
Weekly Workout Thread 14th April till 20th April

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

I often get inspiration for each week''s thread, by reading through everyone''s posts. That way, I can get an idea of how everyone is doing and feeling, and compare to how I am feeling myself.

So this week, I was feeling really pleased for Marcy, when she mentioned that she was looking forward to which new spring oufit she was going to pick! I think that is so important, to try to mix things up with clothes and grooming, as we can get so sick of seeing the '' same old same old'' in the mirror. Sometimes, no matter how hard we work, our old clothes or hairstyles, or makeupcolours can hide the positive results of our efforts, and so a change can really be a positive thing, to show off all we have achieved, not only for those around us, but for ourselves!

These changes need not be expensive necessarily, sometimes something as simple as a couple of new T shirts can show off an inch or 2 lost around the middle, or newly toned upper arms, and really give you more motivation. Even the guys can do this, or a new pair of jeans for the guys and gals, and for the gals, maybe new shoes with a heel which can give a taller and sleeker outline, can be a real boost! I often use my treasured cowboy boots for an instant slimming lift, if I wear those with a pair of close fitting, bootcut or flared leg which sits low over the boot ( I wear my boots under jeans) then that instantly adds even more inches even though I am tall, and makes me feel thinner!

Makeup and hair....A new lipstick or nail polish can give a real lift, also even a hair trim - if not a restyle, can help. Colour too, you can reinvent yourself just a little or a lot, depending on how you feel, or finances allow, to keep yourself motivated. I think this is an important part of the journey, and another way in which you can care for and value yourself, by keeping yourself groomed, and treating yourself well with non food treats.

Also keep an open mind. It is so easy to think " oh I could never wear that!" and get stuck in that mindset, even though you may be pounds and inches thinner and could now easily wear lower rise jeans, fitted T shirts and such like, so next time you are in your favourite clothing store, step out of your comfort level slightly and try on some different clothes to the ones you normally pick - you might be pleasantly surprised!

So have fun sorting through your wardrobes of clothes etc, remember if you don''t feel it is flattering, or you don''t feel good wearing it, lose it, and concentrate on the items that do make you feel good, and are worthy of displaying all your hard work!

Have a great week
Great opening Lorelei-although you have made me want to go shopping
I''ve no real news. Just back from college and am going to study and then go to step aerobics at 7 and then take my doggie for a walkie.

Skippy-thank you!purple is def my fave colour. I love it.

Marcy-peach muffins sound delicious. That''s so annoying about that woman calling you! What an ass! I would have been mad too.

Rod-I can''t wait until the day when I''m happy to look in the mirror. Enjoy your day off the gym today. Your dinners always sound fab too-they always make me hungry reading them!

Talk to you all later!
Date: 4/14/2008 9:21:27 AM
Author: bee*
Great opening Lorelei-although you have made me want to go shopping
I've no real news. Just back from college and am going to study and then go to step aerobics at 7 and then take my doggie for a walkie.

Skippy-thank you!purple is def my fave colour. I love it.

Marcy-peach muffins sound delicious. That's so annoying about that woman calling you! What an ass! I would have been mad too.

Rod-I can't wait until the day when I'm happy to look in the mirror. Enjoy your day off the gym today. Your dinners always sound fab too-they always make me hungry reading them!

Talk to you all later!

Thanks Bee! Hehe..I know what you mean about Rod's Dinner Descriptions, he can even make cooked carrots sound appetising!

I only like cooked carrots in cake....
Lorelei, thanks for a great opener. It is so important to feel good about how you look. I used to avoid looking at my reflection in windows or doors and I certainly hated looking at myself in a mirror. Now I am anxious to see the changes in my body and see how I look in something. Even if I spent quite a bit of money on something if it gets too big and sloppy or I decide it makes me look fat - it''s gone. I''ve worked too hard to get to where I am to not be pleased with what I see in the mirror. It is fun to get new clothes, or a hair cut even change out nail polish color. Something new and fresh can brighten your day.

Bee, have fun on your walk today. I love purple too. I just realized I bought light purple pants for this summer but all my purple tops are winter sweaters and shirts so I get to go pick out some more clothes. Yippee.

I agree Rod''s descriptions of food always makes me want to eat it. Yummy!

Have a great day everyone.
Date: 4/14/2008 9:25:59 AM
Author: Lorelei

Thanks Bee! Hehe..I know what you mean about Rod''s Dinner Descriptions, he can even make cooked carrots sound appetising!

