
Weekly Workout Thread 24th Sept till 30th Sept

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Oct 30, 2002
good for you tdiddy on sticking with the watching what you eat thing for a bit longer. i'd give yourself a good 2 weeks on it to see changes. and yes i totally agree with you on the sodium's in EVERYTHING. crazy amounts. i had a cup of chicken noodle from panera the other day and there was 1000 mg in there. yikes!!! just in one item. and in the progresso soups it's like 900 mg per serving, 2 servings per container..yikes. it makes me wonder just how much we really consume and maybe a lot of us are really bloated!!!! hahaa.

did my 5m hike with my friend, we did about 1 hour 45 minutes and went a little slower as it was fairly hot today. then came home and made a shepherd's pie for greg and a wrap for myself with la tortilla factory tortilla, turkey breast slices, dijon mustard and cheese, melted it all together and had steamed green beans with pepper and a bit of salt. yummy. now i'm having a bit of slow churned for dessert.

kim, i don't think you will fail at all with the arm weight lifting!! think positively. if you have never really tried it and given it 1000% before you have no idea what the outcome will be. you might be pleasantly surprised! and honestly i have seen your pic and your arms are nowhere near what you seem to think they look like. it's amazing how hard we can be on ourselves, seriously. recently someone told me how tiny i was and i thought 'no way...i still have to work to do'...where do we get these funky perceptions of ourselves??

i mentioned to my friend i hike with today that i felt like i was looking more toned in certain areas but wasn't really sure if it was visible to anyone else. she said oh i can see your back and shoulders looking more sculpted. and that is totally the area that i have been REALLY working with the trainer. so that made me happy to know that someone else sees it too for sure! yay.

marcy, it was actually an old issue of people from like early summer, it was in my work gym but i was desperate for reading material so i just grabbed it hehee.

good for you kim on a busy afternoon and getting exercise in!! i don't think 1600 cals with exercise per day is a big deal at all.

rod, sorry to hear about charlie...what a drag!! hope he feels better very soon. i agree that you should be able to drop down to 4x a week if you want, honestly you should not feel 'chained' to work out. you should go when you really feel it. maybe do like every other week 4x a week and see how that affects you. i would imagine you won't see that much of a difference really.

anyhow hope everyone is having a good night!!


Feb 27, 2007
Kimberly, thank you so very much for saying I am an inspiration to you. I appreciate that. To me, you are a saint because you are always so kind and helping people. I wear short sleeves sometimes but I am very self conscious about my arms; I should view it as a badge of honor but feel kind of funny about it. I may change my mind sometime on the surgery; I’ll see how I look when I get to where I want to be. You are so right that surgery like that is an entirely personal decision; I am glad you have made up your mind what you want to do. That is great.
Mara, the sodium in soup is an eye opener; maybe I should start tracking sodium. Wow! I am sure you were pleased to know your friend noticed your newly sculpted body. I’ll have to go to the library and see if I can find the old issue of people. I think I’d find it interesting reading. Thanks for the info.


Aug 12, 2005
Kimi, I hear you on the loose skin thing, but still building muscle underneath your skin has got to be a good thing and can only help the overall appearance of your arms, not to mention that you''d be building more strength at the same time. I have to tell you I really enjoy being able to help my DH (who has terrible back issues when he doesn''t take proper care of himself) move heavy furniture or work with him on other projects many women wouldn''t typically attempt because our gender isn''t as strong upper-body wise period. So maybe think in terms of function instead of appearance if that will help motivate you?

No workout for moi today, I visited one car dealership by where I work tonight and then picked up DH at home and took him with me to a second dealership by our house. The second place had a lot more to offer (I''m currently looking at VW New Beetle convertibles), and I went so far as to sit in two. Saving the test-driving for daylight, I wanted test one in daylight conditions during a time when there wasn''t a ton of traffic. DH was there for moral support and was great about sitting back and letting me handle the whole thing which was nice. I''ve never purchased a car "on my own" and he wants me to make the whole decision from start to finish myself, although he is certainly there to help out in any way if I need it. It''s been a fun experience so far!

