven''t said anything to him about it so it''s eating me alive!

By the way, the prices on the reconditioned ones went up a bit!


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 1/8/2006 6:01:46 PM
Author: tawn
My husband is not Mr. Christmas at all! He kept asking me what I wanted...and all I wanted was this Bulova watch (cheap at Overstock), and a SI Cleaner. I have everything else, and I'm super picky and too tall to buy clothes those were the only 2 things I asked for. I didn't get either one. Grrrrrrrrr

He didn't order either thing in time to get there before we were leaving on vacation, even though he was off work because he had surgery and spent the whole time sitting on his ass! So the day before Christmas eve he went and bought $20 Jewelry cleaner and some pink solution to go with it. Then he was pissed at me on Christmas, even though I didn't say anything, because he knew that he did a bad job! I think he felt bad because I got him such awesome things and obviously put a lot of thought into it and he just grabbed stuff that's at the register with the gum and chocolate bars. I also think he was embarrassed in front of his family because we got them a digital camera, and I got him all this cool electronic game gadgety stuff, our son got an Ipod Nano....and I got the cleaner, a gel eye mask, a washcloth, and a dark chocolate bar.

I know he's not a good shopper, which is why I sent him the emails with the sites for the only 2 things I wanted....but he just doesn't even try! If he just put some effort into it, I would love it even if I hated it.

So, I just bid on the SI reconditioned on Ebay, and I ordered a Movado watch last week, which cost way more than the one that I asked for which of course sold out. So, I end up getting what I wanted....but it would have been nice if he could have at least pretended to try.

Okay, enough of my bitchy venting...I had to let it out! I still haven't said anything to him about it so it's eating me alive!

By the way, the prices on the reconditioned ones went up a bit!

Haha you poor thing Tawn! a WASHCLOTH? What the heck is that for?? Are you dirty? hehee....

Sometimes men just DON'T get it!! Some of my friends are always amazed that I give Greg a 'list' of what I want but no way am I leaving it up to chance. The darling man shops for me at BBB across from his office otherwise and I get things in my stocking like an EGG TIMER and other funny things. So I told him this year, it was not a big Christmas for me because of my LV bag he got me for my bday/Christmas...but I said well I have a list of 5 items that are all lower he said okay send them over. I got all of them (some Christmas CD's, scrabble game, etc) and he also got me a DSW gift card all on his own (good job hubby!) and a few other fun small things (I got a sleep mask and some bath stuff too)...

I am a TOTAL shopper and love finding things I know people will love, so our 'gifts' always seem mis-matched (aka I listen to what he says for months ahead of time to try to find out what he needs or wants secretly)...but I also know I am just like that and he is not, most guys are not like noobie is!!, and 99% of the time he tries and succeeds.

I think you SHOULD say something to him, don't let it fester and bother you....I do agree that it would irk me if Greg went out on Dec 24th and bought me a bunch of really random stuff when I KNEW he had time and I had sent him a list. He would definitely hear about it from me. After ~6 years together, he finally knows to get me stuff off my list or let me do the whole 'future gift' thing with things I really want like my upgrade or a purse etc. I tell him hey it's easier on you later if you let me guide you towards what I really want. He agrees! Less work for him.

You will adore the SI cleaner...oh and I'd be very sad if Greg went out and bought me some cheapo version of something I really wanted too, pink liquid?!?!'s kind of like one is not interchangeable with the other, buddy!!


Jun 24, 2003
Date: 1/8/2006 6:17:39 PM
Author: Mara

Date: 1/8/2006 6:01:46 PM
Author: tawn
My husband is not Mr. Christmas at all! He kept asking me what I wanted...and all I wanted was this Bulova watch (cheap at Overstock), and a SI Cleaner. I have everything else, and I''m super picky and too tall to buy clothes those were the only 2 things I asked for. I didn''t get either one. Grrrrrrrrr

He didn''t order either thing in time to get there before we were leaving on vacation, even though he was off work because he had surgery and spent the whole time sitting on his ass! So the day before Christmas eve he went and bought $20 Jewelry cleaner and some pink solution to go with it. Then he was pissed at me on Christmas, even though I didn''t say anything, because he knew that he did a bad job! I think he felt bad because I got him such awesome things and obviously put a lot of thought into it and he just grabbed stuff that''s at the register with the gum and chocolate bars. I also think he was embarrassed in front of his family because we got them a digital camera, and I got him all this cool electronic game gadgety stuff, our son got an Ipod Nano....and I got the cleaner, a gel eye mask, a washcloth, and a dark chocolate bar.

