
August Vintage Round OEC N color-nervous!


Deactivated member 42515

I'm not clarity sensitive I realized, so I couldn't see any of the inclusions.


Dec 25, 2011
Yeah-the pic on the site (the one I have above) of the N I fell in love with too.
But pics I received from Matt, well, I couldn't tell much, & I moved away from the N--

Then I saw the 0.93 J--& wowwee--now that i've seen YayTacori's pics-I am freakin out.

The mix up is crazy!!! I don't think there were 3 people. I think one person is using my online name & 1 person using my real name.

Both Matt & Marie were dealing with me, I'm the client of Marie's that purchased another stone, because I was told the J was gone for sure on Friday & Saturday, & with the added, well if it's gone it wasn't meant for you from Linda.

oh gosh--such drama!!! I think I was dealing with too many people.

I seriously ****NEED**** to see that J--I must find a way to swing it--If YayTacori just shipped it back--then they should have it tomorrow.

Seeing both together would be ultimate decision making power LOL



Jan 21, 2006
Catia, I have a feeling that your sparkling N will not look yellow....can't get anything but a wow factor in these AVR's no matter the color IMO.

Well here is eye candy delight with the warmer AVR's. I knew there was a video with an N color in it...enjoy:

K, M & N AVR’s
N set in Stuller tiffany setting

AVR L vs1 I vs h/a round

champagne AVR

L L & O AVR’s
0.94ct J I1
0.95ct I SI2
0.96ct O/P VS1
1.18ct M VVS O si1 in sunlight

Fancy Light yellow AVC vs OP color MRB Interesting (about 3/4 thru the clip he brings in an OP round) The OP looks like anything but yellow next to a light yellow AVC

G vs M color AVR’s

K, M, UV OEC’s...lush!


Feb 14, 2005
So do you have it yet????


Dec 25, 2011
Sigh--I DID write a post this morning & it's not here!!!--Wasn't tryin to leave any of you hanging!

Well, I did not get much sleep & the Fed-ex guy woke me early, & I had to go to work all day & part of the night, so am worn out totally, & forget 1/2 of what I wrote & trying to remember everything from today.

main point: This stone IS NOT yellow--no lemonade--not even dilute lemonade. LOL those pics above don't look anything like this diamond--not even close.

What it is, well, it has a vanilla kind of glow from inside when it's face up-& slightly from the sides of the crown when tilted in some light.
The color you can see, well it's literally a "glow" from face up--it glows this soft warm shade-it's not like it's inside the diamond, this glow just hovers ever so slightly-it's more like an after effect than a color--it just sort of comes from within, barely there, hovers for a split second & is gone.

What I mean is this--in technical diamond language, this is some type of yellow, from nitrogen right?
So we know that much. But, from an everyday regular person point of view, not yellow.

This stone is SO SO SO BRIGHT. I have never seen a stone so bright. If there is ANY light in the room, this baby grabs it & turns it on.
You'd have to be in a room void of light to not see it. Seriously--I tried it.
I actually think I like it better in dim light--it's so bright sometimes you can't see the faceting & I like to stare into a diamond & look at the facets, I guess I'm weird that way.

Crappy office flourescent tube lighting--you WILL have the brightest diamond in the room-Unless someone else has an AVR!!!
No dead diamond in office light with this cut!!!
So much so, I actually felt a little bad for one lady, I was worried since hers was a high color that mine would be yellow or dark--I thought my low color N would show it's head as yellow next to hers for sure--
--seeing mine, I saw an expression on her face--I think her heart sank, I didn't know if she was gonna be sick or choke me.
I never want to make someone have that expression again. it was that bad.
She has a 1+ct H&A that is supposedly 'ideal'. Her's is an H color & looked dead, and dark.
I actually felt embarassed & wasn't sure what to say, I made light of it, pretended I didn't see the difference & avoided her after that cuz it was *that uncomfortable*.
The only other one that held it's ground was one woman's transitional cut, her's is a beauty, just shy of 3/4ct & super bright & sparkly even when dirty her's shines bright, she got her's from grandma & it's beautiful.

I haven't had a round on my finger, so this one is a different effect. I have tried cushion brilliants. I havn't had much time for viewing it today & i've got a horrible schedule ahead of me this week. I need to find my camera.

For now, I can say this--for *In real life*--silverleaf's 1.19 N AVR pics are ***EXACTLY*** what I see in my N-1.02 AVR--I tried to load them earlier & I guess that's why my message isn't here--for some reason 1/2 the time I try to post pics, it just blanks or crashes & doesn't post.


Dec 25, 2011
***By the way***I now have ZERO FEAR of low colors.

