
what''s the next big thing that''s going to happen?

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Nov 13, 2007
Date: 12/2/2009 10:40:26 AM
Author: noelwr
meresal - yay! what's your house going to look like? by the way, I am also a Mrs. B now.
It is going to be a 4 bdrm 1 story. Big and flat, and just what we want for right now. The house is only just over 2100 sq ft, but we only needed something a little bigger than our current apartment, that we can sell in 5 or 6 years. Glad to see there are a few other B's around. I'm still getting used to mine

Smurfy- Are you all still without a car?


Jul 12, 2008
Hmm, nothing big happening with us for a while. We''re waiting another 2 years to buy a house because we want to do a once-and-for-all move. Currently live in a condo, and want to move to our final house. We both hate moving, so we''re saving and searching for our ideal family home.

Around that time we''ll also be TTCing. Until then, we''re just enjoying married life


Aug 15, 2008
Hey ladies,

So first off, I am going to try to come back to Pricescope more often =0)

After that, my DH and I are going to TTC in April/May. We are not sure how long its going to take, but ideally would like to get preggers during the summer.

We were going to try to move before a baby, but in the bad economy, its hard to walk away from a perfectly good job.


Sep 4, 2007
We bought a house this past July (moved in September) and that''s about it! We are trying to decorate and settle in.


Feb 17, 2008
Married in April, bought a house in October, thinking we're gonna TTC in Feb/March - I want the baby born around the holidays next year so I get to have off
! I'm really excited, and really freaked out at the same time. February's around the corner!! eek!

Noel... Congrats!!


Jul 5, 2007
3,998 the first 6 mos we were married, DH got a new job and we moved to a new city (meaning we had to live apart for 2 1/2 mos while I finished out my contract). Then, when we''d lived here about a year, we bought a house. We''ve spent the last 6 months in reno on the bedrooms. This year, as we were celebrating being in our house for a year, I got a new job.

So, I hope life slows down for us! I feel like we''ve been racing to meet all these newlywed milestones for the past two years. Next for us is that we both want to travel and finish the basement before we start trying for a kid (about 2-3 years from now).


Jun 4, 2008
Well I graduate next week and DH graduated in August, so hopefully jobs that will require moving will be the next big thing for us!


Dec 29, 2006
I lurk in the PG thread, so I saw your big news, Noel! Congrats! How exciting!

I''d imagine that the next big thing for us is that we''ll move again. We''re debating about whether or not to move back to our home state (we moved away 5 months ago because my husband had gotten a new job). If we do go back, that will happen over the summer.

We''d love to start a family, but we''re not sure that that''s in the cards for us at this point. There are a few reasons why we''ve waited until now, but at this point, there''s no guarantee that it would happen anyway.

Oh wait, I did just think of something that might happen -- I have a feeling that my parents are going to treat us to a weekend away in the mountains of NC around Christmas. My mom was asking very pointed questions about where we''d like to go and how long we could leave our 2 cats alone before calling in a pet sitter when she and my family were here for Thanksgiving. If we did get to go on this mini-vacation, it would be so nice to get away for a few days.


Mar 2, 2009
I''m starting clinical rotations for medical school in 4 weeks, so that will be a big change for us since my hours will change very drastically. And I''ll probably be a nervous, anxious mess for the first few weeks so hopefully the hubby is up to the challenge!

And then hopefully a nice vacation to Italy next summer since we''re looking into getting my eggo preggo next winter. I want to get a nice memorable vacay in before that!


Apr 20, 2009
We got married back in September and are taking our honeymoon/trip of a lifetime two weeks from today....SO EXCITED


Jul 30, 2008
Date: 12/3/2009 12:22:20 AM
Author: kittybean
Date: 12/2/2009 11:33:37 PM

Author: BeachRunner

We got married in October and moved to Denver the week after. SO, new hubby, new state, new job so far. We''re gonna feel out the city to determine what area we like most for house hunting. Kids aren''t in our near future. We''re just getting settled in our new lives in the mountains!

