
Weekly Workout Thread 24th Sept till 30th Sept

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Mar 26, 2006
The two sweetest guys on the planet!

Rod and Charlie0001.jpg


Mar 26, 2006
And here is one of the HH holding up some scary looking thing he found on the beach. We got to Tampa so early that we drove around and stopped by the water and the HH was poking around at some things that had washed up. (Get a load of that shirt BTW! Tommy Bahama, on sale at Costco. Oh well, I love him anyway... )



Nov 24, 2006
DeeJay, lovely pictures!!!!


Jun 27, 2006
Monarch - I have a new beetle, though it''s not new by any sense (1999) and not the convertible. Never driven the Mini though. I find the beetle to be pretty easy to maneuver in most situations for city driving, and I haven''t had any huge problems with it. In snow, it''s decent for a small front-wheel drive car, but it is pretty low to the ground so it''s not going to get over any big snow piles. My next car is going to be a Subaru so I can get AWD.

Marcy - thanks for the calorie counts. I expected it to be a lot worse, which is why I didn''t look it up myself

Lorelei - glad your tm is back working!

Jas - I think I used to have a crush on Richard Marx in elementary school. How embarrassing!

Tdiddy - that''s awesome about getting those discounts at the gym. I''ve always balked at joining a gym cause of the high costs (and now I have a free one to go to) but I would love to get a discount on training sessions like that.

DeeJay - you and Rod and Charlie and your husband look great!

Anyway, I had a really nice day today. I had a relatively easy night last night after about 2 am, so after I got home at 9, I still had enough energy to make myself scrambled eggs (one whole egg and 2 egg whites) with a chicken italian sausage mixed in and a slice of 40 cal toast. Slept for a while and then I had the last leftover sausage and cabbage and a little brown rice for lunch. 40 min on the elliptical and 420 calories burned.

Then for dinner I made a recipe from my newest Bon Appetit magazine. It''s a soup with linguica and sweet potatoes and spinach. I couldn''t get any linguica here, so I had to use chicken chorizo from TJs. Good, but not the same. At home we could get turkey linguica, chicken linguica, low fat linguica, low salt linguica, etc., etc., and not one piece of linguica (or chourico, for that matter) in this whole city! Anyway, I didn''t calculate the cals but I think it''s reasonably healthy cause I didn''t use much oil and the chicken sausage doesn''t have much fat, and the rest is all veggies and broth. I have some leftover and I think it might taste even better after sitting for a day or two.

Now I''m munching on strawberries and I might have some slow-churned later or some popcorn. I just realized while typing this out that I managed to eat 3 meals of sausage today. Huh.


Dec 28, 2005
Awwww......we''re blushing. Thanks for the compliments on our home DeeJay! We do love our place very much! Love the pics too and the one of Bill on the water is a great picture. You can see downtown Tampa in the background and as you got to see in person from our terrace, it''s such a pretty city lit up at night!! (though just a teensy bit smaller than Chicago - LOL) We''ll look forward to you both coming down next year for sure!! And, we can and do eat other things besides Sushi, so next year, we''ll take you someplace a bit more upscale than Red Lobster (I shudder just typing that name - LOL)!!!!

Let''s see Monnie, if we''re voting for cars, check out a BMW 328XI. It''s an all wheel drive, 4 door sedan, which supposedly does quite well in the snow. Year-end deals are going on for the remaining ''07''s, so getting an XI might be a bit difficult in your neck of the woods. BTW.....doesn''t it just make you feel like you could float when someone recognizes you''ve made progress on your fit self??!!

Doing fantastic as always Marcy!! You too tdiddy!! And of course I can''t leave out my Skippy!!!

Jas, got such a kick out of your, as usual, funny post. I''m going to be in line to buy your book when you get around to writing it. Jas, the new Erma Bombeck!!!

Glad to hear the part arrived for the treadmill Lorelei. Maybe its'' pants days are numbered!!

West African Dance Class sounds like fun Shortblonde! The Tampa Bay Buccaneer Chearleaders practice their dance moves in our gym at night and sometimes, it looks like a lot of fun and people often comment that they''d like to join them. Of course no one can. The chearleaders are pretty well protected from us gym rats during their sessions. LOL

It was a tough day at work, but we got through it. We had a very nice evening as usual. Went to Fav Sushi place #1, where our Friday night date, Pau Pau (not sure if I''m spelling that right) waits anxiously for us to arrive every Friday night. We feel at this point that if we needed to miss a Friday, we would have to call the restaurant to let her know we can''t make it. The owner of the restaurant says Pau Pau paces until we arrive. Isn''t that the sweetest thing. Then she proceeds to tell us all about her health issues for the week and we even understand some of what she says, occassionally! Then we headed for our Frozen Yogurt, followed by coffee under the oak tree. We came home, I wiped down my Bimmer, then we took a nice leisurly dip in the spa and pool. All in all a very nice evening.

Tomorrow we have to go to Nordstrom, because we have a $20 certificate and of course it''s burning a hole in our wallet. Of course there''s virtually nothing one can get at Nordie''s for $20, so we''ll undoubtedly have to add to our friend the certificate. Smart of them to reward you for using their credit card, but they know you''ll end up spending way more than the certiicate for sure.

Of course we''ll do the gym in the afternoon and have dinner likely at our new favorite Saturday night place, The Wine Exchange.