So here is the question I am now after--
What is the difference between these 2 ASET images--one had the red circles in the middle, the other has blue circles in the middle.

Does this difference affect the way it looks when you look into the diamond?

I sort of understand that the blue is obstruction, & also adds contrast, or acts as reflectors.

Sigh, I don't understand what's up with PS not wanting to load pics--they should both be same size. ah well.

Anyway--here is what I am trying to get at.
*I like to look into the center of my diamond & see the facets--from like 8 inches away.*
I think it is some type of ferret for shiny things sickness, & I can't seem to stop, nor do I want to.
It has a calming affect like meditating...
A ***very expensive***gazing ball...whatever. I somehow need to be able to do this.

So, my current N has blue in the ASET in the middle & it is so bright, not kidding, that I can only gaze into the center & see the pretty facets in dim light or if I cup my hand around the stone & block some light.

Does the red in the center of the J ASET change the way the light is reflected???

Essentially, can someone explain to me, in *short bus* terms what the difference is in visual effect with these 2 asets is.
I've read all the ASET stuff--need it broken down into *serious window licker* terms.
I'm sure someone here will set me straight!




Mar 28, 2001
Hi Catia,

With regards to teh difference between the 2 ASET's:

When cutting the AVR's that particular 1.02ct is at a threshold angle between blue/red on the mains and the photography fell on the "blue" on this one. If the pavilion angles were only .1 or .2 degrees more it'd look like the other one.

Normally and under most circumstances blues under the table of OEC results in too much head/body shadow in that region. In our very first prototypes of the AVR I was cutting them with shallower pavilion angles that produced a rich blue in the ASET under the table and it did result in too much darkness under the table. Had that been the case with the 1.02ct I would have sent it back to recut however with it being right at the threshold angles and it didn't result in that negative effect, we left it as is since it's visuals turned out to be just fine. And a personal thank you from me for your patience, your kind words and review of the AVR. I think you understand now why Marie could not come out and say "It's a yellow diamond". :rodent:

Kind regards,


Dec 16, 2007
catia|1334817634|3174869 said:
So, my current N ... is so bright, not kidding, that I can only gaze into the center & see the pretty facets in dim light or if I cup my hand around the stone & block some light.

This is the case with any well cut diamond. In my experience the only way to get a situation where you can readily see the faceting in all lighting is with a very very large diamond -- larger diamond = larger facets. But even then when they are reflecting you cannot see them well.


Dec 25, 2011
You're welcome Jonathan, I appreciate the time you take.

DreamerD--LOL well, can't do a larger diamond.
Hmm, your explanation would explain why I could see down into the center of the Cushion Brilliants I had viewed previously that just didn't "do it" for me as far light reflection--they reflected lots from the side facets but not many facets flashed from the center, or you'd get one at a time, or just 1 period.
I described those previous diamonds I viewed (diff vendor ) to my BF as "having a few dead pixels"--it was like they were stuck in the 'off" position.

Gotta run, work time, no rest for the wicked.


Jan 21, 2006
catia|1334814406|3174854 said:
Sigh--I DID write a post this morning & it's not here!!!--Wasn't tryin to leave any of you hanging!

Well, I did not get much sleep & the Fed-ex guy woke me early, & I had to go to work all day & part of the night, so am worn out totally, & forget 1/2 of what I wrote & trying to remember everything from today.

main point: This stone IS NOT yellow--no lemonade--not even dilute lemonade. LOL those pics above don't look anything like this diamond--not even close.

What it is, well, it has a vanilla kind of glow from inside when it's face up-& slightly from the sides of the crown when tilted in some light.
The color you can see, well it's literally a "glow" from face up--it glows this soft warm shade-it's not like it's inside the diamond, this glow just hovers ever so slightly-it's more like an after effect than a color--it just sort of comes from within, barely there, hovers for a split second & is gone.

What I mean is this--in technical diamond language, this is some type of yellow, from nitrogen right?
So we know that much. But, from an everyday regular person point of view, not yellow.

This stone is SO SO SO BRIGHT. I have never seen a stone so bright. If there is ANY light in the room, this baby grabs it & turns it on.
You'd have to be in a room void of light to not see it. Seriously--I tried it.
I actually think I like it better in dim light--it's so bright sometimes you can't see the faceting & I like to stare into a diamond & look at the facets, I guess I'm weird that way.