Had Subway again for lunch today, (love the veggie delite, lol!) and dinner was a quick salad and steamed mixed veggies with a side of lentils from TJ''s, yummy, light, and pretty filling. Oh! I drank half a can of diet Mountain Dew today at work (don''t ask) and OMG did that have me buzzing around for like 30 minutes afterward. I don''t know what they put in that stuff but once again I am completely turned off of soda! And somehow it is the color of lime jello...wonder if my insides were coated lime green as well? I drank a ton of water after the buzz wore off to flush it out of my system, lol!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 9/26/2007 11:13:05 PM
Author: Rod
Am heading to bed now, but had to post this to Lorelei.........a long time ago our next door neighbors were from New Zealand. They were wonderful people. One afternoon, I was at their house and the wife was making Louis (the husband) a piece of toast and putting this brown stuff on it that looked like jelly and I commented it looked good. They both laughed and said it was Vegemite and it was the New Zealand equivalent of Peanut Butter, but I wouldn't likely like it. Rubbish I thought and asked to have a bite. Oh my lord. That was the most awful tasting stuff I may have EVER put in my mouth. It too is a yeast based glop, but I guess if it's what you grew up with............I can still remember the awful taste to this day and that was more than 20 years ago.

Night night........
Hehehe...yes - Vegemite is the New Zealand equivalent of Marmite! That is similar to what I grew up with and I spread it liberally on my toast every morning!!

Heehee! Hubby hates it so much, years ago before we were married, he was banging on about how much he despised Marmite and how he would NEVER EVER eat it again. I thought to myself " you WILL eat it again" as he was annoying me with his attitude, so when I made him a sandwich, I put a teeny dab of it amongst the mustard, so that he would indeed eat it again. Wrong. He knew it was in there and oh goodness did he let me have it! I never tried that trick again....


Jun 15, 2006
You are correct, Mara, we are all way too hard on ourselves (and hooray for having the your friend notice the changes in your physique!). So now that you and Monnie have inspired me I''m determined to do this (even though John doesn''t let me help with heavy lifting because I have a bad back). Thanks ladies! I''ll be doing arm exercises again today because of you.

Rod, I hope Charlie is feeling better today. Poor guy!

Marcy, you really should be so proud of the skin you''re in. That glass of wine must have went straight to my head last night, I''m not usually so open about discussing my decision about surgery and a little embarassed (as I said, it''s a very personal decision!)!

John made a delicious veal, butternut squash and salad for dinner last night. It was nice to come home to such a yummy dinner.

I''m working today, then home for homework, I didn''t get any done yesterday, oops! Happy day all!


Feb 27, 2007
Kimi, please don’t feel embarrassed. We are among friends here. I mentioned something close to your heart and you gave me an open and honest response. It helped me and I appreciate it. I did smile about the wine though – I get really chatty on a few drinks. I am going to start on my arms too. Yeah for us! I am very proud of myself but I am also very hard on myself.
Monarch, the VW beetle convertible sounds awesome. Have fun picking out your new car.
Lorelei, LOL about trying to get your husband to eat that again. Sounds like something I’d try to pull but I too would not get away with it.
Have a great day my WWT friends!


Oct 30, 2002
monnie did you try the mini at all? my mini was actually my first NEW car so it was definitely a great experience!! my friend that i hike with once a week has a mini too, and so it''s so funny when we drive in we usually end up parking next to each other at the preserve. it''s kind of fun. since i have gotten mine i think 2 others have showed up at work too but there were a few before i got there. i think my parking garage has about 5 or 6 in it. hehe.

morning all!! marcy i agree you should be proud of your skin for sure. it may not be perfect but you have come a long way!!

so i got up this morning and was unsure on what i wanted to eat and then it struck me. COW! mmmm. so i made some, sweetened it with a tsp of brown sugar, made my light toast with light butter and in true dippin'' style it was tasty. i only made a serving and a half this time as it goes a fairly long way. i used to have a big bowl of it when i was little.

we''re meeting a partner vendor for lunch today so hopefully we go somewhere fairly healthy. i feel like after this carbo breakfast i will definitely need some protein.

has anyone else tried the light belgium butter from TJ''s? we just finished our first tub and i really love it. it doesn''t cook up all that well so i don''t use it for cooking anymore as i think it has too much water content, but it''s fab on toast.

