
What is your Achilles Heel? (food related)


Apr 2, 2006
Potato chips or cheese puffs. Cannot eat just a few, cannot have either in the house.

Snappeas (a crisp-bake pea snack). That bag is history the same day it's opened.

The first half of a pint of Ben & Jerrys is usually safe. If there's just a half a pint left... well, that's likely to be breakfast, or lunch, or whatever meal is coming up next.

These are just the foods with little or no nutritional value. There are lots of "real" foods that I'll eat to excess, but hey - we have to eat something, right?


Sep 30, 2012
Reading this thread makes me sooo hungry!

My last meal (and foods I crave) would consist of sashimi, kettle-cooked chips (just the plain flavor, the saltier the better), french fries (also heavily salted), pickles, and Cheez-its.


Feb 21, 2010
After reading this thread, I baked mac and cheese (the good homemade stuff with about a pound of cheese) and chocolate chip cookies today. DH and I are supposed to be eating healthy. Whoops. You guys made me really hungry :oops:

As far as my weakness? Usually anything chocolate, but lately the big one has been salted caramel anything. The combination of sweet and salty is soooo good. I don't care what it's in/on, I will buy it.


Dec 17, 2008
Cheesecake! When I have it in the house I'm always stilling forkfulls out of the fridge.
So bad yet so good!


May 23, 2012
I don't care for most* processed junk food. But I cook a lot (and am really quite good at it) and I love to use copious amounts of salt and butter on previously healthy foods like brown rice, broccoli, fresh baked multigrain bread. Yum.

*however, when presented with fine tortilla chips, salsa and guacamole, watch out because I will eat like there's no tomorrow!


Mar 26, 2012
Freshly baked chocolate chunk cookies


Apr 30, 2005
It used to be Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream bars.
No longer.

Costco just got "Magnum" bars, and they are the best thing I've ever eaten.

Vanilla bean ice cream dipped in dark Belgian chocolate, then dipped in carmel, then dipped milk chocolate.
Only $11.29 for a box of 12.
That's 94 cents each!

And since there are 12 they are sure to last months and months in your freezer. :lol: :lol: :lol:

HELP! :errrr: :errrr: :errrr:




Jun 18, 2010
kenny|1371243166|3466000 said:
It used to be Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream bars.
No longer.

Costco just got "Magnum" bars, and they are the best thing I've ever eaten.

Vanilla bean ice cream dipped in dark Belgian chocolate, then dipped in carmel, then dipped milk chocolate.
Only $11.29 for a box of 12.
That's 94 cents each!

And since there are 12 they are sure to last months and months in your freezer. :lol: :lol: :lol:

HELP! :errrr: :errrr: :errrr:

Thank GOD I hate dark chocolate. OMG those look amazing.


Jun 8, 2008
amc80|1371245529|3466026 said:
kenny|1371243166|3466000 said:
It used to be Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream bars.
No longer.

Costco just got "Magnum" bars, and they are the best thing I've ever eaten.

Vanilla bean ice cream dipped in dark Belgian chocolate, then dipped in carmel, then dipped milk chocolate.
Only $11.29 for a box of 12.
That's 94 cents each!

And since there are 12 they are sure to last months and months in your freezer. :lol: :lol: :lol:

HELP! :errrr: :errrr: :errrr:

Thank GOD I hate dark chocolate. OMG those look amazing.

OMG, I love dark chocolate and I didn't even know Costco had something like this! But I do not check out that section on purpose. Darn it Kenny, I just might have to try those!!!

My Achilles Heel in college was Ben and Jerry's Heathbar crunch. :lickout: Most delicious ice cream ever IMO. I belonged to the meal plan but I never went and instead had a pint a day for dinner for a whole semester. Needless to say I gained 10 lbs that semester (second term freshman year). Sigh, why are all the yummiest foods so darn fattening!!! :angryfire:


Aug 25, 2009
Yssie|1371145971|3465105 said:
Starbucks peppermint white mochas. I CANNOT pass a Starbucks without wanting one. I can sometimes resist going in and actually getting one, but...

And they have to be in the disposable cups, not proper mugs - they don't cool as evenly I think and I swear they taste different! And they have to have whipped cream and chocolate flakes on top. The local Starbucks folk see me coming down the walk and start making a Venti, no need to even order :-o

YES YES YES YES !!!! This is one of the reasons why I love the holiday season why Starbucks brings out their holiday drinks! My DH"S husband used to work there and she would make us Peppermint White Mochas at home sometimes with all the same ingredients but I swear it was never the same because it wasn't in the starbucks cup!


Sep 17, 2011
SB621|1371250372|3466080 said:
Yssie|1371145971|3465105 said:
Starbucks peppermint white mochas. I CANNOT pass a Starbucks without wanting one. I can sometimes resist going in and actually getting one, but...