Crappy office flourescent tube lighting--you WILL have the brightest diamond in the room-Unless someone else has an AVR!!!
No dead diamond in office light with this cut!!!
So much so, I actually felt a little bad for one lady, I was worried since hers was a high color that mine would be yellow or dark--I thought my low color N would show it's head as yellow next to hers for sure--
--seeing mine, I saw an expression on her face--I think her heart sank, I didn't know if she was gonna be sick or choke me.
I never want to make someone have that expression again. it was that bad.
She has a 1+ct H&A that is supposedly 'ideal'. Her's is an H color & looked dead, and dark.
I actually felt embarassed & wasn't sure what to say, I made light of it, pretended I didn't see the difference & avoided her after that cuz it was *that uncomfortable*.
The only other one that held it's ground was one woman's transitional cut, her's is a beauty, just shy of 3/4ct & super bright & sparkly even when dirty her's shines bright, she got her's from grandma & it's beautiful.

I haven't had a round on my finger, so this one is a different effect. I have tried cushion brilliants. I havn't had much time for viewing it today & i've got a horrible schedule ahead of me this week. I need to find my camera.

For now, I can say this--for *In real life*--silverleaf's 1.19 N AVR pics are ***EXACTLY*** what I see in my N-1.02 AVR--I tried to load them earlier & I guess that's why my message isn't here--for some reason 1/2 the time I try to post pics, it just blanks or crashes & doesn't post.

thank you for your real life testimony. I feel sorry for your co-worker. Great diamonds come to those who research at length what they are buying. Seeing is believing though. Can't wait for the pictures.

Just another great example that CUT is KING when it comes to diamonds...not color or even clarity.


Dec 25, 2011
Pics i took are all blurry. Gonna hafta try more with the digital camera later. I'm not good w/pics.

Anyway, I have had fun playing with this beauty.
I got to experience something pretty lovely in my eyes, though some who don't like color in your diamonds would probably cringe--those of you who do like color --A LOT of color--I got some spectacular insight onto what a champagne diamond would look like with this rock &

I was in a room with a LOT of dark wood, mahogany & no white in the room, & gosh, the whole diamond changed to the most beautiful brownish pink, & it's in it's fake WG ring holder & all I can say is what a breathtaking combination to have the white metal with the champage color--I will dream now champage OEC & platinum for someday.

LOL, this was the 1st time BF had seen the rock (our schedules are opposite right now), & I had been telling him how bright the stone faces up, but had never had the stone in this room.
I handed him the box & walked away for a minute, when I returned--he was just kinds lookin at me funny LOL---& he's like, well I don't really see what you mean by bright & white--and seeming confused--so then I walked over to where he was & saw---OOOOOHHHHHH WOWWWW--& I'm all excited & trying to explain that's not the color, that it's taking on the color of all of the mahogany & browns & I didn't want to leave that room!!!! He has no idea whats-so-ever why I am all freaking out happy & excited.
The color it turned, well it was definately brown, but more of a grayish brown natural suede like color with hints of pink kinda like white zinfindel.

Well, I finally had to leave the room so he could see what it really looks like & he couldn't believe it was the same stone.

I can't get this stone lemonade color-which is fine by me.
Even in a yellow room--it's not anything more than the palest of yellow--but I can get it to go pale yellow & creamy--like a pale bananna cream if I am in a yellow & or beige room, but that's the most yellow I can get it.

I've tried a few different colored rooms now--blue doesn't change it, & neither does merlot red, gray doesn't have much effect either.
Haven't done other colors thus far.

So that's the extent of my viewing thus far.
We had decided to do a road trip to GOG. We were gonna leave tonight & do the drive, but some unexpected stuff happened & BF is all gimped up, had to see a Dr yesterday & chiropractor today & is now in a drugged sleep with ice 8 hour drive for us.
We want to see more stones & also check out the AVC's, since I originally wanted a cushion. I'm still on the fence & am tired of mail viewing 1 at a time.

I do so love this stone, but I really wanna see that .093 J that YayTacori took the pics of, & I *MUST* see that next to some AVC's--it's the only way to know I think, & well, BF was the one who said the trip was "totally do-able", so really--who am I to disagree???
It was his idea...

I'm going to attempt to figure out how to use the camera. Sorry no pics so far. I'm tryin.

Deactivated member 42515

I saw that the .93 J was available the day after I returned it and when I checked out the inventory again today, it was put on hold. Did you by chance hold it so you could see it when you visit GOG?


Dec 25, 2011
Yaytacori--I was waiting, with bated breath for a call or an email about it Tuesday/Wednesday & did not receive one.
I work a horrid schedule right now & can't get anything done during business hours, & can't use my phone or email at work.
My days & nights are all upside down. Luckily at like 3am wed night/thurs morn I did see it posted on GOG's site & placed it on hold.

I have a few questions, if you don't mind, since you had this puppy in your clutches for a couple of days.
The stone I have right now is so so bright--there is a tremendous amount of brilliance-(white light)-it's just insane how bright it is.

I did notice I get a little darkness under the table, & the one you has does have a different ASET pattern with the blue/red, so I am thinking yours didn't do that?