have a meeting with the gal trainer again today...the one i liked from last week. i imagine we''ll do some cardio and either legs or arms, not sure. i am actually kind of feeling a little workout burnt this week, i think because i have not taken a day off since last thursday, so this would be a great day to take off, but i''ve got the appt, so won''t be doing that. then tomorrow i thought well i could take it off EXCEPT that is when the massive gorgefest at work is happening and i know i will want to work out for sure that day to get some sort of activity in. so i''m thinking if i can get 45 min at the downstairs work gym in...i''ll feel more healthy. then on sat we do our hike and i can take sunday off but that seems so far away! haha.

i decided a few weeks ago that i am going to go with the workout schedule that works for me depending on the week, because on weeks i can''t work out as much then i can just cut back on my caloric intake a bit to keep it all in balance. and weeks like this one, i might as well just go for it and do the 6 days or whatever if i have the time and inclination.

kimi saw you had slow churned in the other thread instead of pie...but virtual pie is the best, lady!! no calories! hehee. actually on a funny slow churned note, i am just about to finish what i think is my third container of the slow churned mint choco chip from dreyers/edys in about 5 weeks. do i love this stuff or what? i am tempted to try the no sugar one next in an attempt to cut back a bit on the sugars, but then i wonder if i won''t like it as much and if so then i just won''t eat it. hmmm. decisions.

happy thursday all!


Nov 24, 2006
ha ha, I thought I aready checked in this morning but I didn''t, oh boy! Days start to blend together. heeehee

Okay, I went to WW today think I weigh the same as last week because that is what the scale said. Well the good news is that I lost .6 lb; I know that isn''t much but it was a little exciting to see since I thought I stayed the same.

Marcy and Kimi you are too cute!! I heart all the people on this thread; you all are super duper awesome and inspiring!!! Kimi, I hear you on the arms thing.
Marcy, I meant to take your list of weight loss equaling items to WW but forgot. We even talked about that today. Some lady mentioned she lost another lady (150lbs) so it makes you really realize how hard it is on your joints and why we feel good when we lose weight. I remember lifting a 20 lb bag of flour and I thought wow, that is heavy. Thanks for the reminder last week; I keep using it

Monnie, fun! I love those VW Beetles; they are sooooo cute! I saw a girl I went to high school with in on a pastel colored one and she looked too cute in that pretty car! I never been in one so I wonder what they are like; the for sure look bigger than the old ones.

Lorelei, you are so NAUGHTY trying to put Marmite in your hubby''s sandwich. I think that is funny you said to yourself that "yes you will eat it again."
My hubby LOVES it on toast; I won''t eat it. He even warned me I wouldn''t like it but I think the British are SUPER COOL so of course I had to try it but I guess I can''t be cool. heheee I have had beans for breafast though; you guys like beans w/toast. Actually the Mayo clinic did a study and found the combo of high fiber beans and toast give you a boost of brain power in the morning (my neighbor is a MD so I read the article he sent me).

Mara, I like the light belgium butter from TJ''s but we don''t eat it enough so I threw it out because it got weird looking after awhile. Have fun w/the trainer; I bet you will have a superwoman workout. hehe

Rod, you are such a sweetheart staying home w/Charlie. Poor Charlie. Inventory counts are important but no fun for sure! Hope you had an awesome workout and super day! When does DeeJay get make? I am missing her!

Basil, yay for eating light even though it was fast food so for sure a big kudos!!!

I will be walking tonight! I will check in with you sweetie pies later.


Dec 28, 2005
Skippy, I believe DeeJay and Bill should be heading home tomorrow. I'm looking forward to them seeing the pics (must remember to email them directly too!).

Monnie, the Beetle convertible is cute as a bug!!! Sounds like your hubby is there for moral support and that's great!!

Charlie is feeling better today, so we are definitely going to the gym tonight. We may alternate weeks where we do five workouts one week, then four the next. As I commented yesterday, we are sometimes too chained to the gym. I want to be healthy, but also want to have a life too.

Anyway, just a quick afternoon checkin. Kimberly, I hope you wait a long time before going under the scalpel. You probably magnify what you see and I'll be not one of us would see the same things you do. We are our own harshest critics for sure.