Ooh, another PSer in Denver! Welcome! DH and I are house-hunting here at the moment--we''re hoping that buying a house will be our next big event.

Thanks! Are you looking to buy a house in the suburbs or in the downtown area?

Smurfy I noticed that you are looking for homes too! Are you looking around the area you just moved to?


Jan 13, 2008
Well, we hope to do the following in the next few years:

1) I need to finish grad school sometime in the next 2.5 years (it's taking forever!!!)
2) Find a good job in a city we would like to settle in...
3) Buy a house...
4) Have a baby or two or three!!!

Lots of big steps to come! Some days I feel like time is flying and on other days, it feels like it passes so slowly! I wish we could start a family sooner but we are trying to concentrate on one goal at a time!


Mar 21, 2008
Asschernut so where''s this honeymoon going to take you?


Apr 20, 2009
Date: 12/5/2009 3:01:02 AM
Author: noelwr
Asschernut so where''s this honeymoon going to take you?
We are going to New Zealand and Australia for a total of 25 days. The first 13 nights will be on a cruise around NZ and Tasmania, then a 7 day tour of Australia, and spending the rest of the time on our own in Sydney.

(we eloped and used all the money originally for a wedding for home renovations and this trip)


Oct 20, 2007
Nothing for us!

We''ve been married for almost 4 years, don''t want children, are years away from buying a house. I''d like to start a post-graduate program in the next 3 years or travel for several months. Neither are happening in the very near future.

I remember the huge let-down of getting married, having planned so so careful, and realising I had nothing else big happening. I''ve calmed down about it a lot.


Jul 9, 2008
Awww congrats on the babies to the pregnant PSers!!!

We leave for our honeymoon in about 3 weeks (2 1/2 months is too long to wait for a HM!). After we get back we''ll probably start casually TTC. We''re ready for it when it happens!
We bought a house almost 3 years ago, but we''re still finishing up the kitchen remodel and one last bathroom. After that hopefully nothing for a while!


Aug 17, 2007
Date: 12/4/2009 5:58:58 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
I lurk in the PG thread, so I saw your big news, Noel! Congrats! How exciting!

I''d imagine that the next big thing for us is that we''ll move again. We''re debating about whether or not to move back to our home state (we moved away 5 months ago because my husband had gotten a new job). If we do go back, that will happen over the summer.

We''d love to start a family, but we''re not sure that that''s in the cards for us at this point. There are a few reasons why we''ve waited until now, but at this point, there''s no guarantee that it would happen anyway.

Oh wait, I did just think of something that might happen -- I have a feeling that my parents are going to treat us to a weekend away in the mountains of NC around Christmas. My mom was asking very pointed questions about where we''d like to go and how long we could leave our 2 cats alone before calling in a pet sitter when she and my family were here for Thanksgiving. If we did get to go on this mini-vacation, it would be so nice to get away for a few days.
I vote a YES on that!


Jul 27, 2007
Date: 12/9/2009 11:30:29 AM
Author: Keepingthefaith21

Date: 12/4/2009 5:58:58 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
I lurk in the PG thread, so I saw your big news, Noel! Congrats! How exciting!

I''d imagine that the next big thing for us is that we''ll move again. We''re debating about whether or not to move back to our home state (we moved away 5 months ago because my husband had gotten a new job). If we do go back, that will happen over the summer.

We''d love to start a family, but we''re not sure that that''s in the cards for us at this point. There are a few reasons why we''ve waited until now, but at this point, there''s no guarantee that it would happen anyway.

Oh wait, I did just think of something that might happen -- I have a feeling that my parents are going to treat us to a weekend away in the mountains of NC around Christmas. My mom was asking very pointed questions about where we''d like to go and how long we could leave our 2 cats alone before calling in a pet sitter when she and my family were here for Thanksgiving. If we did get to go on this mini-vacation, it would be so nice to get away for a few days.
I vote a YES on that!
I was going to post the same thing!

i hope your hunch about your parents is right, Zoe! A weekend in the mountains sounds so nice!