I know he''s not a good shopper, which is why I sent him the emails with the sites for the only 2 things I wanted....but he just doesn''t even try! If he just put some effort into it, I would love it even if I hated it.

So, I just bid on the SI reconditioned on Ebay, and I ordered a Movado watch last week, which cost way more than the one that I asked for which of course sold out. So, I end up getting what I wanted....but it would have been nice if he could have at least pretended to try.

Okay, enough of my bitchy venting...I had to let it out! I still haven''t said anything to him about it so it''s eating me alive!

By the way, the prices on the reconditioned ones went up a bit!

Haha you poor thing Tawn! a WASHCLOTH? What the heck is that for?? Are you dirty? hehee....

Sometimes men just DON''T get it!! Some of my friends are always amazed that I give Greg a ''list'' of what I want but no way am I leaving it up to chance. The darling man shops for me at BBB across from his office otherwise and I get things in my stocking like an EGG TIMER and other funny things. So I told him this year, it was not a big Christmas for me because of my LV bag he got me for my bday/Christmas...but I said well I have a list of 5 items that are all lower he said okay send them over. I got all of them (some Christmas CD''s, scrabble game, etc) and he also got me a DSW gift card all on his own (good job hubby!) and a few other fun small things (I got a sleep mask and some bath stuff too)...

I am a TOTAL shopper and love finding things I know people will love, so our ''gifts'' always seem mis-matched (aka I listen to what he says for months ahead of time to try to find out what he needs or wants secretly)...but I also know I am just like that and he is not, most guys are not like noobie is!!, and 99% of the time he tries and succeeds.

I think you SHOULD say something to him, don''t let it fester and bother you....I do agree that it would irk me if Greg went out on Dec 24th and bought me a bunch of really random stuff when I KNEW he had time and I had sent him a list. He would definitely hear about it from me. After ~6 years together, he finally knows to get me stuff off my list or let me do the whole ''future gift'' thing with things I really want like my upgrade or a purse etc. I tell him hey it''s easier on you later if you let me guide you towards what I really want. He agrees! Less work for him.

You will adore the SI cleaner...oh and I''d be very sad if Greg went out and bought me some cheapo version of something I really wanted too, pink liquid?!?!''s kind of like one is not interchangeable with the other, buddy!!
I feel so whiny, but my feelings are really hurt!

We''ve been together 14 holiday seasons and this was one of the worst! He loves this buffing washcloth that The Body Shoppe sells, and he got me a generic one of those from the drugstore. It''s not the same and he''s the one that likes them anyways!

I think the real reason I''m so pissed off is that he was upset with me about it. I didn''t say anything to him...and I know that he is actually angry with himself for being such a dork! But, he''s just blaming it on me being hard to buy for!

It''s going to be a fight, which we don''t do very often...but he''s really been slipping. It''s been well over a year since he''s brought home flowers and I can''t remember the last nice thing he''s done for me on his own. I got a lovely new ring, and I get the things I want...I''m pretty spoiled, but I do it all myself! He thinks it''s enough to pay for it. But, it would be really nice for him to make an effort to think about doing something nice for me once in a while!

I think it''s perfect that you give Greg a list, then everyone is happy! That''s sort of how we usually do it too, but he''s just lazy!

BTW has anyone condensed the recipes for the SI yet? Would make a good see which works the best!


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 1/8/2006 8:15:57 PM
Author: tawn

I think the real reason I''m so pissed off is that he was upset with me about it. I didn''t say anything to him...and I know that he is actually angry with himself for being such a dork! But, he''s just blaming it on me being hard to buy for!
I don''t get "hard" can someone be to buy for if they TELL YOU what they want and where to get it???????

I''m hard to buy for, and I know it. Every time Rich asks me what I want, I can''t come up with anything. When we want something, we pretty much go out and get it, and I''m not a huge "things" person.

However, this year he was SO happy because there were two things I wanted. I asked him for a specific mixer (which he got) and a specific steam cleaner (which he also got). He kept saying "I feel like my gifts weren''t romantic enough."

I said "you listened to what I asked for, and you got those exact things. I never ask for anything, but when I did, you got exactly what I asked you for. To me, that IS romantic." And it is.