I'll check in again later. Hope you're all having a great Thursday.

Ps: I had to laugh about you putting that awful marmelite on your hubby's sandwich Lorelei!!! I think I remember spitting was involved when I tasted vegemite too tdiddy!!!


Jun 15, 2006

Mara, you are correct, virtual pie is better, simply because of the no-cal factor!

Marcy, you are an inspiration, be so proud of yourself!

Rod, I''ve got 5 years to consider worries!

Today was so great. The kids I subbed for were really good (sans one bad incident). John is making dinner again. I woke up at 4 and couldn''t get back to sleep, having a hard time keeping my eyes open.



Nov 24, 2006
Hey all, back from doing a 4 mile walk.
Tonight I made chicken Italian Sausage w/whole wheat pasta and a big salad w/homegrown tomatoes, yum!

Heya Rod, glad you are alternating workouts so you can enjoy life more. You and Charlie should do that; you deserve it and I bet it won't make a difference since you are so fit!

Kimi, I hope you get a good nights sleep!

Happy Evening all!


Dec 28, 2005
Evening Everyone!!

I actually left work before 6 PM tonight, so I was at the gym by about 6:15 and since we skipped last night, I was determined to have a really strong workout. And I did. Woo Hoo. I pushed really hard tonight. For some reason it felt great and I was looking forward to being there. Not sure why, but it was a really good workout for me. Charlie has this huge bruise on his knee and it''s not a pretty color, but he still did a full workout himself. One interesting note. Typically when I get a flu shot, the area where the shot was given is usually tender for a couple days. I don''t know if it''s because I work out or what, but after getting the flu shot Tuesday night, there hasn''t been any tenderness whatsoever. I think that''s cool!

Of course, tomorrow''s Friday, so it''s Favorite Sushi spot #1, Frozen Yogurt and Sbucks coffee for us!

That''s about it since I checked in earlier. Oh, I did have one of those new Healthy Choice Steamer Bowls for dinner. It was actually quite good. I had General Tso''s Chicken. The steamer bowls steam the food and the sauce is in the actual bowl below. After you''ve cooked it in the microwave for like 3.5 minutes, you just pour the steamed rice and chicken over the sauce and mix it. It was simple and really good.

Sleep well everyone!!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 9/27/2007 10:18:22 PM
Author: Rod
Evening Everyone!!

I actually left work before 6 PM tonight, so I was at the gym by about 6:15 and since we skipped last night, I was determined to have a really strong workout. And I did. Woo Hoo. I pushed really hard tonight. For some reason it felt great and I was looking forward to being there. Not sure why, but it was a really good workout for me. Charlie has this huge bruise on his knee and it's not a pretty color, but he still did a full workout himself. One interesting note. Typically when I get a flu shot, the area where the shot was given is usually tender for a couple days. I don't know if it's because I work out or what, but after getting the flu shot Tuesday night, there hasn't been any tenderness whatsoever. I think that's cool!
Yay, good for you Rod; I know how easy it is to throw in the towel sometimes! Glad you didn't call it a night after work.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
I got back to the scale this morning and I still am minus 125 – yeah! I had many firsts today too. I wore a tube top with built in bra for the first time under my first twin shell and sweater set. At lunch I didn''t hesitate a ride someone with else because I no longer have to worry about fitting in their car or not being to fasten the seat belt. Tonight we went shopping and I bought some sweaters for the first time from a store whose clothes I''ve always liked but nothing in the store ever fit me before. It was fun! The last part of our shopping trip was rather strange though. They had a power outage along the strip where the mall is located and we got stuck in the store. I was buying something and the computers went down right when they were processing my check. So she had to get a manager to approve my check; then we had to wait for someone to unlock the doors to let us out and we walked around the back side of the mall in the dark. I enjoyed the stars though and we had a nice long walk. My husband got some great deals on shirts and some new shorts that won’t fall off him. Ha Ha.
Mara, you started a trend in Mini’s – cool! Thanks for the words of encouragement; I am proud of myself. I tried some land o lakes light butter with canola oil and liked it okay. I think I’ll pick up the mint cc next time as it’s my husband’s favorite flavor. If you try the sugar free, let us know what you think.
Skippy, that is great news you lost .6 pound. Yeah. I think the WW group would enjoy the list too. I am looking forward to being minus 150; I can’t imagine how much relief my body and joints must feel carrying me around now. I would struggle to carry 20 pounds. It sounds like you had a great walk tonight.
Rod, that is wonderful news that Charlie is feeling better today. As much as you work out I am sure cutting back on a trip to the gym will be fine and you’ll enjoy having some more time to “goof” off and be good to yourself.
Kimberly, thank you for the kind words, I truly am pleased with what I''ve done. Tonight while trying on clothes I can’t say I was unhappy with what I saw in the mirror. Sorry to hear you woke up so early; I hope you sleep well tonight.
Sweet dreams, everyone!