Also--some questions about fire--I want to be careful how I word this, because I am out of my element & don't want this post to be misconstrued. I'll do my best to describe what I'm getting at.
I'm not complaining about this diamond.

I'm trying to understand what it is I need to look for in a diamond with either crown height or angles or cut or ASET or whatever--what do I look for to get the effect I want for ***FIRE***.

My previous experience was viewing cushion brilliants, the crowns were a bit higher, but not the 'over 40 degrees' & each one I viewed showed fire/color reflections even when not in spot lighting I got the blues/pink/orange/yellow green & even sometimes an odd red or violet.

In most lighting conditions, with this current stone--I get bright bright white brilliance & tons of white/silver sparkle/scintillation.
There is zero time where this diamond ever goes dead-even partially-which is pretty freakin incredible, & I do love that.
But, I'm only really getting fire & colors reflecting in low low light conditions, or spot lights.
When I say low light, I mean low--like cloudy daylight with curtains closed & no other light in the room--like when you wake up in the morning & haven't opened the curtains. I get the most beautiful colors then, or if I am off to a dark corner of a room lit by a low watt cfl bulb & from the side, or cupping the diamond.
I don't seem to be getting the colors like how you described & I am a fire nut. I've read here & other places that sometimes a very brilliant stone can somewhat cancel out *fire*---is this true???

YayTacori--you said your stone was a fireball--did you get the colors? not colors reflecting from your clothes or the room you are in, but the rainbow like colors of light?

It seems to me this stone is so so bright in most lighting conditions--even crappy office light, that maybe the white is cancelling out the colors, I don't know.
And, well, it doesn't help that most people seem to not 'get' what I am talking about because they see the abundant white/silver sparkle & brilliance & have no idea what I mean.
This diamond is brighter & also so much more sparkle/scintillation than anyone elses I've been able to compare it to in person, I think the only other thing I could ever compare it's effects to is another AVR or AVC LOL, or perhaps a really well cut vintage OEC, but no one around here has one.

Also, note for you women out there--other women get *very* moody when you want to compare a diamond like this against theirs, despite the fact that they may have a beautiful ring & stone.
So friends or coworkers may not be so happy about it. I'm getting a serious 'cold shoulder' type of attitude, & I guess it's ***ring envy***.
I've never been in this position, & i didn't intend for this to be a *contest*. BF says it's like men & their cars.

Before I had this stone, women were more than happy to let me hold gaze check out their stones, even against the other cushion brilliants I had for comparison-- LOL I have an LED headlamp I used & i could show them how their stones can dance & it made them pretty happy ;-), not so with this stone--this type of cut/quality can bring out the worst in others in an unexpected way. Cold shoulder is an understatement.

BF says most women would be thrilled with this type of reaction if it were their stone--So just want to let you all know--this cut/quaility is a whole different animal--it's in a league all it's own & yes, people will get envious & their behavior & attitude may come as a suprise, even in people you thought you knew well.


Sep 11, 2011
Ahhh Catia, I'm so glad you loved the stone. It sounds amazing and you are making me want an avr even more now! ;-)
One thing tho, I think it's a little bit rude for you to go around comparing your stone to other peoples. You already know yours is far superior and you're making other people feel bad about theirs. That's not nice. I would say go ahead and show it off if you want but don't ask to side by side compare unless they suggest it. It may come off as gloating and that's probably why the cold shoulder attitudes.
Anyway, I look forward to hearing about your trip to GOG.


Dec 25, 2011
It really wasn't /isn't like that.
I was never comparing quality--& they never had an issue before. I was comparing shapes & facets & the light play.

They knew I was looking for an antique style & was trying to learn the differences between the faceting and fire & brillaince, & leaning about stuff.

When I'd learn something from here I'd share it there, & I have even taken the 4 other stones into work (3 cushion brilliants & a modified cushion)--we'd check them out, & all was just fine. We'd play with them under different lights--no issue. We'd check out the different facets & the differences in shapes etc...All was well & good. There wasn't anything rude, it was a learning experience, they were helping me try to decide, noting the differences, giving me input, guiding me & learning with me. It WAS really neat.

...Until the AVR. That changed it. It wasn't my intention. I had no idea, no one where I live has one or ever heard of them. One woman has an 'ideal' cut H color H&A.
Nothing you see in the pics or even the videos can prepare you for the actual real life difference when compared to most other cuts that most people have. I guess I now fully understand that a store graded ideal isn't the same.
It IS a different animal.
I do know now, CUT IS KING, and unless comparing diamonds of ideal or EX/EX quaility for real--AGS or IGA, i do agree, the comparison simply isn't fair.
However, my intention was never to be rude or to gloat, was never a part of what I was trying to achieve. I did not ever think the difference would be so drastic.

