
The Official TTC Thread!


May 13, 2004
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dear Blackberry,

I don't post here much but I read this thread. My husband's semen analysis showed a morphology of 1%. You can put him on vitamins and supplements to help - C, E, antioxidants, zinc, l-arginine, co-q10. Pycnogenol 200mg (pine bark extract) improved sperm morphology in a small study. You can search for the study online.

My husband took vitamins, herbs and had acupuncture for a few months before our first IUI with injectables. I got pregnant and we have a 11 month old boy now. The RE said our best chance was IVF with ICSI so I was thrilled when the first IUI worked.

Best of luck to you.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Morning ladies!!

I'm back from an awesome ski trip!!! I didn't hit any really hard runs, stayed on intermediate stuff mostly but had a FANTASTIC powder day on Sunday! Hooray!!!!

Anyway, onto everyone's responses

NEL, your DH is so cute about candles and fireworks. THat's super sweet, even if he's not quite in the mindset to pull the goalie. My DH is nearly ready I'm hoping. Now that ski trip is over, I"ll ask/remind him about starting like "for real" now.

Lizzy, I"m glad you had your RE appt. It sounds like you have a plan now. I'm sorry you felt that the RE downplayed your previous losses, but it seems that she's very optimistic that you'll get KU. THat's a positive. :) I"m glad your cycle started early, and now you'll be ready to start cracking again. :)

Meg, I second Monkey's target brand prenatals. I'm also low on my iron count, so having extra iron is good for me. For some ladies, the iron can make them sick to their stomach, so you might want to try a few kinds if you don't find one that you like right away.

Pumpkin, I hope your endo appt gives you a good plan. I 100% know what you're talking about with the body screwing with us. Hello, body, didn't you get the memo??? So wonderful on your friends. I hope some of their good juju rubs off on you.

Monkey, hooray for your first cycle of trying. :) I haven't started using OPKs yet, but I think I will. I've been temping which sorta helps sort the O date, but I'm not very good at the CM part.

BB, Hugs my friend. I don't know much about the technical terms, but I wanted to give you hugs. It sounds like your RE has a plan on you guys getting KU. Is there lifestyle changes that you guys can implement, e.g. vitamins, diet, etc that can help too? And even though you said your chances are now reduced, you still have a chance and I'm rooting for you guys. I understand why you're feeling frustrated but I'm sure your DH and you will have your chance. Hugs.

Katy, have you started using hte OPKs too. :) I know what you mean about DH about feeling, "Enough already!" Ha ha! Hope the OPKs are going well for you. I think Lizzy and NEL do OPKs too, so they might have some insight on testing times, etc. I think I'm going to pick a few up too, give them a shot.

AFM, skiing was GREAT! DH did a wonderful job (he's still kinda new at skiing). Didn't get to hit anything super hard since I was skiing with DH, but I think I'll get a chance to in a little while. We had a SERIOUS powder day, 14". AWESOME!!! Swapped out for some nice fat skis that let us float on top and DH was ear-to-ear grinning the whole day. :)

TTC-wise, I'm FINALLY on CD2!!!! Woo hoo!!!! My temps shifted just before my trip, but I think maybe I did O earlier because my LP was like 7 days. Anyway, on the way home, I had a super light CD1, and today I have a 2nd day of light bleeding. Last cycle my period was only 1 day, so I'm hoping iwth longer periods, it'll mean my cycles are shorter. Keeping my fingers crossed. The last cycle was 50 days. Oy!


Jan 17, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blackberry - sorry AF came early :(

Lliang_chi - glad to hear you had such a great ski trip :appl: congrats on CD 2. My last cycle was about 48 days so I'm right there with you.

NEL - my DH was hot and cold for a while too - but one day he just changed his mind and is now enthusiastic about it. Good luck with your DH doing the same :)

Lizzy - I know how those dr. appointments can be. My first RE told me there was 'absolutely nothing' wrong with me, but wouldn't really give me an answer about why I hadn't had a reasonable cycle in years.... I'm glad that your RE has given you some hope and encouragement about getting pregnant in the future, and a solid plan!

As for me - CD 11 today.