And they have to be in the disposable cups, not proper mugs - they don't cool as evenly I think and I swear they taste different! And they have to have whipped cream and chocolate flakes on top. The local Starbucks folk see me coming down the walk and start making a Venti, no need to even order :-o

YES YES YES YES !!!! This is one of the reasons why I love the holiday season why Starbucks brings out their holiday drinks! My DH"S husband used to work there and she would make us Peppermint White Mochas at home sometimes with all the same ingredients but I swear it was never the same because it wasn't in the starbucks cup!
My hubby and I LOOOOOOOOVE white peppermint mochas!!! When we were stationed in AL, the Starbucks there told us that they can make peppermint white mocha's year round. Apparently they don't advertise it so that they can push it as a holiday drink. I would check your local Starbucks, they might make them for you now. Though the idea of hot drinks in the middle of summer isn't always appealing. Haha.


Mar 13, 2004
Another thing that I can resist is cheese and crackers. My hubby and kids are the same way. We can go through a giant party tray of cheese and crackers (usually eaten for weekend lunches) between the 4 of us.


Mar 26, 2006
armywife13|1371251752|3466100 said:
SB621|1371250372|3466080 said:
Yssie|1371145971|3465105 said:
Starbucks peppermint white mochas. I CANNOT pass a Starbucks without wanting one. I can sometimes resist going in and actually getting one, but...

And they have to be in the disposable cups, not proper mugs - they don't cool as evenly I think and I swear they taste different! And they have to have whipped cream and chocolate flakes on top. The local Starbucks folk see me coming down the walk and start making a Venti, no need to even order :-o

YES YES YES YES !!!! This is one of the reasons why I love the holiday season why Starbucks brings out their holiday drinks! My DH"S husband used to work there and she would make us Peppermint White Mochas at home sometimes with all the same ingredients but I swear it was never the same because it wasn't in the starbucks cup!
My hubby and I LOOOOOOOOVE white peppermint mochas!!! When we were stationed in AL, the Starbucks there told us that they can make peppermint white mocha's year round. Apparently they don't advertise it so that they can push it as a holiday drink. I would check your local Starbucks, they might make them for you now. Though the idea of hot drinks in the middle of summer isn't always appealing. Haha.

But an *iced* white peppermint mocha on a hot summer day...

If you were really motivated you could bring it home, throw in a little vodka and send it for a whirl in the blender. :lickout:


Aug 25, 2009
SB621|1371250372|3466080 said:
Yssie|1371145971|3465105 said:
Starbucks peppermint white mochas. I CANNOT pass a Starbucks without wanting one. I can sometimes resist going in and actually getting one, but...

And they have to be in the disposable cups, not proper mugs - they don't cool as evenly I think and I swear they taste different! And they have to have whipped cream and chocolate flakes on top. The local Starbucks folk see me coming down the walk and start making a Venti, no need to even order :-o

YES YES YES YES !!!! This is one of the reasons why I love the holiday season why Starbucks brings out their holiday drinks! My DH"S husband used to work there and she would make us Peppermint White Mochas at home sometimes with all the same ingredients but I swear it was never the same because it wasn't in the starbucks cup!

Meant to say my DH's COUSIN!!!! He definitely does NOT have a husband!


Sep 17, 2011
Dee*Jay|1371252070|3466105 said:
armywife13|1371251752|3466100 said:
SB621|1371250372|3466080 said:
Yssie|1371145971|3465105 said:
Starbucks peppermint white mochas. I CANNOT pass a Starbucks without wanting one. I can sometimes resist going in and actually getting one, but...

And they have to be in the disposable cups, not proper mugs - they don't cool as evenly I think and I swear they taste different! And they have to have whipped cream and chocolate flakes on top. The local Starbucks folk see me coming down the walk and start making a Venti, no need to even order :-o

YES YES YES YES !!!! This is one of the reasons why I love the holiday season why Starbucks brings out their holiday drinks! My DH"S husband used to work there and she would make us Peppermint White Mochas at home sometimes with all the same ingredients but I swear it was never the same because it wasn't in the starbucks cup!
My hubby and I LOOOOOOOOVE white peppermint mochas!!! When we were stationed in AL, the Starbucks there told us that they can make peppermint white mocha's year round. Apparently they don't advertise it so that they can push it as a holiday drink. I would check your local Starbucks, they might make them for you now. Though the idea of hot drinks in the middle of summer isn't always appealing. Haha.

But an *iced* white peppermint mocha on a hot summer day...

If you were really motivated you could bring it home, throw in a little vodka and send it for a whirl in the blender. :lickout:
Give me two weeks to finish "cooking" and deliver this baby, then I am all over that like white on rice! ;)) haha
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