Honestly, I thought the 1.02 N AVR would pale in comparison to the 'ideal' H&A H color. I never asked who graded hers as ideal. Never crossed my mind. I thought I'd have to explain mine was light yellow and I was so stressing even after it was on the way, I thought I was really trading something off going down to an N. Nothing prepared me for the difference cut has, I'm so out of my element with this--you have no idea!!!
I was the one apprehensive even taking it to work.


Jan 21, 2006
catia|1335049447|3177431 said:
It really wasn't /isn't like that.
I was never comparing quality--& they never had an issue before. I was comparing shapes & facets & the light play.

They knew I was looking for an antique style & was trying to learn the differences between the faceting and fire & brillaince, & leaning about stuff.

When I'd learn something from here I'd share it there, & I have even taken the 4 other stones into work (3 cushion brilliants & a modified cushion)--we'd check them out, & all was just fine. We'd play with them under different lights--no issue. We'd check out the different facets & the differences in shapes etc...All was well & good. There wasn't anything rude, it was a learning experience, they were helping me try to decide, noting the differences, giving me input, guiding me & learning with me. It WAS really neat.

...Until the AVR. That changed it. It wasn't my intention. I had no idea, no one where I live has one or ever heard of them. One woman has an 'ideal' cut H color H&A.
Nothing you see in the pics or even the videos can prepare you for the actual real life difference when compared to most other cuts that most people have. I guess I now fully understand that a store graded ideal isn't the same.
It IS a different animal.
I do know now, CUT IS KING, and unless comparing diamonds of ideal or EX/EX quaility for real--AGS or IGA, i do agree, the comparison simply isn't fair.
However, my intention was never to be rude or to gloat, was never a part of what I was trying to achieve. I did not ever think the difference would be so drastic.

Honestly, I thought the 1.02 N AVR would pale in comparison to the 'ideal' H&A H color. I never asked who graded hers as ideal. Never crossed my mind. I thought I'd have to explain mine was light yellow and I was so stressing even after it was on the way, I thought I was really trading something off going down to an N. Nothing prepared me for the difference cut has, I'm so out of my element with this--you have no idea!!!
I was the one apprehensive even taking it to work.

Well, surprise, surprise! What a great story. I knew I wanted an AVR and now there is no doubt in my mind. Thanks for sharing. I never once got the impression you were comparing or gloating from your previous posts. Don't worry about that.

So today I went into a jewelry store to see if I could look at a GIA K or L just to see how low I could go with the color range...they had an L 1.46c and it was beautiful. Can't wait till my funds come in to get an AVR. To me the advantage of getting an AVR over the AVC is that they are cut more shallow making them face up larger for the carat size. Just what i have observed. I've always loved squarish shaped diamonds but the facet pattern in the AVR's is really lovely.

I think the shock and awe from an awesome stone when they find out it is an N color would be very entertaining...LOL! (Except the response from your friend at work...not entertaining at all.)


Jan 21, 2006
I was always wondering if the Kozibe effect meant that the stone had a superior cut. Read some threads on the K effect but didn't find this till the other day:

"The reflections of the culet occur when crown and
pavilion facets are both steep. The same proportions
produce fire....Pairs of culet reflections on crown facets form when
light bounces off the center of the pavilion into the crown facets. The
reflection of the culet appears dark because light does not reflect back
from it but passes through."


There are pictures on this thread of the stone being used as an is cut pretty deep. Jon has 5c UV OEC that has the Kozibe effect and it has amazing fire in the videos. I think the depth is around 68% but can't recall.

Jon can answer your questions on what produces the fire but thought I would post this as it was interesting to me and related the steep facets in the crown and pavilion to the fire produced. (All that stuff is over my head though...too much geometry!)


Dec 25, 2011
I have learned a ton comparing stones & reading in the past 6 months, but man there's a LOT that reading just can't convey & I think with the antique cuts, whether AVR/AVC or genuine antique cuts--in person IS the way to go.

For me though, I dislike actually going into jewelry stores, I decided that a few years ago when I did my 1st attempt to but a stone. I didn't know about PS then.
Thank god for PS!!!! We have so many good people here sharing info--gemologists too, & while some of the debates here are long & wordy & I have to look up new terms constantly--I feel I'm getting all sides of the spectrum.

I likened the experience before to being on a used car lot, I got a LOT of BS & sales tactics from people who weren't gemologists, who kept trying to tell me what I wanted, when I already knew what I wanted-even if I didn't know the terms. They were just trying to make their sale.
I always left feeling frustrated. LOL was a bartender for 15-20yrs, so I know BS when I hear it, my radar goes off & I just walk.