May 26, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann01|1299637769|2867861 said:
BB, did you ever take a pregnancy test? It could also be an early m/c or chemical pregnancy that you are experiencing. One of my first m/c's was a chemical pregnancy and I got really heavy bleeding/cramping around the time that my period would have been due. The cramps were so bad that I called my Dr. and he had me go in for a beta to be drawn to see if i was miscarrying and I was. Maybe you wouldn't want to know if you were pregnant or not so I understand that. But in your case, it might be a good sign that you did in fact get pregnant, which would be a positive sign for you and give you hope for next try.

No I never did take one because I hadn't expected AF until the end of the week. I suspect that I may have been a little bit pregnant b/c the cramps are very painful. They have never been like that before. I am not sure that I really want to know for sure if I was pregnant.


May 26, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fabcrab: I really appreciated your post. I purchased Fertile Aid last night for DH. We intend to speak to the MD about the real meaning of his kruger score. From what the nurse tells me his high sperm count and normal motility does not really help his morphology score. It is comforting to know that you got pregnant with a 10% kruger score with just a med and timed intercourse.


May 26, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

gongjoo143|1299641198|2867914 said:
Dear Blackberry,

I don't post here much but I read this thread. My husband's semen analysis showed a morphology of 1%. You can put him on vitamins and supplements to help - C, E, antioxidants, zinc, l-arginine, co-q10. Pycnogenol 200mg (pine bark extract) improved sperm morphology in a small study. You can search for the study online.

My husband took vitamins, herbs and had acupuncture for a few months before our first IUI with injectables. I got pregnant and we have a 11 month old boy now. The RE said our best chance was IVF with ICSI so I was thrilled when the first IUI worked.

Best of luck to you.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and share your experience with me!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann01|1299623387|2867680 said:
So ladies, I went to the RE yesterday and here is what happened at the appt...please let me know your interpretation....

First the Dr. went over my history and she said that my OB had run all of the right tests and everything is normal. She said in her medical opinion I truly "had bad luck" with the previous m/c's. She said that she wasn't worried about me. She also said that she disagreed with when my OB had me using the progesterone suppositories and she prefers me to start using them three days after I get a positive on my ovulation predictors. My OB had me starting them once I got a positive pregnancy test and she felt that was too late for my situation. I'll be honest, she came off a little like she didn't think I should be there (I'm sure she sees a lot worse cases than me so I'm sure that is why, but still...). In my mind her attitude gave me mixed feelings. I felt two ways - the fact that she isn't worried about me actually reassures me that I am ok and that I truly had bad luck and keep on chugging along, but secondly it made me feel like she was downplaying my early losses. When she did my ultrasound, she checked my ovaries and uterus and she said that the reason I didn't get pregnant last month is because I didn't ovulate last month. She said that she can tell we have no trouble getting pregnant, so the lack of ovulation explains why we got a negative this month. She said the m/c screwed up my whole schedule which is why my period was late, but I am not pregnant. She said that I will not ovulate this month because there is no sign of a lead follicle, so it is best to wait till the next period, then start using the ovulation predictors, then three days after a positive ovulation, start the progesterone. She said then wait two weeks and take a pregnancy test. if it is negative, I have to stop the progesterone because if I don't stop it, it won't allow my period to start. If it is positive, I will go for blood work to have a beta HCG drawn and then another one a couple days later. Followed by an ultrasound at 5-6 weeks. That is the plan. She said that if for some reason, i am not pregnant in 3 months, call her back and she will give me a fertility drug to give my ovaries a boost, but again she did not seem worried. Basically though, no reason found for the m/c's which sucks. I like the plan set forth though. Interesting thing is that when she looked at my ovaries/lining she didn't think I was going to get my period for another two weeks :-o then this morning I woke up and started my period. I called her office and left her nurse a message to discuss this with her and she said that it was fine that the period came earlier than she thought and to just stick to the plan discussed.

I am happy that my period came earlier than she thought as it would have sucked waiting two more weeks for it to come. But I feel like I didn't learn that much more than I knew walking in. She is hopeful though that using the progesterone earlier will help significantly. I don't know. Sorry this is so long. Let me know what you guys think.....

Lizzy that all sounds really frustrating in a way... so you just had bad luck but at the same time you should take progesterone to avoid an early mc?? Which is it, bad luck or an issue with progesterone?