Nov 16, 2008
don''t worry em1- my hubby and i did things a bit weird too.

he bought a house when he was 25- he had his roommate move in so it was a bit easier for him to purchase at a younger age.

he gave me a puppy when he proposed, and already had one dog, so 2 is enough for us!

hubby is losing his job in the next few months, so he''s looking now for something to start in the new year. there are going to be some drastic changes at my own work in the next few months, so i might be moving up into a different position. if i dont get promoted, i''ll be working on an internship.

either way, we''ve decided to start TTC in july. hubby''s going to be 29 next july, and wants to have babies by age 30! gotta wait until after my sister''s wedding in june :)


May 18, 2008
So, charbie, does this mean the job your DH was recruited for turned out to be a bust? That''s a bummer.

A huge congrats to all our KTFU and home-owning newlyweds.

As for me and DH, we will be finishing our PhDs in ''10. I will be moving cross-country for a job in August (and I really, really hope that DH will be able to find a job and move with me in ''10. Otherwise, he will be moving out in ''11). We are moving to a really high cost of living area, so no homeownership soon, either. But, finishing school and getting jobs is a huge enough deal for us!


Nov 16, 2008
Katamari- he''s waiting to hear the final word. He had two interviews with the company, and now its the waiting game. Grr! If it doesn''t work out, he''s ok with it, and even if he gets it he might still keep looking. Its just a weird time for him. He''s at a professional crossroads now, so he''s just trying to figure it out...

I''m so excited for you and your move! The PNW is so beautiful, you''re going to love it!


Sep 30, 2007
as i was sayin to pilsner the other day, our OFFICIAL first big thing is getting the cat neutered hahahha :)


Mar 7, 2006
Well considering we already bought the house and paid for the house a few years back, have 4 cats, horses, land, new cars/trucks/trailers etc.. we just got a pellet stove, does that count? LOL


Sep 30, 2006
After the wedding, it was all about our careers. I had put some things on hold especially in the last few months leading up to the wedding, so I jumped in right away after returning from the honeymoon.

It''s exciting to both have career momentum going on.

It seems like a large portion of newlyweds find themselves going into baby mode after the wedding, even if they hadn''t planned to. I know both of us were preoccupied by it, even though we both didn''t feel ready. I''m glad we soldiered through that phase, because we''re out the other side and thinking more clearly now


May 18, 2008
Date: 12/10/2009 10:39:14 PM
Author: charbie
Katamari- he''s waiting to hear the final word. He had two interviews with the company, and now its the waiting game. Grr! If it doesn''t work out, he''s ok with it, and even if he gets it he might still keep looking. Its just a weird time for him. He''s at a professional crossroads now, so he''s just trying to figure it out...

I''m so excited for you and your move! The PNW is so beautiful, you''re going to love it!

Ah, the waiting game does totally suck. I am glad to hear that your DH seems to be at peace with it and is confident enough in his skills and worth to find what he wants and not just settle for something. I will keep thinking about you two and hoping for the best!

Thanks for the job excitement for me! I am really in love with the school and the region, and am incredibly blessed to have not just an offer, but my dream job, in this recession. It will be hard to leave OH (and especially the ridiculously affordable costs of living here),though. Despite the gruff everyone gives it as a "flyover state" and whatnot, I really love it here.


Aug 17, 2007
Date: 12/11/2009 7:32:46 PM
Author: musey
After the wedding, it was all about our careers. I had put some things on hold especially in the last few months leading up to the wedding, so I jumped in right away after returning from the honeymoon.

It''s exciting to both have career momentum going on.

It seems like a large portion of newlyweds find themselves going into baby mode after the wedding, even if they hadn''t planned to. I know both of us were preoccupied by it, even though we both didn''t feel ready. I''m glad we soldiered through that phase, because we''re out the other side and thinking more clearly now
Great points Musey - any tips on how you soldiered through? For some reason, I find myself considering children more and more frequently despite being fairly certain they were not in our immediate future. I am figuring it is part of the newlywed phase...