I hope you all had a great Friday.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! What a LONG day at work. I had 2 meetings and one interview on top of doing my work and filling in for one of my swing guys. I was happy to leave only 30 minutes late.
Jas, I did have to smile at your bottle of soy sauce story; it sounds like something my husband would do. I am sure you’ll have extra sodium flowing through your system for days. My husband follows directions like this: I asked him to take the clothes out of the dryer when the buzzer went off. I got home from school a few hours later and the clothes are in the laundry basket in the living room. He pointed out to me after my inquiry of why they were still there that all I told him to do was take them out of the dryer. LOL about food being a vehicle to hold ketchup. I like ketchup too but I guess not as much as you do. I did enjoy my shopping safari. We are going to the outlet mall tomorrow and a shopping mall in Denver next weekend so I should find lots of goodies.
Lorelei, I''ll bet your treadmill is already up and running. Yeah!
Skippy, I hope you had time for a walk with all of your appointments. Are you officially a lady of leisure now? That sounds like so much fun!
Shortblonde, enjoy the wedding tonight. That is marvelous news your dresses are too big, sad in a way but still nice. Thanks for enjoying my “firsts” with me.
Kimberly, thank you for sharing in my accomplishments. It sounds like you were very busy today as usual.
Tdiddy, I am so excited to hear you lost 2.5 pounds. Yippee!!! Then you get such a great deal at the gym, you should be out buying a lottery ticket today. It’s your lucky day!
DeeJay, welcome home. It sounds like you had a marvelous trip and I was so excited to see the great pictures from you and Rod’s meeting. That is so cool! Good for you going out to get some real food you’ll enjoy tonight. I can so identify with not always liking some of the restaurant choices people come up with.
Basil, no problems on relaying calorie info to you; I was thinking this morning that I hope you didn’t mind me telling you. I am pretty much a walking calorie counting book. I’m glad to hear you had a nice day and not too busy of a night last night.
Rod, your home looks lovely. Thanks for your positive comments about my progress. That is so sweet Pau Pau looks forward to you and Charlie’s Friday night at her restaurant. You guys must be her favorite customers. Have fun shopping at Nordstroms, good luck finding something for $20 though.
I hope everyone has a marvelous weekend.


Aug 12, 2005
Hellll-O-ooo WWTr''s!
Sounds like everyone ended the week on somewhat of a high note, glad to hear it!

We had dinner out with my in-laws tonight, I hadn''t seen them for a couple months (which is totally weird, usually I see them every other week at least) and they both gave me some nice compliments about my dental progress and even my weight! I was wearing a sheer, tunic-length, flowy printed top over mocha tailored trousers so not the most figure-apparent outfit but still they both remarked that I looked thinner, it must be showing in my face as well, which is good! I was noticing the past few days that my watch is even fitting more loosely, I can get my index finger between the bracelet band and my wrist now, whereas a few months ago the watch fit perfectly on my wrist, weird. Why on earth can''t my hips and booty be shrinking instead of my wrists???? LOL! Anyway, I had 4 out of 7 of my spinach ravioli with marinara, a couple bites of a terrible iceberg lettuce salad, and one 4-biter slice of french bread, plus two glasses of merlot...but for lunch I only had about half of my Chipotle veggie salad (black beans/green peppers/onions/fresh tomato salsa over romaine sans dressing), and breakfast was only coffee this a.m as I didn''t make time for anything else so I am confident that my cals are at or under my goal for the day.

No "real" workout today, but I was running around at work like a madwoman, we were pretty busy this morning and afternoon, so that''s got to count for something, especially since I was literally breaking a sweat most of the time when customer traffic was at its heaviest.

DeeJay, thanks for posting more pics of you and HH and the fabulous Charlie and Rod! Great pics! And hey, I didn''t realize Costco was selling T.Bahama now, will have to check them out as DH loves his stuff. Except denim...he got a pair of fantastic indigo jeans about two years ago but the pocket linings literally disintegrated after a few washings. (And I am the laundry queen, don''t know what went wrong there.)

Basil, thank you for your expert opinion on the New Beetle...I am really leaning towards one with a sunroof and not a convertible top simply because I would only use the top down option maybe 4 months a year, ya know? Plus I don''t want to pay additional insurance costs, etc. My parents love Subaru, my mother had two consecutive Outbacks before their last purchase which was a Toyota Highlander, she loves that as well. They live in a part of rural southern IN that doesn''t have great snow removal (they actually own a Jeep and a snowplow) and have a 1/4 mile long driveway that is uphill so she has to have something AWD for the inevitable single huge snowfall/icestorm every winter. Obviously snow removal is very good where we live but still there are times I''ve had to leave for work before the plows get back around to get rid of the new fallen stuff and we can''t rely on our neighbor who also plows as a side job to continually plow our little I have to have something that will be no problem to back over maybe a foot of snow at most. I did use to drive a Corolla and that was GREAT in snow, so I''m thinking as long as I have good snow tires I''ll be fine no matter what model I choose. Rod, the BMW would be a concern because aren''t they all rear-wheel drive? Unfortunately living in the frozen north, even though there are maybe only a couple rough months snow/ice-wise, I have to take those into consideration and know I''ll be able to be mobile during those times...the car I choose must be able to deal with all types of weather and not be a hazard for me to drive...I''ve only ever driven one RWD car, and that was my first--a ''79 pristine white Caddy my dad brought home from his banker''s wife that was garage kept for about 15 years, god she only put maybe 25k miles on that thing, lol! I still kinda miss that car to this day, the ride was so smooth!

Marcy, enjoy the weekend, I hate meetings, they always seem like they are so long and drawn out and end up being a complete waste of time, lol!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Saturday!
Monarch, I so agree that I’d rather loose inches off my hips than my wrist or fingers – I’ve had my rings resized 3 times, chains shorted 2 to 4 inches and some bracelets shortened ½ inch. That is wonderful your in-laws noticed how much weight you’ve lost. I hear you on having a car that works in all season. I had a 66 Mustang – candy apple red - when we got married but I had to sell it because it was only a summer car and we had no where to store it. I miss my baby but it was very impractical for Wyoming. My meetings were a definite waste of time yesterday. Mostly I heard blah blah blah. If they are productive that is one thing; but it seems like someone always hijacks them and turns them in to a complaint or I am so great session. Aak!

Have a great day one and all! I’m going shopping. Yippee!


Apr 30, 2005
They sent the wrong part for the treadmill......


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 9/29/2007 12:00:28 PM
Author: Lorelei
They sent the wrong part for the treadmill......
That''s totally PANTS!

I would be so annoyed. How long will a new part take? Another 2 weeks?


Jun 15, 2006
How frustrating, Lorelei! I''m so sorry.