I think you should listen to the intent of the message, which is that you will get pg and stay pg within a reasonable time, and not sweat the smaller details (when you will egt your period, when you will ovulate etc etc) which are clearly harder for a doctor to predict.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D|1299710665|2868445 said:
lizzyann01|1299623387|2867680 said:
So ladies, I went to the RE yesterday and here is what happened at the appt...please let me know your interpretation....

First the Dr. went over my history and she said that my OB had run all of the right tests and everything is normal. She said in her medical opinion I truly "had bad luck" with the previous m/c's. She said that she wasn't worried about me. She also said that she disagreed with when my OB had me using the progesterone suppositories and she prefers me to start using them three days after I get a positive on my ovulation predictors. My OB had me starting them once I got a positive pregnancy test and she felt that was too late for my situation. I'll be honest, she came off a little like she didn't think I should be there (I'm sure she sees a lot worse cases than me so I'm sure that is why, but still...). In my mind her attitude gave me mixed feelings. I felt two ways - the fact that she isn't worried about me actually reassures me that I am ok and that I truly had bad luck and keep on chugging along, but secondly it made me feel like she was downplaying my early losses. When she did my ultrasound, she checked my ovaries and uterus and she said that the reason I didn't get pregnant last month is because I didn't ovulate last month. She said that she can tell we have no trouble getting pregnant, so the lack of ovulation explains why we got a negative this month. She said the m/c screwed up my whole schedule which is why my period was late, but I am not pregnant. She said that I will not ovulate this month because there is no sign of a lead follicle, so it is best to wait till the next period, then start using the ovulation predictors, then three days after a positive ovulation, start the progesterone. She said then wait two weeks and take a pregnancy test. if it is negative, I have to stop the progesterone because if I don't stop it, it won't allow my period to start. If it is positive, I will go for blood work to have a beta HCG drawn and then another one a couple days later. Followed by an ultrasound at 5-6 weeks. That is the plan. She said that if for some reason, i am not pregnant in 3 months, call her back and she will give me a fertility drug to give my ovaries a boost, but again she did not seem worried. Basically though, no reason found for the m/c's which sucks. I like the plan set forth though. Interesting thing is that when she looked at my ovaries/lining she didn't think I was going to get my period for another two weeks :-o then this morning I woke up and started my period. I called her office and left her nurse a message to discuss this with her and she said that it was fine that the period came earlier than she thought and to just stick to the plan discussed.

I am happy that my period came earlier than she thought as it would have sucked waiting two more weeks for it to come. But I feel like I didn't learn that much more than I knew walking in. She is hopeful though that using the progesterone earlier will help significantly. I don't know. Sorry this is so long. Let me know what you guys think.....

Lizzy that all sounds really frustrating in a way... so you just had bad luck but at the same time you should take progesterone to avoid an early mc?? Which is it, bad luck or an issue with progesterone?

I think you should listen to the intent of the message, which is that you will get pg and stay pg within a reasonable time, and not sweat the smaller details (when you will egt your period, when you will ovulate etc etc) which are clearly harder for a doctor to predict.

Dreamer, yah I definitely felt like I had more questions walking out then I did walking in. A friend of mine warned me about that happening with an RE. I just felt like she kind of blew me off a little which was both a comfort that she wasn't worried but I just didn't like the cockiness that was coming my way. I also felt that it was conflicting to say it was bad luck but then to tell me that she felt the progesterone was administered too late. Like you said "which is it?" Personally, I don't think it is bad luck. There must be a reason I have had these m/c's. But I do understand that many of them go unexplained. I just wish I could have gotten some answers. I do like dealing with the RE's office though as opposed to my regular OB. I feel the nurses are far more educated on TTC and TTC issues. My OB's nurse gave me some bad info along the way, so I am happy that I have a plan at the RE's office in place. I also agree that the main thing I am focusing on is that the Dr. feels that I will get pregnant and within a reasonable amount of time. I am thankful for that.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann01|1299717837|2868524 said:
Dreamer_D|1299710665|2868445 said:
lizzyann01|1299623387|2867680 said:
So ladies, I went to the RE yesterday and here is what happened at the appt...please let me know your interpretation....