I only like cooked carrots in cake....
Me tooo. Oh, and with a pot roast, wif gravy.
Good morning and happy new week all! I am about to call to get my dermatologist appointment. Hopefully they can see me soon and I can stop worrying. Thanks everyone for the encouragement and I have stopped researching on the web as that was doing nothing to make me feel better:) It is a beautiful day today. I think Andrew and I will walk up to the park for some exercise and I will probably go on a run tonight when Adam gets home from work. To keep my mind off the health issue, I just posted pics of my new ring if you want to check them out
. Everyone have a great day!
Happy new week, everyone!

Saturday was a very special day for Kris and I--3 years cancer free for him! I wanted to take him out to celebrate, but he requested that we stay in and split a nice bottle of wine and watch movies and snuggle, so that's what we did. This weekend was really warm, so we stuck to a nice Stainless Steel Chard from one of our favorite local wineries--yum! Then yesterday I baked my cake for my cake decorating class this evening and finished the quilt I've been making for my cousin's new baby.

This morning we started a new morning routine--getting up at 6 and going for a 20-30 minute walk before getting ready for the day. It makes it so much easier to do things like that when you're doing it together!

Lorelei, it's so true that if we make small changes in our appearance, it can really show off the weight we've lost. Yesterday we had dinner with my parents and I was wearing pair of shorts I hadn't worn in a while (basically since I gained the weight I'm trying to lose!) and my Dad asked if I had lost weight. It always feels good when other people notice (even if it is your parents)!
Also, LOL about carrots in a cake. I'll have to send you my recipe for carrot cake--it is SOOOO good.

Hi Bee! Purple is my favorite color too--how funny that so many people on here like it. Have fun walking Amber!

Marcy, enjoy shopping for more clothes!

Hi Ellen!

Steph, I'm sure you'll be fine! Have fun with Andrew today.

Have a great day everyone! Here's a picture of the quilt I finished yesterday (the colors look a bit faded in the picture because I optimized it for the web--they're very vibrant in real life!):

Date: 4/14/2008 9:50:41 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 4/14/2008 9:25:59 AM
Author: Lorelei

Thanks Bee! Hehe..I know what you mean about Rod's Dinner Descriptions, he can even make cooked carrots sound appetising!

I only like cooked carrots in cake....
Me tooo. Oh, and with a pot roast, wif gravy.
hehehe! i can eat a little cooked carrot if there is loth of gravy on them, otherwise i prefer cake!
Steph, hang in there girl!

LP, you are so talented with the quilt, wish I could make things like that!
Just back from 60 mins on the elliptical! (For the first time since Feb. 6...
). Gotta dash, but more later! Woo hoo!!!
Great opening Lorelei, I love shopping for new clothes. Which reminds me, I need some new summer clothes. Mine are too baggy now, especially my t-shirts. What a change, since last year!!!!

Ellen: You crack me up, how you pop in here with your little comments. You make me laugh so.

Steph: Glad you are going to the dermatologist. I am as guilty as you are, about searching on the internet. I do that too. I have to learn to stay off.

Marcy: Hope you are going to have a wonderful day today. Yes, even a new nail polish can make me happy :)

Bee: Have fun with your step aerobics. I am taking my doggie for a walk to today.

What a special day for you and Kris. Cancer free for 3 years???? That is reallllllly special LP!! Rick and I celebrate that too every year. I have been cancer free, since 1993!!!!, but we still celebrate it. We probably always will too. It is a trying time when you have cancer and you always hope and pray it never comes back.

Hi Skippy
Are you sore from your bike ride??

Rod: I agree, your description of food, always makes my mouth water. You should write food reviews for restaurants ha ha ha ha.

Well, my mom has her surgery this morning. My brother is with her. We spent Saturday with her. I wish I could be at the hospital with her, but I have to be here when the boys come home from school. My daughter works, and I watch the boys. My brother promised he would call me as soon as she came out of surgery. Please send fairy dust to her. She is one special lady and she is 82 years old.

I will check back later. Have a wonderful day my special friends.

Lorelei, your opening post reminded me of a recurrent dream that I keep having. I think the meaning is quite deciphering needed! In my dream, I''m looking through my messy closet for some pants. I push away a bunch of hangers and I''m shocked to see a pile of pants all folded up on top of a box, hidden in the back. I''m sort of excited to find this "hidden treasure" but then I''m quickly disappointed because I remember the pants as ones that I can''t fit into anymore (and they''re also sort of out of style). But for some reason, I don''t throw them away. I leave them there, as if I will return to them another day.

So anyway...I think I''ll take your advice Lorelei, and cheer myself up a little by getting a new haircut. It''s been desperately needed and I think it''ll give me another boost to tighten up some body parts!!! :)

Gotta run but I hope everyone has a great week!
Morning all, I am not sore this morning, weird! I thought for sure I would be sometimes it hits me 2 days later so maybe it will strike tomorrow. hehe Hubby and I felt great after; we want to do it again next weekend yippee.
Today is allergy shots and sewing class tonight! I hope I get this bathrobe done tonight, crossing my fingers I do get it done.