Morning all and happy Saturday. No big plans today, school, football and we''ll probably go out to dinner. We''re going to eat out once this week instead of our typical two times.

More later..have a great day.


Nov 24, 2006
Morning Friends!!!

Well I went to WW and met up w/a friend and then went to my friends muscle hour class over at the gym so it was good catching up with her. Now I am going for a quick 2 mile walk because muscle hour got me super sweaty and worn out. I plan to study today and get some things done around the houes.

Marcy, I don''t feel like a lady of lesiure but I guess I am. hehee I just am home studying and plan to go to work in the spring. I say the spring because hubby and I are going to Paris and Barcelona. Then after the trip I will find a job; if I find one before hand I know they will throw me into doing taxes and I will be too busy for travel. I really miss my friends from work but I usually see 1 of them every couple of weeks. Sorry for the long post. You are doing great; you should post a new picture of you!!! I would love to see one!

Monnie, how exciting to go car shopping. It is funny how I like driving and testing out cars versus hubby. Next car I get will either be an acura or lexus; my saab isn''t as reliable. I love it but I want something that does not have to go to the shop as often; I always am reading consumer reports to see how different models hold up for fun. Hey you and Kimi inspired to to do arm exercises so I made that part of my routine now. heheee We are such a good support system for each other here on this thread.

DeeJay, I love Costco. People at work use to tease me I should be a spokesperson for that place. heehe Your hubby is so handsome!

Basil, yay for eating healthy and staying in calorie range of your target! Kudos!

Rod, you and Charlie are adorable. You made my day by saying you couldn''t leave me out of your post; I heart you since you are such a dear!!! Glad to see how beautiful your home is from Dee''s pics; I love the floors and how you decorated! Have fun at Nordy''s; I wish we had one here!!

Lorelei, dang. Are you exercising even if the treddy isn''t ready? I am sorry that is a bummer!

Kimi, enjoy going out!

Happy Saturday all


Oct 30, 2002
morning all....yay for wkds!

so yesterday....serious sugar expected!! had a great workout afterwards as well so that's a huge positive. i also found that when i wear my heart rate monitor and run on the treadmill that i can go farther and longer and feel way less winded when i use my HRM to keep within my fat burn range vs cardio or maxed out. so that was fun and interesting for sure. did about 450 cals on the treadmill, elliptical and then weights. i figure that's like 1/2 of the sugar i ate...HA HA! lunch was pizza and we stayed in for dinner because portia had her teeth cleaned and we wanted to be around at night for her in case she had a bad reaction to the anesthesia. so, dinner was a gourmet cheeseburger (sans bun) and some fries with buttermilk sauce, yummy...from this local trendy restaurant we can walk to but always forget is there until nights like last nite hehe.

i brought home some goodies from work so we'll be snacking on those this wkd...can't WAIT til they are gone though. i hate having stuff like this in the house even though it's so good. i also feel like eating so much sugar yesterday really manifests in a negative appearance today, i have these huge circles under my eyes and i'm SURE it's from the sugar. hehee. that's my story anyway.

having breakfast right now after sleeping in...cereal, berries, coffee. then i have my trainer at noon because of the appt i didn't have on thursday. we might go take the Mini out for a drive for dinner somewhere, not sure where...but we'll see!! it's a lovely day today after a gray day hopefully we have about another few weeks of niceish weather before the gray rains come...but i am kind of ready...soup sounds so good! anyhow, hope everyone is having a fab saturday!!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Morning everyone,

Went to Jenny Craig this morning and stocked up on my weeks worth of food. I should say not a full weeks worth of food. I am doing 3 days of them and the rest of my own. I am getting tired of their food and I know what I should eat on my own anyway. HA!!!

Rod and Charlie: You two are both adorable!! I could reach right through the computer and give you both a big hug!!!

Skippy: Paris and Barcelona??? Oh how lucky are you and hubby????? I am so jealous!!!

In May, DH and I are going to Honolulu for a week for a family wedding. Can''t wait, it will be so much fun. We want to swim with the Dolphins. Something we both have always wanted to do!!!

This morning I rode my bike with my grandboys, then got on my treadmill. This time my legs didn''t spasm afterwards. Hoooooooray!!! Maybe I''ll be able to use the treadmill more often. My dr. said just take it little by little.

Have a wonderful weekend all.



Jan 3, 2005
happy sat. gang. so after spending 4 hours up during the night with my 5 year old, 3.5 of which were at the ER b/c she woke up unable to catch her breath, caughing and wheezing and a croup like cough that wouldn''t calm down. Turned out it was croup and they gave her a dose of an oral steroid and 2 steroid breathing treatments and then we had to stay for observation to make sure she didn''t suffer a reoccurance. (whole story in the preggo thread) She is FINE though and although tired today and still pale doing much better. I already had early am hiking plans with my sister so got up at 6:30am and did our one hour Magic Mountain hike and then hit starbucks for a decaf mocha, although I really could have used the caffeine today and we shared a muffin. Hubby found this little hotdog place that makes real chicago dogs so we went there for lunch. Spent the rest of the day laying low at home and planning on doing something light for dinner and getting to be early tonight.

Hope everyone had a wonderful sat. and yay for fall temps starting to come in and finally cooling things down a bit.


Dec 28, 2005
Evening All,

Monnie, the BMW 328 XI is ALL WHEEL DRIVE, that's why I thought it might be a good option for you. It's virtually the same drive train as on their big SUV's (X3 and X5), which I imagine are a plenty in Chicago. All wheel drive would be a great option for you in bad weather. It's likely a more expensive car than the Beetle, so I don't mean to try to help you spend more money than you budgeted. I've just become a huge fan of BMW's in general. You should get the car that feels right for you and don't give a horses patooty what any of us think you should get. OK??!!