Jun 27, 2006
Glad to hear everyone is doing well!

Went out to Burger king for lunch today cause that''s where the boss likes to go. I had a Jr. Whopper (no cheese) and a small french fries. I didn''t calculate how many calories are in that, but I''m sure it''s more than it seems. For dinner I had a lean cuisine (butternut squash ravioli), a lf cheese stick, a fiber one bar, and some entemman''s 100 cal pack strawberry cookies that I bought cause they were on sale. They were kind of bleh, would not buy again.

Tomorrow I''ll work out to make up for the Burger King today.

Rod and Skippy - sounds like you had great workouts!

Mara - hope everything went well with your trainer. I''d love to have the time/money to do that, so I''m jealous!


Nov 24, 2006
oh Marcy, all your firsts are wonderful news!!! You rock!!!! Thanks for the kudos on my .6. hehee I know it ain't much but you made me feel good!

Whoo hooo for new sweaters at the store you love
Yikes to getting stuck in the store but glad you saw beautiful stars out tonight and you weren't by yourself in the dark walking out to the car! Sweet dreams sweetie! Yay for smaller shorts for hubby. hehe

Basil, whoo hoo on finding some healthy things and smaller portions at BK!!! Kudos, that is hard to do sometimes!!! Yay for you!


Aug 12, 2005
Evening WWTr''s! Only an arm workout for moi tonight...too pooped to work out the rest of this bod since I didn''t get home until after 8 p.m. Had a good day calorie-wise, though, so am happy with that. I actually was getting dressed this a.m. and pulled out a new pair of black-with-burgundy-pinstripe wide-legged cuffed trousers I bought over a month ago and they were way too big, which was a bummer and a stunner at the same time! I am hoping to exchange them for a smaller size at Macy''s where I bought them in August but I doubt they''ll still have the size I need at this point so I may just return them and look for something else. This is the only part of weight loss I get unhappy over, the transition period between sizes where you either have to alter things or buy them a size smaller in anticipation of further weight loss. It''s tough, but in the best kind of way, I guess!

Mara, I haven''t gotten a chance to sit in or test drive the Mini yet...there were a couple pre-owned models at the lot I took DH to last night and they are adorable of course but I was focusing on the Beetle at the time. I am scheduled to go back to the same dealership on Monday to test drive a couple of things, Mini included, just to see how I fit in them and what my comfort level is. Here''s the thing with Mini''s and me: snow accumulation could be an issue. Our garage faces a "snow route" street, which means that in the winter when the plows come through the roads are cleared but the sidewalks and driveways end up covered with or many times FULL of a mountain of snow which, if I tried to back over in a Mini, would just not work unless I or DH came out first early a.m. after the plows and snowblowed through or shoveled out first. Also, we cross many an uneven railroad track about 6 times a day, and when there is snow and ice on top of those it can be a real PITA to get over even in a mid-sized sedan, imo. So realistically I don''t know living in Chicagoland whether the Mini is really a good option for me as much as I love the idea, ya know? I do see tons of Minis around here, but really when I think about it I don''t see them much during the winter months, so I wonder if people use them for second or third "fun" cars to use during warmer weather here? The VW bug doesn''t even sit so much higher than the Mini, but my SIL who lives in our area has one and hasn''t had any problems with hers (she''s on her second in 10 yrs.) so who knows. Obviously a lot more research is to be done on my part as far as what car is good for me in this climate within my other parameters.