First the Dr. went over my history and she said that my OB had run all of the right tests and everything is normal. She said in her medical opinion I truly "had bad luck" with the previous m/c's. She said that she wasn't worried about me. She also said that she disagreed with when my OB had me using the progesterone suppositories and she prefers me to start using them three days after I get a positive on my ovulation predictors. My OB had me starting them once I got a positive pregnancy test and she felt that was too late for my situation. I'll be honest, she came off a little like she didn't think I should be there (I'm sure she sees a lot worse cases than me so I'm sure that is why, but still...). In my mind her attitude gave me mixed feelings. I felt two ways - the fact that she isn't worried about me actually reassures me that I am ok and that I truly had bad luck and keep on chugging along, but secondly it made me feel like she was downplaying my early losses. When she did my ultrasound, she checked my ovaries and uterus and she said that the reason I didn't get pregnant last month is because I didn't ovulate last month. She said that she can tell we have no trouble getting pregnant, so the lack of ovulation explains why we got a negative this month. She said the m/c screwed up my whole schedule which is why my period was late, but I am not pregnant. She said that I will not ovulate this month because there is no sign of a lead follicle, so it is best to wait till the next period, then start using the ovulation predictors, then three days after a positive ovulation, start the progesterone. She said then wait two weeks and take a pregnancy test. if it is negative, I have to stop the progesterone because if I don't stop it, it won't allow my period to start. If it is positive, I will go for blood work to have a beta HCG drawn and then another one a couple days later. Followed by an ultrasound at 5-6 weeks. That is the plan. She said that if for some reason, i am not pregnant in 3 months, call her back and she will give me a fertility drug to give my ovaries a boost, but again she did not seem worried. Basically though, no reason found for the m/c's which sucks. I like the plan set forth though. Interesting thing is that when she looked at my ovaries/lining she didn't think I was going to get my period for another two weeks :-o then this morning I woke up and started my period. I called her office and left her nurse a message to discuss this with her and she said that it was fine that the period came earlier than she thought and to just stick to the plan discussed.

I am happy that my period came earlier than she thought as it would have sucked waiting two more weeks for it to come. But I feel like I didn't learn that much more than I knew walking in. She is hopeful though that using the progesterone earlier will help significantly. I don't know. Sorry this is so long. Let me know what you guys think.....

Lizzy that all sounds really frustrating in a way... so you just had bad luck but at the same time you should take progesterone to avoid an early mc?? Which is it, bad luck or an issue with progesterone?

I think you should listen to the intent of the message, which is that you will get pg and stay pg within a reasonable time, and not sweat the smaller details (when you will egt your period, when you will ovulate etc etc) which are clearly harder for a doctor to predict.

Dreamer, yah I definitely felt like I had more questions walking out then I did walking in. A friend of mine warned me about that happening with an RE. I just felt like she kind of blew me off a little which was both a comfort that she wasn't worried but I just didn't like the cockiness that was coming my way. I also felt that it was conflicting to say it was bad luck but then to tell me that she felt the progesterone was administered too late. Like you said "which is it?" Personally, I don't think it is bad luck. There must be a reason I have had these m/c's. But I do understand that many of them go unexplained. I just wish I could have gotten some answers. I do like dealing with the RE's office though as opposed to my regular OB. I feel the nurses are far more educated on TTC and TTC issues. My OB's nurse gave me some bad info along the way, so I am happy that I have a plan at the RE's office in place. I also agree that the main thing I am focusing on is that the Dr. feels that I will get pregnant and within a reasonable amount of time. I am thankful for that.

Perhaps rather than thinking of it as nothing wrong, you can think of it this way: They have ruled out all the causes they know of. Which is a good thing. I really hope your next pregnancy is a sticky, and you can just put all this behind you.


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BB, I'm so sorry AF came...and so early! I'm glad to hear that your husband has healthy sperm, but I can also understand how frustrating it must be for you to feel like there is no reason why it *isn't* happening. So many of my friends have had unexplained fertility and I always feel helpless when they have those "why isn't it happening for me??" moments.

LC, glad you had a great trip and can't wait to hear how everything goes now that you are more officially TTC!