OK Skippy, Paris and Barcelona. Oh my Oh my Oh my. Now I am like completely jealous for sure. Charlie and I will gladly become your busboys and cary your luggage the entre trip. Hint Hint. Actually, that reminds me of when we went to Paris in April 2000. We arrived in the AM, and had been advised to take the bus into the city. Not knowing exactly which stop to get off, Mr. Charlie thought that since we were staying in the 7th Arrondisement, that the L'arc De Triomph stop would be a good place to get off. From there, I figured we'd take a taxi to our hotel. Oh no, Charlie decided we should just walk with our luggage to the hotel. This way we could start "experiencing" the city at that moment! Now mind you we packed enough clothes to have moved to Paris forever, so here we were huffing and puffing our way down streets we knew nothing about, we had no clue where we were, with several quite heavy suitcases and then it started to rain. By the time we got to our hotel, we had walked some 50 blocks, gotten completely utterly soaked and were no longer speaking to one another!! The rest of the trip was a bit more enjoyable to say the least, but it did bring back memories!

Thanks for the hug Linda. Charlie and I so appreciate everyone's kind comments about us and our home!!

Mrssalvo, I hope your child get's better soon. Sounds like a tough night for all. Sleep well tonight.........

We had a good day. It was pretty hot this morning, but we still had breakfast on the terrace. Then we had Charlie's car washed (dumb idea) and then went to Nordstrom to spend that $20 certificate. Of course, there's nothing you can buy for $20 (except maybe a pair of socks - oh wouldn't that be exciting?) so we got two new t-shirts and spent way too much money on them, but they really fit so nice and made me feel so fit wearing it that I didn't feel too bad about spending the money! Then it rained and Charlie's nice super clean BMW got all dirty (don't you hate when it rains like an hour after you've washed your car?). From there we went to the gym and had really terrific workouts. Our gym is in an area called Hyde Park Village, which is a cool outdoor shopping and dining area and today they had the first of what will be many outdoor art festivals in the Village. It's a big festival with hundreds of artists and is juried so the stuff is high quality. But, times have changed and years ago, you could get some art for good prices, but the last few years everything's been so expensive we don't feel the values are good. Anyway, the point of this was that because of the art festival, the gym was absolute deserted. Save for the hardcore 'uber' boys, we had our pick of any machine we wanted when we wanted it. Woo Hoo for that. No waiting for anything and I got "my" elliptical too!

We had dinner immediately after the workout at our new Saturday night spot and I had maybe the best Duck I've ever had. Yummy to the max. We followed that with frozen yogurt and coffee under the oak. Somehow, the rain must have ushered in a cool front as the humidity seems to have melted away and the evening was just glorious with not a cloud in the sky and cool breezes under our tree. Summer's going to end soon in Tampa and it can't happen soon enough.

I hope you all had a great Saturday and are looking forward to a terrific Sunday.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi friends and fellow WWT’rs.

Holy shopping spree! I think my husband picked up more new clothes today than I did. The coolest part was he got tired and sat down while I was still going. That is a SWITCH!!! We dropped off our 5th wheeler with a long list of things to fix then headed to a sporting goods store. My DH picked up 3 twenty five pound bags of lead shot to use as weights in his 20” telescope. He had me hold one of the bags – holy cow! I could hardly hold it. We were both going wow; I’ve lost 5 of those bags and just think how hard it was for my body to haul that around. I want to loose 2 more bags as well. We walked around a camping world but I got bored quickly there – no clothes or jewelry – what was I going to look at? Then we went to the outlet mall and looked for bargains. I am finding my XL tops are getting too big already so got some L and some XL’s today. I bought another pair of pj’s but the new set is thermals. I bought a few sweaters, tops and hubby got new shirts and a jacket. We had lunch at a brewery and split a decadent triple chocolate cheesecake for dessert. It was delicious! I figure all the walking I did today had to burn off some of those extra calories but I only ate 2 meals today so I should be okay.
DeeJay, we are going to Denver next week to get DH some Tommy Bahama''s shirts for his B-Day. I told him we could look at Costco but I don''t think he believed me. Oh well, that mall has marvelous jewelry stores including a Tiffany''s.
Lorelei, that is totally pants that you got the wrong part. Rats. I hope they get the correct part to you SOOOOOON.
Kimberly, have fun dining out this week.
Skippy, I am sure you are more busy now than when you were working. I know after my days off I am glad to go back to work; it’s less work than running errands and doing things around the house. Your trips sound marvelous! I will get around and take a new picture and post it. I can’t believe clothes I’ve had only for weeks are already getting baggy. I thought I’d be slowing down the more I loose. Not that I am complaining. Your workout sounds great today but you still went out and enjoyed a walk. Yeah! I walked a ton shopping today so I am not going to go walking tonight.
Mara, way to burn off all that sugar with a great workout! I’m going to get out my frozen gel bags for my feet tonight; I bet I was walking for about 5 hours total between all the stores we walked around. I spent 30 minutes looking for my DH in Macy’s; he left his cell phone home so I couldn’t call him.
Linda, Yeah for eating your own food 4 days a week. I think eating normal, everyday food helps me stay focused on my goal. That is wonderful news your legs didn’t spasm after doing the treadmill. Woo hoo!
MrsSalvo, I am relieved to hear your daughter is doing better; I am sure that was very scary for all of you. I hope everyone gets a long, restful night of sleep tonight.
Rod, the start of your trip to Paris started off a little rocky but I’m glad you enjoyed the rest of the trip. Your trip to Nordstroms sounds fun and I am so glad you guys got some wonderful new t-shirts. Yeah for finding the gym so vacant.
Well, I am working on laundry (I have new clothes to get washed) and I need to grade papers.
Have a great Sunday!


Jun 27, 2006
Rod - I just am so jealous of your lifestyle. It seems like you and Charlie have a fabulous place, go to great restaurants, and love good food. That''s what I aspire to!

Mrssalvo - I hope your daughter is feeling better! Croup can be really scary.

Marcy - congrats on the lower size!

Skippy - You are always so positive!

Lorelei - sorry about your treadmill. I hope you get the right part soon!