So I have been doing this via mail. With the aid of this place & a few others.
That way I'm not pressured, I have time to view ALL different light sources & to come to my own conclusions.
Now that I've more knowledge under my belt & have found a few vendors/gemologists I actually appreciate & respect--well--I feel better about actually walking into a jewelers again, but mainly because I've found ones I respect the opinions of.

--though there probably is a LOT more safety in AVC/AVR choosing online if you are one who is going for optical symmetry & predictability & ASET & other scans, pics & videos do also help quite a bit. I was actually hoping I could do this ALL online, but now that I've narrowed my search so much, I *need* to go in person.

I'm not a RB H&A person, never was,so I can't comment on lower graded colors with that cut--
But with the antique style cutting--I don't think there's a color I'd NOT consider now.

Especially after viewing this N color in person.

I began my search with J, because I know I'm not a 'white white' person. And for the setting I want, I may well stick with J, but who knows. LOL if I found a light brown champagne like AVR, I think I'd just die on the spot--especially after seeing this N in a dark mahogany room & getting that color reflection. What I found is that if the cut is great, there is zero limit with tint for me!

If you're going for an L-and deciding on an AVR-my opinion is that you're going to get *white* face up--

What's really neat in my opinion is how magically this cut transforms tint.
People were telling me how yellow an N would be especially from the sides-I was sick with worry.
Fact is, depending on setting, you may not really see the side or pavillion, the body color from the sides is barely noticable even in that super high off the finger ring holder thingy. A bezel would hide it completely.
And the magical part is to look at it's side & body, then turn it face up--amazing what light will do with good geometry!
But I'm a dork & like pointing stuff like that out.
I'd be the one saying --look how dark the diamond body is--& flip it face up & say--now check this out.

Wouldn't mind inventing a setting with some locking hinges so I could have that fun when it's set.
I'm having more fun with it loose!

Tint is *not* a negative for this cut, quite the opposite!!!
This just gives us more options & more room for creativity.

There's a whole alphabet of beauty & a well cut diamond can & should sing every letter.


Jan 11, 2006
Well all I can say is, you have done a great job convincing me that these stones may be superior to traditional cuts and that I need to see some larger ones!!! I have seen a couple of .60's before and they were beautiful, but I am sure the larger the stone, the more amazing they are! Now to plan a trip to GOG..... :naughty:


Dec 25, 2011
Yeah, I suppose I'm getting the diamond bug. Sigh. didn't think I was that kind of girl LOL didn't even want a diamond. I used to literally get nauseas whenever we'd have to look.

BF, who is not usually 'verbally' romantic made this comment to me this evening when I was asking which of the stones he has liked the best:
"We will go go to GOG & look at whatever you want, I actually like the idea of you having something other women envy, you deserve it"
He's all laid up right now, in pain, & this comment was before we went to the ER tonight, *** before the vicodin***, & it was on an empty stomach.
So I dunno.
Maybe he was in pain & making deals with god? But it was really sweet in a twisted way.

So far, he prefers the 'performance' of the AVR--but likes cushion shape & really wants to see the AVC. Originally I wanted cushion, & he liked them. Tonight in the ER waiting area, there was pot lighting, And I had the N with me---& he's like , I dunno now--maybe you should keep that one.
Yes, we were talking diamonds in the ER. He got excited about the fire in the pot lighting :)

So my conclusion is, pain makes men receptive to diamonds. And the loophole is, you do not need to be the one who inflicts it. :saint:


Oct 4, 2011
catia|1335174203|3178276 said:
So my conclusion is, pain makes men receptive to diamonds. And the loophole is, you do not need to be the one who inflicts it. :saint:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Good one Catia!!!!

Have you decided that the N will work for you? You sure sound very positive about it! And just watching GOG videos on the stones, it looks amazing! I hope you get that GOG field trip in when your BF is feeling better. Did the ER trip and vicodin improve his situation??? Fingers crossed he recovers quickly... and that your finger gets crossed with a sparkly diamond soon! :bigsmile:


Sep 11, 2011
Catia you're bad for me! Reading all your descriptions makes me want an avr that I'm almost considering trading in my current diamond! ;-)
I'm thinking I need to order one to see in person tho...


Dec 25, 2011
we're supposed to be doing the trip this friday now.

BF is doing better, did a round of steroids, flexeril, seeing Dr & chiropractor for adjustments & tens therapy 3x wk.
ER trip on Sun was to make sure a strange lump wasn't a blood clot in his hand (orig problem is in neck & shoulder)-no clot so that's good, it's some type of ganglion cyst that has nothing to do with the shoulder/neck thing. I was worried cuz it was on the left side. Whew!