LizzyAnn, I'm so sorry about this cycle and am also sorry that the RE specialist gave you some mixed signals. I can understand your frustration with feeling like she dismissed you and basically just told you that you're fine and not to worry about it. Obviously you were seeing her because you were concerned and I think that alone is enough for someone to at least address the concerns in a respectful way. I am really keeping my fingers crossed that you don't have to wait until NEXT cycle to TTC, but I do think that soon this will all be behind you and I'm excited about that day!

AFM: I'm on the crazy train. Seriously. I really wanted to start trying this month, but I think it's mostly because I'm turning 30 in a couple of months and I'm freaking out about it a little. Logistically, it makes no sense. We are alway on the verge of putting Byron down and I have ZERO energy right now. D and I have been living on broken sleep for months and I feel like a zombie all the time. D and I were watching a TV show last week and D wanted me to watch one more episode with him. I actually told him I'd watch one more in exchange for him impregnating me. I got annoyed when he didn't take me seriously (??) and then we argued. D's points are valid--he'd be a terrible partner to me right now because we are both exhausted and sad and he's afraid I'm trying cling to something "happy". Anyway, we're working through it as best we can given how tired we are.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Welcome back LC. Glad you had a fun trip. Hopefully it was just the recharger you needed. Did you have long cycles before BC, or is this something new for you? I always had cycles on the shorter side, like 25-ish days, so I'm wondering if that will return. Maybe this one will be a more normal cycle for you.

NEL, sorry you're having a tough week. Dealing with an ill pet is so hard. I get what you are saying about turning 30. Pretty much the same thing happened to me. But really in the grand scheme of things, if you decide to wait another month or two or whatever, it won't make that much of a difference. I say just do whatever feels right for both of you.

Lizzy, I have a feeling it is just a matter of time for you. You know you can pregnant and you know you are capable of carrying a baby. A lot of people who see an RE do not know either of those things. I'm sure that is why the doctor did not seem as concerned as you would've liked, but I get why you were disappointed.

So, I got a smiley face on my OPK when I got home from work. I'm not quite sure if I should believe it or not because I've only been off the pill for 2 weeks. I hope my hubby isn't too exhausted when he gets home because he's got some work to do tonight and this weekend! He doesn't even know about the OPKs, so it will be news to him :)


Sep 2, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blackberry- All I can say was my RE didn't even seem concerned that DH's morphology is on the low side given that his sperm count and motility came back normal. He said if those 2 also came low then he would be concerned. Yea, I'm not sure how much weight that a Kruger score really says. I'm guessing it's more of a subjective lab test than motility or sperm count. Good luck!!

NEL- Sorry to hear about Byron's lack of improvement. It doesn't sound like you need any more on your plate! I know the biological clock is ticking but 30 is not old at all and you have plenty of time for BD'ing.


May 26, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP: Congrats on the +OPK. Have fun BDing! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! :appl:

FabCrab: Thanks for your input. I am interested to see what my RE actually says. His nurse practitioner is the one that I have spoken to. While she means well and truly cares about her patients, she totally stresses me out!. She is really high strung and talks too fast and says too much at once. I was more upset after talking to her than I was before. AF seems to be over so I am just trying to focus on the next cycle and checking the mail for DH's "magic" supplements.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

For you ladies that use OPKs, what brands do you prefer? I think I'm going to start with this cycle

NEL, Your DH sounds like he's got a reasonable head on his shoulders. The stress with Bryon is probably making you crazy, and the baby brain doesn't help either. In the whole grand scheme of things, turning 30 doesn't mean anything, you guys really need to get in a good place in your life before adding the stress of pregnancy etc. Remember you want happy baking, not stressful or worrisome baking...

BB, sorry the RE has kinda stressed you out more. But seems like hte NP is jiving pretty well with you. Hopefully with a plan you can stop fretting so much. Easier said than done, I know. What's your DH's "magic supplements?"

Monkey, My cycles were always 28-ish days, but it was a whiiilllee since I was on non-HBC periods. This really long cycle thing is surely a product of Seasonale (the pill I was on before), so I'm impatient for ti to "cycle out". I guess that's what makes me hang onto hope taht my cycles will shorten eventually. Have fun BDing. :)



May 26, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC: My DH's "magic supplements" are a product called FertileAid. Several nurses at our clinic told us to try them. In some cases they have been proven to better sperm quality, in our case hopefully, morphology.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BB, I hope you're DH's supplements do the trick. It's nice that the nurses gave you the skinny on them. Also I heard that some folks had success using acupuncture. I never used for fertility but I used it for a wrist problem and I found it successful. Dunno if you're into alternative medicine at all but figure I'd throw it out there.