Anyway, today was OK, I guess. I went shopping this morning and picked up a new clutch to wear with my new dress and shoes to my friend''s wedding in a few weeks. I worked on my wedding website and did some studying this afternoon. I went to the gym and actually got kicked out 3 minutes before the end of my workout because they were closing, but I still burned 415 cals...Eating was less than great...I had scrambled eggs for breakfast. My leftover soup for lunch, but then I had a small bag of chips with it. Dinner was mini tuna melts (LF miracle whip, mustard, LF havarti, LC bread and smart balance) but then I had another small bag of chips. I love chips
I waited around a while for fiance to get done with work, cause I wanted to talk about our wedding, but he was so tired all he wanted to do was watch his recorded Sat morning cartoons and go to sleep at 9 pm. Which is understandable, but now I''m just not sure when I''m going to get a chance to go over stuff with him.


Aug 12, 2005
Rod, thank you for the suggestion, I know how much you love your Bimmers and they are indeed fabulous cars. I took a peek at the 328xi online and whoa, nelly, I''d have the same payment I have right now, lol! I did find an ''04 with 50k miles on it, it''s gorgeous and payments would be comparable to a loaded VW beetle but I don''t know...I have played around with the idea of getting a pre-owned lux brand car vs. a brand-new (but not so chi-chi) one...I''m torn. Either way I want to basically cut my car payments in half (ideally) or at least knock them down a couple hundred a month, ya know? We really want to move into a larger home in the next year or so, plus I want to save more AND I need more money for bling of course! So...what are your thoughts on pre-owned Bimmers? Any advice you have on the topic would be great, thanks!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Monnie, all this new car talk makes me wanna go shopping! I''ve been driving the same lil'' pick up truck for 5 years, and it''s less-loaded sister for 9 years before that. I know it''s not happening any time soon, but I still have the new car bug.

Rod, hooray for more new t-shirts! Glad the duck was delicious.

Marcy, another new size, yippee! That''s so cool.

Basil, sounds like you had a good day of eating, sorry about the workout being cut short.

Yesterday I was a lazy bum, aside from school. I decided to take a day of rest from exercise. We went out for Mexican last night, it was absolutely delicious. I had 1.5 enchiladas, all my beans and about 5 bites of rice. I definitely made up for only eating 1300 calories on Friday, but that''s okay! It was our night out.

It appears that it''s going to be another clear and beatiful day here, hooray! I''m going to make dinner, not sure what. There''s a Charger''s game on today, so J will probably want to hang out at home so he can watch this afternoon, which is fine with me.

Have a great day, all!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 9/29/2007 12:25:40 PM
Author: tdiddy

Date: 9/29/2007 12:00:28 PM
Author: Lorelei
They sent the wrong part for the treadmill......
That''s totally PANTS!

I would be so annoyed. How long will a new part take? Another 2 weeks?
Too right diddy!!!

We have fired off an email to the company, it seems the connectors are different on this part, so I just hope that they haven''t stopped making the part which will fit our treadmill model, in as much as that they haven''t updated it, our treadmill is a year old. I won''t be able to find out anything more until tomorrow, which sux as I want to get this sorted out and I am sick of waiting!!! But we did get out for 2 long walks this weekend, which is fine as the weather was dry, but we can''t rely on it to stay that way...




Feb 27, 2007
Good morning fellow WWT’rs. I forgot to tell you my 2 big sins yesterday.
No, it’s not eating something worse than triple chocolate cheesecake (mmm). I don’t really care for either of my YG tanzanite pendants so I wore my iolite heart pendant with my tanzanite bracelet, earrings and ring. OMG do you think anyone knew? And if that wasn’t bad enough; my DH fell asleep reading last night so I couldn’t clean any of my jewelry before going to bed. I was so relieved to see they hadn’t turned to dust when I opened my jewelry box this morning.
Basil, thanks for the congrats on a smaller size. Yeah for finding a new clutch to take to your friend’s wedding. If your FI is like my DH was; he’s probably just fine with you making the wedding plans. I am sure my husband just nodded his head and never paid attention to what I was saying. I have gotten quite fond of baked lays (ruffles); have you tried them yet?
Kimberly, thank you for being glad for my new size. I still plan on wearing a lot of my new XL’s though; I bought too much to start replacing them yet. That is terrific you were a bum for day; I don’t think that is a luxury you take very often. Your supper last night sounds great. I need to go buy groceries this morning and figure out what to cook for dinner today. I’m thinking of homemade beef noodle soup. I make the noodles too. I love my Kitchen Aid mixer!
Lorelei, I hope they’ll have the proper part if your TM is only a year old. I hope your weather stays nice so you can go for a walk.


Jun 15, 2006
Marcy, I told John I''d been lazy all day so he asked "How many school assignments did you complete?" to which I replied "Only 2" and then he walked out of the room laughing at me.


Nov 24, 2006
Good Morning from the Land of Enchantment all!!! I feel soooo good. I did a 6 mile walk this morning. My cousin and I met at 8 and walked 3 miles; I then went another 3 on my own (I actually stopped at my house between to get a quick drink of water). It was only 60 degrees and the sun was out and 3 hot air balloons were in my neighborhood and one landed in the Golf Course. It was such a beautiful morning and I loved being treated to the balloons; our city is gearing up for the International Balloon Fiesta starting next weekend.

Here is a link if you want to check it out
I plan to go and my cousin asked me to join her in watching a balloon glow in the evening in 2 weeks. People from all over the world come to this so I am super excited!

Tonight hubby and I are grilling some fish and chicken. I love having grilled left overs!

Hey Mara, how was your day? Hiking? Hope the sun is out!

Linda, yay for learning to eat healthy on your own! That is wonderful that you rode your bike and walked with the grandsons and no back spasms!!!! Come w/me on my trip. hehee I never been to Barcelona so it will be fun to see a new city.

Mrs. Salvo, wow, I am so sorry about your daughter; I hope she gets better and it doesn't happen again. Kudos on hiking and hope you had a good nights sleep last night!!