Feb 27, 2007
Basil, a whopper jr is 370 cals and a small fries is 230 cals. I tried the entemman’s brownie bites and didn’t care for them either. I put them by the coffee pot at work and they disappeared quickly. I won’t waste 100 calories on something I don’t care for. You didn’t eat much for supper so I’d say you did a great job today on food.
Skippy, .6 of a pound is a lot – it’s close to a whole pound. I get excited over .1 of a pound – progress is progress. I could see Jupiter really well from the parking lot tonight and hubby guided me along as I gazed up at the stars. You have sweet dreams too!
Monarch, it is a bummer having to replace clothes; especially ones you like but it is fun to find new things. My biggest regret is that it sure cut in to my jewelry spending money. I tried on a pair of linen Capri pants tonight that were a little tight (they were on sale for $7 minus 30%) but I didn’t buy them as I am sure they’d be way too big for me by the time it’s warm enough to wear them again. Have fun doing research and test driving cars. We have an Audi and they are made by the same company as VW and our car is awesome in snow and on ice. I don’t have a lick of trouble going through deep snow or stopping on ice. I have a feeling winter is just around there corner here. That’s why I was out buying sweaters tonight.
Take care everyone!


Aug 12, 2005
So,Marcy, you think maybe a 2007 Audi might be a good car for me to lease, now that we''re at year-end model pricing? I''ve looked at those before and love them, but I''d be looking at the low-end model without a ton of options. Same with a BMW, or Volvo, lower-end model, smaller size, etc. and year-end model deal. Thoughts and comments are welcome, if you like you could respond on my who''s who, that would be great! TIA!


Oct 30, 2002
evening all!!

so i ended up not seeing my trainer today, i was a little disappointed but it was nice to have a break. the gal was not feeling well so i rescheduled with another trainer i have worked with previously for saturday at noon. not super ideal but oh well. i ended up having a hodgepodge eating day with a bit more sugar and treats than i wanted...but there is just so much stuff at work, so we were snacking all day!! i had a great ahi tuna club sandwich today with garlic fries for lunch with a vendor. super yummy but it just set me off for 'oh lets have a cookie and let's have a slice of cheesecake' etc. also knowing that tomorrow is just going to be a loss in terms of eating healthy...i was way less inspired to eat well today. but i figure well 2 days of crap eating isn't really all that bad in the scheme of things. sometimes you just gotta splurge and not regret it! dinner was a blend of healthy coleslaw and then greg made organic mac and cheese with chicken sausage on the grill then sliced up in the mac and cheese. then i made some of the hungry girl peanut buttery fudgy mini brownies for the gathering tomorrow. yummy!!!

monnie, i'd def check the mini out and about going through snow...i would imagine that if the bug could do it, the mini could too. i just seriously love my's so much fun! hehe.

marcy, congrats on minus 125 lbs, wow that is amazing!! and yay for a tube top, that is so great. i love all your firsts.

rod, kudos to you and charlie on a great workout and go charlie on working out with a big bruise.

basil, i really am loving the trainer activity...especially in terms of showing me the right way to do things and how to combo the activities so that i can hopefully get the most out of them. and i can use them at my gym too which i plan to do tomorrow during my workout at my work gym. it's something i hadn't really wanted to invest in before but i am happy i did it.

so tomorrow i take p to get her teeth cleaned at the vet and then at work we have the bday thing...we decorated the cube today, it looks super cute. the theme is diamonds/material girl for this one chick...our team gets REALLY into birthdays and does themes and really goes all out. my other coworker had a bday last month and it was pink palace where everything was pink and fluffy with boas and stuff, super fun. so tomorrow should be fun too. OH and it's end of quarter so the big VP is bringing in pizza for like our entire extended team which is apparently a big deal. not jazzed on pizza but whatever, figure after a donut or two and a cupcake it won't be a big deal HA HA. and icing shots of course.

anyhow hope everyone had a fabulous thursday...and is looking fwd to friday and the upcoming weekend!!


Aug 12, 2005
Oh, and BTW, I guess it is appropriate to mention this here: two days ago I was working with a lady who works part time at the store I work for, she had been OOT for the past two weeks. She straightaway commented that I looked thinner! I said, well, I have lost a few lbs. since starting here...and then she said she could really tell a difference since when she saw me last (only two weeks prior!) I was ecstatic to hear that, you know when you see yourself every day in the mirror it''s hard to tell if there is actually a physical difference in your appearance, so others'' comments on your appearance are certainly helpful!