Hope all you lovely TTC ladies had a fantastic weekend. I talked to DH and he said he's feeling good to officially TTC. Yay! I'm looking forward to it, but of course, still dealing with long cycles. I pulled the trigger on a purchase for Clear Blue Easy OPKs to use this cycle. I'm the freakazoid that needs to buy the 30 pack because of my stupid long cycles. Anyway, hope you all are doing well.


Mar 14, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Iliang, Good luck starting TTC,I used clear blue easy OPKs and I have long cycles too, only the first time I used the whole box. After that, I started identifying the symptoms, now I test a day or 2 before getting the positive, I have a box of 21 test for 4 months now and it's not empty yet.

Blackberry, I'm very sorry about the results. I hope the new medicine does the trick, so you guys can move forward. Sending you a lot of Hugs, I can not even imagine how I would cope in your situation.

Monkey, how are doing in the 2WW, are you testing early? or waiting until after you are late?

New, I'm very sorry about Byron. I had a family dog that day a long time ago. And I know how hard it is, It's like hurts so much see them suffer but at the same time you don't want to let go. I hope soon you can find peace in your heart, and can come to TTC with all your energy.

Lizzy, I'm sorry about the bad experience at the Dr. office. I guess in some way it's not bad news that there is nothing wrong, but at the same time so frustrating that you don't have a clear answer about what it is the problem. :confused: I just don't know what to think. I just want to send you hugs and dust for a full term pregnancy.

Pumpkin, Any O symptoms? Are you on a bedding marathon? :naughty:

In my end, I'm 9DPO and I'm DIEING to test :lol: . I don't feel pregnant and I'm 95% percent sure that it's going to be negative, but the 5% left still want me to test tomorrow and maybe a miracle can happen :bigsmile: .

Anyways, I want to send dust to everybody, and hopefully we can leave this tread soon and move to the next one.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC, good luck this month. I also used the clearblue easy digital OPKs, when I got the positive, I was so shocked because I really wasn’t expecting it. I tested later that night, and the next morning, and it was still positive. I had some cheap wondfo tests as well, and their results coincided with the digital OPK, so that was reassuring.

LB, crossing my fingers for you. That’s very exciting. I am really going to try not to test until I think AF should be arriving. Some free wondfo pregnancy tests came with my OPK, which may prove too tempting for me though.

As for me, I’m not feeling very confident about this month. We only BD’d the night I got my first positive OPK. From then on, the weekend was a complete comedy of errors. After we BD’d, my husband’s mom called because she had just found out she needed surgery the next day, and my husband was a little stressed and didn’t sleep well that night. The next day, she found out she didn’t end up needing the surgery after all, so I insisted we needed to BD again, but he was exhausted and did not feel up to it. He also didn't feel the need to put pressure on it so early into the process. So I started an argument and was acting a bit irrational. So much for taking it easy the first few months : ) The next day, I was convinced I had a bladder infection, so we didn’t do it that night either. I went to urgent care the next day, and the test was negative. They gave me antibiotics, but now I’m feeling fine, so I wish I never started taking them. I think I’m just overly in-tune with my body right now and reading into every little twinge or cramp, and it is driving me crazy. On top of that, after I got my + OPK, I didn’t feel any other ovulation signs, so I’m thinking I may not have ovulated after all. Oh well, it is probably better that I wait until next cycle anyway.

Hope everyone else is doing well!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, all, for the support/sympathy. I feel like I've been talking about Byron's demise for months's been a painfully slow process. We are planning to put him down in two weeks. D is struggling badly with letting go--he is desperate to try one more round of chemo. The doctors give it < 5% chance of working (and even if it did, it would be temporary), but D feels like we have to fight so long as there is a fighting chance. Anyway, I don't think D is going to have a clear head to think about TTC...I have a feeling we'll probably regroup about it closer to my birthday in a couple of months. I'm too tired to care, haha.