Rod, that is funny that Charlie did that to you guys. That would have been tough wheeling your luggage over 50 blocks in the rain. The last time we went to Paris we almost missed our flight there because hubby booked our connecting plane tickets w/not enough time and we had to run to the plane as they were shutting the doors; I felt awful because I sat in my seat all sweaty to Newark. Heheee; we got to keep our sweeties in line. Paris is so nice; I hope to do a biking tour of the city. I never been to Barcelona so I am excited to go. Yesterday I mailed off my old passport for a new one so I guess we are getting the ball moving. I just wish the dollar wasn't so dang week! Sounds like you had a lovely day and whoo hooo for new shirts and the workout!!

Marcy, I will be looking forward to the pic. Glad you and hubby got some new clothes; sounds like you 2 had fun!! I am glad your weight loss is staying steady!

Basil, yay for getting a workout in before the gym closed!! Your meals sounded good and a small bag of chips isn't bad! Kudos!

Monnie, I would go for the new car; I love new car smells. hehee Very exciting; I am excited to hear what you end up getting. Hey just as a side note you might call your insurance company to find out the cost of insuring a convertible, since it costs us $50 a month more to insure hubbys car!

Kimi, yay for taking a day off! I got the new car itch too but it goes away when I think about not having a car payment. heheee Sounds like a nice day off. Watch anything fun or read anything fun? I love taking a day off every once in awhile; it feels like such a good guilty pleasure even if you did 2 assignments.

Lorelei, so sorry about the part; that stinks!!! Yay for 2 workouts; kudos!!!

DeeJay, where are you? I bet you are glad to be home.
Everyone have a lovely Sunday and I hope everyone is having fantastic weather


Oct 30, 2002
kimi you have classic overachiever disease...greg has it too. he'll be like gosh we weren't very 'productive' today (on a wkd day)..and i'll be like umm we only washed the cars, did the laundry and took a hike. yeah we're SUCH slackers! hehee. i much prefer laying around on the couch snoozing but i have started to reserve that more for the winter days. summer and the sunny weather i do feel like we should do more.

marcy, kudos on an almost new size lady! that is so impressive. lately i have been thinking about you've come so far. i don't remember if you have said this before but one thing that made me think last nite why did you decide to embark on the healthier lifestyle journey..aka what was the FINAL STRAW that really made you say...okay i cannot continue living like this anymore. and i am so impressed that once you started in with it, you made it STICK. so many people who have a very long way to go just yoyo up and down and really have a hard time changing their mentality. i guess i'm wondering what took you so long, since you are so darn good at the change!!! can you give some detail?

awww lorelei, that is so seriously pants that your treadmill part was the wrong one. i swear sometimes i wonder what kind of numbskulls they have working in so many places around the world. how hard is it to pull the correct part off a shelf, have QA verify it before it gets shipped? you'd think that's a no brainer right? ugh, i hope you make the company EXPEDITE out the new part ASAP. you shouldn't have to wait any longer for it.

rod, sounds like you guys had a good day is typical!! have you done any running on the waterfront since you guys moved back? i remember you talking about how much you liked it..and i don't think i've seen you post too much about that? i hope you get back into it. now that i am learning more about my heart rate and keeping it in range, i am finally starting to make a little progress with running longer, but it will never be my fave thing!!

skippy, yay for a 6m walk, that is so impressive!!! you are becoming super woman yourself! mrs salvo glad your daughter is better, are you still feeling okay? basil, sounds like you had a productive day yesterday...yummy on the mini tuna melts. i love a good tuna melt.

yesterday was a good day...ran some errands, saw my trainer...we did a leg workout with lots of squats with weights and various other leg exercises with weights. i was definitely sweaty. he said he thought that i was probably burning about 200 cals for an hour of workout like that. not too bad for no real 'cardio'. walked there and walked home, 10 min each way. then i went out and about to various stores to look for an end table and lamp to go with our new chair and ottoman which is going to be delivered today, woo hoo. but i think i am going to wait to get the items in the room first before buying those two things, because i think it might take up most of the space i had allocated which means much smaller table, more like a small accent table, and more likely not a table lamp but an arching floor lamp kind of thing. so we'll see what it looks like today once it gets here. i'm so excited though!!! i have lots of books i plan to read while lounging around in this thing during the cooler winter days. the sun comes in the french doors and windows during the winter, it's one of the only rooms that gets full daytime sun, and in the winter...while it's weak and not that warm, it's still SUN and i can't wait to relax in it and get some happy rays going on.

when i finally got back home it was about 5 so greg showered up (he spent 1/2 the day doing the online traffic course as penance for the Mini speeding transgression!) and then we went for a long drive in the Mini, with him driving! ironic considering what he spent doing yesterday...haha. we went up curvy highway 9, the alternate route to the curvy mountain freeway that takes us from where we are into the Santa Cruz area. we drove that for an hour, popped out on the other side of the mountain about 20 min from SC and then drove back down into our area on the freeway and into Los Gatos, a small boutiquey kind of town right before the mountains start. expensive area with a super cute busy downtown on the wkds, fun for dinner and people watching. had a super casual dinner at this real homestyle italian place that i intro'd greg to (that my parents intro'd me to recently!). their garlic bread is sooo fabulous, it has garlic, butter and mozz on it...YUM. so we shared that, and a minestrone bowl. and then i had prawns sauteed in their own juices with lemon and evoo and tossed with linguine. ate all the prawns and about 1/8 of the pasta. greg had a really amazing meat lasagna that i snitched a few bites of. brought home the remainder of my pasta for greg to have for lunch today. on the way back home, stopped at this new awesome little cafe that is within walking distance of our place...greg hadn't been there yet. we got nice hot latte (me) and espresso (greg) to go and then came home and took Portia out for a 1 hour walk around the neighborhoods, about 3 miles worth. then we relaxed a bit and then it was bedtime!! so a nice, full yet relaxing day.

today the chair is coming between like 11 and 1 so we have to be home. greg finished up his course this morning and i made us breakfast. tasty oatmeal pancakes (yum!!) with a bit of extra oatmeal and some wheat bran tossed in for good fiber measure, egg whites with a bit of 2% cheese, and center cut bacon. coffee, sugar free syrup, yum.