Lorelei great intro!!! I totally agree we need to do something for ourselves for our accomplishments especially non food things since we are so programmed to celebrate w/food; so great opening on feeling great w/make up or a new outfit. thankies for the reminder!!!!

Monnie, sending good vibes to your hubby today for his interview.

CrownJewel enjoy your walk!!

Bee - enjoy step and your walkies w/beautiful Amber! Happy studying

Marcy, I tried the tension thing but not sure thanks for the suggestion; I thought I would be safer to ask the teacher. hehe Marcy, you look awesome I am glad you are checking out your image!!! Some lady kept calling you while you were asleep? When does your hubby come back? Hope you are enjoying your time.

Rod, yes, you make dinner sound good; like corn. hehe I was thinking the same exact thing last night; I love the fancy names. You are too adorable! Glad you had a nice meal on the terrace; enjoy sushi tonight!!! Rod I only got to see the last 15 mins of DHW, so I am not sure what was going on. I hope an episode can be found online.

Steph, glad you are making an appt. Your ring is beautiful!

Ladypirate, your quilt is gorgeous
Yay to Kris being cancer free for 3 years; that is awesome
Yay for your walk!!

DeeJay, whooo hooo for the elliptical workout!!!

Linda, I will keep your mom in my prayers; please keep us posted
Yay for baggy clothes go out and buy some well fitting ones. hehe
LP: I forgot to comment on your beaaaaaaaaaaaaautiful quilt. Shame on me!!!
You did a beautiful job!!!

I envy all of you that can sew. I am lucky if I can get thread through a needle!!!

Lorelei, thanks for the great opener. I need to go shopping for some new spring clothes...I have been holding off in case I lose more weight, but I really just need to go be proud of the size I am now and buy some more clothes.

Hi, Bee!

Marcy, I know what you mean about avoiding reflections in windows and doors...when I first lost the weight I wouldn''t even recognize myself sometimes b/c I still thought of myself as fat. Funny how our brains work sometimes:)

Ellen, pot roast with gravy sounds divine.

Lady Pirate, congrats to Kris...sounds like you had a great night, movie nights are my favorite! The quilt looks amazing!

DeeJay, yea for a great workout!

Linda, fairy dust for your mother''s surgery.

CJ, your dream sounds like my closet is literally filled with clothes in 7 different sizes...I really need to clean it out and throw away the too big stuff!

Skippy, yea for your amazing bike ride yesterday...I sure would be sore after that! Have fun in sewing class tonight!
I went to my TBT class wasn''t as challenging as usual, but I still got a good workout. I plan to walk/jog when I get home tonight as well as the other nights this forecast looks awesome for the week. No PT this week due to schedule conflicts, so I''ll have to try to be extra good.

LP: that quilt looks amazing!
Date: 4/14/2008 11:44:00 AM
Author: Linda W
Ellen: You crack me up, how you pop in here with your little comments. You make me laugh so.

steph, one of my favorite meals! (taters too)
Date: 4/14/2008 3:02:36 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 4/14/2008 11:44:00 AM
Author: Linda W
Ellen: You crack me up, how you pop in here with your little comments. You make me laugh so.

steph, one of my favorite meals! (taters too)
taters and gravy rock! mashed preferably. with butter and hot milk. off to do cardio now.
Add a little sour cream into those mashed taters, YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY!!!!!


Date: 4/14/2008 3:06:45 PM
Author: Lorelei

taters and gravy rock! mashed preferably. with butter and hot milk. off to do cardio now.

Sour cream works! And don''t forget the salt....
and pepper
maybe a little bacon on top (with other dishes, not pot roast)

Just popping in for a second. We've had a really nice time with Charlie's cousin from MD. We went to a waterfront place for lunch across from the Convention center and it was just lovely sitting out on the terrace on the water. The weather's lovely so far today, but they say it will turn much colder later this afternoon. For lunch I had a nice bowl of New England Clam Chowder, which was just the right creaminess, with loads of clams, potato's and celery. Then, I had a Buffalo Chicken Salad (with the dressing on the side), which was good, but I was still a bit hungry. So we went to Sbucks and sat under the oak with cuz and we split a cherry scone from Panera. Tonight, we'll have our usual Monday night Sushi, FroYo and Coffee.

Great opener as usual Lorelei! I'm glad you found this week's inspiration in Marcy!! Marcy is an inspiration to the highest degree!

Thanks for the kudo's on Rod's Food Recaps!! Hmmmm, a job as a food critic?? Now that would be a job I would enjoy......Hmmmmmmm!! LOL

WOW DeeJay!! An hour on the elliptical. You go girl!!