LC, so exciting that your husband is on board now!! I hope this means the fun can begin!! :naughty:

LB, I can imagine 9dpo is the worst! So close to being able to test, but knowing it's too soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

Monkeyprincess, sorry to hear about the bad luck this month!! At least you got in one BD session after the positive OPK. Who knows, it only takes once! I hope your MIL is okay and I'm glad to hear your infection (or psuedo infection) is better. What a series of unfortunate events!


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies!

I'm new on this thread. Found PS while searching for ring inspiration and have been on a hiatus since my wedding. The hubs and I have decided to not not TTC (if that makes sense) and I'm very excited, but I have been sworn to secrecy IRL so I knew that the PS community would be the perfect place to share the emotions of the whole experience with people in similar situations. This community was so good to me through my pre engagement and engagement so I figured it was time to come out of lurkdom again here on the TTC board.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LadyBlue, thanks for the advice of getting in tune with all the fertility signs. I"m still hit/miss on the CM so I can't predict O'ing yet but maybe the OPKs will help with that.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Monkey, bummer about the crazy timing of events, but hoping you got lucky. You got 1 BD on your positive surge so I'm hopeful. :) I'm glad your MIL is going to be OK and hopefully not needing surgery.

NEL, Hugs to you and your DH. I know there's nothing I can say to make things better. Your DH sounds so sweet, I'm touched how he's such an optimist. Take the time you guys need, because even though they're "just pets" our pets are totally family and we invest a lot of emotion and care with them.

Brown, WELCOME and congrats on your wedding :) I'm sure your DH won't count sharing on PS so glad you're here!!! Hope your stay here is short. :)

AFM, coming down with a cold!!!! Boo!!! I left work early and started feeling crappy really fast. UGH! Anyway, I think I should be getting my OPKs soon. I probably won't start testing until like CD 27 or something. FF (Fertility Friend) says I've been averaging arond CD 36 for my O date. I really want to get better soon I have a baby shower next weekend for a friend, and I really want to go. Plus one of my girlfriends whom I haven't seen in forever (she just had a baby) is coming out with the bebe and I don't want to miss them. But of course, health of the mamas and bebes are first and if I can't get better, I won't go.



Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you for the welcome LC. Boo to colds and long cycles. I hope you feel better in time for all your baby shower/baby fun this weekend.

NEL - I just want to say that I cannot imagine what you and your hubby are going through with your dog. My husband and I care for our dog as if he were our child and I dont want to think of him getting older. Stay strong and know that we are here thinking about you.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL, sorry things are so rough. I cannot even imagine what you’ve been going through and have yet to go through. In the grand scheme of things, a couple months is not a big deal, and that way, you can both be ready and excited to start the process, which will make it more fun.

LC, sorry about your cold. I hope you get better in the time for the weekend. Can’t wait until you get your first smiley face on the OPK!

LB, thinking of you! Hope you get the news you want in the next few days!

Hi Brown Eyes, it’s nice to have more people who are just beginning the process. We’re staying mum with all of our friends and family as well. Actually, I’m slightly deceiving them by saying we aren’t quite ready yet. It’s fun having a little secret with your husband, but at the same time, having a place to talk about it online.

Nothing too exciting to report. Just waiting the next week or so out, even though my gut tells me this wasn’t my month. My MIL is doing fine and is on antibiotics for her gallbladder. It was never anything life threatening, but we are relieved she was able to avoid surgery for the time-being.


Mar 14, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I will be back later, very busy at work :sick: . I just wanted to say that I tested today and it was negative ::) . I felt like screaming of anger ;( . I just felt so angry because we actually hit O day and not even that did the trick so I don't know what else to do. I know we should be going to the Dr. but we are relocating from NYC to SF so I need to wait until it is done to move forward. I'm sorry to be a downer here. :((


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LadyBlue - I'm sorry the test did not come back with the result we all want so badly. While I'm still at the beginning of this whole journey, I know that this process can be draining especially when you feel like you're doing everything right and still dont get the results you want. Hang in there.

MP - I am also relieved that you are in a similar stage of the process as I am. From what you've posted it sounds like I'm about a week or two behind you as far as stopping the BC. I too bought the easy blue OPK mostly just out of curiousity about whether I would even O this first month off the ring. It gives me some hope to know that you got a smiley face so soon after stopping the pill. I'm sending positive vibes your way for the waiting process this next week.