we'll go for a hike after the chair is delivered...and then we have dinner plans tonite with our neighbors for pizza (the boys have been jonesing for it i guess!) and my girlfriend is making some type of garbanzo veggie cabbage soup that sounds really yummy. it's *filler* for us gals so that we don't overeat on the pizza! hehee. though the place we are getting the pizza from has a 2% cheese, all veggie version now so that should be interesting. the boys are getting typically meat heavy ones and clams garlic for greg. and i have 'dessert' for us in the form of 2 red velvet with cream cheese cupcakes from work on friday and 4 pieces of the hungry girl pb fudge i made for us to share.

i'm continuing to read my Intuitive Eating book (which actually i realized no one on here recommended, but my coworker had recommended it to me...)...i am not sure if i ever told you guys what the premise of it is. but the idea is that most people are unable to have a successful FOREVER diet change. and the reasoning behind it is that..when we are born we all have these internal signals that tell us when we are hungry, when we're full, what our body wants for us to eat (nutrients to take in). we are all born with these systems intact and fully functioning. as we age, those natural signals are dulled by different societal directions...such as 'eat all your food' or 'make sure to eat veggies' or 'you need more milk for strong bones'. by the time we're adults, basically our inner hunger and nutrition signals are so dulled that we don't even recognize them anymore. the idea is to get back to listening to your body. the book was written by two dieticians who used to have great success with helping clients lose weight, but started to realize that the clients had a hard time keeping it off, and they'd almost always do a binge cycle and have the same mental feelings of guilt, shame etc. so they started checking into this more and realized that there is a way to get back in touch with what your body WANTS and NEEDS vs what society or YOU want to give your body or not give it. the idea is that once you start listening to what your body wants and needs vs what you think it should or shouldn't have...that you will lose weight and be at your 'natural' healthy weight and chances are you will be making better choices long term for your body and health.

my coworker SWEARS by this book. she said she was totally obsessed with her weight and keeping trim and all that and her husband told her finally she had to get over that. so she read this book and it was super hard but she tried it (apparently it can take MONTHS to start seeing results as you have to basically entirely free your mind of every rule/trap/truth you thought you knew about eating) and she said when she was finally able to do it...she WAS at the thinnest and healthiest she'd ever been. then she got preggo and now she's just finishing breast feeding so she is trying to get back into that way of thinking.

anyway it's certainly interesting. i like the idea of not denying myself things, and not letting fear about food intrude on my life. not feeling like eating a few donuts is a BINGE or that i should feel bad about it. not classifying things as good or bad. but i don't know that i can totally embrace it as it would be really we'll see. i already am trying to do the whole 'listen to your body' thing when i eat and i can recognize hunger and fullness. apparently some people cannot...which is interesting...because their senses are so dulled, or they are so used to tricking their body with calorie-free items like tea or water or coffee etc. also the book advocates eating almost anytime when hungry. that your body knows when it needs food. and the more you try to ignore it, the duller the signals will become. and of course it talks about starvation mode and they reference all these studies about people who were allowed to eat whatever they wanted for X period of time then went on a restricted calorie diet and then later when they were allowed to eat what they wanted, they ALL basically binged for up to 5 months before their body realized they weren't going to starve. that the body will try to do whatever it can to get what IT perceives it needs from food. that many times when you have a binge you view it as 'loss of willpower' but many times it's just a biological drive for your body to have what it feels like it's missing.

i could go on and on about it but this is already getting quite long!! anyhow, interesting, recommended for sure so far. hope everyone is enjoying their sunday, we certainly are...hehee.


Jun 15, 2006
Mara, I am an overachiever. I have a hard time slowing down, it''s a sickness. I feel guilty when I don''t accomplish a bunch of tasks every day and I think I should always be doing something. It''s crazy. John tempers me, but I can get a bit manic at times. I''d be doing something during all of my waking hours if I was on my own, he serves as my reminder when I get too out of control about getting things done, that it''s okay to just do nothing sometimes. It''s a tough pill for me to swallow.

I was thinking "I haven''t worked out enough this week" but then realized I''ve been extremely physically active between 2 elliptical workouts and all of the activities I participated in with my kiddos, at work, but especially when babysitting. We''ve been: bike riding, walking, on the trampoline and playing a ton of sports. I forget that those things count too! It''s like interval training. I need to get in another arm work out today, but otherwise I''m in great shape, hooray!

We went shopping for our bedroom today, picked out a comforter and now I''m having buyers remorse. I think it''s a bit too shiny, but can''t decide for sure. We also went to the nursery and bought (more) plants now we have calla lilies to plant on our slope and some fruit trees for the side yard, which we''re going to turn into a fragrant garden, with stepping stones and a bench, just a nice retreat area, it will be perfect for reading. We''ll be seeding for grass this month, but I''m not so sure we''ll get to keep it, we''re thinking we''ll be water rationed in the next year or so and grass will become illegal.

Anyways, I should get some school work done.

Have a great afternoon all!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I got laundry done, went grocery shopping and made homemade soup so far today. I still have to go to the school library and pick up some DVD’s and tapes and do school work.
Kimberly, you are like me; even on lazy days you still do something. My husband always laughs at me when we are watching TV; commercials come on and I’m up doing something. I guess we’d like to be busy or we’d change, huh? I hope you end up liking your new comforter or at least go back and pick out something else you do like. My DH doesn’t like shiny cloth.
Skippy, that’s great walking 6 miles today and also getting to see some balloons. I would like to come to the balloon festival someday. That would be so cool to see. We had balloons stop here about 8 years ago on a cross country trip and they did a night glow. It was AWESOME. You’ll have to take pictures and post them. I am also glad my weight loss is steady and I continue to loose inches. I’ll post my new picture after I post this. Hubby and I cleaned out our closet and he had shirts in there 3X and he bought XL yesterday. Yeah! He generally wore 2XT for the last few years and went from 44 w jeans (his biggest) to 38 w yesterday.
Mara, your “sun” room for reading sounds divine. Have fun at your dinner with neighbors tonight. Your book sounds very interesting. Thank you for the kudos and thinking what I’ve done is impressive. What took me so long? I guess I just never found the right motivation to do it before.