Feb 27, 2007
Monarch, I gave you my car pitch on your who’s who. That is awesome someone who hasn’t seen you for 2 weeks noticed you’ve lost weight. That certainly brightened your day.
Mara, you are so right some days we just have to splurge! I think we’d be less likely to succeed if we never treated ourselves to something “bad” or should I say “good”. I am glad to share “firsts” with everyone. They are kind of amusing sometimes but I still find the whole thing amazing. Your office sounds fun getting in to themes for everyone’s birthdays. Enjoy a cupcake for me.
Well, I must get to bed before I fall asleep right here.

Tomorrow is Friday. Yeah!


May 9, 2006
Greetings, all!

Today, I can honestly blame my weight “gain” on my DH. It has been crazy hectic busy not-sleep-enough week. Last night, we had tickets to see The Crucible (and all you Chicago folks, if you like theater…go see this production at the Steppenwolf! I’m not a big one for crying, but I was in tears by the end even though I knew what was going to happen!)

In anticipation of having an hour after work to come home, shower, change, and eat, smart me had set up some lovely Thai pork in the Crock Pot (Thank you, CL!) All DH had to do was turn it on. I sent him a lovely reminder at 9:30 in the morning. Does DH follow directions? No. DH thinks it is his job to “taste test” anything in the Crock Pot and adjust at will. He took my recipe hostage.

We ate…it tasted good (we’d never had it before so I had no baseline.) We get to the theater and I realize I am excruciatingly thirsty. I mention this, in mild astonishment, to DH, who said, “Maybe it’s the soy sauce.”

“What soy sauce?”
“I added some soy sauce to the pork.”
“How MUCH soy sauce?” I ask. At this point I’m wondering if anyone else is eavesdropping on the world’s most inane conversation.
“One of those containers from the sushi place down the street. Left over from the other night.”

Half a cup. Half a CUP of soy sauce. Which explains why my tongue felt like the Serengeti and I am up a puffy 1.5 pounds. Of course, I am not sleeping enough and not exercising, but I still choose to blame him.

Silly Hubby. Crock pots are not a place to express yourself with soy sauce.

Anyway, I am eating well other than that. I MUST get more sleep; it’s causing lots of problems. I also must get in the exercise.

On the plus side, apparently I am going to meet Richard Marx (yes, THAT Richard Marx) today. I almost tried to do my hair in a mullet to commemorate this special day. Almost.

Anyway, all this talk of COW (and yes, I read that as a moo-cow thing the first time. I was like, why would someone want to say they have cow for breakfast? Then I got it.) and talk of nasty spreads was lovely this week! I was giggling several times reading the thread. Of course, I am the one who puts ketchup on EVERYTHING. Including, but not limited to, potato chips. All foods are merely a vehicle for ketchup.

Skippy – way to go on the .6! Whoo!

Virtual pie. Hee! I can only imagine what would pop up if you googled that term.

Marcy I hope you are enjoying every last minute of your shopping safari!

Yea Monarch on the too-big pants. It’s sort of a great, albeit annoying, problem to have! Congrats!

Well the work day has actually started so I should grade or something.



Apr 30, 2005
The spare part for the treadmill has arrived, so with luck I will be back up and running tonite!!!!

Chrono, where are ya??? How are things going?


Nov 24, 2006
Jas, Holy smokes you are funny in the morning; heck, you are funny all the time. Mullets crack me up!!! Why are you meeting Richard Marx if you can say? heheee I think the weight gain was from the salt; do not fret it takes 2 days for salt to leave your system. Sweat it out or drink lots of water! Yay it is Friday!

Lorelei, whooo hoooo for getting the part and being able to walk/jog/skp your heart out on the tredddy

Yay it is Friday! I probably will walk today; I have lots of appts to make today so I am ready to go or as ready as I will ever be. I will check in laters!!!


Apr 30, 2005
Of course, I am the one who puts ketchup on EVERYTHING. Including, but not limited to, potato chips. All foods are merely a vehicle for ketchup.