Sep 30, 2006
Date: 12/15/2009 6:58:54 PM
Author: Keepingthefaith21
Date: 12/11/2009 7:32:46 PM
Author: musey
After the wedding, it was all about our careers. I had put some things on hold especially in the last few months leading up to the wedding, so I jumped in right away after returning from the honeymoon.

It's exciting to both have career momentum going on.

It seems like a large portion of newlyweds find themselves going into baby mode after the wedding, even if they hadn't planned to. I know both of us were preoccupied by it, even though we both didn't feel ready. I'm glad we soldiered through that phase, because we're out the other side and thinking more clearly now
Great points Musey - any tips on how you soldiered through? For some reason, I find myself considering children more and more frequently despite being fairly certain they were not in our immediate future. I am figuring it is part of the newlywed phase...
Yep, I think it's definitely part of the newlywed phase, for a lot of reasons. For us, it was/is absolutely not a practical possibility, so 'soldiering through' was just a matter of waiting it out. Nothin' more to it than that


Jul 30, 2008
Date: 12/16/2009 1:09:29 PM
Author: musey

Date: 12/15/2009 6:58:54 PM
Author: Keepingthefaith21

Date: 12/11/2009 7:32:46 PM
Author: musey
After the wedding, it was all about our careers. I had put some things on hold especially in the last few months leading up to the wedding, so I jumped in right away after returning from the honeymoon.

It''s exciting to both have career momentum going on.

It seems like a large portion of newlyweds find themselves going into baby mode after the wedding, even if they hadn''t planned to. I know both of us were preoccupied by it, even though we both didn''t feel ready. I''m glad we soldiered through that phase, because we''re out the other side and thinking more clearly now
Great points Musey - any tips on how you soldiered through? For some reason, I find myself considering children more and more frequently despite being fairly certain they were not in our immediate future. I am figuring it is part of the newlywed phase...
Yep, I think it''s definitely part of the newlywed phase, for a lot of reasons. For us, it was/is absolutely not a practical possibility, so ''soldiering through'' was just a matter of waiting it out. Nothin'' more to it than that
We kind of went through the same thing. DH and I never talked about having children on a regular basis. We have been married for about two months and almost daily we talk about our children. We are not ready at all for kids, and we both know this, but we still talk about them regularly.

Nothing at all has changed for us. The next big thing for us will be buying a house when we are ready.


Apr 24, 2008
DH and I are condo hunting at the moment, but that probably won''t come to fruition until spring. We''re currently praying to the Boston real estate gods for guidance

No babies for a few more years, unless they''re fur babies! I love kids and can''t wait to have them, but DH is far from ready right now, so I''m giving him time to warm up to it. I also want my Masters beforehand, so that gives me a two year time frame to get my sh*t together, lol.


Apr 24, 2008
Date: 12/9/2009 1:13:30 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Date: 12/9/2009 11:30:29 AM

Author: Keepingthefaith21

Date: 12/4/2009 5:58:58 PM

Author: ZoeBartlett

I lurk in the PG thread, so I saw your big news, Noel! Congrats! How exciting!

I''d imagine that the next big thing for us is that we''ll move again. We''re debating about whether or not to move back to our home state (we moved away 5 months ago because my husband had gotten a new job). If we do go back, that will happen over the summer.

We''d love to start a family, but we''re not sure that that''s in the cards for us at this point. There are a few reasons why we''ve waited until now, but at this point, there''s no guarantee that it would happen anyway.

Oh wait, I did just think of something that might happen -- I have a feeling that my parents are going to treat us to a weekend away in the mountains of NC around Christmas. My mom was asking very pointed questions about where we''d like to go and how long we could leave our 2 cats alone before calling in a pet sitter when she and my family were here for Thanksgiving. If we did get to go on this mini-vacation, it would be so nice to get away for a few days.

I vote a YES on that!

I was going to post the same thing!

i hope your hunch about your parents is right, Zoe! A weekend in the mountains sounds so nice!

Where is that, Zoe? DH and I moved back to MA after living in CA for three years, and it was the best move ever. Nothing feels as good as coming home :)
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