Here is my story. It’s lengthy so skip go on to the next post, if you aren’t interested.
I tried going on diets off and on over the last 10 plus years but of course I didn’t see immediate results, I was hungry and once I blew my diet I figured, oh well; I can’t loose weight – I’m too busy, too hungry, have slow metabolism, excuse, excuse, excuse.
What changed this time is I was becoming so increasingly unhealthy and feeling so poorly that I reached a point where I was afraid of dying from a heart attack or having a stroke. That thought consumed most of my waking moments. My blood pressure was very high, I had a rapid heart beat and had a very hard time sleeping because of my rapid heart beat and I snored so loud I kept waking myself up. Not sleeping well just made the BP worse. I wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t have sleep apnea then.
I have degenerative arthritis in my knees and found I was unable to walk or stand much at all. I gave myself a stress fracture in my right foot 8 years ago. I did not go to a doctor then because I knew what I needed to do – stay off it and go on a diet – neither of which I was willing to do.
All of the above was all taking a toll on me both mentally and physically. My activity level became more restricted all the time. I was pretty unhappy, felt really bad and not enjoying life. I didn’t tell even my husband my concerns for my health. I was certainly a lot edgier then than now; but I don’t think I was walking around “woe is me”.
I had a hernia start to appear a few years ago and I was very afraid to go to the doctor because I didn’t want to know how many other things were wrong with me. I was also worried if I had to have emergency surgery to repair a hernia I would never survive the surgery.
We went camping the 3rd weekend of August 06 and my hernia really popped out and got pretty sore from setting around on hard chairs all weekend. I felt really bad all week and even looked up doctor phone numbers but never called anyone to make an appointment. The following Friday, September 1st; one of our neighbors fired up a lawn mower about 6 a.m. and it scared me so bad I jumped out of bed and got my pulse and heart really racing. I totally believed I was going to have a heart attack right then. It took several hours before it calmed down. I was so wore out from that I had to call sick to work. I started my diet right then. I realized if I didn’t do something NOW, I was going to die. I didn’t wait until Monday, or next week; I started my diet right then. I didn’t join any weight loss plan. I just made up my mind I was going to start dieting that a day.
After I felt better that afternoon I went to B&N and bought 2 calorie books. I decided to try 1200 calories a day to see what happened. I had an old diet scale but my hubby has since replaced it with a nice, shiny digital one.
I went to the doctor about the hernia the following Tuesday. They freaked out about my BP and weight but I told them I’d already started a diet. I don’t think they believed me but they monitored me for a few weeks and just eating less sugar and caffeine helped the BP go down in to just “high” not “your going to keel over any minute now” range. They scheduled my hernia surgery for Oct. 3. When I passed the EKG for the pre-surgery physical I was absolutely STUNNED.
The hernia turned out to be – get this – fat coming through my old incision. They stitched some mesh along it to hold everything in place. I wonder if they’ll have to fix it again sometime now that I am so much smaller; that mesh has got to be pretty loose by now. The hernia was about an inch round and 6 inches long. They stapled me back up for about 3” starting with my navel going down and what a mess that was pulling all my fat back together. It did not heal well at all. I still have to avoid zippered pants over my abdomen. I do believe the hernia woke me up enough though that it saved my life.
I didn’t start exercising and stretching until about 2 months after my surgery due to me being on restriction from lifting, bending, etc. As I lost weight though my feet and knees were able to take more walking. Even now, I try to walk more and more all the time since that seems to work really well for me.
Looking back when I started this journey, I had no problem believing I could stick to it but I certainly didn’t see I would come this far. I think that is why I kept making small goals because I wasn’t certain how far I would come. I just recently set my ultimate goal of 145 pounds – that would put me just in “normal” weight range. Right now I am still obese; I need to weigh 171 pounds to be considered overweight.
I think one of the biggest keys to success is that I am focusing on being healthier, on being able to do more things and to once again be able to enjoy life. I originally wanted to improve my BP and heart rate; I didn’t foresee being able to walk and stand so much more. No way would I have imagined myself under 200 pounds and wearing size L clothes.
I don’t have a shred of doubt in my mind I will succeed and that this life style is permanent. I am very aware what I’ve done is very unusual and many people in my situation fail or gain the weight back. I can’t imagine how freaked out I would have been on September 1, 2006 thinking that I had to loose 175 pounds. I would have given up without evening trying. Now, I am very comfortable with that. An important lesson I have blazed in to my brain is that I fully intend to never fall in to my old habits again.
An interesting side note - a few people at work probably still believe I lied about hernia surgery and had gastric bypass surgery. My friends tell them to pay attention to me during lunch; they’ll see I am watching what I eat.
Sorry if this is TMI, but it’s a story I can’t tell in a sentence or two.


Feb 27, 2007
Here is a series of "me" photos showing me along the way.



Jun 15, 2006
Too much, are you kidding me Marcy, I''m so glad Mara asked! I''ll never forget my "wake up" moment, and I loved reading about yours. Thanks for sharing! Your pictures just blow me away.

We''re going back out to find curtains if the Chargers continue to kick butt, John doesn''t want to stay home and watch a massacre, I guess. I''ve decided to keep the bed spread, the fabric isn''t crazy shiny, it''s just got a sheen to it, but in our room it looks nice.


Nov 24, 2006
Wow Marcy; you did awesome all on your OWN. Own that!!! I love the pictures; you are soooo cute! Look at that lovely lady. I am glad you had a wake up call but sorry the hernia happened to you and I am glad you did not have a heart attack wake up call. Diabetes runs high in my family so I work at eating healthy and working out because I have seen family members go through dialysis and it is pretty scary. Thanks for sharing w/us and thanks for asking Mara! Thanks for posting pics too
One last thing; I think when we look at weight loss like "Oh I need to lose 25 lbs or More" it is very overwhelming so setting small goals is great; thanks again! You are very inspiring!!!
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