Jas, you must be related to my Hubby....


Feb 21, 2005
hello wwt! just a quick check in. i am pretty sore today from my west african dance class last night - the dance we did was really intense. i am going to get some nice toning in my thighs and butt if today's burning is any indication!

i am going to a wedding tonight, and didn't have a chance to figure out what i was going to wear until last night. i was sure there were several things in my closet i could wear and wasn't too worried about it. well, it turns out that most of my dresses are now too big...which is a nice feeling, but slightly frustrating since i really like most of them! i did find one that will work, but i had to scramble a bit and i wasn't anticipating that. i've only lost 10 pounds on the scale, so sometimes i forget how much my body has changed.

off to finish a few things at work, and then home to get ready for the wedding!

p.s., marcy, it is so great to hear about your firsts!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy Friday Friends,

Marcy, another amazing accomplishment! So cool!

I kid-sat this morning. We played soccer, went on 2 bike rides and a walk. Lots of moving around! Now trying to get the load of schoolwork I have to do by Monday lightened a bit.

Have a great day all.

It''s a g


Jun 29, 2006
jas....RICHARD MARX???? OMG, hilarious! I think "Right here Waiting" was my prom theme back in the day.

well, i weighed myself today since i started my little tracking project for calories last week and dropped 2.5 lbs!!! i cannot tell you how happy i am after being stalled out for like 3 months. granted i am training for the marathon and working out a lot, but the tracking must have an awful lot to do with it. so, my weekend is off to a great foot.

i also found out that my new gym practically gives away the farm if you join. they called yesterday to see when i was going to enroll (i am still in my free trial period) and i gave them a song and dance about how i am stll weighing my options since the enrollment fee is high. so they dropped it completely! i would have paid and was hoping they''d knock off a hundred dollars. then i was talking to one of the personal trainers who coincidentally knew my old trainer (who no longer trains people anymore) and he was trying to talk me into a package and told me they charge $50 an hour. well, $50 an hour is very reasonable in our area - my old gym started at rates higher than that. then when he found out i was a new customer he offered me the "new customer" deal which was 4 1-hour training sessions for $85 TOTAL plus a free assessment. can you believe it? so, i signed up for that as well. crazy!

anyway, i will do something at the gym tonite. probably a short 3 miler and another 25 minutes on an ellipitical but if i am feeling crazy i might swim.

have a great weekend!


Mar 26, 2006
Hello all -- we are finally home!!!

I won't horrify you by mentioning all the terrible places we ate on this trip (you know you're in real trouble when the Red Lobster is a high point... ) but I did manage to get 4 and half good workouts in. The first day I only did 35 mins on the treadmill (that's the half), but the other four times I did 65 or 70 mins. Killer shin splints though, and every day they took longer to go away. Thank god for the elliptical machines in my own gym! They did have some sort of elliptical at the resort gym but the foot paddles were too far apart and they were tilted somehow forward which was SOOOO uncomfortable. I tried it one day and there was a guy beside me on another one. After a few minutes he turned to me and said, "Is this supposed to hurt my knees? This thing is killing me!" That's when I knew it wasn't just me, LOL. Anyway, we'll see what the scale has to say come tomorrow morning...

Here are a couple of pics from our evening out with Rod and Charlie. And let me just say that I have only four words for their home: SPEC. TAC. U. LAR. !!! What a gorgeous place; it made me want to knock on the neighbor's door and find out if they would be willing to sell! (But of course it was not only the space but all the wonderful things in it that made it perfect.) And now the HH has serious home stereo envy thanks to Rod. (Rod, please be checking your mailbox for the bill--as soon as the HH finishes outfitting our system I'll get that right in the mail to you.

Lots more to talk about, plus I need to catch up on all the posts, but first I have to go unpack and do laundry and do all the mundane things that await you when you come home from a trip. Not to mention I need to get out the Zaggats guide and consider our restaurant options for this evening because I am going out somewhere *good* tonight. I love my family and all, but traveling with the perpetually cheap does grate on your nerves (and your appetite) after a while!

(ETA: Hmmm... these are a little blurry now that I've blown them up... Sorry!)

Rod and Dee0001.jpg
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