I'm not keepin this particular stone. It is beautiful though. I'm still between AVR & AVC--after seeing just how beautiful the AVR is in person--I now know I flat out *must see* the AVC in person.

If I do the AVR it would probably be the J that yaytacori viewed & posted pics of, since my setting has ruby, as I would want whiter---OR--(which won't ever happen)-if a light champagne of same size & color range popped up--LOL after seeing the color this stone took on in a dark mahognay room in low indirect light, well...if it were that color all of the time--one can dream--that'll be for another day.

I decided I'd either need to go white or if tinted, with brown but not inbetween. Does that make sense?
If my setting were different, with diamond sidestones or a solitaire, I'd take the N no problem.
I am not gonna change the setting. (though i might hafta wait on the setting i want & do a cheapie until i can afford it)

The question now is AVC or AVR. The only round I would *EVER* want is an OEC--that much is clear, I just don't like any other round.

I have always had an affinity for cushions though, & the high crown on the AVC disturbs my thought process daily, I just like the way it appears elevated, does something to my brain with the square rounded shape--so need to compare the 2 in person.
Cushions are what I've looked at previously, but had not found "the one" though have been close.

I'm worried about BF & doing the trip. He says he'll be just fine, but he's the strong silent type & doesn't voice when he's suffering.

My dilemma now is this & I could use some help!!!

If I go in person, I have a limited viewing time & conditions, though I could always go before the appt & look at *ALL* of the goodies.
We both really wanna go & check out GOG, just for the fact of being able to view everything there. I still can't believe BF is into doing this too.
I want to be able to play with the stones in different lighting, not in a controlled environment. (i doubt jon is gonna let me walk outside of the shop with it unless I buy it, but if I'm returning the N in person, they still have my $$ so I dunno how it can work really)
Also in person, I can see ***MANY*** & if something pops out more than the others to me visually, I can choose that one. The knowing there are a bunch to choose from is the bonus here for me. I've heard sometimes one just pops out at you & you just 'know" it's the one.

If I continue to do this at home by mail--I have time to really get a feel for the diamond in all lighting conditions in real life.
There's no rush to make a decision, but I can't view a bunch at once.

Home, work & real life environment is definately the BEST way to view a diamond.

There is the added cost of shipping back/forth if I do not find 'the one' right off, & it ties up my cash, but when you consider a 2 day trip to NYC with lodging and meals & gas, well, home is still cheaper, which may leave a little extra (not really extra)for the stone or towards having my setting made.

Trying to find a way to swing being able to view 2 at home--the J AVR & one of the AVC's--I'm starting to think that might be the better alternative to doing the trip right now, but the trip is still on as I got the day off work & haven't talked to BF yet about the alternative.
Gonna speak with him soon.


Since I am no longer concerned with cut quality, or color now, having viewed this N in person, & having scans already available pre-purchase on GOG site--that takes a LOT of anxiety out of the mix, it's a matter of clarity & shape. I'm finally comparing apples to apples, so a LOT of the stuff I used to be concerned about is no longer an issue.

I do want to apologize for no pics, I am trying, time is really limited & my camera skills suck. Pics were blurry & also having an issue getting pics to post--was trying to post Silverleaf's 1.19 N-her pics are great & it does look just like mine-but I can't get it to post & don't have time to read all of the posting info right now.
But here's the link:


Oct 4, 2011
crazy thought --- are you wanting an OEC or AVC/AVR experienced PSer's opinion on what to select - aside from what Jonathan can recommend when on site?

Why not post to see if there is a PSer in the area with that experience, to see if they would join you - as an unbiased opinion??? If it were me, I'd love to have a PSer join me - they'd be sooo much more into it than my DH would ever be! and much better informed!

Just a thought.... :))


Sep 17, 2011
Enerchi|1335302871|3179719 said:
crazy thought --- are you wanting an OEC or AVC/AVR experienced PSer's opinion on what to select - aside from what Jonathan can recommend when on site?

Why not post to see if there is a PSer in the area with that experience, to see if they would join you - as an unbiased opinion??? If it were me, I'd love to have a PSer join me - they'd be sooo much more into it than my DH would ever be! and much better informed!

Just a thought.... :))
True! I am sure there are some PSers in the region that wouldn't mind a trip to GOG ;-)


Oct 4, 2011
armywife13|1335312882|3179851 said:
Enerchi|1335302871|3179719 said:
crazy thought --- are you wanting an OEC or AVC/AVR experienced PSer's opinion on what to select - aside from what Jonathan can recommend when on site?

Why not post to see if there is a PSer in the area with that experience, to see if they would join you - as an unbiased opinion??? If it were me, I'd love to have a PSer join me - they'd be sooo much more into it than my DH would ever be! and much better informed!