Jun 24, 2003
Date: 1/8/2006 8:28:02 PM
Author: aljdewey

Date: 1/8/2006 8:15:57 PM
Author: tawn

I think the real reason I''m so pissed off is that he was upset with me about it. I didn''t say anything to him...and I know that he is actually angry with himself for being such a dork! But, he''s just blaming it on me being hard to buy for!
I don''t get ''hard'' can someone be to buy for if they TELL YOU what they want and where to get it???????

I''m hard to buy for, and I know it. Every time Rich asks me what I want, I can''t come up with anything. When we want something, we pretty much go out and get it, and I''m not a huge ''things'' person.

However, this year he was SO happy because there were two things I wanted. I asked him for a specific mixer (which he got) and a specific steam cleaner (which he also got). He kept saying ''I feel like my gifts weren''t romantic enough.''

I said ''you listened to what I asked for, and you got those exact things. I never ask for anything, but when I did, you got exactly what I asked you for. To me, that IS romantic.'' And it is.
I think he had good intentions of getting me something cool that would be a surprise...but was too lazy to do it, and by then, it was too late to get what I asked for?

I''m going to have to bite the bullet and have it out with him, and he''s already feeling defensive about it, so I know it''s not going to go over well! But, it''s really bugging me...

Oh well, I''m excited about getting the SI cleaner! I''m tired of the toothbrush method and trying to get underneath the diamond. Everyone has had such good things to say about the SI!


Oct 6, 2005
Who is a reputable seller to buy the units from on ebay? Is it someone with the name sharper_image with a ton of feedback and sells other sharper image products?


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 1/8/2006 9:51:19 PM
Author: princessv
Who is a reputable seller to buy the units from on ebay? Is it someone with the name sharper_image with a ton of feedback and sells other sharper image products?
well...maybe...considering that sharper image makes it!!
just kidding...yes that's the seller, the manufacturer sells refurb items on ebay. you can also buy on there but it's typically a bit more expensive than ebay.


Oct 30, 2002

double post..der!



Oct 6, 2005
Ah...I didn''t realize it was the same thing!! I''m having a classic ''Doh!'' moment now Mara
I looked it up quickly today and noticed the prices were much cheaper...I was also wondering why they don''t sell the deluxe cleaner? Oh well yipee I''m going to buy one!


Jan 25, 2005
I''m sure they aren''t selling any SI deluxe ultrasonics on ebay yet because they are a brand new there likely aren''t any refurb ones out there yet!


Mar 14, 2005
Tawn honey I''ve been married a long time and you are going to have to bring this up with him and get it out in the open before it festers and becomes an even bigger problem! If you told him exactly what you wanted and he didn''t even put forth the effort to buy those things you have every right to be angry! Maybe you should just order your own gifts next year and ask him if he would mind wrapping them!!!


Nov 30, 2005
My fiance has only had her engagement ring for 3 weeks but she has already went back to Jareds 4 times to have it cleaned by them. So since she loves the way it sparkles after a good cleaning I thought I would buy her one of these SI ultrasonic cleaners as a just because gift but I wanted to know if you guys think this is a good idea. She can go back to jareds as often as she wants to get the ring cleaned and I am sure there equipment is better so this may not live up to her cleaning expectations. But she does have other jewelry that could probably use a good cleaning. Also the ones I see on ebay don''t have a shipping cost listed?? Here is the link am I just missing it cuz if it does have more shipping then it would be more expensive then what some of you paid.


Jul 25, 2004
The shipping charge would be $8.95 per this link: You can also find this link on the auction page under "Customer Service."

Plus they charge tax: The Sharper Image charges sales tax: AL, AR*, AZ, CA, CO*, CT*, DC, FL*, GA*, HI*, IA, IL, IN*, KS*, KY*, LA, MA, MD*, MI*, MN, MO, NC*, NE*, NJ, NV*, NY*, OH*, OK*, PA*, RI, SC*, TN*, TX*, UT*, VA, WA*, WI*

I think it would be a wonderful gift! I think it will definitely satisfy her "cleaning" needs so that she does not have to go to Jareds every week


Oct 30, 2002
I agree, cleaning my ring with hot water and Mr. Clean in the US for 5 minutes gets my ring 99% as clean as the steamer at the local jeweler and I don''t have to make a trip!! Now I am so spoiled I clean it all the time at home and sometimes 2-3 times to get that 1000% sparkle. It always looks SOOO darn amazing when it''s clean.
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