My DH and I are trying to not take the TTC too seriously for now. We both really want a baby and are ready for one, but we're trying to stay relaxed about the whole process. I guess for now we'll just enjoy the BD practice and hope that that pesky AF stays away.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LB, are you for sure out this month or is there still a chance it was too early? Either way, don't worry about being a downer. Isn't that what this thread is for? I take it you have been trying for awhile if you are considering seeing a doctor after you move. If it doesn't happen before then, hopefully a doctor will be able to give you the answers you need. Anyway, just wanted to say I'm really sorry you're feeling down.

Brown, yes, I did get a positive OPK about 15 days after I took my last pill. I'm not entirely convinced I actually ovulated, but it was comforting to know that at least my hormones are trying to kick in again. I think my body is readjusting to the fluctuating hormones because I have had some random cramping and a sore chest the past few days, and it would be way too soon to be pregnancy signs. I'm guessing it just takes awhile for your body to get back to its natural rhythm. Another reason not to take it too seriously at first. Your approach sounds good. I told myself I wouldn't take it too seriously, but I did too much online research and blew any shot I had at just having fun this month. Next month, I'm not going to put so much pressure on us.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey everyone!!!

Remember how I said I ordered OPKs? Yeah well apparently there's a difference between CBE Fertility Test Strips and CBE OPKs. I bought the package that's for the CBE Fertility Monitor. Wah wah. So I guess I'll return it to get some CBE smiley face OPKs. :rolleyes:

Lady, don't worry about being a downer. From my count you're maybe 12 or 13 DPO. Maybe give it a few days? I can't remember how long youve been trying, but stay positive.

Brown, Sounds like you've got a good attitude. How long has it been since you've been off HBC? I've been going on 5 months now, but I was on Seasonale, so my cycles are still all screwy. I hope your cycles come back quicker.

Monkey, each cycle is a new one, so don't let your anxiety spill over. Easier said than done, I'm sure. I'm like you, we were half @ssing it during the start of the this year, but I still researched like crazy and ready TYCOF, temping etc. I was SUPER happy when I got a temp shift my first (LONG) cycle after HBC. I guess what I"m doing is still using no protection, but taking this time to figure out my fertility signs. E.g. first sorting out temping. Next it was CM (which I still don't have yet). Now I"ll use OPKs, so there's less "pressure" in my head. There's no test that's telling me, "YOU MUST BD NOW!!!!" etc. Y'know?

Anyway, that's all here. Still sick. I'm thinking I might not be able to go to the baby shower... :( Sad. ;(



Mar 14, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brown eyes, I'm wishing you tons of good luck TTC, I think is a very good idea to try to relax and just go with the flow. Maybe you will be able to get pregnant very soon, so don't worry and enjoy baby making :bigsmile:

IC, what a bad luck getting the wrong tests. I hope you get the good ones on time to don't miss O day.

Well, I'm CD1 today, booo. Anyways, I talked to my DH about being annoyed that I can not go to the Dr since we will be moving in few months so it does not make sense to start the process now and then leave to find a new Dr. :sick: So we decided to do some alternative options for now. I will be visiting a holistic Dr. and see what tips I can get from him. I'm looking unto acupuncture as well. :bigsmile:

Good luck girls, and dust for the ones waiting to test.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lady Blue, I'm a big proponent of holistic medicine (but I'm not anti-Western medicine, I think it's a hand-in-hand thing), so I'm hoping you'll be able satisfy some of your "restlessness" by pursuing that route. And quite a few ladies on this board earlier have had success going the holistic route so who knows! I did acupuncture (not for fertility) and I'd ahve to say at the very least it'll be nice and relaxing. :)



Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC - This is my first cycle off the ring. Currently CD12. I really am trying to be relaxed about everything, but to be honest I've been ready longer than DH so I would very much like to get pregnant soon. I've read conflicting things about fertility in the first months after stopping HBC so I'm not sure what to expect. My yearly is at the end of the month so it will be the perfect opportunity to pepper my MD with questions. I'm sorry that you're still not feeling well and I hope you get the right test in soon!

Lady Blue - I'm excited for you to try acupuncture. While I don't know anyone who has used it to help with TTC, I have several co-workers that swear by it for different things and would highly recommend it so good luck to you!
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