Just a thought.... :))
True! I am sure there are some PSers in the region that wouldn't mind a trip to GOG ;-)
Doesn't that sound like a cool idea - advice from a PS pro! Oh, I'd love that. Maybe if I can get DH on board for an NYC trip in October, I'll see about a 'play date' at one of the vendors!

Catia, what do you think?? Ask for help?


Dec 25, 2011
it's sounding like you might be a volunteer??? Are you tryin to give me a hint???

LOL yes it really IS a great idea, but I do want to pick the stone with my BF, be it at home or in store since it's for my ER & he is showing such interest. (though maybe in reality he's just wondering why his bank account keeps getting smaller & smaller for this 1 little thing lol)

But a field trip to GOG with a bunch of PS'ers *WOULD BE WAYYYY COOL"

More so for us than them!!!!
We'd be asking tons of insane questions that you only find out from all the PS reading & watching the GOG videos.
(but then that's Jon's fault for informing lol)
Then we'd be wanting to pull & scope everything & play in the rocks...
We'd have to check everything in different lighting just like the videos--
Of course we'd have to definately pull out *all* of the honkers!
And of course we'd have to have music.
And pizza, so of course fingerprints...

I think if I did that I'd want to dress up in some type of crazy period clothing with a *mad* hat, like i were going for tea...
The loupe could be our "through the looking glass" .

Remember what the door mouse said????

UGh, sorry, I'll stop now.

Back to reality.

My 1.02 N is getting sent back &...I find it is quite difficult to part with a diamond--even when it's not 'the one'--Today I got to see a--not kidding or exaggerating-- a 4ft by about 4ft display of tiny rainbows on my laundryroom wall today because there was a shard of sunlight coming through the window, & I stayed & teased the cat who was jumping around trying to catch them. I was making rainbows on the wall, the ceiling, the floor.

We've decided to do the viewing from home.

*********I will be viewing 2 stones--Yaytacori's beloved J OEC/AVR & one of the AVC's************

Right now I just don't want the BF being stuck in the car for 8 hours there & 8 hours back & feeling crappy in a strange place. He's never been to NYC & I feel it'd be better to do it when he's feeling better & can enjoy it. And I don't want him driving on these meds.
We love road trips, but now just isn't the time.

Plus--if I can figure this camera--I can do an *in real life* showdown AVR v/s AVC. The ultimate.
There is a macro button, I just don't know anything about this stuff, so not promising pics like you all are used to, just sayin i really wanna try.


Oct 4, 2011
Best to make the decision in a format you are comfortable with - seeing them both at home, sounds great!!! And so much less trauma for your poor fiance. I agree, see NYC when you are both well and up for it. Maybe decide on the diamond, then go to GOG to select the setting when you both have time???

I would love to come and play with you but I know ZIP about OEC's/AVC's/AVR's.... I've got miles to go before I know 1/2 of what the experts here know!! ANd, I'm in Ontario, not quite a hop skip and a jump away, unfortunately!

Hoping to get to NYC in October... and maybe a diamond district field trip then :Up_to_something: :naughty: :Up_to_something:


Dec 25, 2011
enerchi--years ago i lived in Toronto-late '80's-well just north-- richmondhill/thornhill--I loved it there--everyone was so friendly & I remember have safe & clean it was for the population size & that it had some really cool clubs & lots of great restuarants.

Viewing choice:
So, i chose, as you all know, the .093 J AVR....
& also the "1.04 N si1 AVC*

--i chose the *N color AVC* for a couple of reasons--

1--because I have seen N color in the AVR, I want to see how it looks in the AVC--I think it'll be a great comparison for color for me.
I've read cushions show color more than rounds & I want to see that effect in GOG's cushion cut--cut for light performance.

2-because i saw a video of it that Jon shot when he was explaining that he had genuine antique cuts--he used it for a comparison & I looked at it many many times trying to see the inclusions in that video & could not. And, for the price, I couldn't NOT look at this one.

Here's the link to the video:

3-after looking at various AGS reports, the diamxray, & aset & pics on GOG site, I just liked the center of this stone better--seems stronger & crisp /maltese cross' shape & had the smallest table of the 3 i was checking out. I'm curious how facets may or may not hide the inclusions--never viewed an si 1 before in person.
& I could also see some kozibe effect in the pics & scans ;-) so will be seeing if i can see that with the naked eye.


Jan 11, 2006
I think you made a wise decision! An 8 hour car trip is hard under the best of circumstances and pretty impossible under your circustances. NYC is such a fun place and should be done when you both can enjoy it!

I can't wait to see what you think about the two stones! I'd love to do that myself!
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