I'm glad you're making the appointment to see the dermatologist Steph. Hopefully, you can get in soon.

Sorry you're not sore Skippy. I guess you'll have to do 30 miles next weekend!!! LOL Too bad you only got to see the last 15 minutes of DHW. It was a fun show. I hope you can find it online and see the entire episode.

bee* I'm not sure that I'm happy to see myself in the mirror, but at least I don't repulse myself anymore LOL. I'm betting you look waaaaay better in the mirror than you think you do. We are our harshest critics for sure.

Hey there Ellen.......Yummmmm, Pot Roast with carrots and gravy. It's one of my all time fav dishes and one we have a simple, but great recipe for!

LP, how terrific that Chris has been cancer free for 3 years now. That certainly was cause for celebration!! Beautiful quilt BTW!

Linda, I never knew you are a cancer survivor too! Wow, and you've been one for a very long time. I'm so glad to know that! I'm thinking of you and your mom today.

Enjoy that new haircut CJ!!

Sorry TBT class wasn't as challenging Apple. Sounds like you have a healthful week all planned!

Enjoy the afternoon everyone. I'll check in later..........
Thank you Rod. Yes, I had Ovarian Cancer. I had chemotherapy and my hair grew back curly. I never needed another perm ha ha ha ha.

Date: 4/14/2008 3:34:04 PM
Author: Linda W
and pepper
maybe a little bacon on top (with other dishes, not pot roast)
And perhaps topped off with a little melty strong grated cheddar.....
cardio is done.
YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY. I LOVE cheddar cheese. I think I was a mouse in my previous life.

BTW, My mom didn''t have her surgery. Her blood was too thin. She has to go off Cumedin for a week and they will see if they can do the surgery then.

Date: 4/14/2008 4:43:46 PM
Author: Linda W
YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY. I LOVE cheddar cheese. I think I was a mouse in my previous life.

BTW, My mom didn't have her surgery. Her blood was too thin. She has to go off Cumedin for a week and they will see if they can do the surgery then.

I love cheddar too.
Linda, I am sorry she could not have her surgery today; I will keep her in my prayers and please keep us posted.
Date: 4/14/2008 3:54:22 PM
Author: Linda W
Thank you Rod. Yes, I had Ovarian Cancer. I had chemotherapy and my hair grew back curly. I never needed another perm ha ha ha ha.

Oh my, I've heard that's pretty serious stuff Linda. I'm so so glad you are OK. That's funny about your hair growing back curly, especially if it wasn't previously! Sorry about your mom. On one hand she was probably relieved not to have the surgery, on the other, now she has another week to dread it. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
Evening all! Went to my step aerobics today-I love that class. It''s sort of like spanish dancing but doing it on a step-so much fun, although it''s quite hard to pick up some of the moves as I''ve missed one or two of the classes so missed the first part of the choreography. Exercise is going really well for me at the moment. Did tons of study-have an exam tomorrow and another one on wednesday so at the books the whole time. Myself and Amber managed to get out for our walkies though. We met up with D and another of our friends for a quick wander.

Lorelei-I know-I don''t know how he does it but everytime I''m reading about Rod''s dinners, I''m drooling!

Marcy-damn, that''s terrible that you have to go shopping
Enjoy it!! You definitely deserve to get a whole new wardrobe with all that weight loss.

Steph-you''ll be fine at that appointment. Let us know how you get on.

Ladypirate-that''s brilliant news that Kris has been cancer free for 3 years! Glad you had a great day. Well done for getting up early for a walk! That quilt is gorgeous.

Dee*Jay-well done for getting 60 minutes on the elliptical.

Linda-sending best wishes for your mother''s recovery.

Skippy-glad to hear that you''re not sore today. You''ve been doing so much exercise recently!

Rod-you could definitely have a job as a food critic! I''m sure I''ll be happier looking in the mirror when I''ve lost another couple of pounds. Ok seriously, just read about your lunch-you should definitely be a food critic. I want chowder and a buffalo chicken salad now

Night everyone
I did a two-a-day...did my walk/jog routine when I got home. Last week I was only able to do it twice, so I decided to repeat last weeks combo.

Also DH and I made a tasty, healty dinner of a spice rubbed grilled chicken topped with a roasted red pepper salsa.
Happy Monday All,

I''m winding down from my day and wanted to pop in because Lorelei''s openers always make me smile. I had my haircut last Friday, and I''m so glad I did. I hope you feel the same way, CJ. I''m also enjoying wearing new spring clothees!

We''re having hamburgers, tator tots, and salad for dinner. YUM! I''m having a bit of teaching math anxiety, so J is making me a special dinner.

I hear the ktichen timer going off, that''s my signal...have a great evening all.
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